Majestic Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 The other night, the wife and I went for a walk and on our way back, spotted somebody kneeling in front of our TV, loading up a bag with stuff! Without really thinking, I leaped over the wall next to the sidewalk and ran up to our sliding glass door and confronted the burglar, a 16 year old kid. First he acted confused, then tried to distract me so he could make a run for it. I had to hold him in place and block the door while my wife called 911 from next door. He was attempting to get past me the whole time to make a run for it, and was alternately begging and struggling. He dumped out of his bag (actually our bag): my gamecube, a bunch of games and DVDs, then I checked his pockets and he'd taken everything out of my wife's purse (credit cards, cell phone, etc.), took credit cards out of my nightstand, all of my wife's jewelry from her jewelry box, cash from my wallet, a big plastic bag of change, and even an old gold watch inherited from my grandfather! I thought he had stolen my shoes also, but it turns out he owned the exact same pair as me! LOL! By the time the cops arrived (an astoundingly fast 4 minutes later), the kid was literally weeping at my feet and kissing my hands, groveling, crying and speaking only spanish. The cops had him cuffed and on the ground within seconds of arriving, then more cops drew their guns and "cleared" the rest of the house. The Crime Scene van showed up and took fingerprints off some things and photographs. There were about 6 cops in my living room! I told them if I'd known they were coming, I'd have cleaned the place up a little. Then I got the lecture from the Sergeant "not to be a cowboy" next time, and that I could very well have been shot or stabbed. All of this is true in retrospect, it was pretty foolhardy, but it all happened so fast I hadn't really considered it. I should have, considering I've got a pregnant wife. She also pointed out the poor security on our windows and chastised us for not locking the door (this was the one time we'd left it unlocked). But what was funny is that the other officers were congratulating me after the Sergeant left with "You didn't even have to call us!", "holy crap you had him pinned!" and "better you caught him then him get away to rob someone else". Another guy says "You should have taken the opportunity to rough him up a little bit." The cops took our statements and the kid was hauled off in the paddy wagon. The DA will charge the kid, and it should be a pretty open-and-shut case. The kid has no defense whatsoever, seeing as how I caught him red-handed, the cops arrested him in my house, and he still had the gold watch in his pocket when they frisked him! It was a miracle of timing. If we had arrived 30 seconds later, he would have been long gone with all of our stuff. I told my wife: "No need to watch CSI tonight! We've got our own episode!" Thankfully, he had no interest in my 1/48 collection. My beloved Low-Vis was unscathed. I'm glad the officers didn't mistake my it for an armed accomplice! Quote
Hoptimus Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Nice work. I probably woulda pummeled the guy myself. I dont normally let loose but that kind of thing would put me into a berzerker fury. Quote
Mechafan Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 I glad you got him. That could have been worse. I have a good base ball bat for guys like him. Quote
UN Spacy Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Cooler minds definitely prevailed. I'm glad you and your wife weren't harmed in any way. WHEW. Just don't leave your doors unlocked anymore. The officer was right......maybe you should have roughed him up just a LITTLE BIT. It wouldn't hurt to knock a little sense into that kids brain. Glad your family is safe Majestic! Quote
Skull Leader Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Well done! Yeah, despite what the officer said (and he's probably right) the first guy that steps into MY house and tries to take my stuff just took his own life on contract (and I'm not gonna call the police until I'm good and finished with him) Quote
Damaramu Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Stupid kid is lucky. If he were in Texas (where I reside), he probably would have been shot dead. Quote
do not disturb Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 i really don't like thieves! i'm glad you guys weren't hurt and you caught the should've kicked his butt....just a little. me, i got a bat by the front door and i sleep with a sword next to my bed. Quote
do not disturb Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Well done!Yeah, despite what the officer said (and he's probably right) the first guy that steps into MY house and tries to take my stuff just took his own life on contract (and I'm not gonna call the police until I'm good and finished with him) aren't you a cop? Quote
GreatMoose Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Well met, majestic. Damaramu is right, though. kid's lucky he wasn't in Texas. You can shoot'em and the cops'll just shrug and say, "Welp, sucks to be that guy." Quote
Hikuro Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 2 years ago, on my senior year in HS, we have a festivle at school called "may day" and it's basically a talent contest in some ways. And incase alot of you forgot, I play the guitar and vocals, and generally perform alot of Fire Bomber in school hell use to get a small audience during lunch or after choir practice. Anyways, I lost a bet and had to audition. A week before auditions, my guitar, amp cord, tuner, pick, the works got ripped off from my car, I had completely forgotten I left my door unlocked the night before and the next morning my mom wakes me up and tells me all my stuff was jacked, everything in my car right down to CD burnt music! LAMERZ! So I lost over 500 dollars worth of stuff, no way of getting it back and no way of doing auditions unless I did it acapella since my acoustic was being borrowed by a friend of mine who was outta state (using it to pass the time with some music I gave him) As it turned out, the whole neighbor hood got raided with anyone who had easy to get into cars. Little did anyone know, but the neighbor behind my house has a security system, camera's, alarms, the works. The motion lights came on, they thought it was just some dumb animal. They saw a odd looking shadow and called the cops right away. The husband came outside and saw the person jump out of the car dropping stuff, getting on their bike and running off. Cops quickly came and somehow in my small town of 700 people, LOST the suspect! But they recovered the bike, which funny enough, belonged to a young 11 year old girl who lived near the cafe! But cops said without positive ID from someone they can't make an arrest....the bike wasn't enough. The next day, the neighbor who kept the bike brought it over to the house where the little girl was staying, saw the girl, stopped her car, pulled out the bike and sat it there going, "You were in such a rush you forgot about this." The girl freaked out and ran into her home. I'm not sure what happened after that, but the people who lived in that house moved out, and I remember that my neighbor had cameras in the back, right hand side and front end of their house, which aimed right at their car. So I'm pretty sure that was enough to convict the little girl. But what sickened me was the fact a little 11 year old girl is going into cars, stealing things that are clearly not hers and gets caught. I'm sure she was crying and wailing for forgiveness but sittin in t he JV detention just 10 miles away. I never got my stuff back seeing as that I couldn't remember or find the VIN number to my guitar and equipment. But later in the weekend I bought a brand new kickin guitar, fire red with a really nice lookin strap which I call "Fire One" So as it turns out, from what info I gathered trying to find this girl, she takes stuff from cars, not houses, just cars, gets what ever she can get, meets up with a group of hispanic males in a small chevy blue van and gives them the stuff and goes off to the next histe.... Quote
Isamu Atreides 86 Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Well met, majestic. Damaramu is right, though. kid's lucky he wasn't in Texas. You can shoot'em and the cops'll just shrug and say, "Welp, sucks to be that guy." thats why this is the greatest state in the union. anyone in your house or on your property has to be warned once, then blast away. Glad your family is safe, Majestic Quote
BoBe-Patt Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Dood!! good job!! glad to hear you and your wife are safe! God I hate people who steal! I got my bike stolen back in the day while I was shopping for some comic books. It was my fault actually for not locking it up. But then like 10 years later when I got my first car and fixed it up nicely, it got jacked on the school parking lot!! Pissed me off so bad. And the sucky thing about it was I had an appointment the next day to get an alarm installed! And the ironic thing is that I had the alarm still sealed in it's box in the trunk of my car!! I never was able to recover my car. It was a total loss for me. Oh well. Quote
Mechamaniac Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 (edited) NICE!! Though, I myself would have BA-DUKED that little bastard rather than wrestled with him. The cop had a good point, even aside from being shot or stabbed, you could have been bitten, spit on, bled on, stuck with a needle etc etc. I must quote the great Ted Nugent here... When I call 911 it will only be tell them to bring a dustpan and a broom. I shoot back, and depending on the circumstances, I’ll shoot first. Edited July 28, 2004 by Mechamaniac Quote
rnurmin Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Good Job, Majestic. Although in some way, I don't really like the idea of that (considering your wife is pregnant) Quote
GreatMoose Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 (edited) When I call 911 it will only be tell them to bring a dustpan and a broom. I shoot back, and depending on the circumstances, I’ll shoot first. Hell yes! Edited July 28, 2004 by GreatMoose Quote
Opus Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Well whomever breaks into my house better hope I get to him before my dog does. That bitch is mean as hell. Quote
Dangaioh Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 nice work majestic..., though the cop was right that you may have been hurt, or worse killed, it is a good thing that you did caught him right before he got away. i too would have pummeled him a bit, and gone tottaly medivel on him. it is really sad though seeing punks stealing stuff from your home that you earned, and not give a care in the world when they go through your home or belongings. Quote
Jolly Rogers Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 I don't get all these recommendations to "pummel" him. Sure the punk deserved it, but by doing so you're only giving him an excuse to sue you for assault and take money from you legally. Quote
Hikuro Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 that's why he shouldah lived in Texas, nothing can stop ya than once ya say, "HE'S COMING RIGHT FOR US!" Quote
Dangaioh Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 I don't get all these recommendations to "pummel" him. Sure the punk deserved it, but by doing so you're only giving him an excuse to sue you for assault and take money from you legally. here's the problem.... if he was invited as a guest yes, he can sue... but since he came in unnannounced, you do have the right to protect yourself... he is in your property not theirs. Quote
Opus Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 I don't get all these recommendations to "pummel" him. Sure the punk deserved it, but by doing so you're only giving him an excuse to sue you for assault and take money from you legally. here's the problem.... if he was invited as a guest yes, he can sue... but since he came in unnannounced, you do have the right to protect yourself... he is in your property not theirs. Now your getting into why the legal system doesn't work and depending on your state laws he may have had a valid case. In the end Majestic did the right thing by only using as much force as was neccesary. Quote
Dangaioh Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 I don't get all these recommendations to "pummel" him. Sure the punk deserved it, but by doing so you're only giving him an excuse to sue you for assault and take money from you legally. here's the problem.... if he was invited as a guest yes, he can sue... but since he came in unnannounced, you do have the right to protect yourself... he is in your property not theirs. Now your getting into why the legal system doesn't work and depending on your state laws he may have had a valid case. In the end Majestic did the right thing by only using as much force as was neccesary. too true indeed. Quote
jasonkimberson Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 dude a similar thing happened to my house except they tried to rob it when my brother was home with his friend. The stupid fool cut his hand on the glass and continued to try to rob the place bleeding..... My bro busted out the bat and pinned him down til the cops came. It was real fun from what i hear. The robber was begging for my bro to stop chocking him with the bat, LOL. Quote
JB0 Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 (edited) I don't get all these recommendations to "pummel" him. Sure the punk deserved it, but by doing so you're only giving him an excuse to sue you for assault and take money from you legally. "It was self-defense! He came right at me!" Who're the cops gonna believe, you or some punk kid that broke into your house and was stuffing your stuff into his pants? Of course, it sopunds like just getting caught was bad enough for him. He was probably anticipating a rightous ass-kicking, and figures the cops are the only thing that let him live to see tomorrow. Good work getting that punk off the streets. Edited July 28, 2004 by JB0 Quote
Godzilla Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Always nice to hear one criminal is off the streets. nice work there. I would beat his ass on the ground with my softball bat. Quote
Armor Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 Way to go Dude! I'm glad you and your wife are ok. Quote
EXO Posted July 29, 2004 Posted July 29, 2004 Oingo Boingo: Only a lad You really can't blame him Only a lad Society made him Only a lad He's our responsibility Only a lad He really couldn't help it Only a lad He didn't want to do it Only a lad He's underprivileged and abused Perhaps a little bit confused Ramones: Beat on the brat Beat on the brat Beat on the brat with a baseball bat Oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh Oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh What can you do? What can you do? With a brat like that always on your back What can you lose... I say, go with Joey! Quote
Majestic Posted July 29, 2004 Author Posted July 29, 2004 Thanks to all for concern. Something that in retrospect, I really should have thought about first, but it was totally spontaneous to confront him (and of course he could have totally spontaneously shot me or otherwise). It was all incredibly dumb luck. Regarding beating the hell out of him: I hadn't really considered it, I guess I'm just not the type do that, mostly it was disheartening to know that this young kid is heading down the wrong track, that this might be his first crime of many in life - although if my pregnant wife were in the same room at them time, who knows what the hell I would have done, I don't know. I'm a pretty mellow guy. I think since he was underage (as if I'm supposed to know that), that you can be liable/charged for "roughing him up". Plus, I'm not sure I'd be able to lie about it: "Yeah, he resisted me and I thought he was going to run, so I shot out his kneecaps". In the end, nobody was hurt, and except for the kid ending up in the Big House that night, it was as if nothing happened. I of course installed better window locks the following day and am looking into a security system! Quote
JB0 Posted July 29, 2004 Posted July 29, 2004 I hadn't really considered it, I guess I'm just not the type do that, mostly it was disheartening to know that this young kid is heading down the wrong track, that this might be his first crime of many in life If it was, you may be the guy that changed his life. Scared him straight, so to speak. That would make you a DOUBLE hero! Quote
do not disturb Posted July 29, 2004 Posted July 29, 2004 yeah dude, not beatin him up was kind of hippie but understandable under the circumstances. me i would've been beatin him til the cops carrested me, but thats just me. one time, me and a couple of guys that i skate with were headed back to his apartment to chill. so we're walking into the foyer(sp?) of his build when we see this dude carrying his PS2 out with a bunch of other stuff. we knew it was his cause it was covered in skate stickers...kind of hard to miss. so my friends like, "hey man, you throwing that out? i'll buy it off you?" just to see his response. then THWACK! hes hit the dude over the head with his skateboard. his buddy makes a run for it and manages to basically knock us down, along with his friend like a bunch of bowling pins and gets away. the other guys is still kind of daze but fought his way out on the street. from there, we beat his ass down to a bloody pulp. i'm talking like 6 skaters(all over 25) going to town on this fool. somehow he manages to get up and makes a run for it, when another friend of ours pulls up in a minivan. so a couple of us jump in and chase after the guy. in the van was a nice cement cinder block(essential to have a couple if you skate and got a car) so we get ahead of him and my friend(who was getting robbed) slides the door open and smashes the the guy in the chest with it. this guy was looking back to see if we were chasing after him on foot, but didn't realize we were in the van. so he falls like a ton of bricks and my friend then picked up the block again and smached him over the head with it, it broke into dust, while the rest of us are putting da boots to this bastard. now the friends we left behind had called the cops to tell them what went down, safe to say they didn't show(what else is new with the NYPD) and we managed to flag downa cop that was driving by. he walked up, saw us, saw him, asked what happened, then said "good, you saved us a bunch of work" funny then but not so funny when you really think about it. turns out the guys(thieves) were doing construction in apartment next door and they made a hole(knock down the wall) into his apartment. well i don't know what happened to the guy who got away but the guy that didn't is probably a cripple maybe even brain dead...the cinder block to the head was a bit over the top even by my standards but its safe to say, none of us like thieves. Quote
Ladic Posted July 29, 2004 Posted July 29, 2004 Another guy says "You should have taken the opportunity to rough him up a little bit." Oh man, I would of beaten the s**t out of that kid, LOL. Quote
Jolly Rogers Posted July 29, 2004 Posted July 29, 2004 now the friends we left behind had called the cops to tell them what went down, safe to say they didn't show(what else is new with the NYPD) and we managed to flag downa cop that was driving by. he walked up, saw us, saw him, asked what happened, then said "good, you saved us a bunch of work" funny then but not so funny when you really think about it. This story is sooo wrong yet so funny. I can see how living in NYC would cause someone to write a story like Se7en. Quote
Mellow Yellow Posted July 29, 2004 Posted July 29, 2004 (edited) That's some awesome vigilante justice Haterist. Too bad you only got one of them Edited July 29, 2004 by Mellow Yellow Quote
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