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Hello everyone,

I just took my family to see Spiderman 2 yesterday and we all loved the movie. It's great. But I'm not here to ask about Spiderman 2. Not long ago I got the deluxe DVD set of Spiderman 1. It included many extra and alot of stuff about Spiderman 2 as well. My Spiderman 1 DVD set included the teaser trailer for Spiderman 2 but what erks me was that it didn't contain the teaser trailer for Spiderman 1. Why? I know the short answer... it feathered the World Trade towers. I saw it while it was posted on-line back in 2001 and after 9/11 I went to save it but it had already been pulled. I was looking forward to seeing it again. I thought it was very well made and I'd love to have a copy. However the powers that be seem to think ANY image of the World Trade Towers is politically incorrect and it seems there is a push to forget they ever existed. WHY!? I'm sure a lot of work went into making that teaser trailer and I see NO reason that shouldn't have been in the DVD set. If we let the terrorists control how we think and what we can see then they win. So why do we give them that power? I just don't get it. I really don't want this to turn into a political discussion but does ANY one know if there are ANY plans to ever release the Spiderman 1 teaser trailer? If anyone downloaded it back then PM me.




The World Trade Tower trailer frequently does the rounds on P2P networks if you really want it.

I'm more interested in a certain Simpsons episode, though thanks to the snails pace of that series DVD release it won't be for awhile. Australian TV doesn't seem to care, with the episode being repeated like 4 times a year.

No wonder the episodes have been burned into my brain :)


The Simpsons episode still appears on American television, I've seen it several times since it happened (although it took about a year and a half, maybe longer, to get back into rotation). I have the Spiderman trailer in question, PM me and we can figure out a way to send it maybe?

  Stamen0083 said:
Which Simpsons episode? Homer vs. New York city?

Well... what other Simpsons involves the towers to the same degree?


I still consider the Spidey teaser trailer as one of the best teasers that came outta Hollywood. I still remember the goosebumps I had when I saw this airing before the Final Fantasy movie. Thank you, >EXO<, for posting this. I wish Sony had the guts to put it on the DVD (And I refuse to buy it because of that.)

  Cyclone said:
  Stamen0083 said:
Which Simpsons episode? Homer vs. New York city?

Well... what other Simpsons involves the towers to the same degree?

I haven't seen this one. What happens in it?

  Renato said:
  Cyclone said:
  Stamen0083 said:
Which Simpsons episode? Homer vs. New York city?

Well... what other Simpsons involves the towers to the same degree?

I haven't seen this one. What happens in it?

barney borrows Homer's car and gets it booted in NY... after much time has gone by, homer finally finds out about it and goes to NY to claim his car, thus, the Simpons go to NY!

MArge and the kids have a great time in the city, seeing the sights and blah blah, but poor homer has to sit and wait by the car for some cop or official to show up.

while he's waiting he eats some funny ethnic food and then is offered his choice of liquid refreshment: crab juice or mountain dew. he chooses crab juice.

He then needs to go the bathroom, which is at the top of one of the towers, he goes, comes back and the official is gone and the boot remains on his car.

homer tries getting the boot off with a jackhammer, royally jacks up his car, and finally just drives off with the boot still attatched annoying angry NYers to no end. Hommer gets family off the back of one of those horse draw carriages in central park and drives back to springfield, stuck behind a garbage truck with bits of trash flying into his face (windshield smashed during jackhammer incident)

there is your humor devoid retelling of a rather funny episode...


Hmmm... somehow I don't equate getting to see a Spiderman trailer with "letting the terrorists win."

If Sony & Marvel feel like the trailer might be construed as disrespectful to the families and loved ones of those lost in the tragedy, then I don't really blame them for not making it available.

In the end you're basically weighing a fanboyish desire to see Spidey footage VS. a very real disaster that shook this nation to it's core and affected millions in a very painful way. I'd have left the footage off the disc too.

Posted (edited)
  Blaine23 said:
In the end you're basically weighing a fanboyish desire to see Spidey footage VS. a very real disaster that shook this nation to it's core and affected millions in a very painful way.   I'd have left the footage off the disc too.

It’s not that. Or atleast that's not how I see it. I'm not the biggest Spiderman fan I know. There are many cases where images of the World Trade Center Towers got pulled after 9/11 and I totally understand families not wanting to see the collapse over and over again. But there is ALOT more history to the World Trade Center Towers then just 9/11. Why does the ugly always have to outweigh the rest? The World Trade Center towers were something American's were proud of once. I still am. So why is it now something to hide? I don't blame the towers. If the issue is the number of people that died then why do we still see images of cars, airplanes, and guns in movies? If those aren’t specific enough how about the Titanic? Spiderman in NO way glorified what happened on 9/11.

You are correct that the reason I brought this topic up has to do with the fact that I liked the movies, but even if I didn't I'd still think the World Trade Center Towers were getting the short end of the stick. As a point of contrast... has anyone here seen the Spiderman comic that JMS did about 9/11? Am I to take that to mean it's ok to show the Twin Towers as long as one is talking about 9/11? Wouldn't that be MORE likely to upset the families of those lost?

Maybe the best way to put into words what I'm feeling is to ask these questions. What is your first thought when you hear the word Titanic? How about the Hindenburg? I just think there should be a resistance to giving in and letting the Twin Towers become the embodiment of terrorism. That is what they (the terorists) wanted and I don't want to give it to them. I'd think the families of those lost would agree.

Edited by wwwmwww

I totally agree with you "wwwmwww", i really don't understand why they won't release that teaser trailer on the DVD extra's.

It really makes no sense.

Maybe people were sensitive about it back in 2001, but i don't think it would offend anyone now.

From what i remember, it was an awesome trailer too!


I think there was supposed to be a full scene in the movie where the trailer came from, the bank robbery, and helicopter and how spiderman caught the helicopter... That was all axed from the movie... which is a shame cause it would have been a very good sequence... :(

Posted (edited)

Wasn't there a part of MGS2 that was cut from the game because it involved terrorists and the WTC towers? But I can see why they removed it with the terrorist part and all.

Edited by Mellow Yellow
  wwwmwww said:
  Blaine23 said:
In the end you're basically weighing a fanboyish desire to see Spidey footage VS. a very real disaster that shook this nation to it's core and affected millions in a very painful way.  I'd have left the footage off the disc too.

It’s not that. Or atleast that's not how I see it. I'm not the biggest Spiderman fan I know. There are many cases where images of the World Trade Center Towers got pulled after 9/11 and I totally understand families not wanting to see the collapse over and over again. But there is ALOT more history to the World Trade Center Towers then just 9/11. Why does the ugly always have to outweigh the rest? The World Trade Center towers were something American's were proud of once. I still am. So why is it now something to hide? I don't blame the towers. If the issue is the number of people that died then why do we still see images of cars, airplanes, and guns in movies? If those aren’t specific enough how about the Titanic? Spiderman in NO way glorified what happened on 9/11.

You are correct that the reason I brought this topic up has to do with the fact that I liked the movies, but even if I didn't I'd still think the World Trade Center Towers were getting the short end of the stick. As a point of contrast... has anyone here seen the Spiderman comic that JMS did about 9/11? Am I to take that to mean it's ok to show the Twin Towers as long as one is talking about 9/11? Wouldn't that be MORE likely to upset the families of those lost?

Maybe the best way to put into words what I'm feeling is to ask these questions. What is your first thought when I you hear the word Titanic? How about the Hindenburg? I just think there should be a resistance to giving in and letting the Twin Towers become the embodiment of terrorism. That is what they (the terorists) wanted and I don't want to give it to them. I'd think the families of those lost would agree.

I think the big difference is time...

I'm sure that in due time, 9/11 will be like those other disasters that you mentioned. Or even a more recent event like Pearl Harbor. Maybe Michael Bay'll make a rock 'em sock 'em big budget action picture revolving around it in a couple years. But for right now, it may be STILL fresh for some people, yes, even after all these years. I can't even begin to fathom what that date means to some people. I personally don't think it has anything to do with political correctness.

I've even read recently that the one item that Sam Raimi WON'T sign is the Spider-Man teaser poster with the towers in it. He makes it up in other ways to the people asking, but he has made a personal decision not to do so out of respect.

But I do love the trailer, and thanks to EXO, now you and I have it. :)

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