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A friend pointed this out to me. Shows that the old star wars is editted, or as they say in the clip, censored. Now some might argue that they editted this out cause you see the laser hitting him in the chest.

When I watched the clip, I couldn't help but notice how silly the so called classic edition looked. My theory is that these were editted not due to violence but due to the fact that the acting was bad. The guy gets shot in the chest and jumps to the side. Another guy gets shot in the chest and just stumbles around. I think these were editted just because those scenes were laughably bad.



Obviously done for violent content, if you editted star wars for the acting, you'd have what's officially known as a short...

Posted (edited)

in a world where the FBI had their guns edited out while chasing a FRIGGIN ALIEN, i'm suprised anyone would belive this wasn't edited for violence.. the practicly ONLY cut out the part involving lazers contacting people.

pretty damn sad if you ask me. the movie was already rated pg wasn't it?

why a movie called star wars... star Wars... star WARS would feel its nessesary to cut out the tiny bit of violence in it is beyond me. bravo yet again mr lucas. wooptie doo.


and in defence of the "cheese" deaths, anyone here been shot by a space lazer blaster ma bob? not me. pretty odd ball guns, who knows WHAT they do to you when you get shot. aparently gut shots make the persons leg muscles spazm and causes a split second seasure of the nervous system! also funky facial expressions are made.

though most undoubtedly very painful.. the results are often hilarious.

Edited by KingNor

So what else is new?...If you remember, Star Wars Special edition had several questionable PC editing choices in it; the one that comes most glaringly to mind is the cantina scene where a nonchalant Han Solo shoots Greedo in the gut and leaves is replaced by a nonchalant Han Solo shooting Greedo in the gut AFTER Greedo misses a point blank range shot at Solo without him even trying to duck--and Greedo was supposed to be a bounty hunter...please. Lucas and Spielberg are the vanguard of this PC editing and re-release nonsense. <_<

For the perfect rebuttal of this nauseating trend see the South Park episode dedicated to skewering this trend...priceless! :lol:

Posted (edited)
  KingNor said:
and in defence of the "cheese" deaths, anyone here been shot by a space lazer blaster ma bob?  not me.  pretty odd ball guns, who knows WHAT they do to you when you get shot.  aparently gut shots make the persons leg muscles spazm and causes a split second seasure of the nervous system!  also funky facial expressions are made.

I saw a good number of people get "shot" shot and you are on some levels very right. The human body does all sorts of strange things when it suffers trauma... who is to say what face they will make or how they will react when shot. Most people have this strange look of disbelief on their face along with the onset of shock. But one thing is true, unless you hit someone center mass in the head they do not slump over dead like they do in the movies. Most shot people live for minutes, even hours, before they bleed to death. It is all and all a very sick topic.

... as for the "Censorship" of star wars and like properties they still belong to the creator and if the creator (Lucas, Spielburg, or anyone) wants to alter their movie to reflect their own tastes then they can do it. This whole concept might have grounds if the Film Board was forcing (pun intended) Lucas to edit out the violence but it was the man himself that changed the film. I can forgive Spielburg for giving radios to the FBI guys as he made Saving Private Ryan, one of the bloodiest, goriest, killingest war movies of all time... but Lucas technically has no excuse other than his newfound morals and "won't someone think of the children" logic.

Then again Darth Maul getting lopped in half is way worse than Greedo taking a shot to the chest. You didn't see Greedo's body pop in two and fall down a shaft.

Edited by JsARCLIGHT

More violence = better

However SW is GL's baby so if he wants to replace Storm Troopers with pink elephants, its up to him. I won't pick on him for it like the rest of the fanboys around here, but I also might not buy his products as a result.

  renegadeleader1 said:
what a contradiction

Han Solo capping greedo in cold blood gets edited


what about that poor jurassic park jedi that gets lit up like a christmas tree in episode II?

HAHA Jango owned that guy....

  MrDisco said:
gah! another reason for me to track down a widescreen copy of the THX vhs edition. :(

why oh why did i buy the hack 'n slash version?

got a brand new set for $10 shipped and insured off ebay. :)

i don't know about the editting and censorship? :unsure: i can't really sit through any of the SW movies without falling asleep. i've seen them way too many times for it to hold my interest...you thank the "movies for guys who like movies" station. :p i usually pop in a vid or DVD when i can't fall asleep...it works like a charm. :p:D:lol:

  Max Jenius said:
  renegadeleader1 said:
what a contradiction

Han Solo capping greedo in cold blood gets edited


what about that poor jurassic park jedi that gets lit up like a christmas tree in episode II?

HAHA Jango owned that guy....

Might as well add in all the other jedi who were slaughtered in that scene. Also speaking of violence, Jango gets his head lobbed off, Anakan gets his armed sliced off, and Amadala gets her back shreaded. Gee Han blasting greedo was really aweful compared to those :rolleyes:

though the official if still not semi lame argument Lucas offered was, I don't think such an important hero should be seen killing in cold blood.

My argument back is, how was it cold blood? Greedo had a gun in Han's face. <_<

Now if there was a scene with Han blasting kittens or crap I guess I could understand removing that. :p

  haterist said:

i don't know about the editting and censorship? :unsure: i can't really sit through any of the SW movies without falling asleep. i've seen them way too many times for it to hold my interest...you thank the "movies for guys who like movies" station. :p i usually pop in a vid or DVD when i can't fall asleep...it works like a charm. :p:D:lol:

I'm the same way with the OT. That's all I watched when I was a kid. I can play the whole OT back in my head so I don't need a DVD release for SW. The pictures in my head are so much better ;)


i'm almost positive that they rearanged the hansolo fight with gweedo because han is a "good guy" and lucas is probably scared parents won't buy toys of a guy who kills people to save himself.

they turned him from a bad ass who shoots firs and asks questions later, into an idiot who waits till hes fired at before defending himsefl.

fricken dumb


I like the original look better. The "edited" edition just doesn't look right at all. :p:D:lol:

  marx said:
Another Edit that is coming to the Star wars DVD. Friend linked me to this.  It's basically the end scene from ROTJ, they replaced the older Anakin with Hayden. Supposely this is one of many edits and changes that will be made to the older trilogy.


They've also inserted shots of Gungans into those celebration scenes at the end of ROTJ, and ESB has changes to the Emperors dialogue and the complete replacement of Boba Fett's voice.


i dont' know why, but something feels very not right about all these changes..............

  KingNor said:
i dont' know why, but something feels very not right about all these changes..............

cause SW was changed once before and we got SE :-p

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