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Posted (edited)


Grand Prize = 521

First Prize = 415

Second = 454

Third = 219

Hello All!

Today I am proud to present the makings of something great! What you have all dreamed and hoped for….The Atmospheric Valkyrie Booster.

The people involved with this project are as follows:

John Moscato – Sculptor / Builder / Caster

Jesse Myers – Re-Casting

Rob Watson – Box / Instructions Design / everything else needed.


Grand Prize: Fully completed / painted VF-1 and Booster – Pro Built by John himself! Plus Free Shipping in the U.S. (if you live outside of the U.S. there will be a small price you will have to pay)

First Prize: An un-completed Valkyrie Booster (Hasegawa model not included). Plus Free Shipping in the U.S. (if you live outside of the U.S. there will be a small price you will have to pay)

Second and Third Prizes: Hasegawa VF-1 Super / Strike Valkyries 1/72

Okay the Rules:

1. The raffle tickets cost $3.00 each (maximum of 20 tickets per member).

2. You must be a Macross World Member.

3. We will offer entry into the raffle for the next 30 days. The deadline for entry will be August 30th. After the deadline we will submit all raffle ticket numbers to Graham and Shawn who will then draw the winner.

4. If you win the GRAND or FRIST prizes, the payments you made to buy the raffle tickets cannot be used towards the purchase of another Valkyrie Booster. Additional Boosters will be normal price if you want them. Keep in mind for a maximum of $60.00 you are getting the Booster and Free Shipping. The members who do not win a prize can use the amount in which they paid towards the purchase of a Booster.

5. Once the Booster is finished (Which will not take John very long), we are gong to have Shawn and Graham draw the lucky winners to keep things fair. The wining number will be posted in this thread and a PM sent to the winner’s. Once the winner has claimed the prize we will announce who it is.

6. Everyone will be a winner. Those who purchase a raffle ticket and do not win will have the amount they paid applied towards the sale price of a Booster kit if they want to buy one. price to be announced later. So if you buy 15 tickets you will have $45.00 deducted from the cost of the kit price. :)

7. I will post all entries in this first post. When you send the payment make sure you put your MW Name and what it is for, plus the number of tickets you wish to buy.

NOTE: I will not automatically add your name to the for sale section thread just because you have entered the Raffle. I will however add a list of raffle participants there. Those who have entered the raffle and your name is not on the sale list please PM me to confim. Sorry I jsut don't want to make any mistakes.


1. gnollman - 10 - Numbers Sent

2. grayson72 - 20 - Numbers Sent

3. neptunesurvey - 10 - Numbers Sent

4. Ido - 5 - Numbers Sent

5. albeaker - 15 - Numbers Sent

6. >EXO< - 20 - Numbers Sent

7. wwwmwww - 20 - Numbers Sent

8. Cdr Fokker - 15 - Numbers Sent

9. Gundamhead - 20 - Numbers Sent

10. Thor - 20 - Numbers Sent

11. wm cheng - 8 - Numbers Sent

12. goldenboy_forever - 20 - Numbers Sent

13. rnurmin - 20 - Numbers Sent

14. Berttt - 20 - Numbers Sent

15. s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d - 20\ - Numbers Sent

16. flyboy - 20 - Numbers Sent

17. ChristopherB - 20 - Numbers Sent

18. Eden - 20 - Numbers Sent

19. Lo-pan - 20 - Numbers Sent

20. Flash - 20 - Numbers Sent

21. Major Johnathan - 20 - Numbers Sent

22. commissioner - 20 - Numbers Sent

23. Batou - 20 - Numbers Sent

24. jipe - 20 - Numbers Sent

25. xstoys - 20 - Numbers Sent

26. dyowelb - 3 - Numbers Sent

27. jardann - 15 - Numbers Sent

Good Luck To ALL!


Edited by Monkey-N

hi guys.

Here are some initial tech drawings for the booster unit. I'm trying to keep things as close to the line-art as possible, all while allowing the booster to mate cleanly to the Hasegawa model.

Sculpting proces begins tomorrow, and progress pics will be posted regularly to allow prospective buyers to see the evolution of the model.



hell yeah man thats what I'm talking about. I'm so in on this I cant wait . This is going to be a awsome kit. :lol:

From Rich :D

Posted (edited)

This is absolutely fantastic - thank you all for making this possible. I am such a great fan of yours John - I will be looking forward with great anticipation. Might I suggest that what ever is in doubt (I know there is a lack of clear information on this particular mech) please error (creative adjustment) on the side of making the boosters sleeker (narrower more in keeping with Hasegawa's interpretation of the Valkyrie) :p Any chance of adding some smaller panel lines and rivets like the Hasegawa kits so there isn't so much of a textural difference between the styrene kit and the resin kit?

Good plan about the raffle, wow a chance at a John built model!! Will PM ya Rob this weekend about it!

Edited by wm cheng

Hi WM. Thanks for the vote of confidence :)

I'm definitely trying to keep the design as sleek and slender as can be, but I still have to allow the design to taper sufficiently at the rear to allow for the mounting of those huge booster nozzles. The fact that there's very little reference to work from, and that Kawamori's drawings tend to contradict each other somewhat just makes things that much trickier.

Paneling: oh god yes! If anything, I'm trying to maintain continuity between the Valk and the booster, so it's crucial that the detail flows as seemlessly as possible for apperarance's sake.


I like it already, if you can make it come out like the first picture I'll take two!

I'm so excited I can't stand it.


wasn't even considering it until Cap's name came up. I'll be paypalling you, Rob, as soon as I clear all my preorders this month!!!


I'm 100% sure to not win but i'll buy 2 or 3 tickets just for suppport your project, gimme just the time to recharge mine card tomorrow. ;)


Hi Noel.

I'm not entirely sure what you're refering to with regards to the "booster frame." I have the Perfect Memory book, as well as the Macross/Robotech RPG book, and both show exactly the same line-art. 3 views, and one black silhouette on the launch vehicle. There are no technical or plan views in existence that I know of, so all data needs to be extrapolated based on these drawings. The fact that the drawings are freehand and vahe clear signs of "cheated" perspective only serves to complicate the task somewhat.

If you have any pics or diagrams of your own to illustrate your views, by all means, feel free to share ;)


Why don't we just let John get started and do what he does best, make models, afterall he does do this for a living.


the closest thing there is to a plan diagram is the side view Rob posted at the beginning of this thread. It's technicly not official, since it came from one of the MAT books (made by fans, not the original designers), but it looks quite accurate.

Your drawings look pretty damn good, John. Except I don't think the front tips should be quite that... pointy. They should be a little blunt, and a little further back (just behind the chest parting line)


Update July 29th.

Here are some preliminary progress pictures of the booster thus far. The first pics are of the main booster fuselage hulls, which are temporarily split into four parts for better dimensional control. The paper templates affixed to these are from the side-view that Rob provided.

The next set of pics are of the booster nozzle itself. I spent most of my time doing this piece, and consequently, it's relatively close to finished, with just a few little bits and rivets to add. Since Kawamori's line-art just shows black in the recessed areas between the secondary (smaller) nozzles and the main outer nozzle, I took the opportunity to do some creative modelling in that area; adding lots of little bits & pieces that would normally be hard to see in the overall view, but would then provide some eye-candy for those willing to stick their flashlights & dental mirrors up the tailpipes.

The nozzle assembly itself will be two pieces: the main bellhousing(which is hollowed-out from the back for weight savings) and the ball-joint/end cap.




Wow, John. That booster cone looks farting awesome!

Question, though. I thought the flaps would look better (and somewhat more accurate) if they were a bit bigger than what you have there. What do you think?


Fantastic work John!! Great details up the "pipe"! Love the rivets - especially the ball joint - fantastic!! Will the ball joint be operational in the finished model - or will it just be for positioning - then glued in place?

I'm so glad that you're back - great to see a master at work! :p


Hi guys.

Stamen: the side view Rob posted has the little tabs on the nozzles looking chunkier. However, upon closer inspection of the original lineart, Kawamori has them rendered considerably narrower, so I simply opted to stick with the closest reference; I guess it comes down to personal preference with things like that.

WM: the ball-joint will be simply for final positioning/glueing. In reality, you may not have that much positioning leeway as you think, since the nozzle fits quite snugly into the fuselage in the line-art(and probably will in the kit too). The ball-joint will probably end up being just a simple connection point :p


That looks fantastic!

If you don't mind my asking John, what do you use for building those? In all my scratch building days, I've not beeen able to come close to what I've seen you do (here and with the Legioss).

Nice work. I'm not one for getting the booster myself (always thought it a godawful looking design) but am considering buying a couple of tickets just to support the project!


Posted (edited)

Kewl, thanks for the info John. I would assume it's pretty specialized and expensive. Do you need any special tools to work with it? I'm guessing you put the modeling board on a lathe to turn things like the engine bells etc. right?



[on edit: damn I hate typos]

Edited by whytwolf

Specialised, yes. Expensive is relative. A 2" by 16" by 50" plank usually runs @ $400 dollars. I'm in Canada though, so we have different pricing. The booster end-bell is actually urethane resin: I poured some into an empty yogurt container and let it harden; makes perfect round stock that you can turn and taper... Just takes way too long to hack Renshape into round bars, so I use it almost exclusively for flats & components that need to be milled.

  captain america said:
Specialised, yes. Expensive is relative. A 2" by 16" by 50" plank usually runs @ $400 dollars. I'm in Canada though, so we have different pricing. The booster end-bell is actually urethane resin: I poured some into an empty yogurt container and let it harden; makes perfect round stock that you can turn and taper... Just takes way too long to hack Renshape into round bars, so I use it almost exclusively for flats & components that need to be milled.

Nice idea with the resin--I should have thought of that ;)

Actually, I'm up in canada as well, and am looking for some more professional materials to do some scratch building out of rather than trying to carve from balsa wood and varnish it <_< . Where do you pick it up north of the border? Is it easy to work with?



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