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Macross MegaRoad Continuation Story 2 minute Animated Trailer Production

On June 1st, 2004. Me and a couple of friends officially decided to create an animated fan fiction continuation story of MegaRoad-01. But we realize that with the current men power that we have it will take us 10 + years to finish our originally planned 90 min film. Since we are doing it in the traditional way we have to choice but to create a short trailer instead to show parts of the story. But it will be a fun project.

Main Characters that will be included are Misa, Hikaru, Minmay and a new group of bridge officers. As far as mech goes, the VF-4 lightning III will be there but we are not to sure if we are going to put in the VF-14 heavy bomber. We are also thinking getting the Supervision army involved in this short trailer but again we are not to sure since the story is kind of under development.

The video format of this trailer will be 864x480 NTSC wide screen with mpeg 2 compression. Audio will be just plain stereo. The sound tracks used will be from macros collection and the DYRL soundtrack.

The target release date of the trailer is currently set some time between January and May 2005. Well wish us luck and hopefully we can finish it by the target date. If any Macross fans out there who would like to help up with this project you can email us at macrossproject@hotmail.com. Background artist, sound effect artist, fan fiction story writers, character artist, 2d animators etc are all welcome. All comments and suggestions are welcome.

It will be interesting once we finish this small project. Maybe we will create a movie out of it, maybe a mini series, who knows what might happen

With this topic we included a capture of one of our product cels (actual output size) from the first 20 seconds of the trailer.

Cheers all!


Posted (edited)
The story is over, give it up. Leave it alone.

way to encourage fandom... :rolleyes:

good luck kodiack12345, hope to see it completed...

maybe this would belong in the Fanworks section... ;)

Edited by >EXO<

Good luck to you. I hope to see it. Now I am confused how the SDF-2 looks different from the Macross Perfect Memory. The SDF-2 Megaroad looks the SDF-1 but have the ARMDs as the arms and is longer than the SDF-1.


Unfortunately we donā€™t have Macross perfect memory books, so we donā€™t have any good technical source to use. Pretty much we have to improvise by using what ever we have from movies and few pictures from the internet. Create what ever we are not sure or canā€™t really see. Considering from scratch and with out much source, I think my friend did a pretty good job for the SDF2. It is still not an easy project. Frame by frame animation is quite a challenge.

Is the perfect memory book any good for use as a technical referencing for our project?


So it's animated? It's gonna be a tough time following DYRL and FB2012... where are you guys located? Maybe I can be of service if possible.


Yes it will be animated, frame by frame painfully. LOL considering the MegaRoad image took my friend 2 days to draw the outline and 3 days to paint it. I mean there are always frames or cels that are reusable. Yeah story set between after DYRL Movie and 2012 (Day of disappearence) We are looking for anyone pretty much have suggestions, story ideas, art work anything basically to help use finish this, of people who helped will be credited in the end of this short productions. We are actually locatedin Alberta, Canada. We try dedicate about 3 to 4 hours a day for this project. I don't believe in too much 3d animation how ever we don't actually paint on the actual cels. We still hand draw the necessary frames and we color it in photoshop with the wacom intuos 2. Painting it on the actual cels will just take too long and there's no undo button LOL. We are not good enough of an artist to paint directly on the cels. One thing for sure though, most of use are not good character artist I think we will run into problems once we get to part when characters are require so hopefully we can find someone by that time. If you want to help EXO, you can mail us at macrossproject@hotmail.com

Tools We are using:

Photoshop 7

Premiere 6

Wacom Intuos

Macross dyrl, 2012 flashback, macross tv series

and what ever we can find on the net


Well, I think that single frame/cell looks great, and I can't wait to see the finished trailer. Who knows, maybe after that, there will be some additional people interested enough, to assist in pulling off your 90min movie.


Well a plot idea for you.... I've always wondered if perhaps the Megaroad-01 was in fact mis-jumped. It went far further than it was supposed to and has ended up in another galaxy. Sound far fetched ?? Not really as the Supervision Army, and vast majority of the zentraedi left our galaxy around the time of the second world war, and went to another galaxy.

The Megaroad-01 could always drop in to that. It would be perfect for Minmay as they'd be uncultured zentraedi :ph34r:


We did wrote a few version of the megaroad short stories with one that indicates they did misjumped durning an emergency situation. But one issue that we are having right now is with the supervision army. We really want to get them involved in this 2 minute production but really lacking information. Not much data are on the internet as a resource. The only thing that we really have is the orginal SDF1 ship crashed landed on earth, the orginal design before it is rebuilt into SDF1 Macross. All we know is that their ship crashed landed on earth and they have been fighting against the zentraedi for thousands of years. Are they giants? Or are they like Microns? And also the protodevlin side, are the protodevlin the supervision army? So confusing. If we are to get the supervison army involved we might just have to create the characters on our own.


That's pretty much what I was asking as far as following the DYRL/FB2012 footsteps, not storywise. Looking good so far though I doubt a fan made movie can get near Studio Nue. I'm truly excited by the project.

The story is over, give it up. Leave it alone.

You know, it's people like you who cause people to never follow their dreams....

I, for one, would love to see a fan story (especially one of this caliber) about what happened to the megaroad crew.


To answer (the white drew carey's) question, yes we are trying to keep it in line as much as possible to DYRL and FB2012. Because the reason why I am doing this is i didn't not like the way they ended it. I mean the story could be pushed for a little more. And try not to bridge to much to macross 7 ..... kind of getting complicated. Didn't even watch the series and it looks complicated... Protodevlins and supervision army is drive us all insane.

And Skull Leader, thanks for the support. I should say people like you helps to keep driving us through out this project. I pesonally think that it will be very cool once we finish this. And we will make sure a high quality version is there for download.

Although we are not some mighty artist, some or us are not even artist at all, but we do our best as a fan art project. We will not slap some poor quality stuff and throw it on the net. If we can't draw characters properly we will learn how to. 4 hours a day 7 days a week , we will get it done.

Gosh.....we need a website for this soon .....


Yes, get your website up soon. From the 2 pictures that you've posted I love what you've done so far. Best of luck to you doing this project. :)


Indeed, best of luck.

I'd like to see what kind of illustrations you do outside of the existing line art of the Megaroad.

In a way I'm envious, because I could never make a project on such a cool subject by myself, and I don't have any freinds who could pitch together to do this.

Again, Best of luck!

Posted (edited)

It looks nice - will need to see the final product. Where was that web site again? :p

As far as reference material for the MEgaRoad, there was quite a thread on it here not tooooo long ago with many nice pics. You'll have to search for it.

Edited by dna

Current progress update:

We are currrently developing a coloring , painting technique that will make the animation's colors and look and feel more like the traditional style. For example the dept effect when you overlay the character cel to the background cel. Less digital looking the better. I hate digital but no way we are painting 2880 manually on a clear plastic cels, unless haha lol.. we get fan fiction volunteers to help us paint 2 frames each then all we need is we need is 1440 volunteers.

We took the contrast, brigtness and HUE levels from DYRL and seems to be looking pretty good so far. If successfully we will apply the new look and feel technique to the next production cel posting.


Since we are so busy with the drawings, we have not thought of a good name for the trailer production. If any macross fans out there have some ideas, bring IT!!!!

I guess the beginning title has to start off with "Macross ". Any Ideas? Don't say legend of the MegaRoad since it belongs to Type Alpha. And Macross DYRL II is definately out the question. Thanks people! :D


This is the latest animation cell that we produced! We are actually very proud of this since this is the first character and interior of the VF4 cock pit that we ever drew. This cell is drawn in a procedure that we developed to emulate the tradition look and feel of anime even though our technique is done digitally. I don't know if you guys out there can tell but our team certainly can comparing to some of the drawings that we did previously. And this cel pic is actually part of our trailer production. Not something we just do on the side as a test.

We kind of feel that we are giving away a little bit too much since this animation is only between 1 to 2 minutes long. We might just post one last picture *may be Misa* until the final trailer is released.

This cel is actually not finalized yet, well not yet certified by our touch up DUDE. Like shadow check and lighting checks, and little things that makes each cel better.

"I still cannot believe we are doing this, insane project"



You might want to be careful if you're going to involve the Supervision Army, wouldn't want to make it look too much like that one that Newtype Alpha guy made, think it was called Legend of Galleron.

This is the latest animation cell that we produced!

WOW! :o


That's Macross fandom at it's best. I use to write alot of possible plots for Megaroad when i was younger, I might still have those production notes around somewhere, if ya want gimme aholar and I'll go look for them, see wha I can dig up.


Freakin sweet. Keep it up! I wish I could help you guys but I absolutely lack art skills and am clueless to how animation works. I can only hope for the best and smooth sailings!


  • 7 months later...

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