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  Anubis said:
  Bob_Coffee said:
Hrm. So athrun does indeed end up with legend. funnels dont really fit athrun much. also i wonder how bad AA gets pwned in the next ep? considering minerva if its at tip top shape outguns AA, and is like twice the size.AA has more MS tho at this time,although from the next ep preview it looks like its pretty much kira vs shin, and AA and minerva are engaged in a ship to ship battle and on earth none the less.Something of quite a rariety in gundam series as of late.:)

Athrun won't have Legend for long, if he actually hops in the cockpit. Soon as Athrun takes off, Rey takes it.

I would imagine athrun would take Legend with him when he goes... otherwise, he's just an idiot...

  Anubis said:
Athrun won't have Legend for long, if he actually hops in the cockpit.  Soon as Athrun takes off, Rey takes it.

So what will he leave the Minerva in? Not the Legend or Destiny or Impulse....or any Zaku.... <_<

Hopin to see the Repo-ed Gaia put to some freakin use..... <_<

Is the Gaia even on the ship anymore? I kno it had damage to the uhhh abdomen area and lost a beam rifle (I think) so I cant see why Zaft aint putting it back into use. Maybe they dropped it off at a base. Rey was ordered to retrieve it wasent he? :blink:

Posted (edited)
  Legend of TSXer said:
  Anubis said:
Athrun won't have Legend for long, if he actually hops in the cockpit.  Soon as Athrun takes off, Rey takes it.

So what will he leave the Minerva in? Not the Legend or Destiny or Impulse....or any Zaku.... <_<

Hopin to see the Repo-ed Gaia put to some freakin use..... <_<

Is the Gaia even on the ship anymore? I kno it had damage to the uhhh abdomen area and lost a beam rifle (I think) so I cant see why Zaft aint putting it back into use. Maybe they dropped it off at a base. Rey was ordered to retrieve it wasent he? :blink:

They shipped the Gaia off to Gibraltar.

You know it'll come back sooner or later, I'm guessing with another Faith pilot.

As for Athrun, who knows how he'll scurry back to the AA. He's liable to just drive off base when they reach Gibraltar or grab one of those helicopter things. He probably knows where they'd go after suffering that much damage.

Everything so far has said Rey was the pilot for the Legend, so the "awarding" of Legend to Athrun is easily a temporary measure. He is not going to be a happy person on the Minerva after the AA is damaged and the Freedom is out of the picture. I don't even know if he can handle a Dragoon System. He had trouble using a transformable MS to it's sull potential, funnels are probably way out of his league.

Edited by Anubis

Another posiblity is i athrun actually makes it to AA with legend in toll, and somehow it ends up in mwu/neo's hands. and Athrun then gets the IJ. and rey in turn gets a end of the series funnel equiped MS.(the ed tells us diffrently, but then again IJ isnt in the AA picture in the Ed, only SF)

even tho, we all likely know this isnt going to happen.

also anyone catch the smile on shin's face after the empor...erm chariman made his speach. i think we all know whare this is going.

  Black Valkyrie said:
She looks nice (the best SEED character design) far better than that Lunamaria chick.

Bah, blasphemy. Lunamaria is far cuter. That new character looks like a man.



The best is still Meer.



Well, looks like we gotta correction around here...

From Gunota:

-Okay, the real thing this time. Magazines have confirmed that the 4th opening theme will be "Wings Of Words" by the duo Chemistry. The limited version of the single comes with a Kira Yamato character card, while the standard version comes with a Lacus Clyne one. It goes on sale July 27th

-From the way Sunrise announces it, it sounds as though "vestige" isn't the 4th opening song at all but more like another insert song like "Meteor". I'll also note it's never specifically referred to as an OP song in any of the sources.

Chemistry doesn't sound that bad from their current single. Their voices are a little more smoother than TMR's and there's no annoying male rap vocal like High and Mighty Color. Their current single sounds like a theme I've heard but I can't place my finger on it.

And I expect when Strike Freedom shows up, "vestige" starts playing. :D

  Graham said:
  Black Valkyrie said:
She looks nice (the best SEED character design) far better than that Lunamaria chick.

Bah, blasphemy. Lunamaria is far cuter. That new character looks like a man.


That`s the beauty about it :D


More production notes.

The VAs for the 3 Dom Trooper pilots are:

Yide Dorak (VA: Kazuki Yao)

Hulk Stoinji (VA: Yoshikuni Dochin - one of the singers for Chemistry)

Misa Kotoey (VA: Kikuko Inoue)

The funny thing is, Ms. Inoue is also the VA for Kira's adoptive mother. So if ya want to know where Kira gets his god-like powers, blame Belldandy. :D

Also, we can guess the fate of one of those DOM pilots considering he's one of the people singing the next opening theme. And unless your name is Rie Tanaka, VAs who sing theme songs for this show are destined to have their characters die (TMR-Miguel/Heine, Houko Kuwashima-Stellar/Flay/Natarle, Vivian Hsu-Aisha) :lol:

  azrael said:
More production notes.

The VAs for the 3 Dom Trooper pilots are:

Yide Dorak (VA: Kazuki Yao)

Hulk Stoinji (VA: Yoshikuni Dochin - one of the singers for Chemistry)

Misa Kotoey (VA: Kikuko Inoue)

The funny thing is, Ms. Inoue is also the VA for Kira's adoptive mother. So if ya want to know where Kira gets his god-like powers, blame Belldandy. :D

Also, we can guess the fate of one of those DOM pilots considering he's one of the people singing the next opening theme. And unless your name is Rie Tanaka, VAs who sing theme songs for this show are destined to have their characters die (TMR-Miguel/Heine, Houko Kuwashima-Stellar/Flay/Natarle, Vivian Hsu-Aisha) :lol:

So they are going to have 3 Doms? Sweet. Wonder if they'll also be called the Black Trinity.

IT would be nice to have at least 3 more pilots on the Minerva, this would be a nice addition.


Hmm just great. Just what Destiny, even more ZAFT ace pilots. What the hell, SEED was from the point of view of the EA and they got crap in terms of pilots and help. Has there ever been any Gundam series where the main ship has gotten this much damn support? Even in Zeta and CCA, they were really limited in terms of ace pilots. Then again even the grunts on both sides managed to have some skill before they were killed.

  Effect said:
Hmm just great. Just what Destiny, even more ZAFT ace pilots. What the hell, SEED was from the point of view of the EA and they got crap in terms of pilots and help. Has there ever been any Gundam series where the main ship has gotten this much damn support?

For starters, we don't even know if they are assigned to Minerva.


True but come on. The way this series is going and has been is there any doubt?

I seriously wish they were apart of the EA but I think pigs will fly in Gundam before Fukuda allows the EA to be shown as compentent. Hell even if they were apart of Orb it would be nice but I seriously doubt hat as well. It's the Orb and ZAFT show.

The only thing that is calming is that I like to think that the EA in this series is just the Eurasian Federation since we have seen nothing on the Atlantic Federation forces or their areas of control which is basicly all of North America and the parts of Europe around the UK. Maybe even South America if they tried to take it back. That's the only thing that is keep the hope alive for me, that and the last time ZAFT made an all out assult on an AF controlled area they(ZAFT) lost over 80% of their forces.


Honestly, why does it really matter whether or not EA is shown as competent? I think there's more drama and more potential to tell a good story in having former comrades face off against each other. Now that Neo is safely aboard Archangel and his three Extendeds are all out of the picture, EA can't offer that. Focusing on ZAFT and Orb, the story becomes about Athrun and how he's being pulled in two different directions. A character who's conflicted about what he should be doing, which side he should be on, which group of his friends he should align himself with, has much more potential than fifty episodes of back and forth battles between ZAFT and EA. As long as Fukuda manages to pull a decent story out of this mess, I'll be happy, and I don't see any particular reason why the Alliance absolutely has to be a part of that. What does the Alliance really add to anything at this point? This is a story about Shin, Athrun, and Kira. Throwing a bunch of Alliance aces into the mix would only further muddle an already confused situation, and the only reason I can think of to do it is out of a sense of obligation that the Alliance must be depicted as roughly equal to the other sides if it's going to be depicted at all. As we know from real life conflicts, that's total nonsense; sometimes one side just completely outclasses the other, and as long as the core of the show isn't "Watch ZAFT beat the crap out of the Alliance again," that's not necessarily a problem.


I don't know about you, but it kind of does get a bit tireing seeing the Alliance's ineptness. I mean come on, they could have crushed ZAFT eariler on if the really wanted to, but their commanders couldn't win a Total Annihilation skirmish. Apparently they didn't learn their lesson from the last war, kill ZAFT first then get PLANTs. The war could would have gone the other way if that idiot Azrael targed Yachin Due and GENESIS instead of PLANT itself. Hell Archangel probably wouldn't stop the Peacemakers if their target was GENESIS. It's getting to the point where it's just predictable now. Oh look Allied fleet against one ZAFT ship, ZAFT is going to win. I mean what happend to people like Colonel Sutherland who was willing to lose a good number of his combat forces if it meant handing ZAFT's ass to them? What happend to the Alliance that was willing to lose it's best forces (3rd Fleet and the Mobius Zero squads) if it meant wiping out ZAFT's Lunar forces? It just really bugs seeing the Alliance constanly fighting with a straight jacket on.

Give me total control over OMNI and I'll have ZAFT completly annihilated and PLANT as a vacation resort.

Maybe it all has to do with the fact that the leader of Blue Cosmos wears purple lipstick...


EA ain't worth it. They'll just drag ZAFT into a trap and Cyclops their ass. ORB vs. ZAFT is where the story seems to be heading (or I should say Eternal-group vs ZAFT). I expect Lacus to come out at Dullindal and expose him as a fraud. I expect Athrun to finally smack the crap out of Shinn in I-Justice and then Kira and-or Mu and Rey to go at each other. Shinn can gloat over his battle with Freedom. Athrun will teach the boy a good lesson. :lol:

Oh and a few other spoilers have come out from various other magazines (Still not confirmed since I guess these are plot points but just some more details in the previews I posted earlier):

-Meyrin will be the one to help Athrun escape, not Meer, not Luna, and not any surprise guests.

-Meer will be the one who finds out about Dullindal after she evesdrops in on Dullindal and Rey talking.(still

Also some translated trivia (thanks to the kids at AnimeSuki):

Q: Shinn's potential is very high, is this in anyway related to his parents' genes' capability being high as well? What do his parents work as?

A: Since Berserker SEED and passed down genes are not co-related, Shinn's parents are just normal Co-ordinators.

However, upon looking at Shinn's result from the Academy, Dullindal happens to find some 'interesting' results, hence inducting him as Impulse's pilot. Because he was previously a Co-ordinator who lives in Orb, I believe his father works along the lines of an engineer of some sorts? As for his mother, she's just a housewife (laughs).

Q: The Archangel is now equipped with a hot spring (Angel Bath), given submarine capabilities and the canteen seems to come with Oiled Tofu now (it seems). These are some of the power-ups given to the AA within the 2 years after the war but, is there any other aspect of the AA that has been powered up?

A: Due to the operability of the AA under limited manpower, parts of the AA have been made manpower friendly.

Q: How many people form up the FAITH allegiance? Also, did it already exist in SEED or did Dullindal create FAITH?

A: They form a minority of ZAFT forces, but there's actually a significant number of FAITH members out there.

Also, FAITH had existed since long ago. In SEED, it was known as the 'Special Task Forces', and is a unit which operates directly under the Chairman's supervision. Athrun had been inducted to this 'Special Task Force' the time Justice was given to him.

Posted (edited)
  azrael said:
Oh and a few other spoilers have come out from various other magazines (Still not confirmed since I guess these are plot points but just some more details in the previews I posted earlier):
-Meyrin will be the one to help Athrun escape, not Meer, not Luna, and not any surprise guests.

-Meer will be the one who finds out about Dullindal after she evesdrops in on Dullindal and Rey talking.(still

I could see that actually. It's easy to foreget about Meyrin, but she has shown interest in Athrun and has noticed how disgruntled he's becoming.

As for Meer, she hasn't shown any signs of having a malicous bone in her body. She may have a couple of esteem issues, but odds are she's just a pawn for now and may have some extra purpose later on.

I personally hope for a Lacus/Meer duet concert.

Edited by Anubis
Posted (edited)
  Druna Skass said:
  Seven said:
Fighting over cartoon girls.  Nerds!

Hey, at least we ain't like those pedo trekkies.

You guys are all wrong, Ramius is the best looking one. :D

Variety is the spice of life so I've heard... nothing wrong with having all of them at once..... :o

Onto other things... three DOM pilots? Are they like the equivalent of EA druggies in Seed. You know, show up around ep 38 and die by around the end?

If the storyline ends up as Orb vs. ZAFT, and ZAFT loses, then things are seriously screwed up, because then the implication will become Orb is just as powerful as ZAFT, and hence one would wonder why it would even consider joining EA in the first place.

As for the character interactions, I just don't see Athrun chomping at the bits to put down Kira. All things considered, Athrun somehow became spineless through the course of this series, and it's time for him to go back home to AA and be the second string there. May be he and Cagalli can start crying together. heh heh.

I'm now kind of curious to see where this storyline is going to go, it seems like in the next six or seven episodes, EA will totally become a nonfactor.

Edited by kalvasflam
Posted (edited)

i think the creator just wants to make his own version of the 3 dom pilots from original gundam series making them the "new" Black Trinary

Edited by Dat Pinche Haro!
  Dat Pinche Haro! said:
i think the creator just wants to make his own version of the 3 dom pilots from original gundam series making them the "new" Black Trinary

I'd laught if they were rednecks like the original Trinity.


Hey the rednecks were funny....

not to mention they were supposed to be pretty good until they met up with Amuro. Although I have to say, their attack looked pretty gay to me.


I was kinda getting the feeling Meyrin would help out Athrun.

Did anyone else think Luna looks cuter with that lil bandage on her cheek? ;) She looked cuter to me with it on. Erg....hope Athrun gets some kind of good stuff from her before he leaves for AA. <_< I think thats the only reason I dislike him. I dont mind his crappy flying and confusion, but his lack of intrest in Luna annoys me. :angry:

ugh.....is it Saturday yet?? ep 34........

Posted (edited)

I'm up to ep. 22 in Mobile Suit Gundam right now. I though it was interesting/kind of messed up that Ramba Ral was actually supposed to get the 3 Doms for his own attack until Mquve screwed him over. That would have been a good fight.

Hopefully Destiny's 3 aren't rednecks. That would be too wierd.

As for Athrun, he'll be able to relieve his "tension" when he gets back to the AA and he makes up with Cagalli. He still has her in the back of his mind, so he hasn't noticed Luna properly. He still should be smacked though for wasting the opportunity he had with Meer.

It would be kind of ironic though if the final pairings ended up being Lacus/Kira and Athrun/Meer though. Then Cagalli an and Orb pilot. Athrun and Cagalli will probably make up though.

Edited by Anubis

Personally, I want either Kira or Athrun and most diffenetly Shin to die at the end of the series....maybe Shin could die as a means of repent? Who knows.....but I diffenetly don't see this as the end of Stellar...but I haven't watched Episode 33 yet, I will when I get home. After all, Four was suppose to be dead when her carrier exploded...and se most certaintly died shortly after her escape with Camille....but oh wouldn't it be interesting if a girl did appear and see Shin as maybe like her brother like.....like.......DAMMIT WHAT WAS HER NAME?! AHHHHH! I CAN'T REMEMBER! But you know what I'm getting at if you ever seen Zeta.

  Hikuro said:
...but oh wouldn't it be interesting if a girl did appear and see Shin as maybe like her brother like.....like.......DAMMIT WHAT WAS HER NAME?! AHHHHH! I CAN'T REMEMBER! But you know what I'm getting at if you ever seen Zeta.

Rosamia Badam.


Yeah that's it thanks.

I watched Episode 33...so maybe Stellar wont come back :rolleyes: but still you never know!

I think we could stand a Rosamia like character, but we're getting to where we're well over the half way mark and approaching that 2/3rds completed which is difficult to introduce characters in....but hey they still might pull something off.

I thought while it was just another all dialouge episode it diffenetly has an impact all on its own. Dillanudal finally reveals Logos, and Shinn's now doing what he should and studying how to defeat Freedom.

Shinn makes a very good point though, Freedom's power versus Impulse is like the difference between chocolate and poo. But it looks like he'll give Kira his duely noted "Your not invincible" sitation real damn soon.

Posted (edited)

The PG Aile Striker with Sky Grasper is out. :ph34r:


Edited by wolfx

That is a thing of beauty.


More info today:

Spoilers (or at least some of them are) highlight to view:


-In episode 38, ZAFT launches it's attack on LOGOS. However, the battle turns in favor of LOGOS.

-(Translation of the official entry on the Dom Trooper) Dom Trooper - An MS that brings a heavyweight style to mind. Its affiliation, country of manufacture, armament and other details are unknown though the use of a monoeye suggests a connection to suits like the Zaku Warrior and Gouf Ignited.

-Preview for Episode 35 reveals that the Dom is not directly made by ZAFT, but by the Clyne faction. Looks like a ZAFT suit, piloted by ZAFT pilots, but is not under control by ZAFT. Looks like the pink goddess was busy during those 2 years. Do they have a DRAGOON-style suit for Mu/Neo there as well? Cuz he could sure use one.

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