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  Max Jenius said:
I don't even know why I'm wasting my time posting in this thread about a movie that I know I'll hate.

Because the power of Christ... errrrr, THE FORCE compels you!!! :lol:

  Max Jenius said:
  TheLoneWolf said:
  Max Jenius said:
Its all no sweat off my back... but I suppose many of you don't read as much of the board as I do. :)

Damn moderating!!! CURSE YOU!!!!

True dat, just messing with you Max, that's all. ;)

I used to post on MW daily, till I got a job where they blocked the WWW. Now, the overzealous fanboys don't seem so bad anymore.

No worries. I'm used to making guest appearances on members' enemies lists.

So its never an issue, people get over it. Look at Jemstone... we had a massive battle back in the day, but now we totally cool.

That's what you think... I think she's biding her time, plotting your ultimate doom. But then again, aren't we all? :p

Personally, I think it's the best prequel news I've gotten since the first teaser poster showing kid Anakin with a Vader shadow. This is the sort of thing that fans love about SW, mix in the nostalgia with some well done graphics and melodrama. I see SW take the most heat when Lucas tends to go off in directions that have very little to do with the OT.

Great title, cool logo. I really hope it'll be a kickass movie.


Thanks to Effect and buddhafabio for letting me know what the revenge is for...

Was that old conflict (1000 years ago) the one documented in those old republic comics? I vaguely remember a comic stroyline which impressed me and included a jedi who looked something like a hornless triceratops.

Good title. Leagues better than the ep1 or ep2 titles at any rate.

  Skippy438 said:
It'll still be better than Matrix Revolutions ...

Mmmm... the first half of TAOC sucks as Revolutions. And sucks BAD!


(what the heck I am doing here????? I should be working on some 3D sh*t)

  bsu legato said:
Oh yeah....

Revenge of the Sith? That's two "_____ of the ____" titles in a row! OMG, Luca$ has raped my childhood again! Rant rant, bitch bitch, pout pout.



Yeah where are these guys?

The title fits. Should be a great movie!

  Amped said:
  Max Jenius said:
I don't even know why I'm wasting my time posting in this thread about a movie that I know I'll hate.

Because the power of Christ... errrrr, THE FORCE compels you!!! :lol:

When did I say that?

The last time I made a prediction on Ep III, I said that I thought it would be the greatest SW ever... lol

Was I really that drunk? Details of last night are sketchy... lol

but I ain't seein the post weird... :unsure:


Max, I think MW needs a new rule

Don't come here to defend or attack Star Wars.

I agree whole-heartedly with what you have said about it, but you can't keep fighting it - some people just can't enjoy Star Wars now, or they are too stuck up to admit it.(kind of like Robotech :( ) And I'm personally tired of reading anti-SW whining everytime new SW news comes in. Maybe we need to establish such boundaries. :blink:

  Wes said:
Max, I think MW needs a new rule

Don't come here to defend or attack Star Wars.

I agree whole-heartedly with what you have said about it, but you can't keep fighting it - some people just can't enjoy Star Wars now, or they are too stuck up to admit it.(kind of like Robotech :( ) And I'm personally tired of reading anti-SW whining everytime new SW news comes in. Maybe we need to establish such boundaries. :blink:

I second that!

  Max Jenius said:
  Amped said:
  Max Jenius said:
I don't even know why I'm wasting my time posting in this thread about a movie that I know I'll hate.

Because the power of Christ... errrrr, THE FORCE compels you!!! :lol:

When did I say that?

The last time I made a prediction on Ep III, I said that I thought it would be the greatest SW ever... lol

Was I really that drunk? Details of last night are sketchy... lol

but I ain't seein the post weird... :unsure:

Dude, you didn't say that...exactly. That was a line taken from this post.

Yeah... because its my observation... not just with SW too.

I like that... lukewarm...

I think I like the ideas in SW more than anything else. Lightsabers, Jedi, space ships ...

But you are right... that is funny... this is after reading pages and pages of SW hate man I suppose its like "Damn give it a rest..." Its like when someone posts a question about EVA... people that don't like EVA immediately enter the thread and start crapping on it. "To answer your question about the ramifications of Shinji's killing of Kaworu, I'd like to start with my top 100 list of reasons I hate EVA." Same with SW... some new SW news gets posted... people immediately are like "well the new trilogy sucks balls... so I don't even know why I'm wasting my time posting in this thread about a movie that I know I'll hate."

Reading these SW threads are just as entertaining as the Robotech related threads.




Then you'd need to have specific ones about Evangelion, Star Wars, Macross 7, The Matrix and sequels, the original Spiderman movie,etc.

Bottom line...people love to say how much it is they hate something. Go figure. If I really hate something, I don't normally waste my time posting about it all the time.

Though, I admit...MW does have it's share of..."less than impressed" people here.

No matter what it is. :p


Its actually the stupid EU that spoiled SW for me in the 90s.

Sun crushers, force inhibiting furry creatures blah blah blah...SUCKS. It all went down hill the moment them bloody ewoks appeared.

I still like SW though. But thats just cuz the Empire with the stormtroopers and star destroyers will always be the coolest movie sci-fi military ever IMHO.

I am really hoping that Ep III will show the Imperator Class Star Destroyers. Maybe show the launch of the very first ship and have it massacre the puny unbelievers. That alone will make the ticket price worth it for me.


I would have preferred Fall of the Jedi because it could mean a couple different things. It could mean the destruction of the Jedi or the fall of 1 Jedi Anakin. With Return of the Jedi it can be taken both ways also as in the Jedi have returned because Luke would bring them back or the fallen Jedi has returned to the light. But Revenge of the Sith is also fine with me. I can't wait to see it.


Well, I know we can argue about stuff that we like/dislike til the cows come home. Nobody is every going to really change someone else's opinions about something, its just exciting. Though, sales figures don't seem to match the opinions of the hard-ER core fans. While I think nostalgia has much to do with peoples' opinions, I'm not sayin that's a bad thing. Hell, SDF Macross is cheesy... and a lot of people are disappointed with the new shows(well.. I can understand M7... its an acquired taste)...

Hell, who cares? Debates are fun! If everyone agreed, it would be a pretty boring forum, no? I'm tired of the anti-SW "whining" too... but there's some points that I agree on.

But come on... Clones, Yoda fight, JarJar > Ewoks BEATING storm troopers.... tsk

If they were Wookies......now that would be cool.... Stormtrooper arms everywhere. I hope the wookies kick ass in Ep 3... even if its only for a lil bit.

Posted (edited)

SW debate in a nutshell after news is released

-Man this movie looks great!

-What are you kidding it's gonna suck! Lucas is on crack!

-It looks okay but Lucas should add (insert lame fanfiction ideas here)

-Mitaclhorins are lame!

-C'mon it wasn't all bad, I mean the pod race and new lightsaber duels were cool!

-I want to see Jar Jar die horridly!

- I think <insert lame fan title> would make a great title!

-Why does the new title suck so badly?

-Hey at least it's better than Attack of the Clones.

-Well at least I'll be able to enjoy the SE in DVD finally.

-What!? SE raped my childhood!

-C'mon people they are just movies! Just try and enjoy them.

-Hey guys look at the latest news!

*and the cycle repeats*

Edited by GobotFool

robotech debate in a nutshell after news is released

-Man this movie looks great!

-What are you kidding it's gonna suck! Macek is on crack!

-It looks okay but Macek shouldn't add (insert lame fanfiction ideas here)

-protoculture matrix's are lame!

-C'mon it wasn't all bad, I mean the cyclones and new mecha were cool!

-I want to see Macek die horridly!

- I think <insert lame fan title> would make a great title!

-Why does the new title suck so badly?

-Hey at least it's better than macross 7.

-Well at least I'll be able to enjoy the robotech series in DVD finally.

-What!? robotech raped my childhood!

-C'mon people they are just movies! Just try and enjoy them.

-Hey guys look at the latest news!

*and the cycle repeats*

sound familiar? LOL Its not just star wars

  GobotFool said:
SW debate in a nutshell after news is released

-Man this movie looks great!

-What are you kidding it's gonna suck! Lucas is on crack!

-It looks okay but Lucas should add (insert lame fanfiction ideas here)

-Mitaclhorins are lame!

-C'mon it wasn't all bad, I mean the pod race and new lightsaber duels were cool! - Max Jenius

-SHUT UP MAX!!! - All the other SW fans

-I want to see Jar Jar die horridly!

- I think <insert lame fan title> would make a great title!

-Why does the new title suck so badly?

-Hey at least it's better than Attack of the Clones.

-Well at least I'll be able to enjoy the SE in DVD finally.

-What!? SE raped my childhood!

-C'mon people they are just movies! Just try and enjoy them.

-Hey guys look at the latest news!

*and the cycle repeats*

Fixed. :lol:

  Max Jenius said:
  GobotFool said:
SW debate in a nutshell after news is released

-Man this movie looks great!

-What are you kidding it's gonna suck! Lucas is on crack!

-It looks okay but Lucas should add (insert lame fanfiction ideas here)

-Mitaclhorins are lame!

-C'mon it wasn't all bad, I mean the pod race and new lightsaber duels were cool! - Max Jenius

-SHUT UP MAX!!! - All the other SW fans

-I want to see Jar Jar die horridly!

- I think <insert lame fan title> would make a great title!

-Why does the new title suck so badly?

-Hey at least it's better than Attack of the Clones.

-Well at least I'll be able to enjoy the SE in DVD finally.

-What!? SE raped my childhood!

-C'mon people they are just movies! Just try and enjoy them.

-Hey guys look at the latest news!

*and the cycle repeats*

Fixed. :lol:



whenever i see "revenge of the" i just think of revenge of the nerds.....thats what i thought this thread was about at first glance. :p horrible title IMO but hey, its just an opinion. ;)

someone said "fall of the jedi" which actually sounds a bit better than revenge of the jedi. the title is almost opposite of what really happens(depending on how you want to perceive it). i guess revenge of the nerds *cough* sith is fitting for the SW fans *cough* nerds. :lol:

  haterist said:
whenever i see "revenge of the" i just think of revenge of the nerds.....thats what i thought this thread was about at first glance. :p horrible title IMO but hey, its just an opinion. ;)

someone said "fall of the jedi" which actually sounds a bit better than revenge of the jedi. the title is almost opposite of what really happens(depending on how you want to perceive it). i guess revenge of the nerds *cough* sith is fitting for the SW fans *cough* nerds. :lol:

*imagines Mace singing*

"Clap your hands everybody... and everybody clap your hands..."

*imagines Mace singing*

"Clap your hands everybody... and everybody clap your hands..."

Sadly, my imagination wasn't so kind. I imagined Darth Maul doing the whole nerd-laugh thing after making QuiGon-ka-bobs.

  eugimon said:
the redhead supposed to be Mara Jade?

think she'll make an appearence in the revenge of the sith?


Then I suppose Luke Skywalker would be robbing the grave a bit.

:o awesome vader pics looks like we are finally getting back to the star wars we know and love

I just wish we could see Vader right in Episode 3. A fight similar to the against Darth Maul that included Vader woudl be sweet. If the rumor of enhancing the Vader vs. Obiwan fight in Episode 4 is true then maybe I might get my wish, then again.


First off, yes, that picture is Mara Jade. When it came time to make a Mara Jade card for the CCG, they went out and found this woman, Shannon Something, and she's since become the official model/actress for Mara Jade.

And I'm happy that we're not going to be getting that much Vader in the new movie. The less we see of him, the cooler it's gonna be when we finally DO see him. :)


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