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Anyone go through this before???

I shipped a package on June 19..... customs received it June 25th...... Now it is July 19th.... customer still has not received package. what bastards. I think it may be stolen. Anyway I'm going to run a trace on it. This was a Global Express Mail package too!!!!


Yeah Canadian customs suck. I sent Ricepiece a package that was 2nd day mail and it took 2 weeks to get there. A month is extra painful though.


Actually. I'm having the same problem, a couple of my friends (inlcuding myself) ordered a bunch of Bit-Char G's about three weeks ago.

According to my friend in Canada they were shipped on June 24th. They still haven't arrived yet (and my friends also didn't get their stuff also). :(

But, just like the South Park movie says....



I had the same problem few months ago.

I ordered EVA vol 9 from HK and used Global Express Mail.

It got stuck at the customs for 2 weeks!

The package didn't open by the customs at all... :angry:

Until today, I still don't know why the customs want to keep it for 2 weeks...

  >EXO< said:
Yeah Canadian customs suck. I sent Ricepiece a package that was 2nd day mail and it took 2 weeks to get there. A month is extra painful though.

Me too. When I usually order from B&N, it usually gets to me two to three weeks after the fact. I don't know why they do this.


I've only had problems shipping certain illicit substances from Canada. Since I don't really feel like importing it at this time, I no longer have to deal with them. Ask for Alaska Grown. :ph34r:


aight guys lets set the record straight. it is not customs but Canadian postal is to blame and not Canada. Jung and other members are canadian as is my gf. according to her each postal office is privately owned it is not governmently regulated like ours. at least that is what her mom tells her. regardless canadian mail is slow in canada.

  Solscud007 said:
aight guys lets set the record straight. it is not customs but Canadian postal is to blame and not Canada. Jung and other members are canadian as is my gf. according to her each postal office is privately owned it is not governmently regulated like ours. at least that is what her mom tells her. regardless canadian mail is slow in canada.

Yeah its slow... customs is slow too with my.... peanut butter. :p


Being in Canada, I can confirm that I've encountered the customs delay, but not to the incredible extent you are currently enduring. It has been a few days longer at most and it only happens about 10% of the time. I would strongly suggest cursing into someone's ear at CCRS.


I remember 5 years ago I sent a package of video tapes to some guy in exchange for Anime, about a month and a half later I go tthe package back that send, "return to sender"....


Back when I was heavily trading fansubs (in the days before digisubs when they were all on tape) I hated trading with people in Canada. Not that I ever had a problem getting the tapes from them, but the tapes I sent would always get held up in customs and either returned to me or I'd have to deal with the other trader gettting upset over not getting their tapes in a timely fashion (or not at all as one guy had the tapes seized for no apparent reason). My experience with the Canadian Customs has guarenteed that I'll never live there.


Slow mail is just the tip of the iceberg in this country... Improving on one's stupidity and feeblemindedness seem to be the national passtime now.

What do you expect from a country that has the highest taxes in all of North America, where the customs officers are unarmed clerks, and where intruders are allowed to sue the owners of the homes they break-into when the owners try to protect themselves.

  captain america said:
... intruders are allowed to sue the owners of the homes they break-into when the owners try to protect themselves.


Um.. wow.

Posted (edited)
  captain america said:
where intruders are allowed to sue the owners of the homes they break-into when the owners try to protect themselves.

Off the topic. But, that happens in the US also. It is crazy world we live in.. :lol::lol:

Edited by CID
  MrDisco said:
i'm currently having a problem as well. have some art books which were shipped late may/early june and haven't arrived :(

well no sooner than i post this message and what shows? the book i had almost given up on :)

and lets not resort to canada bashing. i would still stand behind canada post as being equal to other postal systems. although post offices are franchised the mail is delivered and handled by government employees (ok that's not a ringing endorsement but hopefully you'll get what I mean).


Still waiting for Purolator (postal service, not oil filter) to call me back with their trace results. <_<

USPS said Purolator handles the delivery of the package once it reaches Canada.

  soze said:
Still waiting for Purolator (postal service, not oil filter) to call me back with their trace results. <_<

USPS said Purolator handles the delivery of the package once it reaches Canada.

Purolator did a very good job to track down my package. They e-mail me everyday on the tracking process.

But, of course, the package was always at the customs... :angry:


My experience shipping and receiving from Canada are screwy at best. I receive letters pretty quick, boxes have taken a while, up to three weeks.... BUT when I ship boxes to Canada, they vanish for weeks and weeks. Thus I get angry customers saying "where's my stuff, eh!?!" and I have the lame but true reply "I mailed it a long time ago...really!" And I paid for the expensive air mail w/ insurance, and it still took almost a month.

I'm grateful to Canada for hockey if nothing else, but you guys need to bust some skulls at your Post offices. :ph34r:


Not Canada bashing, but nearly every package I send there is 'held up' in customs or in delivery, anywhere from 2-6 weeks(!). Nowadays, I just let my customers know in advance that Canadian in-transit times are not guaranteed. Let's not start on import duties...

  captain america said:

What do you expect from a country that has the highest taxes in all of North America,

um its nto that hard to compare when you narrow it to North America. Istn it jsut Canada and the USA? I mean obviously one will be higher than the other its a given. Plus dont forget they have free healthcare for anyone. Only problem is if you want surgery or such you need wait in line. Its not like money talks in Canada. Thats why people in canad come here for stuff like surgery.


I #*&$!! hate Canada Customs, and i'm a canadian! It seems like every package I get sent to me gets held up for at least a week.

And IT IS Customs, NOT Canada Post, who actually do a really good job of delivering mail quickly, when they can.

To add injury to insult, Customs then CHARGES you about 10-15 dollars for their "handling" fee - so you have to pay them to have your package delayed, rifled through, and taxed.


  Solscud007 said:
  captain america said:

What do you expect from a country that has the highest taxes in all of North America,

um its nto that hard to compare when you narrow it to North America. Istn it jsut Canada and the USA? I mean obviously one will be higher than the other its a given. Plus dont forget they have free healthcare for anyone. Only problem is if you want surgery or such you need wait in line. Its not like money talks in Canada. Thats why people in canad come here for stuff like surgery.

actually, North America includes Mexico too.

Astonishing as it may sound, we have the highest taxes, but the US actually spends MORE per citizen than the canadian government. Basically, the US taxpayer gets more "bang" for every tax "buck" he is charged for. We may have "free" health care, but the US has an absolutely monstrous military machine, which is astronomically-expensive to deploy and maintain. This alone far outweighs our mediocre medicare expenditures.

The simple truth is that canadian taxes are nothing more than legalized embezzlement. Do you think Paul Martin or Jean Chretien will ever serve a minute of jail time or pay a dime in restitution for the 1 BILLION+ dollars that magically went "missing" during their tenure in office? Of course not. They are the system, and the system protects itself from the taxpayers, who have grown ever more meek.


Hmmm.....I'm Canadian and it's customs that slows everything down. Customs sucks!! Rah rah!! :rolleyes:B))

Oh and if this thread becomes more political it's gonna get shut down. This isn't the "warzone".



I'm from Canada too!

Well sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't with shipping. I bought stuff in the past that gets to me in 2 days, other times over 2 weeks. As for customs I got nailed once. They wanted to charge me $50 for a Jetfire I bought. I protested it and got lucky that I didn't have to pay...but I also waited 1 month to get that dam thing. Luckily nothing ever got lost.

Posted (edited)

Never had a single problem with canadian customs holding a package for more than 2 days and I live in Canada too. The only real problem I've had is with people taking their sweet time shipping and then blame it on the customs though.

(and NO !, I don'T work for Canada Customs...)

edit, spelling

Edited by Montarvillois

Heh, I've never had a problem..... UNTIL NOW!!!

Most of the time the complaints I hear on Canadian customs are the charges, but this is the first time I've had a package just get stuck there.


Coming from someone in canada I just have to say that if anyones upset about not getting a package fast please tell them to give there heads a shake if they did not shell out for airmail or faster then they get what they get!

Oh allso IMO All customs are a royal pain in the A$$! No matter where you send from or to! :ph34r:

Posted (edited)
  mech9T8 said:

I'm from Canada too!

Well sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't with shipping. I bought stuff in the past that gets to me in 2 days, other times over 2 weeks. As for customs I got nailed once. They wanted to charge me $50 for a Jetfire I bought. I protested it and got lucky that I didn't have to pay...but I also waited 1 month to get that dam thing. Luckily nothing ever got lost.

Why did they want to do that? Normaly they just charge taxes & such & like $5-10 for them selfs [for doing that hard hard paper work...]( :huh:<_< ) as well... I allways get people to mark my stuff as a gift worth like 10-15 bucks & normaly you don't get charged anything...

Just depends on how anal the guys are... & how protected the package is if its protected well with a lot of stuff covering up the items them selfs sometimes they won't charge even if they have opened th epackage there just to lazy to look through it all

Edited by Synch
Posted (edited)

<_< Just called Purolator. They confirmed the package is STILL BEING HELD in customs.

We've run a trace on your package and have confirmed that your package is still being held in customs.  We've heard that customs is currently experiencing a large amount issues causing many delays.  I can assure you that your package is not the only one being delayed.

Let's see how long this takes! They've had my sent package since June 26th!!!!

Edited by soze
  Dangard Ace said:
Hmmm.....I'm Canadian and it's customs that slows everything down. Customs sucks!! Rah rah!! :rolleyes:B))

Me too!!! Canada Post pretty much takes care of parcels. Customs is the real drag here!


Its just America Junior playin like they are a country that matters.... HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!



For one, if you're living in Canada and complaining....just MOVE OUT OF THE COUNTRY?! <_< Geez...most of you are just plain bashing Canada! If your customers in Canada are complaining, maybe you should warn them next time that it takes forever for any deliveries. :angry:

  ayumisakura said:
For one, if you're living in Canada and complaining....just MOVE OUT OF THE COUNTRY?! <_< Geez...most of you are just plain bashing Canada! If your customers in Canada are complaining, maybe you should warn them next time that it takes forever for any deliveries. :angry:

You signed up for this board to say THAT!!??


Cannon Fodder

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Posts: 1

Member No.: 911

Joined: 7-September 03

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