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i cannot tell, it looks like there is some weathering done, many people cannot paint or weather for sh+t i guess if i could see some better pics i could tell you, it does not look that bad . i do not think i would pay that type of price however.


People seriously need to learn how to take better pictures when they photograph models. (especially when they're trying to sell them) Webcams and 1 Mpix cameras don't cut it. Neither does reducing the resolution of the image so much that it loses all detail. And a solid poster-board background does wonders for focusing your attention on the model and not the stuff behind it.

Enough of the ranting.

From what I can make out from the photos, the kit isn't too badly done. Seams appear to be filled and smooth (except for the on one on the instrument cowling). The paint looks relatively even and applied precisely, the decals don't show any silvering, and the panel lines seem to be done well.

As far as this being built by a pro... I'd say that this is an average/ above-average model. It's much better than some of the other "pro" built-up crap that you see on eBay, but it's not as good as a lot of other stuff that I've seen out there. But it's by no means bad.

my 2 cents.


BTW, that's not a pro-built model. This is a pro-built model:

1/48 Monogram B-17G


actually, the finishing is quite decent from what I can see; proper pictures would certainly help though.

The price is outrageously cheap, especially for a finish that good. Think about it... Even if a guy only charges $10 per hour for modelling services. Over the 30-40 hours necessary to finish it, that's already $300-400 and you haven't even added suppllies like paint, putty or any pricy photoetch and/or resin tidbits.


Wow that B17 is a probuilt model, good lord!

I clicked on the link from this auction that shows more pics, the panel lines on the top of one of the booster packs haven't been rescribed either. No way would I spend 130 bucks.


The VF-1's as well as the other models he has listed look like they are very well done.

In my opinion, for the amount of work involved and considering how well the Strike came out, I think the "Buy it Now" price is more than justified.

I love the B17, and the builder did a great job, but then his pictures aren't that great either, so it's hard to throw stones.

I wouldn't mind getting a BF109 or a FW190 from the guy on eBay at some point. ;)

Posted (edited)

I'm not saying the model is terrible, I mean he did a good job and all. I just think calling it "pro-built" is a stretch. After all the other similar models I've seen out their and on this board I'm just saying I don't think it's the highest quality I've seen.

Edited by Grayson72

Yeah, I know what you mean, but then he isn't selling it at a "Pro-Built" price either.

If the guy wanted to, I think he has the skills to do an honest-to-goodness balls to the wall full on build.

He's putting a reasonable amount of time and effort into each kit, and has found a good medium between keeping the price reasonable versus spending an excessive amount of time on each kit.

It's obviously a lot more time consuming to do a "pro-build," and I would concur that the Strike kit rates as above average. The majority of customers are going to be happy with what they get. The ones that want something more are going to pay for it, and I'm sure he can accomodate them.

We tend to be a little more discriminating because of some of the talent we've been exposed to here on MW. After seeing what "WM Cheng" and "Jung" can do, it's hard not to have a jaded eye when looking at other's work. I only mentioned (2) talented people here on MW, and I know there are several others.


i agree with you that we're spoiled by the incredible talents we have on this board. Heck- some of the work here rival those in hobby magazines, and sometimes even beyond.

I do think the price is high, but probably because it's because I can build models myself, albeit perhaps not to the same level as the ebay seller. For those that can't build kits I reckon this is the only way they can get their hands on a valk model. It's like this- my dad thinks it's outrageous that they charge $20 for an oil change because he can do it himself. but the majority of people don't think twice about it. hope my analogy kinda makes sense. :)


Nice paint job, nice weathering, etc....

But he´s got to be kidding if he is asking 95 bucks for it. :blink:

  Grayson72 said:
...I'm just saying I don't think it's the highest quality I've seen.

On the other hand, it certainly is a far cry above other so called "pro-built" models I have seen.

I think it looks nice. I myself wouldn't pay so much money for it, since I would rather build my own, but I would certainly not reject it from a display case.


I think it and his other works look great. And the price ain't that bad at all. In a drawing class I had in college, I was told that a good price for your work is to charge minimum wage for all the hours you spent working on it. That plus materials would put it much over the $135 he's asking.


Hey, my first reply. And it's about my built valk model! Yes, I am the builder of the model being discussed here. Thanks for the constructive criticism. It's nice to know what others think of my stuff. All the pics were taken with a 2MP dc, the white paint really messes with the contrast.

I only wish the site I host my pics on didn't compress my pics so much!!


Welcome to Macrossworld! this place is Macross central for toy and model collectors. Some of the great stuff you find for sale here can only be found on this site.

I hope I didn't offend you with my posts, that was not my intention.

  AchtungMacross said:
I only wish the site I host my pics on didn't compress my pics so much!!

You probably still have uncompressed pictures of your kit. What do you say you upload it to us so we can see it completely?


Welcome to Macross World! ;) I hope to see you around, and I'm sure others would like to see detailed pictures of your Macross valkyries.

The Luftwaffe and Macross valkyries make a very nice combination. ;)


I think the model looks pretty good, better than I could do in the time versus cost department.

I agree that the Pro-Built/Painted thing is abused sometimes on E-Bay but ultimately beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Either someone thinks it is worth the cash or they don't. Personally I enjoy putting them together even if I am not as skill as others. Some people like to have their models look like a million dollars rather than spending the time putting them together themselves and looking inferior. Neither side is wrong, just a matter of preference.

Good luck on the auction :)


Hey you did rescribe the panel lines on the booster.

Did you hand paint the whole thing? Or just the nozzles.


Damn, that is nice, especially now that you posted the pictures, which really show off the detail.

I like how you went for the "End of DYRL" look. The paint chips replicated via the discriminate damage to the decals as well as the weathering looks great.

According to his auction, he uses an airbrush to paint with, and most likely some dry brushing as needed.

I would never know that it is only the second Macross valkyrie you built. ;)


Just curious, did you brush-paint the main nozzles on fast-packs?


Yes, I did brush paint the nozzles on the fast packs. Now that I think about it , they would look better airbrushed. Never again !! The rest was airbrushed.

I think I'll snap the nozzles off and airbrush them just for the heck of it.

Something like this is cool.



Hei, AchtungMacross you are really good, just try to make better photos, your models deserve more ;)

Nice fastpacks color.


Wow, the fastpacks in the recent picture you posted look great. Really big difference, and I definitely like the way you did the nozzles. ;)

  Stamen0083 said:
That seam needs some attention in your next model ;-)


I'm not sure what you are referring to. Which seam?

If you take a look at the first pictures he posted, and then the single picture of just the boosters, you can see that an big difference between the stock plastic and the photoetched part that takes it's place. I'm specifically referring to the hatch that goes on the top of the fastpack with the missile pod tip.

The original plastic part looks out of place and is much too thick, as compared to the thin photoetched part, which blends in much better.


Christopher B))


Hey guys, good eye. The seam just above the nozzle in the last pic has been fixed. Good thing it wasn't finished yet!

What exactly are the arms? Excuse me, but I am kind of new to Macross.

The first valk has styrene stock hatches on top, the second is pe.

I'm putting the finishing touches on a pe detailed, weapon set Strike valk as I speak. Anybody wanna see some pics when I'm done? :)


the arms are where the gunpod is attached to and is located in the middle between the legs. if you go to fan works section of the forums there are some transformation videos that may help you.

please do post more pics when you're finished. you use airbrush for your painting right? I'm doing a battroid by hand brush and it's such a pain, especially for the white. I really wish I had an air brush but once school starts in a few wks there is no way i can be making models. :(


Hi,JYLC. Thanks for the info.I now know what the arms are. It's a tricky seam to get at.

Yes, I use an airbrush. For a lot of these Macross models, you could get away with using a cheap single action airbrush. You don't really need fine paint control with all the primary colors and masking. Some run around $30 or so.

I just finished a Strike valk flown by Roy, here's some pics.


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