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Ok, I'm dedicating this thread to Q&A on the various DVD versions out there. Normally I wait for a DVD release anticpating that "Special Deluxe Criterion 5 Star Platinum Collector's Edition" but it seems sometimes the film companies still get the best of me (and most of my everyone I know). Other times, just haven't bought a DVD release not knowing which one to buy.

Bourne Identity: I saw an ad for the new Bourne Identity DVD and started wondering what's the difference as I have the old one. IS this new one worth a purchase?

T2: Have never bought this film despite it being one of my favorites. Didn't get the 2000 release and cringe when thinking about the "Extreme" edition. Which one should I get or should I just wait a few more eyars for some Trilogy, Quadrology/Quintilogy or whatever Box set years down the line?

Underworld: Is it worth getting any DVD at all?

Spider-man: Which set is worthwhile; The special box set with the comic and crap VS that newly released edition?



I have heard from someone in my office that the new BA release adds more bonus materials as well as an "alternate ending"... sort of like an X-Men 1.5 release they added more bonus stuff to the DVD and re-released it at the time the sequel is due out to draw more sales.

Generally from what I have seen when it comes to crazy nuts uber box sets like the Spiderman 1 set, the Scarface set and others basically you are paying double for the same DVD you would get if you bought the normal version just you get tons of extra hoo-hah and a big cardboard box to put it all in. If you totally eat up those crazy extras like a scarface money clip like me then the big crazy box sets are worth it... otherwise you are better off just getting the normal movie as you are not missing much.

The best T2 DVD release I would say is the ultimate edition that I have with the metal slipcase. 2 discs, different cuts of the movie, very good picture and sound quality, easter eggs galore and enough features to keep you up all night. Unless they release yet another even better version I think this one is the king of the hill.

  Jemstone said:
T2: Have never bought this film despite it being one of my favorites. Didn't get the 2000 release and cringe when thinking about the "Extreme" edition. Which one should I get or should I just wait a few more eyars for some Trilogy, Quadrology/Quintilogy or whatever Box set years down the line?

I bought the T2 "Ultimate" edition (more like penultimate, but anyway...) and I couldn't be happier with it. You get the regular theatrical cut, all the features of the old Special Edition laser disc, plus a couple of the old TV documantaries and tons of behind-the-scenes footage and bonus features. I don't know what the dubiously named "Extreme" edition offers that the regular Ultimate Edition doesn't, other than havein the word Extreeeeeme in the title.


I agree about the Ultimate T2 edition. If anything, the clean metal case looks way better than the exoskeleton on the extreme edition. The cuts of the movie are fantastic also.

With Spiderman, I don't own it, but I would get the big box with the comic etc. I mean, its only $20 or so now. And it just looks like theres more features and whatnot.


There can definately be a huge difference between regular & special editions. Take Time Bandits for instance. The regular edition was a bare bones grainy 2 channel stereo transfer. The special edition blow's it out of the water with a significantly improved picture, and great new dolby mix.

Posted (edited)

T2 has had 3 releases...the Live one, the Extreme, and Ultimate. I have the original snap case Live one and the Metal Ultimate.

Spiderman new 3 disc one is the same as the original except for the 3rd extras disc. The Superbit Spiderman is just the film but with commentary from Tobey. If you have the original release, I'd go for the Superbit.

Robocop: Criterion and MGM new release Trilogy...The new Trilogy RC is the director's cut but with a better transfer and Dolby 5.1. Same commentaries. New release is worth it, plus you get 2 & 3 as bonuses. :)

Some people do enjoy special editions over regular releases...it just depends on what extras or enhanced features are present over older or standard ones.

The Final Countdown special DVD had a bonus disc featuring interviews with the Jolly Rogers.

It all depends on you...what do you want...bare bones release...extras up the wazoo...do you love the film?

Underworld: The double dipped one has more extras...if you really lik ethe film, I guess I'd get it over the standard...the prices are very identical...if you liked the film.

Edited by Gaijin

The one not to miss is

"Big Trouble in Little China"

The 2 disc one has a ton of extras and DTS.

The el cheapo one has hardly anything and no DTS.


I too, was sorta on the fence regarding the Bourne Identity, Spiderman, and T2: Extreme. Ultimately I realized that though I was bummed I didn't have all the extras that the newer versions have, all 3 of the releases that I had had plenty of cool stuff on them and pretty great transfers of the film.

Extras just for the sake of having extras is something I hate. Personally I don't like HBO firstlooks or other light frothy interview clip type docs. The best really get into the making of the film. Those are really cool.

Deleted scenes are great, as is a really good commentary (but those are rare).

  Gaijin said:

Underworld: The double dipped one has more extras...if you really lik ethe film, I guess I'd get it over the standard...the prices are very identical...if you liked the film.

The Underworld DC has some new scenes throughout the movie. Not that they made the movie any better mind you.


Actually, the T2 Ultimate Edition DVD had 3 versions of the film: the original theatrical cut, the special edition, and the Future Coda (alternate ending).

One that I think is really going too far is Geneon's releases of Akira. The 2001 remastered version 2 disc set, the 1 disc set that followed, the 1 disc set with Japanese DTS 5.1 (the one I have), and coming soon, the Signature Series release. Sheesh!

  dejr8bud said:
  Gaijin said:

Underworld:  The double dipped one has more extras...if you really lik ethe film, I guess I'd get it over the standard...the prices are very identical...if you liked the film.

The Underworld DC has some new scenes throughout the movie. Not that they made the movie any better mind you.

So I take it they didn't throw in a Kate Beckinsale nude scene to service the fans? :D

  Opus said:
Am I the only one who doesn't care about all of the extra crap. I just want the movie. <_<

Same here.


Avoid the 'new' Bourne Identity DVD! the film itself is awesome, IMO. However, the powers that be jetisoned the DTS soundtrack from the first release in order to fit in a bunch of pappy-crap extras. Plus the 'alternate' begining & end ought to have remained n the cutting room floor (thankfully they are optional viewing). They would've totally crapped up the film had they stuck with them... thankfully they didn't... besides they're very low quality video/ film stock. If you're so inclined, just buy the original widescren release & ignore this bit of sequel-hype marketing junk.

Posted (edited)

I find special editions are more for serious fans/creators of film than your average movie fan. While some casual fans might enjoy the special edition version of that one favorite movie that gives them an orgasm, I'm not sure if most of the special features I enjoy would appeal to most movie-goers.

That being said, I do own the Terminator 2 Extreme Edition and the major difference between this release and previous releases of the film is the bit rate on the disc. Supposedly (and I don't know because my audio/visual setup sucks for the high-end DVD releases) the Extreme Edition looks and sounds much better on a proper high end LCD or Plasma with surround sound than the other T2 releases. Being an amateur filmmaker myself, I could probably tell the difference if I watched the stuff at an editing suite. But since I have to rent time in such a suite, I gotta think of more productive things to do until I can buy an editing suite of my own :) Needless to say, what I've written should help you decide.

As a small addition to the topic, there are some special editions which I really feel any fan of the corresponding film should definitely obtain. In my opinion they are among the best editions of any DVD I've yet seen

Alien The Director's Cut

Aliens Collector's Edition

Enter The Dragon Two-Disc, 30th Anniversary Special Edition

Gladiator - Signature Selection (The Two-Disc version, not the single disc, though it's often hard to tell the difference if you don't know)

Lord of the Rings - Fellowship, Two Towers, Return of the King - Extended Edition Set - Any of the these sets (even the ones outside of the big boxes) are worth their weight in gold

Memento Limited Edition Two-Disc Set

Traffic - Criterion Edition

X-Men 1.5 Set

Edited by Mr March
  Blaine23 said:
Extras just for the sake of having extras is something I hate. Personally I don't like HBO firstlooks or other light frothy interview clip type docs. The best really get into the making of the film. Those are really cool.

Deleted scenes are great, as is a really good commentary (but those are rare).

The best "making of" feature that I have ever seen is "Star Wars to Jedi: The Saga behind the Saga".

Waaay back before these things were even popular, George Lucas had the foresight to realize that people would want to know just how they did this stuff and made a huge making of documentary that... well... documented just how they did it. I still watch it to this day, and I've yet to see anything that surpasses it, though the EEs of the Lord of Rings come darned close.


You left out some choice DVDs:

Fight Club 2 disc set with extras galore, they really packed everything on the 2 discs

Naked Lunch Criterion edition - a bit skimpy on the filmmaking side but has tons of extras on Burroughs, whose life and writings inspired the film

The Rock Criterion edition - the demonstrations with the firearms instructors are really funny and enjoyable, as well as the commentary tracks. The set also includes behind-the-scenes extras and a history of Alcatrazz

Se7en New Line Platinum Series (I also recommend the Criterion edition) - tons of commentary tracks with director Fincher, cast and crew, including a music-only track with composer Howard Shore's commentary on how he approached the project

Movies I am waiting for a Special Edition release on DVD:

Dune - yes, the not-so-well-received one by David Lynch. I am not a book purist and liked what he did with what was available

Falling Down - Warner's current version of pan-and-scan only release without any commentary tracks is just plain unacceptable

The Game Criterion Edition - I got the LD box, but they should reallybring it out on DVD

Lord of the Rings - Fellowship, Two Towers, Return of the King - Extended Edition Set - Any of the these sets (even the ones outside of the big boxes) are worth their weight in gold

Aren't they gonna release this sometime next month??

  Angel said:
Lord of the Rings - Fellowship, Two Towers, Return of the King - Extended Edition Set - Any of the these sets (even the ones outside of the big boxes) are worth their weight in gold

Aren't they gonna release this sometime next month??

Unfortunately not. The Extended version of The Return of The King won't come out until December of this year, despite the fact that the other two Extended releases have historically come out in November. :(


Posted (edited)
  Jolly Rogers said:

Dune - yes, the not-so-well-received one by David Lynch.  I am not a book purist and liked what he did with what was available

Don't hold your breath. Lynch has been trying to distance himself from that film for quite some time. Do yourself a favor and seek out the Sci-fi Channel versions. They're closer to the source material and cover more ground. I will admit though that when I re-read the early Dune books Patrick Stewart is MY Halleck!

Edited by Pavlov's Cat
  Pavlov said:
  Jolly Rogers said:

Dune - yes, the not-so-well-received one by David Lynch.  I am not a book purist and liked what he did with what was available

Don't hold your breath. Lynch has been trying to distance himself from that film for quite some time. Do yourself a favor and seek out the Sci-fi Channel versions. They're closer to the source material and cover more ground. I will admit though that when I re-read the early Dune books Patrick Stewart is MY Halleck!

Bah. Both the movie and the mini-series are enjoyable on their own merits, as long as you go into each with an open mind and don't try to compare them to the book.

Look at each as telling a complete story and forget about the source material, otherwise you're going to wind up being very disappointed in both screen adaptations.

And yes, Patrick Stewert is the ONLY Halleck as far as I'm concerned. The mini-series Halleck just couldn't hold a candle OR balleset to His Stewertness.


Quick note for anyone with any interest in Dune. The disc is OOP, so snag them up now before they're gone (David Lynch version, which I too enjoyed).



Highlander: The Immortal Edition

Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2002

Of all the DVD editions of this classic 1986 film, there can be only one - and this is it. This DVD comes in a tin sleeve with the MacLeod clan sword embossed on it. In addition, the package come with the following features:

- Widescreen (1.85:1) format

- Audio commentary with director Russell Mulcahy and producers Peter S. Davis and William N. Panzer

- Original theatrical trailers

- Art gallery

- Queen music videos "Who Wants to Live Forever", "A Kind of Magic" and "Princes of the Universe"

- Queen CD featuring "Princes of the Universe", "One Year of Love (Extended Version)" and "Friends Will Be Friends"



Independence Day

20th Century Fox Home Video, 2000-2004

If there's only one version to buy, it's the Five-Star Collection version released in 2000. The two-disc set is loaded with the following features:

Disc 1: Feature

- Two versions: Original Theatrical Release and Special Edition (with 10 minutes of additional footage)

- Anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1) format

- Audio commentary with director Roland Emmerich and producer Dean Devlin

Disc 2: Extras

- The ID4 Invasion: the mock news reports seen in the film - in their entirety

- HBO featurette

- Alternate scene: Russell Casse being rejected by the military

- Alternate ending: Casse flying his crop-duster instead of an F-18

- Production gallery

- Trailers/TV Spots

- DVD-ROM game: Get Off My Planet

The other two versions are merely disc 1 of the Five-Star edition. The only thing added to the 2004 limited edition is a trailer for The Day After Tomorrow.

Posted (edited)


Sledge Hammer! Season One

Alan Spencer Productions/ABC/New World Pictures, 1986

Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2004

"Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

The cult classic sitcom of the '80s is now on DVD. With 22 full episodes on four discs, the Sledge Hammer! Season One DVD set is a steal at $25.99 at Best Buy. You also get these extras:

- Sledge Hammer!: Go Ahead, Make Me Laugh! - A documentary on the series featuring creator Alan Spencer and stars David Rasche (Hammer), Anne-Marie Martin (Doreau) and Harrison Page (Trunk).

- "Under the Gun" (unaired version) - The pilot episode as originally conceived, with 10 minutes of additional footage and different theme music.

- Electronic Press Kit - featuring original TV spots.

- Audio commentaries.

- Original pilot scripts.

- Image gallery.

- "Sledge Files" - Liner notes with trivial facts on the series.

In addition, the canned laughter that marred the first season has been deleted from these episodes.

Of course, I'd post a review, but it's neither anime nor sci-fi.

Edited by areaseven
  areaseven said:
The cult classic sitcom of the '80s is now on DVD. With 22 full episodes on four discs, the Sledge Hammer! Season One DVD set is a steal at $25.99 at Best Buy. You also get these extras:

Of course, I'd post a review, but it's against the guidelines of this forum.

Eh.....we have a no review policy?

Got my Sledge Hammer DVD set last week and it's excellent.


  areaseven said:
  Graham said:
Eh.....we have a no review policy?

Actually, I'm not sure if I can post a review on the series as it's neither anime nor sci-fi.

Go head post a review. If any mods give you a hard time, tell em I said it was OK this time B)) .


  Graham said:
  areaseven said:
  Graham said:
Eh.....we have a no review policy?

Actually, I'm not sure if I can post a review on the series as it's neither anime nor sci-fi.

Go head post a review. If any mods give you a hard time, tell em I said it was OK this time B)) .



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