RosarioLuv Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 (edited) Hello,If anyone can track down the magazine, I would love to get one also. Please let me know. Sincerely, Christopher I went looking for this must-have magazine today, and guess what? I FOUND TWO! BUT, there's a catch: After driving all the way to Olympia and then up to Seattle, I finally came upon Kinokuniya book store and showed the clerk there my crudely drawn Kana for "Figure Ou" #77 magazine, asking her if she had it... She looked on the rack....none, she looked it up in a catalogue, and couldn't even find it listed, then she scoured the computer data banks.....15 minutes passed and I waited no avail...... THEN, a coworker looks at her, and looks at me, and realizes we both look perplexed and eager (respectively) and decides to see if she can help. **enter japanese dialogue that I don't understand here except for the words "Figaya Ou" and "wakata!"** THEN, suddenly, the other coworker jumps up with a big smile (almost scared me she was so excited) because she seems to know exactly what I'm talking about now, does a little "happy dance" as she totters over to a shelf in the back and whips out a brand-spankin new copy of, yep, you guessed it, FIGURE OU #77 and waves Shoji's Beautiful MacZero valks staring me right in the face asking me, "is THIS what you're looking for?!" I say YES YES, that's the one!!!! She says, "ah yes, yes, you must be the one who ordered it! Yes?" ]*****PAUSE HERE FOR MINI-ME with angel wings and halo and mini-me with horns and a pitchfork:[/b] Naughty Me: "Just nod your head, pay for the darn mag, and then make like a tree and get outta there! Muahahaha!" Nice Me: "I'm sure there's a big fan out there, who might even be another MWer, who actually ordered this and has his heart set on it. Leave it be and find another way to get one." Naughty Me: "But you're here, and the other guy isn' the reserve tag says it's been holding since the beginning of June! That guy ain't never coming for it, and it isn't paid for yet, so go buy it!" Nice Me: "But then again, maybe he's like me, and lives in a different city, so he just hasn't had the time to come and buy it, or maybe he didn't get the messege that it's waiting for him. Plus, if you find out how to get it, you can kill two birds with one stone by ordering one for yourself and then pass the info along to everyone else who wants one." Regular Me: "ok ok, I gotta let it go. So sad!" ****and back to scene....ACTION:****** "tsk, naw, I wasn't the one who ordered it." So she says at least she knows what I'm talking about now, and she can order it for me. Takes down my name and number (yeah baby, hehe, how YOU doin?) and says it should be in in a couple o weeks. BUT, before I finish writing down my name and number, coworker girl comes running out of the back room with ANOTHER copy of Figure Ou #77, exclaiming, "You must be MAX, right?!" LOL!!! Man, Naughty Rolo and Nice Rolo started going at it again for a split second as I lifted my pen up off the paper in the middle of writing down my name. ****In my head: "Uh, yeah, yep, that's me, I'm MAX!"**** What I said for real: "*sigh* no, that's not me I guess I have to order don't have any extra ones, do you?" "Nope," says the purdy bookstore clerk. "Darn," says I. BUT, I did get some info on how to get one if you really want one, and I might be able to help somma you out if you don't have access to Kinokuniya. Savy? (yes, I LOVE the Pirates of the Carabbean Movie, just wish I could spell it). HOW TO (possibly) ORDER THIS MAG: 1. If you want to order this book from a japanese book store like Kinokuniya, you have to specify this as a "MOOK". The reason the clerks had a hard time looking it up is because it is considered neither a "magazine," nor a "book," but a "MOOK" (because it is a magazine that is like a book....don't ask, lol...). 2. Of course, the title is Figure Ou, May 2004 #77 (may help to write the Kana down for it, or print a pic of the cover) 3. The ISBN Number will help find it for sure (it has an ISBN because it is a "book/mook"). The ISBN Number is: ISBN # 4-8465-2480-9 4. You can order this in person or over the phone from most Kinokuniya stores. For a one-time mag (as oppossed to subscriptions), the Kinokuniya I went to won't ship (you have to pick it up and pay for it in person), but they do mail you a postcard letting you know when it comes in for you to pick it up. All they need is your name, mailing addie, and phone number. 5. Kinokuniya price for this mag is US$14.60 plus tax due at the time it arrives when you pick it up. Clerk said anywhere from 2-5 weeks for it to arrive. (I told her she should order a few more just in case.) She gave me a little order receipt that had a simple tracking number on it, and all I have to do is wait. That's it! Tada! The chances of finding this backissue elsewhere seems scarce, if you ask me, so this is the best I could come up with. I found out the above info after asking her, "I know several people looking for this magazine, so what info do they need in order for you to know what magazine they're talking about, and can they order over the phone?" She gave me the info and nodded her head along with enthusiastic "yes, yes, yes" (seems like forever that I've heard those words, hehe) So there ya go, my long-winded post about the Figure Ou Magazines I went all the way to Seattle for and didn't pick up. Wow, before I thought I was a just a married-with-children(child) 20-something-year-old nerd who still liked toys; now I'm just an aging stag whose version of "excitement is playing with toys and talking to a bookstore clerk because I don't get out much since the other half dropped outta the picture! lol/crying@me. ANYWAY, if you don't have a local Kinokuniya store near you, and you are SERIOUS about getting this mag, chime in here and let's tally up a list so we can call Kinokuniya and see if they can order that many at once. If the number isn't too high, I'd offer to front some mulah and get paid back when everyone receives their mags, but anything too complicated beyond that I would defer to another member or at least someone who'll escrow for me, since most folk here probably think of me as the DEMON FROM H-E-double-hocky-stick, lol. At least you got the info. So go find one now! Happy Hunting! P.S. Sorry for the overload on posts and words today....making up for lost time. Nerd. Edited July 22, 2004 by redemption Quote
Renato Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 Hey there, pal. Great to see you on the boards again, R. I got the mag when it first came out, so I'm not wanting to order it, but I'll tell you one thing that pissed me off -- there's a competition in there for all sorts of stuff, including a custom 1/48, Kawamori-autographed FAST pack sets, etc... I was gonna enter but I was so busy with stuff I TOTALLY forgot and I remembered on the very closing date!! Man, I never win at these things, but at least there would have been a minute chance.... Especially seeing as my friend won tickets to the Rock Odyssey concert featuring the Who, Lenny Kravitz, Aerosmith, L'Arc-en-ciel, Love Psychedelico, etc... Argh!! I'd like to win something for a change!! Quote
rnurmin Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 What is the content of the magazine about? Between, the cover looks cool Quote
vibayo Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 I think this is material to get scanned and into the emule P2P network or into the imacross servers Quote
nemesis120 Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 If people want me to, I can scan the stuff in. I'd just need a place to host it (I can e-mail it to someone that can host it). While it is pretty decent, it's not worth the $15. Quote
bigkid24 Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 Now that the bookstore in Mitsuwa is gone I don't know where to get this stuff. Any LA-area MWers know where we can pick this up? Exo? Bobe-Patt? Solscud? Quote
Solscud007 Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 Ok which mitsuwa are you talkign about? The one in Costamesa has a bookstore. Before it was kinokuniya. They moved to a plaza on Harbor Blvd south of the 405 fwy next to Target. Then there is the Kinokuniya in Little Tokyo in Downtown LA. Either kinokuniya or even the bookstore in the Costamesa Mitsuwa should beable to order it. Quote
BoBe-Patt Posted July 23, 2004 Posted July 23, 2004 Now that the bookstore in Mitsuwa is gone I don't know where to get this stuff. Any LA-area MWers know where we can pick this up? Exo? Bobe-Patt? Solscud? actually kinokuniya had one messed up copy left. So I asked the worker there if she would be able to order me one, and she said yes. So I'ma go back there in a week to order two. If you wanna jump on that order, just let me know. Or you can just buy that messed up one that's on the shelf. Quote
UNSpacy Posted July 23, 2004 Posted July 23, 2004 If anyone in the lower mainland (BC, Canada) is interested, Iwase books (Yaohan Centre in Richmond) can order it. Their shipment sold out very quickly they said (I was checking once a week and didn't see it). They quoted about $22 CDN. UNSpacy Canadian Division Quote
bigkid24 Posted July 23, 2004 Posted July 23, 2004 actually kinokuniya had one messed up copy left. So I asked the worker there if she would be able to order me one, and she said yes. So I'ma go back there in a week to order two. If you wanna jump on that order, just let me know. Or you can just buy that messed up one that's on the shelf. Yeah, Bobe-Patt, I get on that. Thanks, man! Solscud, the bookstore in Little Tokyo isn't there anymore. I went about a month ago to look for some stuff and it was gone. I'm not sure if it just moved or if it just closed down. Quote
BoBe-Patt Posted July 23, 2004 Posted July 23, 2004 actually kinokuniya had one messed up copy left. So I asked the worker there if she would be able to order me one, and she said yes. So I'ma go back there in a week to order two. If you wanna jump on that order, just let me know. Or you can just buy that messed up one that's on the shelf. Yeah, Bobe-Patt, I get on that. Thanks, man! Solscud, the bookstore in Little Tokyo isn't there anymore. I went about a month ago to look for some stuff and it was gone. I'm not sure if it just moved or if it just closed down. yeah, the only bookstore left in J-town is Kinokuniya. The nippon bookstore closed like two months ago. They had a 50% off everything sale that I totally missed out on! Oh well, at least kinokuniya is still open. Quote
Capt Hungry Posted July 25, 2004 Posted July 25, 2004 What is the content of the magazine about?Between, the cover looks cool I'm with rnurmin, what is in this mook? Quote
RosarioLuv Posted July 25, 2004 Author Posted July 25, 2004 What is the content of the magazine about?Between, the cover looks cool I'm with rnurmin, what is in this mook? The Mag is full of awesome full colour shots of our favourite (and recent) Macross toys...the closest thing to a toy catalogue for serious Macross Toy collectors. Check it out: Figure Ou Macross PIcs Quote
BoBe-Patt Posted July 25, 2004 Posted July 25, 2004 What is the content of the magazine about?Between, the cover looks cool I'm with rnurmin, what is in this mook? The Mag is full of awesome full colour shots of our favourite (and recent) Macross toys...the closest thing to a toy catalogue for serious Macross Toy collectors. Check it out: Figure Ou Macross PIcs yeah the book basically shows all the toys that came out for macross. It's a pretty good reference guide to all the toys ever made. I can't wait to get my copy! Quote
RosarioLuv Posted July 26, 2004 Author Posted July 26, 2004 Arigato Redemption! Actually, I got that link off the other thread. I just started this new one because the other thread wasn't actually about the magazine, but lotta people were trying to figure out how to find it. So I made this one for general info on how to get the mook, if not at least have a long-winded read to pass the time as "new" subjects at MW are scarce these days. Hopefully someone got a kick out of the fact that I was mistaken for someone who already ordered the mag not once, but twice! and the second person's name was "Max." Ya know, I never found out who the first person's name was, but I wonder if it happened to be "Milia." I would have said my name was Minmei if they had offered me a third magazine! But now I have to wait for it to come in like the rest of us. Quote
Ichiban Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 Can I some how get on a list for this magazine if anyone is planning a major buying spree for it. It looks great as a reference for many Macross toys! I have looked all over the net to order it, but I am having no luck Thanks! Quote
UNSpacy Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 Can I some how get on a list for this magazine if anyone is planning a major buying spree for it. It looks great as a reference for many Macross toys! I have looked all over the net to order it, but I am having no luck Thanks! I think you can order it online at Just use the ISBN listed by Redemption to search for it. Hope this helps. UNSpacy Canadian Division Quote
Ichiban Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 Thanks for the input. I read the postings in detail here. I don't know Japanese well and from the postings I think you order the magazine from their store and you pick it up? I live in Florida and I am unsure if they deliver from the store to other parts of the U.S. I need to hire a translator, ha! I 'll investigate further and keep browsing. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!! Quote
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