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I found a 1/48 VF-1S in my local department store and was thinking if I should get it. But I had my eyes on the re-release with the minor fixes here and there. Are there any visible differences in terms of the box between the earlier releases and the later ones? I would love to take the thing out of the box and see if the elbows bend to a 90 degree angle, but I don't think the toy section's manager would be too happy about that :p


easiest way is to check the headrest on the pilot's seat... if it's curved it's the reissue with fixes, if it has no cruve, it's the original.


I don't think there is any visible cue from the box itself, except that the first version have velcro on the "window" flap, while the re-issue ones do not have velcro on their "window" flap. Just open the flap and u'll know which version is it.



eugimon is correct. The 'velcro' test is not 100% accurate since some people have reported having re-issues with velcro. Though if yours doesn't have velcro, you know for sure it's a re-issue. If it has velcro, it could be either.

Look for the scooped out head-rest.

I found a 1/48 VF-1S in my local department store

What department store sells 1/48's? :huh:

What's the name of the place, i would like to know if there is one near where i live.

It's also amazing to still find a store that sells the 1/48 Roy.

How much were they asking for it?


the head rest is a definite.

the crooked skull on the tailfins is a definite.

the nose cone syndrome is a definite(nose cone falls off everytime you pick it up).

the velcro bit is a bunch of marlarky. i have the original 1st release roy box and it has the velcro. i have the reissue which also has the velcro. i have 2 1S hikarus, one has velcro that other doesn't. i have 3 super vf-1J's, 2 w/velcro, 1 without.

Neova is the only one that has the reissue 1S roy. hes overseas so the shipping should be around $20-$25.


Yeah i have been in contact with Neova for over a month now asking about the VF-1S Roy, and he is still out of them.

These are getting harder to find all around.

Of course e-bay has a few also.

I saw a few selling for $135 a little over a month ago.

Now the same seller has them for like $175 as he is low in stock.

Good luck to anyone that can find these at a decent price. :(


sorry dudes. :( its still up on his website, i guess its time for an update Neova. :D

i picked up 2 of them from him before the roy shortage hit. BBTS had them for $169.99 a little while back. i didn't think anyone would touch them at that price but sure enough, he's sold out, along with toy-wave who had them for a more reasonable price. :(

maybe i should've picked up a few more to flip? :blink:

good hunting fella's :)

  fansubs2000 said:
I found a 1/48 VF-1S in my local department store

What department store sells 1/48's? :huh:

What's the name of the place, i would like to know if there is one near where i live.

It's also amazing to still find a store that sells the 1/48 Roy.

How much were they asking for it?

mm.. the SOGO department store in Taichung, Taiwan? hehe... I guess only in Asian department stores would you be able to find stuff like that... must either be selling like hotcakes (and my contacts in the import/export companies say they are), or they're not selling enough to justify a department store stocking more. Cause right across the aisle were MG gundams, Ex-S, Ex-S (er.. the other version..), ZZ, FAZZ, and PG GP-01, Zeta, etc..

A real fleeting glance at the price (can't spend too much time in the toy section ya know, on a date and all that...) said >$100. I'm converting from NT to USD, so the conversion is really off, considering I only saw NT$3xxx, where x=any random number. Nowhere as high as ebay though.

Thanks for the tips guys, I'll take a closer look at it the next time I'm there... if another Macross fan hasn't grabbed it yet...


i'm still looking for a reasonably priced Hikaru 1S though. Waiting for Vanpang to scout one out fer me.

  wolfx said:
i'm still looking for a reasonably priced Hikaru 1S though. Waiting for Vanpang to scout one out fer me.

Talk to Soze's buddy. He hooked me up with one.

  Godzilla said:
  wolfx said:
i'm still looking for a reasonably priced Hikaru 1S though. Waiting for Vanpang to scout one out fer me.

Talk to Soze's buddy. He hooked me up with one.

Who's soze's buddy and where are they located?

  Godzilla said:
  wolfx said:
i'm still looking for a reasonably priced Hikaru 1S though. Waiting for Vanpang to scout one out fer me.

Talk to Soze's buddy. He hooked me up with one.

yup, i got 2 of them suckers from Max(sozes buddy) but hes not selling them any more. he only has 1 or 2 left for himself so he said he was holding off on selling them for a while. if he does put them up for sale, i'd imagine he going to ebay them.


Yup i picked up one from Max myself.

$110 for a now "out of print" VF-1S Hikaru was too good to pass up!

Maybe i should have bought one more, oh well...........

  eugimon said:
easiest way is to check the headrest on the pilot's seat... if it's curved it's the reissue with fixes, if it has no cruve, it's the original.

Please explain it with graphics....

Can anyone post some comparison pics that show the difference between the older seat and the new one? it would help a lot


This should probably be made a sticky topic!

From a thread posted ~ month ago, found using the search feature....

Granted, it's a Hikaru, but same idea.



what are the prices on these 1/48's in that dept. store in taiwan? my girl is there for another few weeks.maybe i should ask her to go there to get a few for me.what's the price on those dude? :ph34r:


muuuuhaaaa,i now have a TEAM of cute taiwanese girls scouring the SOGO dept.stores from taichung,taipei & hsin-chu city looking for roy & hikaru 1S's.thanks for the tip dude.(rubs hands together) i should have reports coming in any time now of my treasures ;)

  valkyrietestpilot said:
muuuuhaaaa,i now have a TEAM of cute taiwanese girls scouring the SOGO dept.stores from taichung,taipei & hsin-chu city looking for roy & hikaru 1S's.thanks for the tip dude.(rubs hands together) i should have reports coming in any time now of my treasures ;)

Good for you, man :)

Last time when I was in HongKong, I could only find 1 (VF-1A Max) :blink:

And that was after I was visiting 15 different shops :ph34r:

Posted (edited)
  fearyaks said:


So,is this seat the new one?....I guess the curve that you guys are talking about is that one right behind the helmet,isn´t it?


Edited by Ovatak

I'd take a pic of my first issue VF-1S so you can compare, but it's boxed up for moving at the moment. I had never seen the curved headrest before. Looking at that pic, I think it would be hard to get them confused. The first issue isn't curved anything like that.



  valkyrietestpilot said:
muuuuhaaaa,i now have a TEAM of cute taiwanese girls scouring the SOGO dept.stores from taichung,taipei & hsin-chu city looking for roy & hikaru 1S's.thanks for the tip dude.(rubs hands together) i should have reports coming in any time now of my treasures ;)

They're thieves! They're thieves! They're filthy little thieves! Where is it? Where is it? They stole it from us, our precious. Curse them! WE hates them! It's ours it is, and we wants it! We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little Taiwanese girls. Wicked, tricksy, false!

:lol: Gollum quotes work for any and all obsessions :lol:

damn it, leave one for me!! Just you wait, as soon as I get back from my business trip, none of your women will stand a chance! :rolleyes:


never underestimate a taiwanese womans love for her man my friend.once i showed her a pic of mr. 1/48 S & told her that's what i was looking for,she collected her friends & was all over it like a cheap suit :ph34r:

  valkyrietestpilot said:
never underestimate a taiwanese womans love for her man my friend.once i showed her a pic of mr. 1/48 S & told her that's what i was looking for,she collected her friends & was all over it like a cheap suit :ph34r:

Sounds like I need to get me tawainese GF. :-D Too bad I barely speak mandarin. Better at Cantonese though...


Yay! My local department store also has a 1/48 VF-1S and it has several other Valks, and nicely priced VF-19A from Macross VF-X and the Fire Valk. The 1/60 Super Ostrich, Elintseeker, and Chunk Monkies as well as the MPCs. But the prices for the 1/48 aren't really good, as well as the 1/60 VF-1S, and then there's the rip off, first edition of the VF-11 priced just above 100 bucks. :rolleyes:

  >EXO< said:
  Macross_Fanboy said:
Yay!  My local department store...


no kidding...

when I was a kid I wanted to move to japan so I could say things like that.

  >EXO< said:
MFB, where do you live that you have Macross stuff in the stores?

I live in Pomona, but I won't tell you where that store is!! I want that VF-19A!!!! :angry:

  Macross_Fanboy said:
  >EXO< said:
MFB, where do you live that you have Macross stuff in the stores?

I live in Pomona, but I won't tell you where that store is!! I want that VF-19A!!!! :angry:

Frank and Sons? lol

  valkyrietestpilot said:
never underestimate a taiwanese womans love for her man my friend.once i showed her a pic of mr. 1/48 S & told her that's what i was looking for,she collected her friends & was all over it like a cheap suit :ph34r:

lol... that's the great thing about living along the Asian Pacific Rim: everybody knows anime, it's mainstream =)

But seriously, if your gf is gonna be in Taiwan for a while, have her call this number: (02)2562-8146. It's a dealer in Taipei who specializes in Japanese imports. Last time I was there I saw a Hikaru VF-1A and a couple of FAST packs. He's also got tons of stuff tucked away in the niches of his tiney store, so list out what you want and chances are either 1) He'll have it. or 2) He'll know about it and tell you where/how you might get it.

But of course, SOGO also works B)) (curses self for not picking up SOG Eva-01 when SOGO had it in stock...)

  antagon said:
  Macross_Fanboy said:
  >EXO< said:
MFB, where do you live that you have Macross stuff in the stores?

I live in Pomona, but I won't tell you where that store is!! I want that VF-19A!!!! :angry:

Frank and Sons? lol

That's a good one, but no, there's a Frank and Sons in my area, but I never bothered checking that place out. I'll go down there someday and get rid of all these damned Pokemon cards I have. :D

  Macross_Fanboy said:
  antagon said:
  Macross_Fanboy said:
  >EXO< said:
MFB, where do you live that you have Macross stuff in the stores?

I live in Pomona, but I won't tell you where that store is!! I want that VF-19A!!!! :angry:

Frank and Sons? lol

That's a good one, but no, there's a Frank and Sons in my area, but I never bothered checking that place out. I'll go down there someday and get rid of all these damned Pokemon cards I have. :D

Well hook up a fellow so cal'er, i'm down here in Rancho Cucamonga :D

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