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Poll: Will Yamato Re-Produce Sold Out 1/48s?

Do you think Yamato will Re-Produce the 1/48s that have already sold out?  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Yamato will Re-Produce the 1/48s that have already sold out?

    • Yes. More Roy and Hikaru VF-1Ses! They'd be foolish not to do so. There is still a lot of demand!
    • Yes. I think they will. I know that I want one.
    • I'm unsure.
    • I doubt it. They've probably saturated the market by now.
    • Heck no! The VF-1s are played out.
    • What!?! I bought these to finance my college education. Releasing more would lower their value!

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Posted (edited)

I'm sure there are more than a few prospective VF-1S buyers out there who are wondering if they should bite the bullet just pay the premium mark-up for a Roy 1S (or other sold-out valk). . . or just wait and see if Yamato produces more.

Obviously, this is opinion. I doubt anybody here knows for sure. But I'm curious what y'all think. Since I'm having to make this decision now as well.

Best Regards,


Edited by Hurin

Unfortunately I'm in the same boat as you. Because of severe money problems, I missed out on a VF-1S Roy.

And it looks like I'll be bitting the bullet to pick one up at the gouged out price real soon. <_<


I don't see why not... The VF-1s are the cash cows of Macross and Macross is the cashcow of Yamato. Even their weakest selling one is sold out.

I'm more or less wondering if there's going to be newer schemes, which I am hoping for.

  Wheels said:
Unfortunately I'm in the same boat as you. Because of severe money problems, I missed out on a VF-1S Roy.

Hehe. . . well, at least you're not as dumb as me in this respect: I sold my VF-1S Roys Version Ones so that I could buy two VF-1S Roy Version Twos. But then delayed too long in the re-buying. :)



Hmmm... I actually think that Yamato will be more likely to rerelease the Roy VF-1S than the Hikaru VF-1S.

It's pretty much a given that the Yellow & Black Skull One is the best known mecha representation of Macross and it's always outsold the others. It's the only paint scheme that didn't really change from SDF TV to DYRL (in fact it inspired the rest of the DYRL schemes) and both Yamato and Bandai have double-dipped in the past to sell more toys.

Takatoku -

Roy VF-1S

GBP w/ Roy VF-1S


1990 Super Reissue

VF-1S Reissue

And another Super Reissue


1/60 VF-1S

1/60 VF-1S Strike

There's no real reason to keep reissuing the toy if it didn't sell like hotcakes. Like I said in another thread about whether they'd reissue it, I think their best bet would be a 1/48 Roy VF-1S w/ Super/Strike Armor. That's just a great package.

If I was only going to buy one 1/48 VF-1, I'd buy that one.

  Opus said:
You left out the option wich best reflects my opinion.

I got mine so I don't care what they do.

Which, of course, would serve no purpose whatsoever.

I even debated having the "I'm unsure" answer. :)


Posted (edited)

The only limited 1/48 was the low-vis so it stands to reason more of the others will be made, especially with the demand. No toy company produces an item constantly, so Yamato produces in batches as well. I expect another batch of 1/48's to pop up this year. Maybe not in huge numbers, but another batch nonetheless. Keep the demand high.

Still want my CF.

Edited by Anubis

I don't think they will. I think the Majority of the people who wanted a certain 1/48 got one. There just a small demand for the folks (like myself) who are still trying to play catch up with the 1/48s. Plus, it's still pretty easy to find the valks that you mention. Even, though, they may be jacked up in price. I'm just thankful that I was able to get my 1S Hikaru. I hope the Max 1A will be easy to find in a couple of months when I'm ready to buy him.


They already reproduced Roy once, so i guess they could do it and others again also.

I doubt it though, i think they will come out with other newer versions first.

  buddhafabio said:
a Roy special addition low viz would be nice.

You would think this would be a logical choice for Yamato to do considering how well the Low Vis VF-1A sold. A LV VF-1S or even a VF-1J would be awesome complements to the VF-1A. Would make for a very cool-looking LV squad!


I dont think Yamato will make moe of the previously produced VF-1 series. There are new schemes to produce like the CF. It is my hope they will make some 2 seater VF-1 in the near future. Who know? Maybe they will release another limited edition valk.


I voted not likely,

personally, if they were going to do more VF-1 toys,

I'd really, REALLY, really like a TV VF-1A Max.

I'd like to see some CFs as well.


I'm with Chowser.

These two I really want to see...


Cannon Fodder VF-1A

Then if possible the rest...




need to come out before reissues.


i'm a doubter. :p

the 1S roy came out how long ago? it was released twice, and probably had the 2nd highest production run next to the 1J hikaru.

the 1S hikaru is how popular? they probably made less of these than other valk...possibly the same production numbers as the LV....don't quote me on that. :p


I think they might do reissue again. they need to reissue the low viz valk. I know I would get several if I manage to save up enough money.



I believe that they will most definitely release limited editions, or perhaps Low Viz, for both 1S and 1J before they put an end to 1/48 line up. They would definitely squeeze every penny from the prospective buyers. I will be the first one in queue to put my hands on one of those.


I'm a bit disturbed at how some seem to consider new releases and re-producing older releases to be somehow mutually exclusive. As though Yamato can do one and only one thing at a time.

But, we've been down that road before. . . so many times. . . and I just don't have the strength to debate it.



That is why I broke down and bought one today online, true it cost me a few bucks more, not that much more since it was just a bit higher than the cost of one when they were first released those many(2) years ago.

BTW, refresh my memory, how much did they cost when they were firsted released?

(in hindsight, better not tell me. it might make me fell worse on how much i did pay)

No really, do tell me.


I think they have always been in the $125-135 range.

Best Regards,


Posted (edited)

Oh, okay. Then in this case, alot higher. DOAH! >.<

Edited by Wheels

I got mine at toizaurus for 5,000yen back when they were overstocked and having a sale. The normal price was 9,999yen.

Seeing how many stores were overstocked and took a while to sell out, I voted "no, they probably saturated the market" As in saturated the JAPANESE market.

It probably matters very little to Yamato that the AMERICAN market is still wanting for more.


i would hope they'd re-issue both,but i think i'll get a hikaru before i'd buy a roy 1s. :)


They will probably re-offer the 1s and 1a hikaru with the fast pack in a different colored packaging, just to kill the confusion with the 1st edition & the 2nd edition. ;)


I'm holding out for the DYRL Skull Squadron Box Set which includes Roy, Hikaru 1A, Hikaru 1S, Max 1A, Max 1S, Kakizaki 1A (with a button which when pressed causes it to "explode") and enough dark blue FAST packs to outfit each. Yours for the bargain basement price of $900.

Also the TV series Box set including a special Roy with Mickey Mouse hands, Hikaru 1J, Max 1A, Max 1J, Kakizaki 1A, Miria 1J, Hikaru 1D, and Cannon Fodder 1A with the gray/green FAST packs for each. All for a whopping $1200.

Plus the 1/48 ARMD and 1/48 Prometheus playsets :blink:


My 2 cents,

They have the VF-1 molds, they have other products lined up for production over the next few months (See Koenig, Max Q-Rau, VF-0S).

The 1/48 line has been pretty successful as far as I know, I would imagine that they will give it a few months so as not to interfere with new product releases and they will do a second production run on the VF-1S. I think that right now they need to let the 1/48's they have out on the market settle and sell before they do any re-issues.

I expect that they will do another run but it will be 6 months or so, the VF-1S is a guaranteed seller, but they don't want to oversaturate, they just released two big ticket VF-1J's in the past two months.


way off topic...

well, i'll be selling off my extra 1/48 1S roy real soon, along with the 1/48 M&M's and a bunch of other stuff i really don't want to sell. :(

i just found out my boy is getting married in vegas so i need some extra cash for the bachelor party...hookers, strippers and midgets oh my! :D yeah, i don't know about the midget chick but he specifically mentioned he like to have sex with one before he gets married. :lol::lol::lol:

anyway, vegas is great and all but i know i'm going to have to buy everything back eventually and by then, the prices will have shot up even more? :unsure:

vegas? or macross? i'm thinking vegas. B))


I don't know if this might make sense but usually during the summer time business is really slow I know this becasue I work at a hilton purely basing its profits on business travlers ;) , so they may have just slowed down the production line untill it picks up during the fall, or maybe they just slowed down to see how the market is reacting to the shortage of the 1/48. They probably stoped selling all the other 1/48 beacsue Max and Miria were the hardest to sell during the 1/60 scale years they might of anticipated this, so they are giving Max and Miria a chance to sell. Just my two cents :p

From Rich

  cambodian tire said:
Hey Hurin, I'ld hope they would release a third wave, I'ld probably be in the market for another 1/48 by then, however I just ordered one so I am now in the "breath easy" club :blink: - Mark

That bullet was waaaay too big to bite, as my order fell through. :ph34r:

So I'm back where I started, and no where near the "breath easy" club. :(

Hopfully I get a chance to try again Friday, IF he has any left. <_<

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