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I'm willing to try a fandub, but the big problem with that is the fact Ignite and Reason singles wont even be out for a month.....while I'm pretty sure I can easily make Ignite work....Reason or infact ALL Gundam SEED ending songs merge into the animation just before ending.....thus its really difficult to perform a dub...

  Druna Skass said:
Shin and Kira really do look like twins now that I see them next to each other...

Hmm, Ramius and Andy, wonder if Mwu's really dead, if those two will get togeather. They've both lost a lover so they know what the other's going through...

Uh, if I remember right, Andy lost his sister.

  macplus said:
This is for ANUBIS: man from what series is that avatar of yours??? looks from Ranma but I can't remember a scene with that :ph34r:

Actually it's Kimagure Orange Road. Kyouske accidentally about to really piss off Madoka.

Back to Seed, I also thought Aisha was Andy's girlfriend not his sister.

And yes, Lacus is the best one in the show.

  Anubis said:
  macplus said:
This is for ANUBIS: man from what series is that avatar of yours??? looks from Ranma but I can't remember a scene with that :ph34r:

Actually it's Kimagure Orange Road. Kyouske accidentally about to really piss off Madoka.

Back to Seed, I also thought Aisha was Andy's girlfriend not his sister.

And yes, Lacus is the best one in the show.

Kimagure Orange Road... I haven't seen that one, gotta check that out, I like Ranma 1/2 a lot, is this one similar?? and man... Lakus is awesome.. we need some fan service on Destiny! :rolleyes:


It's about a guy whose got a family with ESP abilities and he meets these two girls who are best friends, one of them is always hanging out with him calling him darling while the other does like him she tends to get a bit pissed off when he does something "wrong"......aaaaaannnnnnd that would be one of them.

Its got its comedy, but its mostly a romance anime.


Yep, 80's slice-of-life love triangle romantic comedy. With Kyouske and his 2 sisters having ESP powers thrown in. Good show, little dragged out I thought, but enjoyable. 48 tv episodes, some ova episodes, and 2 movies.

I do hope Lacus shows up soon in Destiny. With that nice new dress of hers :)


After watching ep1 countless time, some people think there are 2 Lacus...

One Lacus is a clone.

Where to look: Opening theme, where Athrun is holding *fake* Lacus.

Posted (edited)
  ogami said:
After watching ep1 countless time, some people think there are 2 Lacus...

One Lacus is a clone.

Where to look: Opening theme, where Athrun is holding *fake* Lacus.

And a clone Kira fighting Shin. I see where this rumor is going.

If it becomes "Attack of the Clones" I will be truly pissed, but don't see that happening. May this just be a fan rumor. Blue Cosmos wouldn't exactly clone more coordinators, so that doesn't fit.


Not sure what to make of her expression, everywhere else she's nice and happy. Here she might look frightened, or something else. Have to watch the intro some more.

That's still the same Justice shot from Seed, just like the Freedom wings expanding shot later in the intro.

Guess we really can't know what to expect from Destiny. I'm looking forward to it.


Edited by Anubis

Yeah that's Justice no doubt....

I was just thinking about it....looking at the line art of the new main characters for Astray X wasn't it? The guy with the goggles has a resemblance to Shogo Yahagi from Mega Zone 23 don't you think?

  Anubis said:
  ogami said:
After watching ep1 countless time, some people think there are 2 Lacus...

One Lacus is a clone.

Where to look: Opening theme, where Athrun is holding *fake* Lacus.

And a clone Kira fighting Shin. I see where this rumor is going.

If it becomes "Attack of the Clones" I will be truly pissed, but don't see that happening. May this just be a fan rumor. Blue Cosmos wouldn't exactly clone more coordinators, so that doesn't fit.

Not sure what to make of her expression, everywhere else she's nice and happy. Here she might look frightened, or something else. Have to watch the intro some more.

That's still the same Justice shot from Seed, just like the Freedom wings expanding shot later in the intro.

Guess we really can't know what to expect from Destiny. I'm looking forward to it.

Lacus differances people found:

-The hair style (or the hair pin)

-The body... the orginial Lacus is a fully grown woman :lol:

-The dress... :lol:

-The orginial Lacus is always with Kira


You know, this reeks of conspiracy already :p we don't need to keep adding to it. Not too mention I think that Gilbert is leading everyone on....he's so bad guy-ish it's OOZING from his pours I see it too often.

Posted (edited)

One unfortunate thing about Seed is that some characters get more detail some of the time, and slip in others. Mwu was one of these, in scenes where he was supposed to be cool, they upped his quality.

A thrown together intro may have some of the same effect.

Lacus's face and body type varied occasionally too, especially early on.

The hairpiece may have just been drawn badly, or a different hairpiece in that dress. The rest of her is just as she is in the rest of the intro, just her arms and angle block the cleavage. Lacus has multiple dresses again. the dress in the questioned pick is in this shot of Lacus as well, along with the hot hot low cut one.

It is way too early for me to buy into any clone theories except for Neo=Mwu clone.


Edited by Anubis
Posted (edited)

Slightly bigger one.

Maybe this could be nicknamed Athrun's Harem?



Edited by Anubis

How come the overly good looking girlish hair styled over sensitive types always get the chicks? It's not fair....


I believe one of the producers at the premiere mentioned that Athrun would have some girl-trouble if that's of any help.

Also rumors among the Japanese boards are saying that our "fake" Lacus is a doppelganger, so-to-speak. This was based on the fact that Rie Tanaka (Lacus's VA) appears to have another role set for her besides Lacus (whom will see later, everntually). The "fake" Lacus is suppose to be a spy who acts, sounds like, sings like and even thinks she'sLacus (hence the reuse of Ms. Tanaka). But, this is just another rumor so you'll just have to wait and see. For all we know, she may be a clone.

Posted (edited)

What the hell...?

A possilbe Mwu clone

and now a fake Lacus,

a clone created to be an assasin?

And for that Athrun screen shot, I can't tell if that's Justice or Aegis since they have near identical heads.

Edited by Druna Skass
Posted (edited)
  azrael said:
I believe one of the producers at the premiere mentioned that Athrun would have some girl-trouble if that's of any help.

Also rumors among the Japanese boards are saying that our "fake" Lacus is a doppelganger, so-to-speak. This was based on the fact that Rie Tanaka (Lacus's VA) appears to have another role set for her besides Lacus (whom will see later, everntually). The "fake" Lacus is suppose to be a spy who acts, sounds like, sings like and even thinks she'sLacus (hence the reuse of Ms. Tanaka). But, this is just another rumor so you'll just have to wait and see. For all we know, she may be a clone.

That would be plausible. An imposter posing as Lacus for a time.

Can't wait to see how this show plays out. It will be a year of endless speculation.

Edited by Anubis

Just an update but AnimeKingdom I believe is their name, has released a better video quality and better subbed version, you can find it at Animesuki.

  Hikuro said:
Just an update but AnimeKingdom I believe is their name, has released a better video quality and better subbed version, you can find it at Animesuki.

The A-K/Aone version has much better encoding of the 2. It also appears to have corrected the notable mistakes of the other release (another group put out a copy today, which I'll take a look at later).

Although this would be real nitpicking, they should use the names from here for locations:


Considering the DVDs for Seed are out, they could make it easier on themselves and use the names off the official site. But that's real nitpicking. :p


Maybe nitpicky but its still the correct terms regardless...you'd think groups would follow thru with that.

  Hikuro said:
Maybe nitpicky but its still the correct terms regardless...you'd think groups would follow thru with that.

Well, whatever the reason, I'd wish they would just make it easier on themselves and use the location names off the official site (Of course, it was only 1 instance where I saw that so it's no biggie).

In any case, the sub that got released today went phonetic on the names (Stera instead of Stella/Stellar, Kagari instead of Cagalli) and some editing was needed. But anyways, back to the speculation.

Posted (edited)

OK watching the op and ed again, now I'm agreeing there might be another Lacus to cause some kind of trouble. Imposter or clone can't say until we see it, but in the opening it looks more like Athrun and that Lacus are caught, like they were holding each other. She doesn't look frightened.

More damning is that there are TWO Lacuses in the ending!

One in this image, dead center:


Edited by Anubis
Posted (edited)

And the other with Kira like she's supposed to be.

And now that my ep 1 download is finished, that Athrun pic Lacus is indeed grinning.


Edited by Anubis

Shot of Murrue kneeling to pick up the mask.


Posted (edited)

Neo = Mu or Neo = Cloned Mu

I really hate that they made Neo as Mu or cloned Mu... :angry:

Mu is the best character in SEED... and they have to mess him up...

Edited by ogami
Posted (edited)
  ogami said:
I really hate that they made Neo as Mu or cloned Mu...  :angry:

I would say "I would really hate if they made....."

We don't know right now. In the coming weeks, the answers will come but we only have 1 of possibly 50 episodes. Between now and this time next year, anything is possible. For all we know, the producers could be playing games with the audience. :D

Edited by azrael
  azrael said:
  ogami said:
I really hate that they made Neo as Mu or cloned Mu...  :angry:

I would say "I would really hate if they made....."

We don't know right now. In the coming weeks, the answers will come but we only have 1 of possibly 50 episodes. Between now and this time next year, anything is possible. For all we know, the producers could be playing games with the audience. :D


True, very true!

Neo may be something else.


Finished watching ep 1. Great first episode. Assumes you watched Seed, and gets right to business. Love the Zakus.

There was a ceremonnial scheme Ginn that looked pretty cool too.

Seems like one of the new problems is that a number of ORB people immigrated to PLANT, so naturally when they got there they went to work with what they knew: military tech.

So apparently ORB tech was making it's way into Zaft mobile Suits and other hardware, and the Alliance was starting to get pissed about it, so Cagalli, as ORB's head of state, went to have a talk to the Zaft chairman about it. They are in the middle of their talk walking along the hangars when the new 3 gundams are stolen. This time though Cagalli is totaly caught by surprize that Zaft actually built new model gundams.

Interesting to note that she called it a gundam right away. Nice that the name stuck after everyone heard Kira call them that based off the acronym.

Also, it was SO Kira that killed Shin's family. Calamity was aiming at the sky, Kira unloaded all 5 beams at the ground making that nice crater killing his family at the same time. By accident, but he still pulled the trigger.

Odds are when Shin eventually sees the Freedom, he will immediately remember it, and fly off the handle. Maybe reach his Seed mode? Probably be a while before anything Kira or Lacus related happens though.

I do like how they jumped right in here. Good pacing for a 1st episode.

At least for being separate components, the Impulse launched pretty quick. One piece right after the other. The combining sequence was pretty quick too, but I would find it pretty cheezy if someone doesn't start trying to shoot at or intercept some of the components before they combine after a while.


Impulse combining sequence is not as quick as V Gundam :D

And it seems Impulse cannot afford to lose any body parts...

(V Gundam uses its body parts as missiles... :lol: )


Change~! Getter ONE~~~!!!


:o holy poop on a shtick! According to AnimeSuki's trackers Animekingdom's got over a thousand downloaders and almost 800 seeders while others are not close enough to break 200.........WOW if I downloaded that today I'd be done in less than 45 minutes I bet :p But I already got Uke and AK's versions to compare and contrast for a script so wahla!
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