Oct. 21, 2012 – I woke up that day thinking, “Hmmm. MacrossWorld Con is today, I should get started on that 1D custom and take it there.” Two hours later I was done and walked out the door.
Wait… that was the dream I had before I actually woke up.”
Oct. 21, 2012 – I woke up that day thinking, “Oh crap! It’s 10am? WTF? I stayed up until 4am painting the figures and putting all the final detail on the 1D. I still have to clear coat the figures and glue some final pieces.” At 12pm, an hour after the con started I was still gluing some parts. The phone rings…It’s Bigkid, must be some con emergency or else why would he be calling?
“Hey, we brought your binaltechs to the con instead of waiting for the TF meet, how much do you want to sell the Smokescreen for?”
“I got glue all over my iphone… let me call you back!”
“Awww, crap!”
Heading Over
It’s early Sunday afternoon, why is it gridlocked? Freakin’ L.A. traffic.
This year I decided to not be a part of the MWCon committee, so I wasn’t required to be there at a certain time. Actually I decided two years ago that it was too much work for me and that I would just sit back and enjoy the next one. I’d like to think that that was the reason we didn’t have a con in 2011, but the fact of the matter is that Kirik just had a kid and certain responsibilities were just building up for the rest of the guys. Maybe they were caught up in the moment of the 30th Anniversary of Macross and decided they wanted to do it once more this year. But in my case, I didn’t have a good time at the 2010 Convention even though everyone was saying it was the best con ever. It was certainly the most successful. We had amazing displays, a great location in the heart of UCLA, more than doubled the attendance. In fact, the hall was super crowded like never before.
So it was decided that we were going to do a smaller event this year. A call back to the days where we just sat around, ate crappy pizza and talked toys, models and customs. Sounds good to me.