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  HG Blows said:
  azrael said:
Someone posted the shot of the 1/144 Strike Freedom box art on AS.


ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom. Whether or not that sticks......So I guess Lacus helps herself to some Gundams.....either that or underestimated the pink princess we have.

So it's a Zaft MS afterall? Man, I was hoping the Blue Cosmos rumors would be true. And why does Destiny have a normal shield if it has beam shields? Overkill?

I swear, it seems as if Destiny is the most loaded Gundam I have seen in my life.

2x Beam Sabres/Boomerangs

1x Beam Rifle

1x Beam Cannon

2x Palm Beam Cannons

1x Anti-Ship Sword

2x Machine guns

1x Shield

2x Knuckle Shields

With the amount of powered weaponry it has, I sure hope the battery life holds up. Even Energizer batteries would get a run for their money powering that thing.


As for the Destiny Gundam, the only way for it to have all that is for it to be Nuclear Powered like the Freedom.

30 was an interesting episode. They said in the beginning that Savior and the Warrior were both totalled. First line in the hangar "We can't fix that." :lol:

Shinn's heart might have been in the right place not wanting her to die and then be dissected, but his head sure wasn't there. This time I couldn't help but shake my head. If he had any clue in this case he would have figured she's going to be put in the grinder again after a new memory wipe.

Semi-surprisingly, the first thing Talia asked Rey was if this was another order from "that man", which she's been calling Dullindal since they started getting dragged around after leaving Carpentaria.

I loved it when Shinn scolded Athrun and asked him to please do better. Athrun didn't have much to reply with.

And yes, the AA is now loaded with Murasames. Looks like they got a lot of them, they showed at least 7 in the hangar, all needing repair. Once they get repaired (hope they have enough spare parts) that adds a new dynamic to the game with the AA actually having a real force on it now. Hopefully they use that force properly. For that we'll have to wait and see.

Neo also seems to be beginning to second guess what he's doing a little.

  Beltane70 said:
Since my Japanese is very limited, there was quite a bit of dialog between the AA crew and Kira. As far as I could tell, the conversation almost makes it seem like Kira will be in control of the AA.

More like he gave them a peep talk. The salute was out of respect for what Kira just said.

  Anubis said:
I loved it when Shinn scolded Athrun and asked him to please do better. Athrun didn't have much to reply with.

Athrun had his ass handed to him by Kira. What can he do? Unfortunately, on the other end, Shinn's arrogance is raising. Path to the dark side, that is. Athrun just wasn't all there so it's no wonder Kira played surgeon with Saviour.

And yes, the AA is now loaded with Murasames. Looks like they got a lot of them, they showed at least 7 in the hangar, all needing repair. Once they get repaired (hope they have enough spare parts) that adds a new dynamic to the game with the AA actually having a real force on it now. Hopefully they use that force properly. For that we'll have to wait and see.

I counted 3 of 12 Murasames that were still good....from the waist up. Every other one was missing heads, arms or other parts. Archangel probably doesn't have the resources to bring them all back up. They only have enough parts for Andy's Murasame.

  kensei said:
I swear, it seems as if Destiny is the most loaded Gundam I have seen in my life.

Destiny is suppose to be the most powerful MS there. S-Freedom and I-Justice are "trump cards" for ending the war on both sides.

  azrael said:
Here's a new gallery of the GAT-02L2 Dark Dagger L:


Talk about weapons!  "How's your recoil?!?"  :p

A lot of back-pack swapping in these pics too, as expected!

........they even threw the Doppelhorn Striker pack onto the Strike Gundam!!!  :blink:



A Heavy-arms mod... :lol:

That's gonna suffer some gashapon syndrome quick.


Why is it that the Alliance has only one Gundam so far?! I mean come on they're run by a bunch of genocidal lunatics, and can out produce ZAFT, you'd think they would come out with a bunch of nuke powered Gundams and giant Nieu Ziel style mobile armors. You'd expect them to make a nuke powered mobile armor with a mirage colloid and a lohengrin and send it out to shoot PLANT full of holes.


Man i just realised there are no more zakus on the minerva.....and the ending hints that everybody will get a gundam. Ahh well.... <_<

Personally i think Destiny has degraded in story progression somewhere along the line.

Posted (edited)
  Druna Skass said:
Why is it that the Alliance has only one Gundam so far?! I mean come on they're run by a bunch of genocidal lunatics, and can out produce ZAFT, you'd think they would come out with a bunch of nuke powered Gundams and giant Nieu Ziel style mobile armors. You'd expect them to make a nuke powered mobile armor with a mirage colloid and a lohengrin and send it out to shoot PLANT full of holes.

Looked like the Alliance was supoosed to focus more on the large powerful second generation mobile armors. I would figure that later in the series mass produced 2nd gen mobile armors would be rolled out. The 2nd Destroy and it's partner might just be the spearheads to that. The EA brass so far seems to have a definate preference toward the big new mobile armors, otherwise they would have had more Gundams of their own. Even the Destroy, while technically a Gundam, is still more mobile armor than mobile suit. Nuclear powered mobile armors with Lohengrins are still a possibility.

The Destiny looks like it was designed with that in mind, it looks more suited as a mobile armor destroyer than to fight other gundams. Beam shields, close and long range weaponry, and a really big anti-ship sword that would also apply to engaging mobile armors. Dullindal already has the specs for the Destroy, so he knows a glimpse of the armor that the alliance will be carrying around.

Rey's Zaku should be operational soon too. They said it had "moderate" damage, so once they replace the arms it should be fine until Rey gets an upgrade. The Warrior and Saviour are the ones that got totalled.

Edited by Anubis

That was Talia in the shower.

  Anubis said:
That was Talia in the shower.

Dang I didnt think it was Talia but I still kinda think it can also look like Cagali. But makes sense its Talia cuz Cagali was just on the bridge......

Shin has finally lost my respect (like he needed it) by calling Athrun a "Has-been" :angry:

Ingrateful bum....if it wasent for Athrun, Kira would have gone right for Shin. Well good thing is that Athrun cant get in Kira's way right now.... :p

  Legend of TSXer said:
Shin has finally lost my respect (like he needed it) by calling Athrun a "Has-been" :angry:

Truth hurts I guess.

Athrun has been conflicted, aimless and practically useless for quite some time. From soon after he recieved Saviour and returned to Minerva, basically.

Shinn said exactly what needed to be said - Athrun needs to pull himself together... he came there to do something, so he should actually DO it.

  Panon said:
Truth hurts I guess.

Athrun has been conflicted, aimless and practically useless for quite some time. From soon after he recieved Saviour and returned to Minerva, basically.

Shinn said exactly what needed to be said - Athrun needs to pull himself together... he came there to do something, so he should actually DO it.

Yah I realized that right before I fell asleep. And Kira did mess with his mind with that dialoge they were having. Stunned Athrun, than he got sliced up.

Something that also bothered me was Shin being called an Ace.....hah! Maybe against Cannon Fodder MS and stationary battlships. Though he dodged Kira's attack ONCE, he really hasent dueled against another Gundam like Kira and Athrun have. And can it be that hard to jump onto a big battle ship and take it out Point blank? Impulse has PS armor so the ships guns shouldent affect him I think. Basicallly I think any Red-Coat pilot could do that too, not only Shin. <_< Really not liking Shin now......


I'd have no problem with Shin being an Ace but he's done nothing Ace worthy. He's fighting mobile suits and ships that clearly can not damage him. Abyss was taken out like a punk as well. What's so great about hoping from ship to ship taking out targets that can't move? Or killing grunts?

It would be one thing if the grunts actually were a challenge but they aren't so using them as an example of why they are aces doesn't work I feel. I still had some hope for Shin but not anymore. I'm just looking forward to the day he dies. Him being right in what he said to Athrun or not, the whole situation has just made me dislike him all the more. So glad there are other series out there for me to enjoy. Destiny clearly isn't one of them and I doubt it will be.

Posted (edited)

If Shinn wasn't an Ace, the Windams would have got him long ago. All mobile suits are wielding beam weaponry now, which PS armor is useless against. Shinn goes against 20:1 odds minumum on a regular basis, which does in fact make him an ace. He may not have done much against Freedom, but he did dodge Freedom's attack this last time around. Aside from Freedom he has fought evenly against the other Gundams so far. He also has Destiny's first V-fin kill so far, taking down the Abyss, and actually a 1/2 kill too for downing the Gaia intact (with Saviour assist). The last fleet engagement he wasn't just downing ships, but fighting Murasames on the decks at the same time while he was dissecting the ships.

So far Shinn has justified his red uniform fine.

All the red uniform pilots are aces. Luna and Rey haven't been slouches either, the Zakus are very capable too, but without flight capability they've been limited.

Remember, the first batch of Gundams and mobile suits in this show are ALL on par with each other. The Zakus were demonstrated as capable as the Gundams in space and capable of fighting evenly with them, especially with pilots like Athrun or Yzak at the controls. The Gundams so far in this show have just been more specialized concept prototypes. transformable land, sea, and air models, and a modular component testbed in the form of the Impulse. They also got the Phase shift, which doesn't mean as much anymore against mobile suits, but very useful against Naval vessels still, and great against CIWS systems.

The Freedom, and now the Destiny and whatever else comes will be the uber suits. Freedom is still a class above everything else so far.

I think Shinn was right to tell Athrun to pick himself up. Even the crewchiefs were surprised to see the Saviour come back like that. Everyone expected Athrun to perform much better than he has. He's one of the big figures from the last war, so maybe the hero status just raised their expectations too high.

Edited by Anubis

I still don't like the gold, or the chest cannon.


Yup, chest cannon is indeed terrible. Strike Freedom would have been much better off with Funnels.

  Black Valkyrie said:
MSIA Strike Freedom Gundam :

I love gooooooooooooolllld. Nah I hate the gold, when I get mine all that gold shall become grey.


Oooh, very purdy. I just wish they could've had some of those Hi-Mat wings detach and become funnels. Ah well, maybe on the third, Even Nu-er Freedom MS that'll be released for Gundam: Seed: Destiny: Athrun's Counterattack

Posted (edited)

4th ending:

Title: "Kimi Wa Boku Ni Niteiru" ("You Look Like Me")

Artist: SeeSaw

Release: 8/3/2005, VICL-35800


edit: updated with the Gunota translation. Sounds better.

Okay, the TM Revolution bit is now rumor-status. Although it could still happen. I'll leave the link to the rumor.


Edited by azrael

Destroy is quite a MS/MA....Definitely more than Psycho ever was...Maybe more than Psycho II... Oh and we have a new acronym.






And Shinn...just cuz you got released, doesn't mean anybody agrees with you. Twisted by the dark side, young Shinn has become.


Uh oh, AA crew now has a case of mission creep....

moved from preventing Orb troops from engaging in combat and preserving Orb ideals to assaulting the Destroy (which as far as I can tell doesn't even have an Orb pilot)

how fun.

Posted (edited)

Must say, it was great seeing Destory in action. Finally the EA is taking the fight to ZAFT. Granted I wish the damage being done was done by actual Windams and Daggers but Stellar does quite well. She wipes out that entire ZAFT force and the city for good measure. She clearly knows what she is doing with Neo and Sting watching her back. Sting is actually freaked out about the power Destory has and how well Stellar is using it seems. Neo on the other hand I believe seems amused at how well Stellar is using it as well. One city down.

Now I really don't want Destory to be destoryed. If they can hit a few more cities that are filled with tons of ZAFT mobiles suits and land carriers before it is destoryed then Destory Gundam would have had a good showing. So far it's done more damage then the Psycho Gundam (Mk 1 or mk2) ever did. And it has fully transfromed into full mobile suit mode either. They had better come out with another Destory if this one is destoryed.

I'm praying that it does not end up in the hands of ZAFT. They have enough god damn things to play with. Stop screwing over the EA Fukuda. <_<:angry:

Edited by Effect

Agreed on the power of Destroy, I'm glad they're finally demonstrating what little Stella can do. I mean come on, the other two used guns, this one was using knives to slice up people. She is vicious, and with Destroy, her true psychotic colors are showing. they should've gone after a major ZAFT base with that thing.

The only thing Destoy needs is a frigging beam chain saw, and it'd fit perfectly.


Courtesy of Gunota:


ZGMF-X666S Legend Gundam

Head gatling machine guns x 2: MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS

Wrist beam shield generator x 2: MX2351 Solidus Fulgor

Back DRAGOON (beam spike equipment type) x 2: GDU-X7 assault beam machine gun

Back & waist DRAGOON (general type) x 8: GDU-X5 assault beam machine gun

Beam javelin x 2: MA-M80S Defiant Kai beam javelin

Beam rifle: MA-BAR78F high-energy rifle

Pilot: Rey Za Burrel

ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam

Head machine guns x 2: MMI-GAU27D 31mm CIWS, fire-linked x 2

Abdomen large beam cannon: MGX-2235 Callidus multi-phase beam cannon

Hip beam sabers x 2: M02G Super Lacerta (Speel Lacerta?)

Hip railguns x 2: MMI-M15E Xiphias 3 railcannon

Arm beam shield: MX2200 beam shield

Beam rifle: MA-M21KF high-energy beam rifle

There are no long-range beam cannon on the S-Freedom weapon list? :unsure: Then what is the uber gun the S-Freedom holding during the opening? :huh:

Oh yeah, some image of the Legend Gundam is available in the animesuki forum.

The Destroy Gundam is quite awesome in term of firepower, lame in design.

The city-destroyer Gundam is probably the most heavily armed MS I've ever seen, even my wife's jaw dropped when seeing it decimating an entire city :lol: .

Posted (edited)

Rey gets Funnels AND Beam Shields!! Sweet. Can't wait to see that one. 2 "spikes" and 8 of the smaller ones.

The BFG the freedom has is it's beam rifles, they're supposed to link up kind of like with the Buster Gundam.

Hold on, where is this info on Gunota? I don't see it on the main page.

Edit: Never mind, the page updated now. That was wierd.

Edited by Anubis
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