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Its a third person semi-MMO FPS. It has big games, but nowhere as big as planetside. You can make your own soldier, customize him, even make your own Camo. There are tons of weapons, and vehicles, and everything is massivley destructable. Joint Ops: Typhoon Rising is better I think.


How do you like Soldner, McBride? The reviews I've been seeing have just torn it to shreds. Personally, I pretty much gave up on it when the demo wouldn't even let you play the game. To me, a demo shouldn't need multiple patches just to let you play it. Certainly not if you expect anybody to actually buy your game.

I'm going to go out on a limb (without actually owning either game) and agree with VF19. Joint Ops is by far the superior game.


I dont think you can make a 1200 meter sniper shot in Soldner. Joint ops gets a point here, the range. And you actually have to ADJUST for elelvation in JO while sniping. I haven't gotten a non-sniper-rifle kill. Not to brag, but My usual shot-to-kill ratio is 1 to 2. Get JO, I need more victims.:ph34r: Soldner just isnt that appealing. The Graphics are okay, but the buildingdestruction isnt placed like Red Faction, but damage based. Yuo shoot that window, and maybe some of those shingles will come off.

My top three FPS's atm are 1: Joint Ops 2: Farcry and 3: Painkiller. These are by far the best out atm.


From what I've been hearing, the physics in Soldner are just apallingly bad. A reviewer claims that you can flip an M1 Abrams just by turning sharply, and that some light vehicles can sustain multiple hits from a tank but get serverely damaged by hitting a tree. :huh:

Also, while the huge, huge hemisphere-sized level was a novel idea, what's the point if there's only going to be 32 players on a server? Jowood claims that they'll have it patched up to 64 players by year's end. :rolleyes:


I'm not hugely thrilled by the game, but it's still fun. The main thing that bugs me is that the game won't let me play online. (Keeps saying I've got a bad connection) However, playing Soldner, it completely strikes me as one of those games that will b egreat after a couple patches.

I'd like Joint Ops, but it's a subscription fee game.

By the way, the building damage in Soldner is somewhat locational. If you shoot a house with a rocket launcher, it will blow a hole in the wall where the rocket landed.


Joint Ops requires a subscription to play? :huh: It'd have to be a pretty damn good game to get me to pay to play.

Methinks it might be better just to wait until the winter for Battlefield 2.


I just cruised over to the official Joint Ops board, and I found this post by one of the mods/devs

A lot of talk is going on in the community right now about the 'Premium Service' sticker that is on the Joint Ops retail box. The sticker is a little misleading, so I would like to clear this topic up once and for all.

1/ Everything you get in the retail version of Joint Ops (Co-op, 150 player servers etc) is covered by the retail price of the game. We have no plans to charge for any of these features. Period.

2/ We are not currently running a premium service. That sticker is there to cover the possibility of a service being introduced sometime in the future.

3/ IF we start a premium service, it will be entirely optional and will cover additional features not in the game.

4/ The cost of this service would be minimal, and nowhere near the figures of $15 being bounced around right now.

I hope this clears this issue up for everyone.


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