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Eric Bana is the new Bond.

Apparently, Pierce Brosnan had it out with the producers, and he's officially out. Bana is tapped to be the new Bond, because apparently they wanted a younger, hipper Bond to compete against Spider-Man and Neo with the younger crowds. The negotiations haven't finished yet, but the producers are hopeful.

Posted (edited)

Eric Bana raped my childhood. :p

I am going to miss Pierce, he was good while it lasted.

As long as Bana is like Hoot, I'm cool with this.

Edited by VF19
Posted (edited)

meh, I think the franchise needs some new thinking.

I think Goldeneye was Brosnan's best film, with the world is not enough a passable second (remove the flying hedgeclipper and Christmas Jones and it would have been good). Personally i'd rate Goldeneye one of the best bond films. It wasn't hokey over the top (surfing a tsunami anybody?) with gimmicky sequences and had a believable storyline.

Edited by Noyhauser
  Noyhauser said:
meh, I think the franchise needs some new thinking.

I think Goldeneye was Brosnan's best film, with the world is not enough a passable second (remove the flying hedgeclipper and Christmas Jones and it would have been good). Personally i'd rate Goldeneye one of the best bond films. It wasn't hokey over the top (surfing a tsunami anybody?) with gimmicky sequences and had a believable storyline.

Bond isn't exactly famous for being realistic

  Max Jenius said:
  Noyhauser said:
meh, I think the franchise needs some new thinking.

I think Goldeneye was Brosnan's best film, with the world is not enough a passable second (remove the flying hedgeclipper and Christmas Jones and it would have been good). Personally i'd rate Goldeneye one of the best bond films. It wasn't hokey over the top (surfing a tsunami anybody?) with gimmicky sequences and had a believable storyline.

Bond isn't exactly famous for being realistic

I think that was Brosnan's problem with the franchise, the realism is taken away so far out of believability. It started out with a couple of gadgets and cool stunts, but it's gotten to the point where Bond was a riskless superhero. Even when Connery was threathened by a spider you can feel some sort urgency.

But the choice is really weird here. Bana has come out of films where realism was an important part of his sci-fi/fantasy movies. He was really good in Troy, The Hulk and BHD. But the rumored argument was that the Brocollis wanted the bigger effect and a hipper look as opposed to Brosnan preferring the more gritty espionage storyline. I would have thought they would go with Paul Walker or some other cheese-fest regular.


It's a shame Brosnan didn't grab the role back in 1987 but he was still contracted to do Remington Steele. We'd have had a few more good movies out of him in his prime.

Posted (edited)

Damn, I was hoping Clive Owen was gonna get a shot at Bond (even tho - supposedly - he's never been officially approached... woulda been more in the Connery vein, IMO. Between his BMW ads, and his cool turn as the Professor in Bourne Identity, I thought he was being set up as the next Bond. Check out his new trailer... http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount_cl...whenimdead.html

I like the quote from Martin Campbell (director of 1995's GoldenEye),

"Clive would make a great James Bond," Campbell opined. "He goes back to the [sean] Connery version of Bond. There's a duality in both Connery and Clive. These are guys who onscreen love you one minute and then can kill you in the next. Plus, with Clive, like with Connery, when he hits you, you stay down."

Has that dude got Bond potential or what? Ah well, at leas he'll be in Sin City...

As for Bana... poo. I dug 'im in Blackhawk Down, but I'm lukewarm at best with him as a possible Bond. <_<

At least it doesn't appear they're gonna go with the 'Young James Bond' concept with Orlando Bloom as a Bond... :rolleyes:

Edited by Amped
  VF19 said:
Eric Bana raped my childhood. :p

Priceless! :lol:

Anyway, if it's true, then color me happy. Bana was the best thing about Troy, proving that he has the required physicality to handle the role. Plus he was an absolute badass in BHD. Hell, his cool, icy demeanor is perfectly suited for the oldschool Flemming Bond.


ug i'm going to sound like one *those* fans but banna doesnt sound like a good choice. i would have prefered ewan mcgreggor or heck even an unknown brit or scotsman to play the role. and definately Bond needs to go back to being a spy - sauve, sexy, and witty. not a gadget freak who's a superhero. spy people, spy!


This is terrible! I like the guy as an actor, but he is just all wrong for Bond... I agree with JsA... He will be like Dalton.

  bsu legato said:
Anyway, if it's true, then color me happy. Bana was the best thing about Troy, proving that he has the required physicality to handle the role. Plus he was an absolute badass in BHD. Hell, his cool, icy demeanor is perfectly suited for the oldschool Flemming Bond.

I'm pretty much of the same mind. He was excellent in Troy and even better in Chopper (rent it and see... he's quite an actor). I can't really blame him for Hulk... that movie would've sucked with Olivier as Banner.

He's not Clive Owen... whom I've wished was Bond since Croupier and Bourne Identity... but he's a far cry better than Hugh Jackman or some of the other names I've seen thrown around.

Now all they need to do is actually write a decent SPY movie, hire a director who's pedigree does not solely consist of Aerosmith music videos and Coke commercials, ditch the 90% of the budget CGI special effects, ditch the superhero-esque villains, and lose the Maxim skank of the week as Bond girl... and maybe, just very maybe... we might get a good Bond movie.

Or we'll just end up with more crap, different actor.


After seing The Village today, I thought this day couldn't get any worse, then this! This has got to be the suckiest day EVER!!!


McGregor WOULD make a pretty good bond... he's got the "suave" thing down pretty well... and SW and BHD have shown that he can handle an action role well enough.


Aw crap...I was hoping for Hugh Jackman, or one more film with Pierce Brosnan. At least they didn't go with Orlando Bloom. That would have been an unmitigated disaster.

  Blaine23 said:
Now all they need to do is actually write a decent SPY movie, hire a director who's pedigree does not solely consist of Aerosmith music videos and Coke commercials, ditch the 90% of the budget CGI special effects, ditch the superhero-esque villains, and lose the Maxim skank of the week as Bond girl... and maybe, just very maybe... we might get a good Bond movie.

Or we'll just end up with more crap, different actor.

Definitely. I think that was Brosnan's biggest complaint about his Bond movies. He wanted a real spy drama, not a gadget/CGI/big-name sponsor/lunatic industrialist-villan movie. He wanted a spy movie like the real early Sean Connery work. They can put almost anybody in the role of Bond, but dang it, come up with a better storyline and not the crap that's been out for the past 4 movies.


Hmmmm. Doesn't really have the suave cool wit of Pierce Brosnan.....and I also thought his role in Blackhawk Down was GREAT.

But IMHO he doesn't really fit the role all too well. We'll see I guess. <_<

  azrael said:
Definitely. I think that was Brosnan's biggest complaint about his Bond movies. He wanted a real spy drama, not a gadget/CGI/big-name sponsor/lunatic industrialist-villan movie. He wanted a spy movie like the real early Sean Connery work. They can put almost anybody in the role of Bond, but dang it, come up with a better storyline and not the crap that's been out for the past 4 movies.

I couldn't agree more. The problem is that the general public got so used to the campiness of Roger Moore's 007 flicks to the point where the franchise just can't go back to basics. The Timothy Dalton era attempted to stay true to Fleming's character, but it just flat-out got boring and did not do well at the box office.


It'll never happen, but I'd love to see them go back and make faithful adaptations of all of the Fleming novels and stories (except Spy Who Loved Me -- Bond doesn't enter until the last few pages of that novel) and set them in the 1950s-60s setting. Come to think of it, if MGM can ever get the rights to Casino Royale, they ought to do that as a FA.

  Pat Payne said:
At least they didn't go with Orlando Bloom. That would have been an unmitigated disaster.

Yeah, just what we'd need. A spy who gets his butt kicked by the bad guy and goes crawling off to hug the legs of madame 'M'. *Pathetic Troy reference*


well, I was hoping to see a Bond/Bourne movie , you know where, Bourne gets call/force back to work/duty because of a deadly threat, some kind of new weapon, also bond gone mIA play by Brosnan to really finish off his Bond charactor, with enemy that are also specially trained. Kinda like Metal gear solid. hehe


Die another Day was poor Bond film but it was just because Bronson. If you listen to Bronson commentary on the DVD. You hear him mention stuff like that's the first a CGI Bond, we now have to do that to compete. If more gadets and new CGI isn't working get a new younger Bond.

I remember reading that Tarrantino wanted them to remake Casino Royal with him directing. He planned to have set right after OHMS with Bonson a Bond. That would have been a good new.

Bond movies are really just a 90 minute commerical for the latest in automobiles, cell phones and watches.

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