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  Anubis said:
Side note (just read the closed rumor thread):

I would also be wary of the rumor mill. There's a lot of stuff that will be "leaked" that will very likely be BS. Trust the magazine articles and press releases, as well as whoever catches the raws first.

The show hasn't aired and yet rumors have come which sound like they will be coming from the end of the show (which probably hasn't even been written yet).

  azrael said:
  Anubis said:
Side note (just read the closed rumor thread):

I would also be wary of the rumor mill.  There's a lot of stuff that will be "leaked" that will very likely be BS.  Trust the magazine articles and press releases, as well as whoever catches the raws first.

The show hasn't aired and yet rumors have come which sound like they will be coming from the end of the show (which probably hasn't even been written yet).

Yeah, there are rumors about Kira's involvement and and the midseries replacement being the Destiny Gundam. A little to early in the game to be reaching that far. The "Destiny" that was posted somewhere was basically a freedom with an IWSP pack on it.


Come on.

Besides, they already said DESTINY is another acronym, same as GUNDAM, ZAKU, and SEED. They haven't finished the ending stuff yet completely. Like how Seed was in production still as it aired.

  Anubis said:
They haven't finished the ending stuff yet completely. Like how Seed was in production still as it aired.

Most series are usually (especially the year-long or longer ones) still in production by the time they air.

What they probably have at this point is the storyline roadmap (they know it will end but they don't know "how" it will end in detail, the writers are working as we speak). By this point, they should have about 25% of the series animated (if their good, perhaps 1/3) done i.e. production. They should have the first 5-8 eps past post-production or at the end of post-production and ready to air (For the TV stations to map out the broadcast schedule).

S.E.E.D. = Superior Evolutionary Element Destined-factor

Posted (edited)

Here is a complete pic spread of the Impulse in all it's configurations.

It's the MSiA's but it's something at least.


In other news, CN has screwed Seed over again it seems. :angry: First they screw with it with all those commercial breaks, now starting Oct. 16 Seed will be replaced by Rurouni Kenshin on Toonami. All I can hope is that now it's poised to go to Adult Swim. Case Closed will only make it to Ep. 52 (all CN ordered), so maybe CN will use Seed in the timeslot. I hope at least. For now it seems they just ordered up through Ep. 26 being stupid. They're clipping it right before it really picks up once they leave Orb the first time. Hopefully it comes back soon in a real time slot, not buried Sat. night at 10:30. The guy that thought that up to begin with needed to be smacked anyway. CN has not said what it's new Seed plans were save it's coming off on the 16th. :angry:

At least DVD Vol. 2 and 3 come out in October.

Edited by Anubis

lol Cartoon Network never plans things right from the get go....but after the failure of airing Gundam 0079, I think they're being a bit more caustious....afterall right around the 30's is when they cut it from poor raitings since kids just didn't like "the animation"....I mean it's a show from the late late 70's.....wha do you expect? Computer graphics? 0_o these kids would fall asleep with Tron they're so spoiled.

But I'm not happy with CN's editing of SEED anyways....they had Bartfields Colt 45 look like Brilliant Neons guns from Trigun.....with the flashy neon lights and crap....I hate that.


Hmm I honestly didn't expect them to take off SEED, or to order just 26 episodes(which I heard is the case). Still they like said they might be very cautious of Gundam shows now. Then again this could be also Bandai's fault. No one series has really been pushed and advertised the way Wing was when it was released and that ran for the longest. MSG was promoed a lot on CN but since then nothing on other Gundam shows other then a week or two before it airs. Like G Gundam, that appeared out of nowhere to be honest.

Then again really no other shows have been heavyly advertised the way Tenchi, DBZ, and Wing were. All three were franchises were one for a long time.

I wonder why Bandai didn't do that with SEED? Or did they?


Well, here's Neo Roanoke's Mobile Armor, as always from Gunota Headlines.




Though I don't want it to happen really, I can feel Zeon or Titans Style large traditional Mobile Armors coming for the Alliance/Blue Cosmos. Just about every other type of Mobile weapon in Gundam lore is already present except for the large scale Mobile Armors (the Meteor wasn't that big really by comparison, just heavily armed). Seed even gave us funnels and the large superweapon already.

Maybe a Dendrobium type Mobile Armor, the alliance/Blue Cosmos's answer to the Meteor. Who knows.

Posted (edited)

Here's a scan from the upcoming Gundam Seed PS2 game.

Thing has everything including the MSV suits, down to the Gunbarrel Dagger, ahd the Gold Frame.


Edited by Anubis

You notice alot of Gundam games do half the story first release, than the sequal will carry the other half? Like we got Journey to Jaburo, than a few years later we got Encounters in Space? During that we got Federation Versus Zeon and sometime we'll get AEUG Versus Titans? Next will probably be League Militarie versus Zanscare?

The new seed game has better graphics, different engine I think than the first one....wasn't the first seed game a mixture of 3D in a 2D scroll like enviorment? Than again I haven't played any imports since DYRL for the playstation....

  Hikuro said:
You notice alot of Gundam games do half the story first release, than the sequal will carry the other half? Like we got Journey to Jaburo, than a few years later we got Encounters in Space? During that we got Federation Versus Zeon and sometime we'll get AEUG Versus Titans? Next will probably be League Militarie versus Zanscare?

The new seed game has better graphics, different engine I think than the first one....wasn't the first seed game a mixture of 3D in a 2D scroll like enviorment? Than again I haven't played any imports since DYRL for the playstation....

I wouldn't know, I've never played any of them actually. Only Gundam game I've played was Battle Assault 2. :lol: Don't have a PS2 either. I might try to rent AEUG vs Titans and play it on my brother's PS2 though.


Really comparing the Battle Assault games to an actual MS simulator like game is big difference. I got rid of my Battle Assault game quickly, it just sucked.

But the ones released in the states, they're not bad at all. Personally the Feddie Versus Zeon was the best...it had alot of mobile suits to choose from, hell you can even capture Zeon suits if you do it right. Not too mention, you got maybe 150 missions to play, really rehashed missions again and again but it never grows old and you can play either side.

Encounters in Space and Journey to Jaburo were fine in my opinion....but these SEED games.....they need to get releaed in the states or else BANDAI will be lit on fire, a brilliant orange burning blaze of hell from I.


I'd love to see an all gundam inclusive "Vs" title. Then the Zeta truly would stand as king above all :)

Posted (edited)
  Druna Skass said:
The new SEED game, is it more of a fighting game, or is it more like the Vs series?

I'd like to see how deploying the Gunbarrels on the Dagger 105 would work.

The Seed fighting game is on the GBA, the PS2 one should be like AEUG vs Titans (I guess).

Looks like there's a 2 player vs. mode though, which would be cool.

Edited by Anubis

New pic spread including the "Eguzasu" (see how the actual spelling comes out)



Zaft MS's


  Druna Skass said:
That MA even has the shark eyes that Mwu had on his...

MAHQ has the Calamity Gundam listed under the Alliance units in their DESTINY section, wonder what that could mean...

Calamity is there because it shows up in the First Attack. Remember how in Char's Counterattack you see the Elmeth, RX-78 Gundam, Char's Gelgoog, and the Corebooster, those are also in CCA's thing, not because they were used during the second Neo Zeon War but because they were in a flashback.

  Effect said:
:( So many of the characters look alike. Is anyone else having a problem with this? And to many Gundams. :(

So far all the Destiny suits I've seen look like crap, all the people look like people from the previous series. I the words of the Horse from Ren and Stimpy, "No, sir I don't like it."

Hell so far the only incentive I have to seeing it, is that I want to know what the deal with the masked guy is. I'm also looking forward to seeing what the Alliance has and to what the later Gundams look like but if it's Okawara behind those suits then I'm not going to put too much faith in them not looking like crap.

So far the only Okawara SEED MS unit I don't put in the crap category is the Calamity.

Posted (edited)
  Druna Skass said:
...all the people look like people from the previous series....

Well, they are using the same character designer...... <_<

Oh yes, and that MA......interesting....wonder why he pilots a MA instead of a MS....

Edited by azrael

Seed Destiny Astray Update:


The official DESTINY sidestory begins with this issue with the same cast in charge of the Astray manga returning. 5 months have passed since the Junius Seven Treaty. Matias hires Jess Rabble to take a scoop/pic of ZAFT's former secret weapon, Genesis Alpha (a smaller-sized Genesis). Once Jess reaches where the Genesis Alpha is located, he was captured by Gai and handed over to Lowe. Here, the Junkyard Guild was busy equipping Genesis Alpha onto ReHome as an engine. Meanwhile, ZAFT forces attacked Genesis Alpha in order to hide the evidence that it existed. The attacks were defended against by Gai and Canard's Dreadnaught Eta and ZAFT retreated after Jess took a pic of Genesis Alpha.


Jess Rabble - 20-year-old natural and photo journalist. He pilots Raysta, a civilian-use MS built by the Junkyard Guild. He uses the gun camera to take photos of the battlefield. Carries a goggle around all the time to protect his eyes.

Kaite Madigan - 22-year-old Coordinator and a professional MS pilot. He is not associated with any faction and is more of a mercenary. He's always wearing a suit even while piloting a MS.

Matias - Mysterious client. Natural. Age and real name are unknown. Owns a big mansion and hires Jess.


ZGMF-1017AS GINN Assault - Equipped with Duel's Assault Shroud. Weapons, armor, and propulsion are all upgraded. However, not a lot were produced. Piloted by Madigan.

MWF-JG71 Raysta - Serial number is short for "Main Works Figure Junkyard Guild Type 71". Raysta is derived from the word Astray and means "Civilian-use Astray". Raysta was built using data gathered from Astrays in the previous war. The MS is built from various junk parts. The Junkyard Guild has Raysta for sale or rental. However, it cannot be used for war purposes.

Gundam Astray Out Frame - MS discovered by Lowe at ZAFT's Genesis Alpha. During its discovery, it was not equipped with armor. Therefore, Lowe named it Out Frame. No word on if this MS was built or stolen by ZAFT. Lowe modified Out Frame as a construction-use MS equipped with no weapons. Lowe then gave it to Jess.

Dreadnaught Eta - Modified X Astray (aka Dreadnaught Gundam) piloted by Canard. The Dragoon System was taken out. The MS was designed by Lowe.


Dreadnaught Eta






I wonder if any of the Alliance guys will get the idea equipping a nuclear missile with either a mirage colroid or phase shift. Imagine the possibilities of invisible nuclear missiles.

Do Lowe and Gai still have their Astrays in Destiny?

  Dat Pinche Haro! said:
  Anubis said:

umm...i thought this was suppose to be an astray :blink::unsure:

That's "Astray" re-spelt. Heh. Wonder wat's up with that.

  wolfx said:
  Dat Pinche Haro! said:
  Anubis said:

umm...i thought this was suppose to be an astray :blink::unsure:

That's "Astray" re-spelt. Heh. Wonder wat's up with that.

"MWF-JG71 Raysta - Serial number is short for "Main Works Figure Junkyard Guild Type 71". Raysta is derived from the word Astray and means "Civilian-use Astray". Raysta was built using data gathered from Astrays in the previous war. The MS is built from various junk parts. The Junkyard Guild has Raysta for sale or rental. However, it cannot be used for war purposes."

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