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The only thing ZAFT been doing so far is protecting themselves, along with other very seedy activites by rouge groups,

ZAFT is waging a defensive war. They are protecting their areas of interest while letting EA go on the offensive. If Meer is exposed as a fake, then ZAFT pushes itself into a very lonely corner and mistrust builds very quickly.

  kensei said:
  azrael said:
Great....the running gag with Athrun's MSs has made it's way here....

Dont' know about it.

The running gag is Athrun always seems to have a red MS. He also always self-destructs that red MS.

What color is Saviour? If there's gonna be a new Justice Gundam, what will happen to Saviour? :lol:

  Seven said:
Something funny for the Lunamaria lovers out there:

Ah, but everybody knows her panties are actually dark blue, not blue and white stripes.


  Graham said:
  Seven said:
Something funny for the Lunamaria lovers out there:

Ah, but everybody knows her panties are actually dark blue, not blue and white stripes.


I guess it wouldn't be obvoius if it was dark blue but...ROTFLMAO!!

Love that 2chan pic. ;)


Those looks more like ZZ etc designs applied to Seed than Brave. Cool though. The Full Armor Strike Gundam looks pretty deadly, but i'm not sure if it can actually move :lol:

It's like Dullindal took him into the back and gave hime a major blowjob while spouting all that crap about peace and stuff.

I thought that was Rey's job? :blink:

Posted (edited)

Althrun was saying it was still too early to jump to the conclusion that it was Dullindal.

Dullindal could very well have been telling the truth that Meer was useful to calm the situation since Lacus has more influence than even he does. Since Lacus was playing house out on earth, she wasn't there to help, so Dullindal played the Meer card, and it worked. She helped the Plant polulation calm down. Without that, the polulation would have screamed for all out war again, since the EA just tried to murder EVERYONE with nukes.


So far there's nothing concrete about Dullindal himself being the full bad guy (even though there's sure to be more he knows than he lets on, and the "where's the AA" thing is suspicious). He's suspicious though, that's certain.

Coordinators attack Lacus, Kira assumes it's the chairman, in large part because he sees a new Lacus on the video. Kira and co. jump to conclusion that the chairman was trying to have Lacus replaced permanently (though it is a solid theory). He hasn't met her unlike Athrun. She has a bit of a "want's to be the real thing" complex going, but she doesn't appear to be evil or anything, just has an issue or two.

Kira kind of came across like he thought he knew more than he actually did. Athrun's trying to help, he went with what he felt the right thing was to do, and that was take the Chairman's offer. At least as a Faith member he is autonomous and doesn't have to answer to anyone technically except Dullindal. All the AA is doing now is getting in the way, and the only reason they've moved is just because Orb is involved. Orb has cashed their chips in with the EA and there's nothing Cagalli or anyone is going to do about it. Best thing to do is send Orb home with their tail between their legs quickly, which would have happened in about 10 seconds if the AA hadn't stepped in and screwed everything up.

Like Athrun said, the attack on Lacus could have come from the same group that orchestrated the Junius 7 drop. There's not enough evidence yet.

Hopefuly when Lacus and Andy get their face to face with Dullindal we'll see which side of the line he's on.

As for Cagalli, Athrun had a lot of confidence in her, and he's disappointed that she ended up too weak to do anything, and couldn't gather any support. He's also probably pretty pissed that she was about to marry Yuna without saying a word. Again, she was too weak to stop even that, and broke his trust in her.

I'm actually not surprized he didn't give her a big hug right away. They need to have a private discussion eventually.

Side note, anyone else notice how Athrun's harem grew again in the intro? Now Meyrin is in there too, so he's got 4 girls around him in there. If the Captain shows up in the 4th opening shot, worry.

Edited by Anubis
  azrael said:
  kensei said:
  azrael said:
Great....the running gag with Athrun's MSs has made it's way here....

Dont' know about it.

The running gag is Athrun always seems to have a red MS. He also always self-destructs that red MS.

What color is Saviour? If there's gonna be a new Justice Gundam, what will happen to Saviour? :lol:

Ah I get it now.

Here's to the demise of Justice II as well. *Cheers* :rolleyes:


I tend to recall this lil flash animation I saw last month where Athrun comforts a depressed Kira who feels like he's had a reall bad life.

So Athrun tells him its nothing compared to his own.

He then goes off a list of things

1) Better clothes, comparison of Kira's Destiny outfit versus Athrun's girlscout like outfit from the first episode flashback.

2) Regrets stealing a Pink mobile suit.....should have stolen Duel.

3) Kira gets all the girls.

4) .....introduced to Justice "WTF?! ITS PINK!"

5) Introduced to Saviour....."..........................ITS FREAKING PINK! WHY WHY WHY?!"

At the end, Kira is comforting a VERY depressed Athrun.

As for Cagalli, Athrun had a lot of confidence in her, and he's disappointed that she ended up too weak to do anything, and couldn't gather any support. He's also probably pretty pissed that she was about to marry Yuna without saying a word. Again, she was too weak to stop even that, and broke his trust in her.

I'm actually not surprized he didn't give her a big hug right away. They need to have a private discussion eventually.

The problem I have with that is that Athrun left Orb to go to PLANT to find out what was going on. He wasn't there, so how could she talk to him. Especially since the EA attacked. He shouldn't be upset with her. If he actually trusted her, he would actually assume there had to be some reason this took place. If he didn't have any faith in her or felt she wouldn't do something like this withotu reason, after she accept his offer, then he should never have asked her to marry him. He clearly wasn't ready then if he's hold that against her.

Again, if he's her body guard, then he should know how Orb's goverment works. He's around her all the time. He should know that she can't simply make a decision and expect everyone to agree. With that he shouldn't be blaming her. He knows she's inexperienced and young. A good leader doesn't always do what he or she wants but what is good for the country and it's people. Those are hard decisions that can't be made based on emotion alone. Something she's learned from SEED, that she can't simply act on emotion. She's being forced to grow and has a lot of responsiblity, a lot of which she wasn't ready for I believe.

Athrun has never been in that position, so her judging her doesn't make sense I feel. After all, he had Rau and his father to order and direct where his life was headed. He joined the Three Ship Alliance after Lacus directed him and when he had no choice cause his father shot him. He is FAITH, meaning he doesn't have to listen to anyone but the Chairman but he stays on the Minerva, accepting Talia's orders and then goes as far to inform her where he's going when he doesn't have to say a thing to her. He needs to be a follower, decisions made for him.

I think that could be why (though the writers and director might not be even thinking about this) he was upset that Heine died. It looked like Athrun was all set for Heine to step in as leader of the mobile suit forces on Minerva. Ready to step back and say yes sir and be ordered. Which is what he might miss most of all. Yet he tries it to order around Kira and Cagalli and I don't think it works that well, though he might think so. He doesn't really look at the bigger picture at times I feel. I think he likes it when it's simple. When it's ZAFT vs. EA, with believing ZAFT is good. That way he doesn't have to look at the situation as being gray and doesn't have to look out the box.

I think he through everything in Cagallii's fact cause he simply doesn't know any better or how she felt at all. Or that he doesn't want to know how she feels or what she went through or is going through.

My opinion of Athrun has dropped to an all time low. He could have been one of the better interesting characters after his experiences in SEED but they've just regressed him even more. Then again, maybe he's the type of person that never changes even though he might try to. Him mopping around in the beginning of Destiny I think had more to do with him missing being in ZAFT instead of trying to figure out what to do. I think he knew what he was missing but knew that he's friends wouldn't agree with it and that he could be like Kira and be happy living with Lacus, the orphens and his mother in a normal house.

Posted (edited)

Bah, that flash had me ROFLMAO for a while....

Saviour IS the reddest MS he ever had & its still on the pink side, not to metion that it looked horribly purple when it was fighting at night & that deactive mode is rediculous (pink gray?! :blink: ) although I went on & bought the MSiA anyway.

That Justice better have some crazy weapons going on to be 1900 yen or its just gonna be another red/pink/purple depressing G for ol' Athrun :p

Edited by Freedomatrix
Posted (edited)
  Black Valkyrie said:
Look what HLJ has for preorder : 


BAN932966  Bandai MSIA  Destiny Gundam              June Release 1,520   


BAN932967  Bandai MSIA  Super Freedom Gundam  July Release 1,520 


BAN932968  Bandai MSIA  Justice Gundam 2            Aug. Release 1,900 


BAN932969  Bandai MSIA  Windom Production Type  Aug. Release 1,425 


BAN932970  Bandai MSIA  Mobile Suit GuAIZ            July Release 1,425 

Hmmm, have the prices gone up on MSIA? These are the early bird prices, and they're already more than the price of recent MSIA. Plus, Justice is more than all of them? Does that imply that it's gonna have a crazy amount of armaments?

Edited by HG Blows
Posted (edited)
  Effect said:
As for Cagalli, Athrun had a lot of confidence in her, and he's disappointed that she ended up too weak to do anything, and couldn't gather any support. He's also probably pretty pissed that she was about to marry Yuna without saying a word. Again, she was too weak to stop even that, and broke his trust in her.

I'm actually not surprized he didn't give her a big hug right away. They need to have a private discussion eventually.

The problem I have with that is that Athrun left Orb to go to PLANT to find out what was going on. He wasn't there, so how could she talk to him. Especially since the EA attacked. He shouldn't be upset with her. If he actually trusted her, he would actually assume there had to be some reason this took place. If he didn't have any faith in her or felt she wouldn't do something like this withotu reason, after she accept his offer, then he should never have asked her to marry him. He clearly wasn't ready then if he's hold that against her.

Again, if he's her body guard, then he should know how Orb's goverment works. He's around her all the time. He should know that she can't simply make a decision and expect everyone to agree. With that he shouldn't be blaming her. He knows she's inexperienced and young. A good leader doesn't always do what he or she wants but what is good for the country and it's people. Those are hard decisions that can't be made based on emotion alone. Something she's learned from SEED, that she can't simply act on emotion. She's being forced to grow and has a lot of responsiblity, a lot of which she wasn't ready for I believe.

Athrun has never been in that position, so her judging her doesn't make sense I feel. After all, he had Rau and his father to order and direct where his life was headed. He joined the Three Ship Alliance after Lacus directed him and when he had no choice cause his father shot him. He is FAITH, meaning he doesn't have to listen to anyone but the Chairman but he stays on the Minerva, accepting Talia's orders and then goes as far to inform her where he's going when he doesn't have to say a thing to her. He needs to be a follower, decisions made for him.

I think that could be why (though the writers and director might not be even thinking about this) he was upset that Heine died. It looked like Athrun was all set for Heine to step in as leader of the mobile suit forces on Minerva. Ready to step back and say yes sir and be ordered. Which is what he might miss most of all. Yet he tries it to order around Kira and Cagalli and I don't think it works that well, though he might think so. He doesn't really look at the bigger picture at times I feel. I think he likes it when it's simple. When it's ZAFT vs. EA, with believing ZAFT is good. That way he doesn't have to look at the situation as being gray and doesn't have to look out the box.

I think he through everything in Cagallii's fact cause he simply doesn't know any better or how she felt at all. Or that he doesn't want to know how she feels or what she went through or is going through.

My opinion of Athrun has dropped to an all time low. He could have been one of the better interesting characters after his experiences in SEED but they've just regressed him even more. Then again, maybe he's the type of person that never changes even though he might try to. Him mopping around in the beginning of Destiny I think had more to do with him missing being in ZAFT instead of trying to figure out what to do. I think he knew what he was missing but knew that he's friends wouldn't agree with it and that he could be like Kira and be happy living with Lacus, the orphens and his mother in a normal house.

All good points.

In the end, there needs to be some drama, so this is where they injected it.

I do feel that Athrun could have went looking for the AA a little earlier or at least try to make contact to see what was going on, before the AA stepped into Minerva's fight. While they were docked wherever they're at for probably a few weeks now he could have left for a couple days and made contact before. Pissed at her or not, as his fiance he should have at least checked to see if Cagalli's ok. That I didn't like about Athrun. If he loves her enough to ask her to marry him (in kind of a wussy manner) he sure didn't take much initiative to make sure she was ok once he learned Kira "kidnapped" her.

He's still way better in this show than the last one. I never liked him at all in the first show.

Side note:

Now that the Minerva has recovered the Gaia are they going to be able to keep it? Will someone upgrade to that Gundam now? That would be a nice possibility, and probably get Rey (higher rank) off the deck of the ship during combat for a change. That would suck for them to have it stolen again.

I hope they show the crewchiefs recieving the new manuals again grumbling some expletives. Poor guys keep getting new models all the time.

Edited by Anubis

New info from Gunota

    Comic Bon Bon DESTINY info

GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam

Total height: 38.07 meters

Weight: 404.93 tons


2 joined back beam cannons: high-energy cannon "Aulu Boulard Dreizehn" (definitely not sure about that spelling)

Head-face beam cannon: 200mm energy cannon "Zorn" mk3

Back disc section circumference beam cannon: thermal plasma composite cannon "Nefertem 503" (best guess on the spelling of this one, too)

Lateral head machine guns: 75mm automatic CIWS "Igelstellung"

It's also mentioned that the arm parts seem to be able to detach for offensive purposes.

And a reader question answered by one of the program's staff also states that the blue Gouf is the mass-production color.  ¶ 12:52 PM


All points there for episode 25...nothing else to add...except maybe the intro...

Smiling Neo/Mwu with scar...wtf...

Really liking underwear clad cagali looking at Athrun walking away (hmmmm) :rolleyes:


Yes I admit there is still a lot of speculation going on, but Athrun seem totally brainwashed by Dullindal's propoganda. He was promoted to FAITH so he would have autonomy and not have to take orders. But what does he do? Just attacks everything that ZAFT wants him too.

Dullindal gave him that speech before handing Saviour over to him about being able to have the power to back up one's will. Well I sure as hell don't see Athrun using Saviour for his own... or even to show ZAFT if they've strayed off the wrong path (another one of Dullindal's quotes). Over the past 7 or so episodes, while he has shown he is the ace of the Minerva, he is still just another soldier in ZAFT.

It just seems that Kira and Athrun are destined to fight again and it could be avoided. It's like he's learned nothing from the previous war. Maybe in the end, Athrun is just a soldier who only talks about peace, but doesn't know what to do when it's here.

  Hikuro said:
I tend to recall this lil flash animation I saw last month where Athrun comforts a depressed Kira who feels like he's had a reall bad life.

So Athrun tells him its nothing compared to his own.

He then goes off a list of things

1) Better clothes, comparison of Kira's Destiny outfit versus Athrun's girlscout like outfit from the first episode flashback.

2) Regrets stealing a Pink mobile suit.....should have stolen Duel.

3) Kira gets all the girls.

4) .....introduced to Justice "WTF?! ITS PINK!"

5) Introduced to Saviour....."..........................ITS FREAKING PINK! WHY WHY WHY?!"

At the end, Kira is comforting a VERY depressed Athrun.

did you mean this?

SEED Flash

Posted (edited)
  fokker special said:
Yes I admit there is still a lot of speculation going on, but Athrun seem totally brainwashed by Dullindal's propoganda. He was promoted to FAITH so he would have autonomy and not have to take orders. But what does he do? Just attacks everything that ZAFT wants him too.

Dullindal gave him that speech before handing Saviour over to him about being able to have the power to back up one's will. Well I sure as hell don't see Athrun using Saviour for his own... or even to show ZAFT if they've strayed off the wrong path (another one of Dullindal's quotes). Over the past 7 or so episodes, while he has shown he is the ace of the Minerva, he is still just another soldier in ZAFT.

It just seems that Kira and Athrun are destined to fight again and it could be avoided. It's like he's learned nothing from the previous war. Maybe in the end, Athrun is just a soldier who only talks about peace, but doesn't know what to do when it's here.

I think that's one of this show's themes.

No one really has learned their lesson from last time, so everyone is ending up fighting again, and everything could have been avoided if everyone really wanted to.

The war could have been avoided to begin with, but it happened, and now will start to spiral more out of control if it goes on too long. Since it's been secret groups stirring things along (there are people in both EA and Zaft to blame) it could get a lot worse really fast.

Even Kira hasn't really learned his lesson. Athrun didn't either. Athrun is on the Minerva because he thinks they need him there (which they probably do to no small extent), but he is basically a Zaft soldier. He didn't rush to tell Kira and Cagalli "I'm in Faith so I can do whatever I want" he simply said "I rejoined Zaft." Kira and the AA crew on the other hand actually thought they could get in the middle or a battle and stop the battle from occurring, just because it was Orb. They're going to try it again too.

If you don't learn from your past mistakes, you're doomed to repeat them, and more people are going to die as a result.

Only thing I don't get yet is: If Dullindal is the bad guy, he has to know Athrun will come eventually and make trouble with the shiny Gundam he gave to Athrun. He came to confront his own father last time. If Dullindal was the bad guy why did he give Athrun the gundam? He could have given Athrun an audience, told him everything was fine, if you want to move back up here with Lacus, Kira, and co. then go ahead, even provide passage, and send Athrun on his merry way back to tell everyone the good news and ferry them out of there quick. Kira and co., even Murrue, were going to move to Plant before the assassination attempt. They could have killed Lacus much easier on Plant, and sealed off Freedom in it's dock if removing her was the goal. Or just destroy the transport shuttle.

Of course this could also mean Dullindal didn't pick as efficient of a sneaky plan as he could have. Overly complex plot writers.

Good or evil, Dullindal is still one of the coolest characters in this show.

Edited by Anubis

I don't recall everyone saying they would move. I remember Andy talking about himself, Lacus, and Kira. Did Murrue ever say she was moving? Those kids, Kira's mother(she said her home was Earth as was Kira's to Kira and he agreed that he would be coming back to her I believe). I believe it was Murrue in one of her stupid moments that kicked out the idea that she'd join ZAFT to fight against the EA due to what she was watching on the news. Never mind that what she was watching was most likely pro-ZAFT stations from pro-ZAFT countries that would be strongly biased in their favor and wouldn't even mind twist certain things to get what they want across. She didn't show any signs that she even considered that and just mindlessly accepted what she saw. I so wish Natarle was still alive.

  Effect said:
I don't recall everyone saying they would move. I remember Andy talking about himself, Lacus, and Kira. Did Murrue ever say she was moving? Those kids, Kira's mother(she said her home was Earth as was Kira's to Kira and he agreed that he would be coming back to her I believe). I believe it was Murrue in one of her stupid moments that kicked out the idea that she'd join ZAFT to fight against the EA due to what she was watching on the news. Never mind that what she was watching was most likely pro-ZAFT stations from pro-ZAFT countries that would be strongly biased in their favor and wouldn't even mind twist certain things to get what they want across. She didn't show any signs that she even considered that and just mindlessly accepted what she saw. I so wish Natarle was still alive.

I got the feeling Ramius was just being sarcastic.


These wars based entirely on hate seems to be an overly used theme in the Gundam Universe. The only premise that this version of the hate war has is that one side want the other gone - period. I just wonder how Fukuda will end it. If Gundam history tells us anything then he'll probably make everyone come to their senses when all the shiny Mecha & battleships are destoryed & its just humans fighting humans for no real GD reason like Tomino's series.

Posted (edited)

Andy told Murrue she could move up there too, and she didn't seem opposed to the idea. As captain of the stolen Archangel the EA would prabably have eventually knocked on her door after signing the treaty, alias or not. So it would have been in her interest to go to plant. Orb gave the EA the Minerva as a gift, the EA could later have given a list of people they wanted to see to Orb as well, and there wouldn't be much Orb could go except cough them up.

At a minimum, assuming Murrue declined, 3 people were going to get out of there. Kira, Lacus, Andy. When I said Kira and co. I meant those 3 plus Murrue. It wouldn't have been safe for Athrun there either.

Edited by Anubis

Ep 26 has the new ending from Rie Fu ("I wanna go to a place..."). There's a new MS in the pics...and it looks like Providence Mk II...

Oh, and the Eternal is coming back next week.

Posted (edited)
  azrael said:
Ep 26 has the new ending from Rie Fu ("I wanna go to a place...").  There's a new MS in the pics...and it looks like Providence Mk II...

Oh, and the Eternal is coming back next week.

Hooray, a new Providence! But jeez, another Gundam made by Zaft? When's EA gonna crank out some new ones? Eternals back too, huh? I guess Lacus got sick of being just another bridge bunny, she's gotta have her own ship again.

Edited by HG Blows
Posted (edited)
  azrael said:
Ep 26 has the new ending from Rie Fu ("I wanna go to a place...").  There's a new MS in the pics...and it looks like Providence Mk II...

Oh, and the Eternal is coming back next week.

Looks like a Darker Providence....I hated the first one....or maybe I hated Rau....pycho... :angry:

Decent ep. Shin and Stellar scences were pretty cute. New ending scenes were nice. A little too happy tho. Miguel and Heine were next to each other. :D

So did Babi MS replace the Dinn as the mainstay air fighter?

Edited by Legend of TSXer

Just saw ep26., :)

Shin is treating Stellar really well, a bit to much I say. Heine seems long forgotten :( .

Luna looks confuse on what to do next, perhaps she thinking should she confess to Athrun that she heard and saw everything?

Kira and Lacus look really good together, loovee lovee.

The part where Lacus pretending to the Meer was just amazing,, and when Freedom pull the Top gun move with the control tower I was just speechless.

Over all this is a much better ep then the last one.

  azrael said:
Ep 26 has the new ending from Rie Fu ("I wanna go to a place..."). There's a new MS in the pics...and it looks like Providence Mk II...

Oh, and the Eternal is coming back next week.

A new Providence, a new Justice, why are they reviving butt-ass ugly suits.

I wonder if DaCosta is the Eternal's acting captain.

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