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  VF-18S Hornet said:
  aaajin said:
im sure graham would love to have this  :ph34r:


hamana, hamana hamana, whoa baby got back!!!! :blink::ph34r:


My bro showed me this while he was at work:

Kido Shenshi Gundam Seed OMNI VS ZAFT

Looks good, much better than that of first 2 SEED games (not including Generation of CE since that's a strategy game with awesome battle sequences). Looks like it's using the same engine or so that of Gundam VS Zeta/EFSP VS Zeon or Encounters in Space, dunno.

  azrael said:
I will edit this after tomorrow but...

Preivew for episode 50:

-Messiah has a mini-GENESIS.

-Looks like it will end with Kira vs. Shinn.

-All this talk of S-Freedom having Wings of Light...well it might be true...but well see.

For those of you who can't wait...




That one's kind of obvious just by looking at it...

The real question is, does it have a trench.

Posted (edited)

Christopher Lloyd:

Giiiiiive meeee Genesis!

Destroy ORB Destroy ORB Destroy ORB Destroy ORB Destroy ORB


Edited by Anubis

Remember how Destiny jumped the shark a while back?

Well, episode 49 turned around and took another pass. Except this time it used an orbital booster and flew way over that shark and off into the land of ridiculous.

This show is so bad it hurts, but at least it's providing some cheap laughs.


Remember I said I would invest in ORB if Neo reflects something with Akatsuki?

Frak it....this is close enough.


Where's my stock broker and accountant? I need to make a very large investment.

Here's FLETs preview for next week (courtesy of AnimeSuki):

To protect the world's last stronghold, Orb, Lacus is fighting without regard for her own life, and Yzak and Deaka head to Eternal to protect her. Kira finds out about his chance meeting with Rey and how Rey is similar to Rau. Rey is suffering under the curse that he is a manufactured thing, and to him Kira shouts out that "You are yourself". Athrun crushes Shinn, and together with Neo  sucessfully destory Requiem itself. Deciding that too many have fallen, Talia orders the Minerva down and heads to Messiah herself. Dullandal shows himself from his office, and is seen by Kira, Rey, Athrun and Talia. And then at last, a fateful gunshot sounds...

Translator's notes:

(*1) I think it means Rey and Kira met when they were much younger or something - it could refer to them meeting on the battlefield but that has already happened (but sometimes the spoilers re-cap things). (*2) "You are your own person" type of thing - ie don't do what others tell you, and decide for yourself. (*3) Yes, it says Neo and not Mwu, go figure - and sounds like Athrun beats up Shinn pretty early in the ep. (*4) I'm not really sure about this line, rather ambiguous (almost sounds like Talia goes to Messiah without the Minerva). (*5) it literally says office (though seems to imply a president's office), though I guess it means the big situation room he sits in. Sounds like Gilbert gives a little broadcast.

Remember that parody pic of Talia blasting Gil with a rocket launcher? Why do I get the feeling someone is saying "Don't say it so soon...".


I will say this about SEED Destiny. It keeps putting me in my place. Just when I think things can't get any worse the show always rises to the challenge and shows me how wrong I am.

Posted (edited)
  Effect said:
I will say this about SEED Destiny. It keeps putting me in my place. Just when I think things can't get any worse the show always rises to the challenge and shows me how wrong I am.


geez, now we've advanced to the super warship show. All those ships, and they can't take down two ships. It's kind of pathetic.

Yawn, I guess the upshot is, there is only one more episode left. How sad. I think this all has to do with the quality of the songs. Once the songs went down hill, so did the show.

Ah well, what else can you say about it.

Although I'm still waiting anxiously for the GSD cheerleading squad to show up and vigirously defend the show. They seem to have disappeared. :( Come on, this was a good MS action episode, with all those reused footage, and you guys don't like it?

Now, one thing I'm disappointed by, those three DOMs should've killed Luna, they showed mercy to no one else. Talk about poor story telling.

Edited by kalvasflam
Posted (edited)
  Panon said:
Remember how Destiny jumped the shark a while back?

Well, episode 49 turned around and took another pass. Except this time it used an orbital booster and flew way over that shark and off into the land of ridiculous.

This show is so bad it hurts, but at least it's providing some cheap laughs.


Jumped the shark? Try failed at that too, fell in and got eaten and craped out by the shark.

Fukuda and all the "writers" ought to be fed to a shark.

The only thing left is for Shinn to go into beserker mode, almost kill Luna (then later have Impulse blow up with her) then have Athrun chop Destiny's arm and legs off and let it get caught up in some huge explosion.

Edited by Druna Skass

Well just watched 49, a few laughs. but i was glad to see the neo/mwu type person bust out some amuro style uses for the funnels. other than that, stuff blowing up eased the pain a little.

as for sharks, i think fukada and co need to be offed with sharks.. WITH FRICKEN LASER BEAMS!. lets see fukada try and beam deflect that.mwahahhahaha.:D

one more ep to go.

Posted (edited)
  azrael said:
Remember I said I would invest in ORB if Neo reflects something with Akatsuki?

Frak it....this is close enough.


Where's my stock broker and accountant? I need to make a very large investment.

So ironically, the Akatsuki is not just Hyaku-Shiki + Strike, but is also part Nu Gundam. <_<

Maybe they'll pull a Amuro/Char/Lalah and have Shinn going for a kill shot on Athrun, and Luna will get in the way at the wrong time.

Edited by Anubis

Wow, it's almost over. The story may have gone under, and the use of recycled footage ranks up there with M7, but it wasn't all bad. But, I won't curse Fukuda, I'll just take it as it is. I'll probably pass on the DVDs when they come out though.


I was one of those GSD boosters before, but not anymore. I'm disgusted at how this show has degraded. Even more at how Shinn will apparently get his ass handed to him early on in the next ep. Way to go character development :p

Ugh. This show was like Star Trek Voyager, so much wasted potential. The only thing I like about it are that the MS's are damn cool, but we barely see any of them either. Please get rid of Fukuda. Don't let him near another Gundam series.


What music was playing in the lastest episode? Same when Kira and Rey were fighting over Orb? Or something else? For all of Destiny's problems I do happen to like the music so I don't completely hate all of SEED Destiny.

  Effect said:
What music was playing in the lastest episode? Same when Kira and Rey were fighting over Orb? Or something else? For all of Destiny's problems I do happen to like the music so I don't completely hate all of SEED Destiny.


Yeah the music is pretty much the one bright thing about Destiny, that and Mwu finnaly getting a decent mobile suit (well decent sans the fact it can survive a direct hit from a positron cannon and still come out all shiny).

I can't tell by the video, but did the allied fleet take heavy damage from Messiah? Didn't look like it got hit too bad.

Not really. Lost the Agamenmon-class and 1 or 2 Laurasia-class. Most of them moved out of the way so they were still okay.

What music was playing in the lastest episode?

"Vestige" by TM Revolution. Or should I say which part?

Posted (edited)
  azrael said:
Remember I said I would invest in ORB if Neo reflects something with Akatsuki?

Frak it....this is close enough.


Where's my stock broker and accountant? I need to make a very large investment.


You've got to be kidding me!!!!!! :ph34r: He deflects a blast against the AA's bridge and survives? :o

Let me guess when he defelcted the blast he said something to the effect of "i can make the impossible, possible!" <_<

BTW, azrael are those the dragoons in the middle left pic and the left lower pic icon14.gif or are they something else like a defensive dragoon system as what is illustrated in the lower right pic icon14.gif

They sure look very pimpy though with thier gold finish. :lol:

Edited by grss1982

The episode was just another showcase of how easily one could supplant MS in scenes and how poorly things are thought out, if they are thought out at all.

Bear witness, the Akatsuki, the Legend, the Providence, all the same, same shots, superimporse with Dagger, Windam, Zakus, same pictures, all dead. The main problem is laziness, for the love of God, half the shots of Justice was probably stock footage from Seed. No one could tell the difference at all. This is almost the end of the series, not all that much original animation. It gets pretty bad.

One nit pick, the Messiah is supposed to have a mini Gensis, how the hell are they getting the firing element in position when the Messiah is moving? The original involved just moving the firing element, while the rest of Gensis was fixed, in this one, the Messiah is moving.

Ah well, too much nitpicking. Enough for now.


Yes, nitpicking is bad for your health.

Neo GENESIS isn't as large as the old one. It probably also doesn't have the range either. Those parts could probably be stowed in Messiah itself or could be brought by any of the ships in the fleet.

  grss1982 said:
BTW, azrael are those the dragoons in the middle left pic and the left lower pic or are they something else like a defensive dragoon system as what is illustrated in the lower right pic

If you ever saw Char's Counterattack or know of Nu Gundam, your question will be answered.


I was 49 and was liking the first few minutes because of no recaps. Then they go and spoil it. It was nice to see some action this time. To bad Orb did not make more Akatsuki's. This could have been a different war. Can we just have one episode without non related recap footage. Fukuda should be banned from doing anymore Gundam shows.

  azrael said:
If you ever saw Char's Counterattack or know of Nu Gundam, your question will be answered.


And if you haven't, the DRAGOONs on Akatsuki can generate a Hyperion style barrier along with shooting stuff. Mwu also likes to use them in the same way Rey likes to use the large cone DRAGOONs on Legend.

I'll be nice to see Mwu whack Minerva the same way Rey took down Girty Lue.

  grss1982 said:
Thanks Druna Skass and azrael.

Anyway here's a liitle something from Bishoujomae at the n-philes.com. its his take on some of the characters. :-)





The Shinn one is right on the money *please, pretty please, die next episode you whiner* :lol:


Spoiler time:

(Courtesy of AnimeSuki)


-Athrun will disable Impulse, sending Shinn into a blind rage/going nuts/whatever you want to call it. I think whan happens is Athrun disables Luna, Shinn goes for the kill shot on I-Justice, Luna gets in the way ala Heine (that is Impulse's head in the preview, right?) And Shinn pulls an Anakin.

The tranlation goes:"When Shinn sees he might have lost another important person, he..."

We'll see on Saturday.

-Murrue sends Talia a message during the fight. Free rocket launchers maybe?

-Lacus puts Eternal in the firing path to protect Orb.


I guess this is a glorification of Destiny vs. S-Freedom.

Posted (edited)

If Shinn and Kira tear each other up that much I'll be happy.

Edited by Anubis

I don't care who takes out shin.. just as long as he dies. it would be nice if he gets taken out by random astray and not by one of the main characters. heh.

  eugimon said:
it would be nice if he gets taken out by random astray and not by one of the main characters. heh.


Or the un-named Murasame trio who are somehow still alive.

There's a great way to come up with some characters, just keep recycling their combat footage.


Why do i have the sinking feeling that if Shinn is'nt killed in episode 50, we may have a char's counteraatck scenario in the 3rd installment of SEED?

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