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From BigBadToyStore newsletter:

TAKARA #17 RE-ISSUE PREDAKING:  Our main distributor in Japan has received

'unofficial' word from Takara that the #17 re-issue will be Predaking!!

Although this is unofficial information on the release, we are very

confident this is accurate info and Predaking will be released in

November.  (Many of our past pre-orders were listed on the same type of

new info - and the vast majority have been accurate)    Predaking is

priced at $174.99 - which is very fair when comparing it to a mint G1

version.  The retail price in Japan is 15,000 yen - (which is about $140)

- our price should be as good or better than having one shipped over

from Japan when considering the international shipping fees on this large

and heavy item.  The picture we are using is of a vintage Predaking -

when official pictures are released we will update our site


yea this was just mentioned in the binaltech/alternators thread . this is going to be a awesome reissue. i hope they do more down the line, i would love a devastator or superion reissue


YES!! I got that email as well. A day for all TF fan to rejoice :-P I'm still waiting on reissue of the Dinobots!!

Posted (edited)

Oh happy day!!!!!

That and a Devastator reissue and I can die happy.

Edited by Anubis

sweet... predaking was my favorite combiner... I only had the two cats back in the day but I think they got sold during a yard sale.... :(


I have one already, but I'm still going to pick this one up!! I probably paid like 190 for my complete set. So this price for the new one is just a little cheaper. Wonder why they skipped all the other combiners and just went straight for the best one? Oh well, who am I to complain? :p:D:lol:


If this was 6 months to a year ago I would be excited. Now I simply don't have this kind of money or desire to spend this kind of money on a toy. Ill wait and hopefully Hasbro will release it in the US a bit cheaper and as seperate toys I can pick up as I have the cash. If not? Oh well.

  Retracting Head Ter Ter said:
Ok I am not a TF fan, so

... whats the deal with this Predaking dude? Is he the meanest baddest bad guy or what? I was looking at his stats on some site and it looked quite unimpressive for such a huge sucka.

I just thought he looked cool... the various design elements came together well, he didn't look as cobbled together as devestator or some of the other combiners.

Renato Posted on Jul 22 2004, 10:53 PM

  I thought it was already decided that the next Takara reissue would be Hound?

Next to be released IS Hound.

Predaking was the next announced.

14 is Hound

15 is Stepper

16 Insecticons

17 Predacons


Hail to the King, baby....PREDA-King :D:D

THis announcement rules. !!!

Predaking Huge, :o

Predaking Mean, :angry:

Predaking sum crazy mutha of an orange Machine...! :lol:

*bet ya cant tell whose happy bout this news.....!* :p


i just don't get it. they were on a roll reissuing the g1 stuff, isn't predaking post-movie? and hotrod for that matter. like the other people have said, i'd have rather they released the dinobots. skipping wheeljack? atrocity...

Posted (edited)
  estacado06479 said:
i just don't get it.  they were on a roll reissuing the g1 stuff,  isn't predaking post-movie?  and hotrod for that matter.  like the other people have said, i'd have rather they released the dinobots.  skipping wheeljack?  atrocity...

Predaking appeared early in the original comic (their only appearance if I'm not mistaken). It was where Megatron supposedly died at first. Megatron had kinda flipped after Prime's death, Shockwave said enough is enough, and sent the predacons to finish Megatron off, they swapped their symbols with autobot logos, and they actually beat the crap out of megatron, BEFORE they merged. One of them tore part of his face off. I think shockwave showed up with the space bridge and made a litttle speech or something, then Megatron walked over to the bridge, and blasted the gate, apparently being destroyed in the blast.

It was a LONG time before he showed up again later, to torment Ratchet (a hobby of Megatron's it seemed) and forced him to make some Pretenders for him using Grimlock, Jazz, Bumblebee, and Starscream. They explained it something like Megatron wandered some part of Cybertron's wasteland for a few years, till he bumped into an Autobot that he promptly killed and came to his senses.

Edited by Anubis
  estacado06479 said:
i just don't get it. they were on a roll reissuing the g1 stuff, isn't predaking post-movie? and hotrod for that matter. like the other people have said, i'd have rather they released the dinobots. skipping wheeljack? atrocity...

No no no no SKIP Wheeljack.....

...I like my still mint in box fleamarket find..... :p:D:lol:B))

Posted (edited)

Bah, Devistator was the only true pre-movie combiner (in terms of the cartoon). I'd love to see all the other combiners made though, and is that a combaticons/bruticus repaint-set I've been seeing at wal-mart lately?

I'd love to see a "Superion" or "Menasor" re-issue set also.

Edited by Skull Leader

So is Predaking worth anything??? I still have mine along with alot of other stuff ie optimus, devistator, soundwave, shockwave, dinobots,omega supreme, etc.


Holy cow! This is awesome news. Definitely the first Reissue I've bought since Megatron.

IMHO, they should skip releasing all the G1 stuff one by one and go with fan-favorites. Shockwave and all the different combiners would be killer.

Anyone know if Hasbro will likely reissue Predaking too?

  Blaine23 said:
Holy cow! This is awesome news. Definitely the first Reissue I've bought since Megatron.

IMHO, they should skip releasing all the G1 stuff one by one and go with fan-favorites. Shockwave and all the different combiners would be killer.

Anyone know if Hasbro will likely reissue Predaking too?

since there were plastic and metal versions of this bad ass combiner, I'm guessing maybe takara reissue will be metal and if hasbro releases it, it'll be plastic. Just a guess. But it would be nice if hasbro released it as it would be cheaper to buy. :p:D:lol:


That would be cool to get a predaking. My old G1 Technobots Computron needs someone to fight. Then there is hope for Superion, Devastator, and Bruticus.

Posted (edited)
  Mislovrit said:
  Anubis said:
  estacado06479 said:

Predaking appeared early in the original comic (their only appearance if I'm not mistaken).

Predaking was also in the 2nd or 3rd season of the G1 series.

Sorry, I meant only appearance in the comic. In the show they appeared in the "5 feaces of darkness" 5-parter after the movie, ironically a wasted appearance chasing Wheelie and Daniel. Don't remember if they appeared again after that.

Edited by Anubis

I loved Predaking as a kid. Big, heavy, metal, and he was all about swords and mean animals. What more can a growing boy needs? He was the perfect anti-Dinobot solution.

Nowadays, though, I look at Predaking and he almost looks like a big gorilla that rampaged through an animal puppet show and then got a big orange bucket stuck to his head. Still, I suppose he does still look more menacing than most of the anorexic gesalts...

  Anubis said:
  Mislovrit said:
  Anubis said:
  estacado06479 said:

Predaking appeared early in the original comic (their only appearance if I'm not mistaken).

Predaking was also in the 2nd or 3rd season of the G1 series.

Sorry, I meant only appearance in the comic. In the show they appeared in the "5 feaces of darkness" 5-parter after the movie, ironically a wasted appearance chasing Wheelie and Daniel. Don't remember if they appeared again after that.

5 Feaces of darkness? hehe, didn't know there were 5 pieces of Sh!t in the series. :p:D:lol:

  BoBe-Patt said:
  Anubis said:
  Mislovrit said:
  Anubis said:
  estacado06479 said:

Predaking appeared early in the original comic (their only appearance if I'm not mistaken).

Predaking was also in the 2nd or 3rd season of the G1 series.

Sorry, I meant only appearance in the comic. In the show they appeared in the "5 feaces of darkness" 5-parter after the movie, ironically a wasted appearance chasing Wheelie and Daniel. Don't remember if they appeared again after that.

5 Feaces of darkness? hehe, didn't know there were 5 pieces of Sh!t in the series. :p:D:lol:


Posted (edited)
  Godzilla said:
  BoBe-Patt said:
  Anubis said:
  Mislovrit said:
  Anubis said:
  estacado06479 said:

Predaking appeared early in the original comic (their only appearance if I'm not mistaken).

Predaking was also in the 2nd or 3rd season of the G1 series.

Sorry, I meant only appearance in the comic. In the show they appeared in the "5 feaces of darkness" 5-parter after the movie, ironically a wasted appearance chasing Wheelie and Daniel. Don't remember if they appeared again after that.

5 Feaces of darkness? hehe, didn't know there were 5 pieces of Sh!t in the series. :p:D:lol:


:lol: actually that term isn't a bad one for that arc IMO. Yeah, I can't spell today.:lol:

That arc gave us: quintessons where Kup and Rodimus didn't remember them from a month ago in the movie. Jazz stupidly renamed in that race, and loads of other streaming ... feces. And a wasted Predaking appearance. Oh, yeah, and Skylinx bailed Wheelie and Daniel out and didn't get shot down. All this to deliver a COG that kept Metroplex from transforming. :blink: A COG...that fit in DANIEL'S HANDS. :blink:

Edited by Anubis
  CoryHolmes said:
  dr_vandermeer said:
Bring on the GESTALTS!!!  :lol:

I say bring on Fort Max. THAT would rock.

(of course, it would send Fort. Max prices plummeting on Ebay, but that's hardly a bad thing)

well, technically fort max was reissued but in different colors in the RID line. The prices for that didn't even effect the prices of the old fort max at all! :p:D:lol:

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