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Posted (edited)


I'm not sure what you're "disappointed by," but I hope it's not the reissue of these kits! :lol:

(Note: My following soapbox tirade is not directed at any specific person, unless it applies to them of course.)

The emphasis shouldn't be rarity or hoping that the value of the previous release continues to rise.

There should be enough to go around for everyone that wants to build the kit. Besides Hasegawa is a business, and they make their money off direct to customer sales, as opposed to the secondary market created by people that are not Macross fans. These people buy the kits not out of love of the hobby, but for the sole purpose of holding on to them until the value rises and then selling at a profit. I've never thought of Macross as a means to make a profit, and I've never hoped that a kit/toy would not be re-released, so that I can either make a profit, or gloat in the knowledge that I own something rare that others don't.

Love of Macross means everyone should have equal access, and I applaud Hasegawa for more making these kits available again.

The "You should have gotten one the first time" mentality that some people have is just wrong.

I wish that every other Macross fan could own all of the same kits and toys that I do, because I measure value by knowledge that my fellow fans get to enjoy the same things I treasure. ;)


Christopher B))

Edited by ChristopherB

Thanks for that Christopher. I actually want these to build them , so I view the re-releases as a good thing from that point of view.

I am wondering how the VF-0A will differ from the VF-0S I allready have. Any clues?




I just placed my pre-order as well, and I made sure I ordered (2) of each.

(1) to build, another to give to my son one day. I'll even show him how to build it, and help him. Continuing the Macross tradition from one generation to the next, so that it doesn't die with us, should be our goal. ;)

In addition, I hope Hasegawa re-releases all of their out of production kits, and decal sets.

I hope this pre-order pisses off all of the greedy bastards that thought their VF-19A and/or VF 22 S was rare, or planned to make a profit off the back of a fellow fan. They can kiss my big white hairy arse. :p


Perhaps Jesse thought it was disappointing because he was hoping for something new.

  spellbinder99 said:
I am wondering how the VF-0A will differ from the VF-0S I allready have. Any clues?

It's the VF-0S with the VF-0B head.

Another farting delay tactic to make drooling fans drool more more the VF-0D.

fart you, Hasegawa. I'm not buying another Macross kit until the VF-0D comes out.

Or the VF-11.

Who's with me?

  Grayson72 said:
Perhaps Jesse thought it was disappointing because he was hoping for something new.

That's what I was thinking.

.....Or the VF-11.

I'm with you. ;)


ya I don't see why people should feel pissed off unless they're intending to make a profit from the items they supposedly thought was limited. I would understand how they feel if hasegawa stated it was a limited production but then re-released it again, but such is not the case.

Posted (edited)
  Grayson72 said:
Perhaps Jesse thought it was disappointing because he was hoping for something new.

Yeah, I thought of that too, and of course Jesse and I are friends, so I'm not directing anything at him personally.

What I said still holds true and is aplicable to anyone that falls into the category of not wanting others to have access to items, regardless of what Jesse was specifically referencing.

However, before even clicking on the topic, the title clearly says what Hasegawa is re-releasing, so before posting, you already now it is not either a new release, or a re-release of something else that he might have hoped for.

So, bearing that in mind, I cannot divine that his "disappointment" could pertain to anything besides these two specific kits. That is afterall, the most logical conclusion. I mean, clearly the topic title isn't "Rare Kits from Hasegawa!," and upon "clicking" you become saddened to learn it is only a re-release. ;)

Edited by ChristopherB
  Stamen0083 said:
  spellbinder99 said:
I am wondering how the VF-0A will differ from the VF-0S I allready have. Any clues?

It's the VF-0S with the VF-0B head.

Another farting delay tactic to make drooling fans drool more more the VF-0D.

fart you, Hasegawa. I'm not buying another Macross kit until the VF-0D comes out.

Or the VF-11.

Who's with me?

Doesn't the 0A have different wings from the S? If they've made the 0A wings, a 0D will be coming soon enough.

I mean, I want a VF-11, too (and a VF-4, and a VF-1 gerwalk, and a VF-17...), but a VF-0A is also pretty good...


There is a whole list of stuff I would like to see from Hasegawa, while at the same time I'm getting caught up with previous releases.

I got tired of trying to collect everything Yamato, Bandai, Banpresto, Doyusha, Club M, Studio Half Eye, and on and on. It was just costing me too much.

So I settled on Hasegawa, and it still hasn't been cheap. Just when I think I have the entire list down, someone shows me something I missed, or something new comes out. Can't win either way. :lol:

I'm still wondering where the 1/72 GBP armor is. Hasegawa seems to follow Yamato, and so we recently got the Yamato 1/60 GBP armor, but no word on Hasegawa. :(


Thanks for the input guys, it really helps out. I am a pretty late started in buying Macross kits, but I am trying to catch up a few I missed, like the above two, so re-issues work for me.

Having said that, I respect those who collect kits as yet another part of the hobby. I like to eventually build the kits I buy, but I also understand the allure of mint-in-box stuff.



  Stamen0083 said:
  spellbinder99 said:
I am wondering how the VF-0A will differ from the VF-0S I allready have. Any clues?

It's the VF-0S with the VF-0B head.

Incorrect, the VF-0A head is different form the B/D head.

Basically, the VF-0A is a single seat VF-0 (same wings, body and nose as the VF-0S), just a different head.


  Macross_Fanboy said:
Cool, now, I would love to see a VF-11, I wonder why Hasegawa left it out of the Macross Plus line up. :unsure:

it's probably because in the macross plus movie and macross 7 the vf-11 was all the way down to cannon fodder status :( ...if you watch the macross plus ova and see the opening where isamu is whipping the floor with some guys in his vf-11 it'll make you want the -11 even more...it's a beautiful design that just gets no love from any company :(<_<

  Dat Pinche Haro! said:
it's a beautiful design that just gets no love from any company :(<_<

You toy guys at least have the Yamato. We modellers get jack squat when it comes to affordable models of the VF-11.

  Stamen0083 said:
  Gubaba said:
Doesn't the 0A have different wings from the S? If they've made the 0A wings, a 0D will be coming soon enough.

I mean, I want a VF-11, too (and a VF-4, and a VF-1 gerwalk, and a VF-17...), but a VF-0A is also pretty good...

Some different wings <_<


Sigh...my bad. I got confused since I was sure that the A and the D were the same, based on the official Bandai Visual site. So I went back to check, and lo! the 0A isn't even shown!

*kicks faulty memory*

Of course, they wouldn't have come out the 0B if they didn't have a 0D planned down the line...Still, I'm a die-hard Hasegawa apologist, and even I'm getting a little frustrated here...

  Gubaba said:
Sigh...my bad. I got confused since I was sure that the A and the D were the same, based on the official Bandai Visual site. So I went back to check, and lo! the 0A isn't even shown!

The VF-0A is shown on the gallery section of the Big West Official Macross Zero site.



And here I was on a mission to buy up all the 19X2's and then when I owned them all sell them and rule the world! DOH!

Actually...as surmised later, my disapointment was at the lack of something new. Im personally against rarity in models...because Im selfish. I want them all...and cant afford them all if they are really expensive...my disapointment stems from having 2 each of both of these so I wont need a 3rd. The VF0A addition makes me smile...a bit...but I want the darn D to come out!



Cool, that's what I was hoping you were disappointed about. Hey, we can't all rule the world can we?

You have to admit though, your initial post was open to some conjecture, but I know from experience that you want other fans to have access to rare kits as well. Point in case is you and Mike's 1/48 19 and 21 project, and the fact the recasts were sold at a very reasonable cost.

I'm looking forward to the any/all reissues as well as new releases from Hasegawa.


Christopher B))

Posted (edited)

First a made-up VF-0B... now a VF-0A that doesn't even appear in the show (unless it's episode 5; in which case, Hasegawa is redefining pre-emptive marketing).

Where the hell is the VF-0D, damnit? THAT'S the disappointing part.

Though a VF-0S Battroid would satisfy me for a while.

Edited by Terpfen

There goes my day, Jesse is disappointed in me, whatever shall I do?:lol: My apologies, and I shall refrain from conjecture from this point forward.

It is kind of weird how Hasegawa completely bypassed the VF-11. Kind of like it didn't even exist. ;)

Why is it they can give us (5) variations of the VF-1A, but not one VF-11? <_<

Posted (edited)

the heads of 0A and 0B/D ARE different~ :blink: I just notice that~~

in some background of EP1 scenes(in Asuka's garage), we can find some 2 seated canopy, can't figure out if that's B or D, why don't think it's a B? and in EP2, which type was blowed up in front of Roy Focker? and which type did Shin jump into and shot at Nora? I can't recall now, are they 0A?

Edited by newca
  Terpfen said:
First a made-up VF-0B... now a VF-0A that doesn't even appear in the show (unless it's episode 5; in which case, Hasegawa is redefining pre-emptive marketing).

Err.....have you even watched Macross Zero?

Several tan color VF-0A are seen during the dogfight in episode # 1.


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