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Posted (edited)

Ep. 14 was definitely a LOL episode. That is, laughing at the bride kidnap scene. Price of Cagalli's dress, $x-amount. Price of the ceremony, $y-amount. Price on Yuna's face as Cagalli get's airlifted off ORB...priceless.

Andy's Murasame definitely seems like a nod to Hyaku Shiki.

"Destiny Gundam" has beam wings (Victory 2 Gundam)......

Wonder if that orange ZAKU is a variant of this one...


"Pride" is gonna take it bit to get use to......I've been listening to it for 3 weeks and I still can't stand the male vocal.....


forgot to add...they finally fixed the pic of Justice in the background with Saviour... :lol:

Edited by azrael

well that new destiny gundam really look like Strike gundam with a freedom like pack addon. Even in the dark intro, the chest look exactly like the strike gundam.

As for the big huge gundam in the background,, I think it's a transformable one, it' that big green ship in the frist battle of natural vs coorinators.

now on to ep. 14. :lol::D:lol::D:lol::D Take that Yuna, I was surprise he didn't wet his pants. If only Cagalli would of slap him before they leave.

Oh those new Orb gundams sure look better on tv than pic. :p

yup, I think we are all pretty sure that neo is Mwu now. :o


  F360° said:
yup, I think we are all pretty sure that neo is Mwu now. :o

That still can't be proven. Neo could be a clone, in which case, Murrue would still have the same reaction.


Agreed, and chances are we may never know till the very end.

Looks like Neo could be piloting a Gundam like MS sometime too, might be just a Windam, but it'll be something right? Although a Mobile suit with laser like wings similar to V2 would be sorta interesting to see.

Can't wait to watch 14 when its out.


yeah that true Murrue would still have the same reaction if it's a clone.

But I thought you can't clone one right off the back and relase it at ages as old as Neo or Mwu. The clone will be a kid and will need some time to mature.

kinda like you want to clone this nice big chicken, you got the DNA, and press a button and a chick pops out.

But I thought you can't clone one right off the back and relase it at ages as old as Neo or Mwu. The clone will be a kid and will need some time to mature.

kinda like you want to clone this nice big chicken, you got the DNA, and press a button and a chick pops out.

Exactly, unless they have age enhancement which would probably screw with the clone's genes & have an effect like what Rau was experiencing. If Neo looks likes Muw due to Murrue's reaction they must love Muw's skills. Another guy who could be a clone of Muw is Prayer Reverie who in X Astray looks exactly like Muw. This cloning stuff is getting complicated but if it looks like a duck & quacks like a duck then its probably a duck...or atleast Murrue thinks so :lol:


I was really hoping they would do something with Murrue and Neo. Clone or not I love the reaction and I really hope they don't just throw something together for that part of the story. Neo is a mobile suit is a must see. I wonder who he'll end up fighting in it though. Mwu and Rau should have gone seriously one on one and taken each other out or one taken the other out but we didn't get that kind of fight. When they fought in the end it was so one sided due to the power and funnels of the Providence Gundam. I just hope the Neo and Rey showdown, if they have done doesn't get screwed like that. WHile Rau vs. Kira was great to see I so wanted that to be Mwu vs. Rau.

Looks like Cagali is getting her Strike Rouge equiped with the IWSP (integrated weapons system pack)

I think that's a "maybe" right now. But the Aile Striker pack is there...

Looks like Neo could be piloting a Gundam like MS sometime too, might be just a Windam, but it'll be something right?

He probably will be piloting a Gundam, but it's still quite early and Fukada may pull a Providence and have it not show up until the very end. He might pilot a Windam but we never know until it happens. Images in the opening theme are to be taken lightly and perhaps as a metaphor (Remember Astray in the opening of SEED).

I was really hoping they would do something with Murrue and Neo. Clone or not I love the reaction and I really hope they don't just throw something together for that part of the story.

Think of it this way, Murre and Neo will probably meet. But it may not be under the best of circumstances.

Although a Mobile suit with laser like wings similar to V2 would be sorta interesting to see.

I may have been a bit premature about those beam wings. It's definitely engine exhaust, but light wings........ <_<

  Seven said:
So it looks like Andy gets to fly a gold Murasame? Holy Hyaku Shiki!

Q: What do you get when you cross the Zeta Gundam with the Hyaku-Shiki?

A: Waldfeld's Murasame!

  Anubis said:
  Seven said:
So it looks like Andy gets to fly a gold Murasame?  Holy Hyaku Shiki!

Q: What do you get when you cross the Zeta Gundam with the Hyaku-Shiki?

A: Waldfeld's Murasame!

:lol: Well, actually, you get the proper Hyaku Shiki. It /was/ supposed to transform, after all, into a mobile armor form presumably similar to the Zeta Gundam's.

  DarkPhoenix said:
  Anubis said:
  Seven said:
So it looks like Andy gets to fly a gold Murasame?  Holy Hyaku Shiki!

Q: What do you get when you cross the Zeta Gundam with the Hyaku-Shiki?

A: Waldfeld's Murasame!

:lol: Well, actually, you get the proper Hyaku Shiki. It /was/ supposed to transform, after all, into a mobile armor form presumably similar to the Zeta Gundam's.



So I just watched the new opening as well, and I have to say I'm probably going to like Shinn's new Gundam alot better than the Impulse, but of course I'm just judging my opinion on a mostly-in-shadow 3 second shot of it. The impression that crosses my mind is that of a Freedom crossed with a Wing Gundam and V2 Gundam, which is not bad since I love the V2 Gundam. The other thing that caught my eye was the "nemesis" Gundam that's in shadow that it looks like Shinn and Kira are going to take on. The silhouette does not look like a Providence, and it appears as bulky as a GP02 Gundam, and MEAN as hell.

Posted (edited)

ok,, I adjusted the dark pic with some contrast, brightness, gamma, and whitepoints so I can get a better view of the New Gundam.. This is what I got.

oh on another picture you can see it has 2 ship cutting swords on the back (like sword impulse) along with those boomerangs thingie (it's too blurring so I gave up on it.) but trust me it's there. you should beable to see them on this pic too.

The "Strike" is back,, this time it's fully loaded. The strike/ impulse is like a F90, limitness add-on pack on one gundam :lol:


Edited by F360°
Posted (edited)

I hear there is a image in February's Dengeki Hobby, but it might just be nothing that we can make out.

"Destiny Gundam" is a cross (from what I can tell) between Freedom and Impulse. From the looks of it, it's got a HiMAT system. Yet unlike Freedom, whose wings are lined with thruster slits, this Gundam's wings are more like a GINN's main engine/backpack (similar to V2 Gundam) , hence the light/exhaust wings. It's shoulders look like they got beam boomerangs and it looks like it doesn't have beam sabers, more like a anti-ship sword on the right and a cannon/energy weapon on the left side. The shield also seems a tad smaller. Unfortunately, Fukada conviently shadows out the 2 new Gundams.....guess we have to wait for the next new opening sequence....<_<

Edited by azrael

The first thing I notice is that it has Freedom's chest just colored like Strike w/o the white waist. It has Impulse's beam gun & a crazy thruster combination of Freedom and the equipment of Impulse - the originality just flew out the window on this one plus looking like Freedom could mean that its nuclear. :lol:

The shadowy ""nemesis" gundam that shin & kira were flying to does look like it can kick some serious butt - it just better have some funnels cuz it'll just be too easy for Freedom & "Freedom MKII" to take him out w/o them :lol:

Posted (edited)

Well then they'll just have to come out with the Full Armor Freedom... just think TEN more big cannons on top of the 4 already on it!! And when it powers up to SEED mode, it'll end up looking like a pincushion! :lol:

Edited by Seven
  F360° said:
ok,, I adjusted the dark pic with some contrast, brightness, gamma, and whitepoints so I can get a better view of the New Gundam.. This is what I got.

oh on another picture you can see it has 2 ship cutting swords on the back (like sword impulse) along with those boomerangs thingie (it's too blurring so I gave up on it.) but trust me it's there. you should beable to see them on this pic too.

The "Strike" is back,, this time it's fully loaded. The strike/ impulse is like a F90, limitness add-on pack on one gundam :lol:

Hmm....looks like it has the same beam rifle as the Impulse.


  Fort Max said:
Graham, I don't really buy MSIA's so I don't know how detailed they are but I was just wondering if the Axe on Yzaks Zaku folds up at all like it does in the anime?

The Destiny MSiA are actually pretty detailed. I'm very happy with mine so far. My favorites so far are the Force/Sword/Blast Impulse and the Blaze & Slash Zaku Phantoms. The Savior, Gaia, Abyss and Chaos are also pretty good as well.

Yzak's big double bladed axe can't exactly fold, but the haft (handle) is made of two parts consisting of a long and a short section. You can remove the long section to make the axe shorter for storing it on the rear skirt armor of the Zaku. The spike on the end of the axe does fold. The two beam blades are removeable and the two beam emitter parts are hinged, so that they fold down into a more compact form.


Posted (edited)

Just saw ep 14, and man, the new op and ed songs stink...on a lighter note Yuuna is hilarious when his chickenshit side is unleashed. You think he's this hardnose, cunning politician, and then he starts squirming like a little girl. Good stuff.

Edited by HG Blows
  HG Blows said:
Just saw ep 14, and man, the new op and ed songs stink...o

Actually, I liked the ending theme. I can tolerate Mika Arisaka's singing. And the song is paced well enough for the ending credits. High and Mighty Color....as I said before, I can't stand the male vocal. I've listen to the song for 3 weeks now...I still can't like the male vocal. "Ignited" was a better song than "Pride" and I though "Ignited" was okay. But that's my opinion.


I like the Ending theme too,, With the Archangel slowing diving, and the Orb Captains saluting, and the camera panned with a sky view showing all the ships, and yes Yuna yelling and no one cares :p it fits especially well for ep 14.

Posted (edited)
  Graham said:
  Fort Max said:
Graham, I don't really buy MSIA's so I don't know how detailed they are but I was just wondering if the Axe on Yzaks Zaku folds up at all like it does in the anime?

The Destiny MSiA are actually pretty detailed. I'm very happy with mine so far. My favorites so far are the Force/Sword/Blast Impulse and the Blaze & Slash Zaku Phantoms. The Savior, Gaia, Abyss and Chaos are also pretty good as well.

Yzak's big double bladed axe can't exactly fold, but the haft (handle) is made of two parts consisting of a long and a short section. You can remove the long section to make the axe shorter for storing it on the rear skirt armor of the Zaku. The spike on the end of the axe does fold. The two beam blades are removeable and the two beam emitter parts are hinged, so that they fold down into a more compact form.


Thanks Graham,

That actually sounds pretty slick, I'll wait and see if all these varients make it out into the HCM Pro line though since I've started collecting those rather then try and catch up to msia's.

Would it kill Bandai to make a GQ Zaku warrior though, they could varient the hell out of it and I bet a lot fans would want one or two of them.

Just watched ep14, I really liked both the new themes straight away. Nice to have something so different once in a while.

The Freedom Mk2 does look very fancy but I hope it's design is a bit more advanced then we can see there.

I'm looking forward to seeing Waldfields Murasume, there's a very brief glimpse of it in the hanger and it looked an awful lot like Zeta in that shot. :p

Edited by Fort Max

Watched Ep 14 last nite

Man all those faces Yuna made were hilarious! And how he hid behind Cagali and shes just standing there like nothings happening.

Opening was pretty sweet but not so used to the new songs...yet.

And those ORB uniforms look was better than them Earth Forces rags. And When the Archangel was launching like a sub, Im like "Why didnt they do this in Seed?" but at end she said "Open the vents" or sumthing like that and that is way more practical than before. Id love to see the Archangel half surface, fire the two Canons and re-submerge. Hell they mite even shoot underwater! Prolly have torpedo options too! :rolleyes: Cant wait to see it back in action again. I hate htis waiting.... <_<

  Legend of TSXer said:
And When the Archangel was launching like a sub, Im like "Why didnt they do this in Seed?"

Because they were being chased by a sub..... <_<

  azrael said:
  Legend of TSXer said:
And When the Archangel was launching like a sub, Im like "Why didnt they do this in Seed?"

Because they were being chased by a sub..... <_<

Yah but they also didnt have that capability yet. Unless they never used it. Well its kooler regardless. :)

  Fort Max said:
Would it kill Bandai to make a GQ Zaku warrior though, they could varient the hell out of it and I bet a lot fans would want one or two of them.

I'm hoping they do make a GQ Zaku Warrior. I'd buy one of each color at least.


  Graham said:
  Fort Max said:
Would it kill Bandai to make a GQ Zaku warrior though, they could varient the hell out of it and I bet a lot fans would want one or two of them.

I'm hoping they do make a GQ Zaku Warrior. I'd buy one of each color at least.


That's what I am praying for these days...

That would rock

  azrael said:
  Legend of TSXer said:
And When the Archangel was launching like a sub, Im like "Why didnt they do this in Seed?"

Because they were being chased by a sub..... <_<


When Archangel was on Earth and over water it was either in constant danger of submarine and aquatic MS attack or heavily damaged. Either way, submerging would NOT be a good idea..


On the note about submerging...Archangel is a spaceworthy ship and a tough one as well. I sure she could submerge herself (not far though) during the war. The only adjustments they would need to make to her now would be to reinforce the ship for travelling farther down (at the depth they seem to be heading down at, it would warrent some minor modifications to withstand the amount of pressure they would be facing). Archangel could have done it during the war, but as stated above, submerging would not have been a good idea.

Posted (edited)
  Freedomatrix said:
That orange zaku looks Gouf-esque with that dual-sided beam sword plus it has the cruved Gouf spikes.

Because it is a Gouf :lol:

Its the Gouf Ignited according to Gunota:

Quote from Gunota:

Sunrise officially announced that T.M. Revolution's Takanori Nishikawa is voicing the new character Heine Westenfluss (my best guess at an English spelling for the name, don't take it as gospel). The character is an elite pilot belonging to Athrun's Faith and uses the "Gouf Ignited".


I guess there will be SEED Gundam as a replacement for the Psycho Gundam :p

Edited by Morpheus
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