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Posted (edited)

After watching the horrific alpha (my opinion) I'm currently working on version 2 of the transformable paper legioss.

This time i use antoher technique for joints, no holes required... just folds.

here's the status:

Many thanks to Sergio Da Silva for drawing that high res pic of an legioss in different views.

I need to do the hands and the arm joints and i'm ready to export.

Edited by Kin

It looks extremely nice. Could you see if you could incorporate some locking mechanisms of some kind so that things don't flop like on the 1/48 imai kit? If not, definitely no biggie, this thing's gonna rock.

As soon as you get it done, I'll build it pronto!

I love the alpha, but I don't have enough money for a mpc yet, so I'm all for cheap paper and glue!

Posted (edited)

Here's a nice update:

I've builded 1 lower leg for transformation testing and it succesfully passed the test! :)

As you can see, the heel doesn't retract... but thats not a big problem ;)

The dotted lines seems to be good for cosmetic purpose... it looks like nails.

(Ahum... Toynami suck my paper lollypop)


Edited by Kin

I can't believe you are actually doing this... I cannot fathom how this works out of paper... simply amazing... :blink::blink:


The reason I do this is because I recently became a hardcore Mospeada fan and reason 2: I'm fustrated why toy designers are so inaccurate!


  Kin said:
The reason I do this is because I recently became a hardcore Mospeada fan and reason 2: I'm fustrated why toy designers are so inaccurate!

Oh please don't misunderstand... I'm not asking why you are doing this... I'm just expressing my astonishment in your abilities to put this thing together in paper AND make it transform... simply incredible.

  rocco_77 said:
  Kin said:
The reason I do this is because I recently became a hardcore Mospeada fan and reason 2: I'm fustrated why toy designers are so inaccurate!

Oh please don't misunderstand... I'm not asking why you are doing this... I'm just expressing my astonishment in your abilities to put this thing together in paper AND make it transform... simply incredible.

ow hehe... blush blush*

I used to get A's for craftwork at highschool. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Now with upperleg... very solid joint construction in all modes. I've use paper that bends in/outwards for retracting. Kneecap is movable and tight with use of pegs.

Upperleg retract deep inside just like the sketches.

length of the whole leg is correct.!

Eureka! :)


Edited by Kin
Posted (edited)

Another update.

I use a common rubber band to use it as a connection to the body. I made thin cuts on the upperleg for fighter and soldier mode. Put something inthe leg to hold the rubber band, put a paper cylinder in the body where the elastic band goes through the centre of it.. tighten up the lot.

It works great! ;)

Oh I forgot 1 thing... the body plate chest is retracktable! :)


Edited by Kin
Posted (edited)
  dyowelb said:

in the first page of this thread you posted a file, is it the finished model???



that one is finished... but it's only fightermode. I'm building a real transformable model with propiate manual in the future.

another update:

this time i use metal wire to twist and tighten the upper bodypart. Since the upper part only rotates.. it doesn't need to be elastic. The model itself is a little smaller than the 1/35 and difficult to work with but > with a larger scale even my 7 year old nephew can build it. :)

this time i use white.. since i dont want to run out of black ink..

(notice i've just scratched something that should be an intake.. blehh :p )


Edited by Kin
Posted (edited)
  Kin said:

that one is finished... but it's only fightermode. I'm building a real transformable model with propiate manual in the future.

Well I guess I'll just have to wait for the transformable kit.

Thanks in advance,


Edited by dyowelb

Absolutely beautiful!

What do we at MW owe you for your fruitful devotion to fanime customs?!!

Please make this available for us all to build. I have envisioned such constructs for the Macross VFs & Mospeada craft for such a long time, but out of more time consuming foam & cardboard building; nothing quite as self-tutorial and mass-reproducible as folded paper!

I'm already envisioning your paper model reinforced w/foamboard, balsa or polyurethane coated cardboard & styrene, at about 1/32 scale and fully tricked out w/scale details and sturdy, posable joints.

The hell with Toynami and their over-bloated $80 Robo-crap. I'd pay you that much for a 1/24 customizable paper kit of this model.

How detailed a final kit might us enthusiasts expect to see? :)

Posted (edited)

Well atthe end this is all free. The only problem is to make a manual... which is very time consuming.


Wings are foldable en uses pegs to get it straight and tighten in fightermode.

I forgot to make a flap (see orange marking) which should hold and tighten the lot in soldier mode by inserting the flap between the bodypart and cockpit.

The wing is cut out rough and I didn't glued it on the body in case of any problems with the joint of the arm. But anyway when I hold down my fingers on it, the whole wing is likely to be solide as a rock. :)

It may seem that the wing bends a littleseen from the frontview but thats corresponding to the sketches. ;)


Edited by Kin
Posted (edited)


Is it possible to make different versions of the Legioss(namely the Houquet and Rey types) by just changing the head/adding the head laser ?

btw i wonder are the wings are always anhedral in armofighter mode or are they adjustable for whatever reason.

Edited by hellohikaru
Posted (edited)
  hellohikaru said:

Is it possible to make different versions of the Legioss(namely the Houquet and Rey types) by just changing the head/adding the head laser ?

that is possible... thank god only the head is different. :rolleyes:

according to this pic the wingsare anhedral.


Edited by Kin

OMFG that's amazing! I praise you and your mad papercraft skills. :) That's amazing, plus you decided to go for fully transformable which is really cool.

Posted (edited)

praise the lord that is KIN!!!!!! My dear god, KIN, I offer my self to you in utter and complete devotion. I kowtow to you now, everyone worship the lord KIN!!!!!!! sniff its so pretty and it transforms!!!!!!! God bless you, you wonderful person you!!!! :lol::D:p:o:blink:

watch HG will issue a cease and desist warrant now do to forseen conflict in interests (being everyone will flock to this perfect paper craft over 80 dollars of a nice bootleg of Imai kits)

Edited by Solscud007

Ow... please I'm blushing like a tomato...

I have alot of work to do so.. let'swait tilllit is finished.. then well see if it isgood or not.

Anyway, next to my job I'll try to make some spare time to build it.

This time the arms are challenging.. plus the fact I'm having trouble with my 3d model to get the right output... some outputs get wrong. But it's a matter of time to get it right.

Posted (edited)
  justvinnie said:
I think your next project should be a combining tread.  I think everyone here will worship you as a god if you did.


lol i don't want to be worshipped...


The arm works OK. Still a larger scale would be easier to put together though cause the papergets thick.

The tailfin is actually consealed in the a hollow compartement in the arm in stead of retracting sideways which forces the tailfin to be small. In fightermode the compartement will be used for the fist. By folding about 4 times you can just get to fit it. Tailfin itself is not folded so it stays nice intact.

It is stored diagonal in lenght.

Anyway, I'm figuring out how to connect it to the body.


Edited by Kin
Posted (edited)


Beta test is finished... all joints hasbeen tested.

I got a a few points where I have to improve but that's a very small problem.

Cockpit wont fit in the body cause the canopy is blocked by a crossbar for the joints. A different joint technique will fix the problem.

As for the rest.. everything works OK. It's a bit floppy but it's due because of weakpaper, small scale and lots of testing. :)

Next step/test is to build it in larger scale and use higher quality thick paper. (with the head and radar unit ofcourse)

As you can see on the pick i've removed the cockpit to show you how it's gonna be in soldier mode. Unfortunately i forgot to take pictures in armo diver mode lol before removing it.

What happend to be a lucky find is that the wing volds and closes very beautiful and tight betweeen the body and the shoulder/intake part... that's very cool@! :)

The arms has been tighten by an elastic string running from shoulder/intake to the arm. It fits very nice!

2004 btw... :rolleyes:


Edited by Kin
Posted (edited)
  hellohikaru said:
Awesome work Kin

Your legioss puts the MPC to shame. Love how you make armofighter mode look so well propportioned.

I just don't get it. How can you make all the modes look good and Toynami can't? I do think your fighter mode puts all the transformable "representations" out there to shame.

On another note, I was wondering if you could get the fins on the side of the nosecone to come together in soldier mode? I have to give credit to Toynami for pulling that off.


Edited by justvinnie
Posted (edited)

thnx... but still I have to finish this. As for the fins, it is possible to get them together. I'll do it on the next one :)

I was considering to make the body a bit taller.. since the legs are getting too close to the shoulder/intale and there is plenty of space left on the canopy/head to do so

(correction... not "tail")

Edited by Kin


I'm tired after work... so I think I can start on friday night, focusing the leg.

This time I'll use more detail for the legs such as:

- missile hatches with missiles in it (duh)

- rear landing gear

- textures

The model is going to be very large scale.


Is it going to be a perfect transformation model? I know right now you're having some issues with the cockpit... And are you going to sell/provide pre printed sheets/printable sheets, with the textures on them?

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