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Hello guys,

I wasn't sure this was the right place to put this but I was sure someone here could help me. A friend of mine sent me her Jeremiah Season 2 VCDs, the part Showtime hasn't aired yet. She has asked for them back so I've tried to make my own copies. So far I haven't had any success. My first attempt was to copy the 4 directories (CDI, MPEGAV, SEGMENT, and VCD) off of each CD and put them in a directory on my hard drive as I only have one CD drive on this PC. I then copied each of those directories onto a blank CD-R. All looked good until I tried to play them on my DVD. It couldn't read them but it could read the originals which are also CD-R's by the way. Can anyone help? I assume its a formatting issue.

I miss the days of DOS when I could just do copy a: a: to copy a disk. Atleast back then I understood what I was doing most of the time. Now it seems I spend alot of time guessing what Windows will do.

What I want to do is a copy d: d: in Windows XP in such a way that it preserves the formating. By the way, anyone know how to play a VCD on a PC? That's not as big a deal as long as I can play it on my DVD player.



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