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I just hope that when its realeased it doesn't have that much yellow on it. How are they making the matrix light up anyways?


Here's what I want to know. How come they got the colors right for prime but screwed up so badly with the Unicron toy? I think that is a big reason why people aren't willing to shell out the $50.00 for Unicron but may put up the money for prime. Trying to make an expensive transformer toy with colors that cater to little kids is just stupid. The Unicron toy says it is for ages 5 and up. What 5 year old's parents is going to buy that thing for their kid? I'm glad they finally got things right with prime. I just wish they had started a bit earlier so it would save us all the hassle of having to repaint Unicron. Yeesh.


Small LED's can run on a watch battery and nothing more. They'll burn out quicker without a resistor, but they'll work fine for a while anyways. (As in, 500 hours instead of 10,000 hours----and NOBODY's going to keep the matrix lit up for days on end). It's like any light-up LED pen, keychain, etc. The matrix could easily be self-contained, or just make it actually have metal parts, and if Prime's hand is metal, it can make contact to light up. (Most small LED applications are like that--simple contact is on-off). Place Matrix in his hand, it lights up. That simple. (Hopefully, if Hasbro's smart).

Open letter to Hasbro/Takara:

Please make more TF's like these. 2 or 3 per year, at $75 a pop, is way better than like 20 $5-10 toys. This Prime is WAY better than entire waves of most lines, and I'd much rather have a few awesome TF's than a bunch of little cheap ones.


I like the paint job much better on Prime now, but whats up with the yellow on his head and chest :huh: ? Will that also be part of the differances between the American and Japanese release? Still looks sweet though B) .

i want one sooooooo bad now  :( ....does anyone know where i can get one?  :p

BBTS is accepting preorders, Kevin at VEX said he plans on carrying it, and HLJ will be accepting preorders in the near future.

don't forgot blastotys who is also taking pre-orders


I know I've asked this before but....

Does anybody know what SCALE it is?.

Is it nice and big, a la the 1/48's or is it craptastically small like the MPC Alpha?

Sorry, but an incredibly detailed 6 inch figure wont get my 90 bucks.

Posted (edited)
I think that is a big reason why people aren't willing to shell out the $50.00 for Unicron but may put up the money for prime. Trying to make an expensive transformer toy with colors that cater to little kids is just stupid. The Unicron toy says it is for ages 5 and up. What 5 year old's parents is going to buy that thing for their kid?

In defense of Unicron, I think sales will definatly pick up once the episodes of Armada with him it in air. So far, Unicron was only shown a couple seconds in the show in planet mode. Not impressive enough for a $50 based on that shot. But once he shows up and turns into a robot, kids will want one. BTW: In my area, Unicron seems to be selling OK.

Unlike Star Wars, I've actually seen many kids interested in Transformers. Most of them are 12 or younger. You can't count on them to have seen Transformers the Movie (Unicron's claim to fame) since it was well before they were born. The earliest Transformers show they probably saw was Beast Wars.

Factor in that the Unicron Battles will air this October, getting kids interested in him by Christmas. I'm sure many parents don't buy their kids $50 toys often except for Christmas. Once the kid gets interested, it is more likely the partents will pick one up for a gift.

Edited by Khyron

I think that the matrix will probably have a see through crystal window. The led will probably be placed on Prime's chest to give out that effect.

As for the colors, I bet that the funky yellow Prime will probably be the American Version.


I think Primes is supposed to be 1/24 and be in-scale with the Alternators.

He's going to be available at Toys R Us first, then everywhere else.

Furthermore, as an anniversary toy based on polls held on all Transformers sites, Prime has all the goodies we asked for. I don't foresee any differences between the Hasbro and Takara versions except for minor paint applications.


I am REALLY REALLY hoping that the toyfair cover is just photoshopped with all of that yellow, praying infact. but regardless I am getting a japanese one at least(release date is my B-day!) But yea, just to make you guys drool here are better pictures from the ebay auction, Ask and ye shall recieve:-) And tranformation looks like the windows open up and the legs fold down since the front bumper covers the matrix...



I cant wait to mine arrives, I would hesitate to order one from HLJ until I saw the shipping price since its going to be heavy and large, depending on what form they package it in...



does primes "love handles" come off to make room for his arms in truck mode? thats what it looks like to me.


the prime is cool, i've seen the white preproduction one.

but that picture is BAAAAAAADDDDD. the head andneck look detached from the body and crooked.

and i also hope they tone that yellow down on the final version


Just a quick FYI: the yellow on the upper part of the chest is 100% correct. They are bullet-lights. Trust me, it's absolutely essential to the look of any standard 70's to present semi. It's up there with "big tall stacks" for things that make a truck look like a truck. It's just that they've never been made accurately.

(Really technically, they should be transparent amber). And hey--if they lit up it'd be awesome. Newer trucks use LED's for them, and they're in such high demand you often can't get them and have to settle for standard bulbs.

A semi without a line of amber lights across the top just isn't a semi.


only thing that looks funny to me is that prime is using only two fingers to hold the matrix. If I remember correctly, he uses both hands in the movie. It just looks funny. :p:D:lol:


*jaw drops*

It's Prime! With hip joints! HIP JOINTS!


Yes, I saw the prototype shots. But who can get excited over an off-white Optimus(besides Ultra Magnus fans)?

Dang, it's been ages since I've messed with a Transformer at all and I want this one SO BAD!!!!


WOW....I go away for a week and look what I miss... After seeing those pics, I've decided to go ahead and get 2 of these suckas, one in bot mode and the other in vehicle.

Also does anybody know for sure if Palisades will be involved in making the trailer for this? Been hearing errr reading lots of rumors about this on the net...

Also anxiety is kicking in for for Smokescreen, just 3 more weeks till release (if takara doesn't disappoint). :(:(


NAH... cos this is a feature that you actually see in the cartoons, unlike the Major Piece of (&@P's made up feature to jack up the price to $80 :p .

so nobody has a problem with the LED in Prime's chest? :p

i thought we didn't like LEDs in our toys? ;)


It's not bright enough.

I think all Transformers should have a supernova button that sets off a really big flash and blows the toy apart.

Preferably in a way that it's reassemblable afterwards...

only thing that looks funny to me is that prime is using only two fingers to hold the matrix. If I remember correctly, he uses both hands in the movie. It just looks funny. :p:D:lol:

It does look a bit odd.........I wish they could have included fingerholds for the Matrix.

(I hate Rodimus too....but it's the only Matrix pic I could find)



I think we should just be glad that prime come with the matrix no matter how tiny it'll be. Hopefully we won't lose the thing.


Let's be fair, Rodimus kicked all sorts of arse in the movie, he didn't become the whiney, whimpy, "Oh lordy, Optimus! I wish I was more likes you der, with your manliness!" - Rodimus until late in the tv series, just before Optimus came back. Of course, Optimus is the better Autobot Leader by far, but to tell the truth I'd take Rodimus over Optimus Primal, or even the RiD and Armada Optimus Primes. Fire Convoy was a better toy, but in the show...well...anything related to those shows were pretty terrible.

And it's not that we don't like LEDs in our toys, it's just that the Valkyrie 'eyes' don't light up, they never did. It's a gimmick that was poorly pulled off for the MPC in that it wasn't accurate, and it limited the mobility of the head (you could only turn it so far before the wires stopped it), and the plastic was so cheap, the entire head lit up and it looked pretty bad.

The Matrix does light up. And I sincerly doubt they're gonna use cheap plastic for the 20th Anniversary Prime toy.

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