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No, I'm not going to cheer on the security guards harrassing a fan. Personally, I think Man-Faye is funny and he's cool. Those two old guys in front of him in the picture wouldn't know anything about fans. But, I see how it happened because he apparently violated some rule of theirs where you have to wear a certain amount of clothing. I still don't have to agree with it. I don't think he was really hurting anything.

  Legioss said:
No, I'm not going to cheer on the security guards harrassing a fan. Personally, I think Man-Faye is funny and he's cool. Those two old guys in front of him in the picture wouldn't know anything about fans. But, I see how it happened because he apparently violated some rule of theirs where you have to wear a certain amount of clothing. I still don't have to agree with it. I don't think he was really hurting anything.

I agree. Not only is it a bit ridiculous because he's done it a number of years already (and just NOW they're bothered by it?), but also because there's plenty of underage girls wearing all sorts of skimpy outfits and no one seems to care about. No to mention the amoutn of overwight individuals who show jsut as much skin as Man-Faye.

It's just... ridiculous.

Posted (edited)

Whats ridiculous is the amount of people that are defending this guy. He's nothing more than a cheap attention seeking exhibitionist. Some people are willing to degrade themselves just for a little attention. Half the people in those pictures are laughing at him. The sad part is that he keeps getting his way when he pulls one of these sad stunts. I'd bet if people ignored him, he'd stop dressing up as such. Are there double standards in life? Sure there are. But that doesn't give him any right to subject others to his cheap reality TV/ Jackass esque stunts. There are more wothy people/causes to champion against percieved double standards than this loser. Rant mode off.

BTW thanks for all the updates A7.

Edited by Golden Arms

If people complain, then people have to act. If no one cared, they'd let him run free.

But make no mistake...if I saw that I'd act. Or complain if I couldn't act.

Posted (edited)
  areaseven said:
  Gaijin said:
What did he say about Gunbuster?   :p  :p

Keith Burgess: "We're working on it."

Which translates too "We ain't doin nothin"

Was there any talk of Macross Zero at AX this past weekend?

Edited by dejr8bud
  Golden Arms said:
Whats ridiculous is the amount of people that are defending this guy. He's nothing more than a cheap attention seeking exhibitionist. Some people are willing to degrade themselves just for a little attention. Half the people in those pictures are laughing at him. The sad part is that he keeps getting his way when he pulls one of these sad stunts. I'd bet if people ignored him, he'd stop dressing up as such. Are there double standards in life? Sure there are. But that doesn't give him any right to subject others to his cheap reality TV/ Jackass esque stunts. There are more wothy people/causes to champion against percieved double standards than this loser. Rant mode off.

BTW thanks for all the updates A7.

I dunno, there are a lot of fugly guys that dress up as all manner of anime girls and no one seems to mind...

Is it just because man-faye is obviously hideous that he provokes this reaction?

Is it because he's a man dressed up as a woman?

Is it because he draws attention from more "serious" cos-players?

I say, if he likes the attention he gets as man-fay, let him do his thing. he's not hurting anyone.


Did anyone else notice that Gundam model booth that had the two for one sale?

Thought it was hilarious because their prices were double what I would see online.


I say, if he likes the attention he gets as man-fay, let him do his thing. he's not hurting anyone.

What about our eyes?



Day 4: July 5, 2004

Well, it's the final day of AX2004. Four grueling days, countless hours of waiting in line and over $300 spent on merchandise, food and parking paid off.

Geneon Entertainment

I managed to score an autograph from Gungrave animation director Shino Masanori. And finally, after two days of frustration, I got Yoko Ishida to autograph my CD booklet. She's really nice in person and she speaks good English.

Other than that, I also made contact with executives Hiroe Tsukamoto (Geneon), Stephen Tang (Geneon), John Sirabella (Media Blasters), Frank Pannone (Media Blasters), David Williams (ADV), Janice Williams (ADV), Mariela Ortiz (ADV) and Eric Rosenberger (Digital Manga Distribution).

Over the past four days, I've taken hundreds of photos - mostly cosplayers. Once I have the chance, I'll post my favorites. In the meantime, here's a pic of me and staff members of Bang Zoom! Entertainment.

(From Left: A7, Kaeko Sakamoto, Eric P. Sherman, ???, ???, Wendee Lee and Kari Wahlgren)



Man Faye isn't an exhibitionist. He's a joke. He did it on a bet, originally, and got so famous that he did it again so as not to disappoint his "fans".

By the way, that page isn't the full story. The ACC banned him from entering the convention center, and AX pulled his badge after he protested by mooning someone. Note that this is just the rumor that was circulating, and not solid info. (The second part, the first part I found out by actually asking him.)

Posted (edited)

Straight from webster's:

Main Entry: ex·hi·bi·tion·ism

Pronunciation: -'bi-sh&-"ni-z&m

Function: noun

1 a : a perversion marked by a tendency to indecent exposure b : an act of such exposure

2 : the act or practice of behaving so as to attract attention to oneself

- ex·hi·bi·tion·ist /-'bish-nist, -'bi-sh&-/ noun or adjective

- ex·hi·bi·tion·is·tic /-"bi-sh&-'nis-tik/ adjective

- ex·hi·bi·tion·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

If his exposure isn't indecent then I don't do what is. His stated reasons are inconsequential. They still don't change the facts. He's doing it to draw attention to himself. <_<

Edited by Golden Arms
  Golden Arms said:
Straight from webster's:

Main Entry: ex·hi·bi·tion·ism

Pronunciation: -'bi-sh&-"ni-z&m

Function: noun

1 a : a perversion marked by a tendency to indecent exposure b : an act of such exposure

2 : the act or practice of behaving so as to attract attention to oneself

- ex·hi·bi·tion·ist /-'bish-nist, -'bi-sh&-/ noun or adjective

- ex·hi·bi·tion·is·tic /-"bi-sh&-'nis-tik/ adjective

- ex·hi·bi·tion·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

If his exposure isn't indecent then I don't do what is. His stated reasons are inconsequential. They still don't change the facts. He's doing it to draw attention to himself. <_<

The women who dress scantily are not trying to draw attention to themselves? I take what he does as a spoof on those Cosplay Girls......

If he did moon then he does deserve the boot.

A7 Were there any ladies showing as much skin?

  Myriad said:
  Golden Arms said:
Straight from webster's:

Main Entry: ex·hi·bi·tion·ism

Pronunciation: -'bi-sh&-"ni-z&m

Function: noun

1 a : a perversion marked by a tendency to indecent exposure b : an act of such exposure

2 : the act or practice of behaving so as to attract attention to oneself

- ex·hi·bi·tion·ist  /-'bish-nist, -'bi-sh&-/ noun or adjective

- ex·hi·bi·tion·is·tic  /-"bi-sh&-'nis-tik/ adjective

- ex·hi·bi·tion·is·ti·cal·ly  /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

If his exposure isn't indecent then I don't do what is.  His stated  reasons are inconsequential.  They still don't change the facts. He's doing it to draw attention to himself. <_<

The women who dress scantily are not trying to draw attention to themselves? I take what he does as a spoof on those Cosplay Girls......

If he did moon then he does deserve the boot.

A7 Were there any ladies showing as much skin?

To be honest, the fact that he's cosplaying as Faye is not a big deal to me. Some guys dress up as female characters. Fine.

It's the fact that he goes the extra mile by purposefully having the shorts ride so far up into his crack that bothers me. Once is funny, twice is annoying and desperate.

I also think any female cosplyer doing that would probably also have been asked to cover up....

...well, after getting her picture taken by all the fanboy otaku... :lol:


I went to Anime Expo on Saturday. I only stayed for a couple hours, though. Wasn't anything to exciting going on and the dealers didn't have anything I wanted. But it was free for me to go so I said what the Hell. Took a long time to get the passes and what not though. I didn't take many pictures. I took some pictures with some Stormtroopers that were collecting donations. Seriously, if they weren't dressed as Stormtroopers, I probably wouldn't have given them much, but since they were dressed as them, I gladly donated $20 ^_^. On the lines of pictures, I didn't take many thers then that. Took a picture with someone dressed as Mario, and another dressed as a communist. Said he was from Ranma. Never seen the show so I don't know. I went up to this one guy and asked if he was dressed as David Bowie (he had hair like David did back when he was still doing the Ziggy deal) and he got angry and stormed off. Go figure. I walked the dealer room, didn't see anything good. First off, I only buy HK DVDs, so that kind of eliminated half the boothes. None of the companies were doing anything really exciting. One was throwing shirts. I don't see how people can spend four days straight there.

  Vinny said:
First off, I only buy HK DVDs, so that kind of eliminated half the boothes.

Did you actually find any HK DVDs there? I heard AX is imposing a ban on unlicensed merchandise on vendors this year.

Posted (edited)

Ok, time to throw up my partial AX report thingamajig.

first of all, to awnser a question posted earlier,there were girls showing overall more skin for instance a girl cosplayed as Bakurestu hunters OAV style Tira Misu,she had a decent enough body for it tho.

next on to the harmony gold shiznitch. First they anounced Robotech:shadow force, and gave a tenitive realise date of 2005 to coincide with the so called robotech 20th aniversary. they said you can find out more at the roblowtechh er robotech.com website. but the real news, was at the end of the harmony gold pannel they anounced they had the rights to dyrl. Which was suprissing. In a realited thing they were selling DYRL super poseables in the dealers room. Secondly after hearing this anouncement i decided to ask the tough questions. So i brought up the court case between BW and Tatsunoko. Apparently Yun's explantion for it was no one in the world(japan Exceptionalised) had the rights to the dyrl licence so they asked tatsunoko which suposivly has these rights(according to HG). Now whats intresting is he specifically used the word merchindicing. which leads me to suspect as usual something is up with HG.If anyone who was there remember anything more to add please do so.

Edit:i forgot to note,it seemed like the Dyrl anouncement was kinda just tacked on at the end

Next came the Macross pannel, and one intresting thing came out of it, I asked Egan a question in reguards to Tatsunoko's involvement with DYRL, and turns out there involvement may be much deeper than we have speculated,which goes back to the whole HG thing.

After the pannel i had the fortune of meeting several macrossworld members including Areaseven(how did you get the logo on your badge?) and Commander Mcbride, and a few others. the highlight of that was us macrossworld members preaching the gospel of the 1/48 Yamato valkyre to Neil Gaidmen(spell?) he seemed genuinely impressed with the Fastpack Max.

Dealers room and macross merchindice: first of all 1/48's were hella hard to come by in the dealers room, i think there were a total of mabie 7 at the whole convention. 2 1A max's, a max and millia fast pack valk, 1 VF-1J are all the ones i saw. I was lucky enough to snag a 1j for $130 which is not bad. other than that 1/60's and chunky monkeys were quite abundant, i noticed they were mostly cannon fodders on the chunky monkey side of things

Overall on a personal side of things,i had a soso time, but it was worth going to. if i think of anything more to add ill post later.

Edited by Bob_Coffee

Nah, wasnt the sandman guy. It was one of the translators who has helped translated a few of the past macross titles, I just cant remember how to spell his last name for the life of me hense the (spell?) within my, it does sound a little simular to gaiman tho. Sorry for the confusion.:)

  areaseven said:
  Commander McBride said:
(The second part, the first part I found out by actually asking him.)

You talked to him? I don't know you. :p

This was last year. He was dressed in normal clothes, and I didn't even know it was him until he mentioned it.

Posted (edited)

(sigh)... I had a feeling that this thread would turn into a man-faye thread. Man-faye just had to be the first cosplayer that I ran into the first day of AX. And here I was hoping and praying that this horrid thing would not show up this year. :angry:<_<

Anyway, I'll be posting up some pix and my experiences and especially my haul! I just got back from AX and waaay too tired and lazy to post up any pix. So stay tuned!! :p:D:lol:

Edited by BoBe-Patt
  Bob_Coffee said:
Nah, wasnt the sandman guy. It was one of the translators who has helped translated a few of the past macross titles, I just cant remember how to spell his last name for the life of me hense the (spell?) within my, it does sound a little simular to gaiman tho. Sorry for the confusion.:)

Neil Nadelman

  BoBe-Patt said:
(sigh)... I had a feeling that this thread would turn into a man-faye thread. Man-faye just had to be the first cosplayer that I ran into the first day of AX. And here I was hoping and praying that this horrid thing would not show up this year. :angry:<_<


Hah! The first cosplayer I encountered was dressed as May from Guilty Gear. Then I saw 50 other cosplayers until Man-Faye showed up.


went to masquerade. Onyl ones I could remember that were awesome were the Shinobi suit. and the guy form japan in the Gundam suit. He was the one win the awesome Gundam Astray suit on the retail floor next to deleter booth. He had a wing/back pack that came off with the help of stage ninjas and transformed into a gatling gun. then later it transformed into a big ass sword that he was able to swing around. He struted his stuff and psoed a lot with a samurai sword too. I felt it was a bit much in terms of steailing the spotlight. but then I thought. hey this guy made a great suit so what the hell.


Here's a rough list of what were acquired for U.S. release (courtesy of the Anime News Network):

ADV Films


Hello Kitty Animation Theatre

Saiyuki: Requiem


Legend of Moby Dick

Tree of Palme

Detective Loki

Erementar Gerad

Nanaka 6/17

Area 88 tv



Gravion Zwei

Elfen Lied

Moeyo Ken


Kurau: Phantom Memory



AN Entertainment


Bandai Entertainment

Dan Doh!!

Dear Boys

Di Gi Charat Nyo

Galaxy Angel Z

Kenran Butoh Sai: The Mars Daybreak

Onegai Twins (TV and OAV)

Overman King Gainer

Scrapped Princess


Burst Angel

Gunslinger Girl

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OAV 3

Geneon Entertainment

Saiyuki Gunlock

Shin Getter Robo

Rumiko Takahashi Theater

Mermaid Forest

Tetsujin 28


The Daichis - Earth Defence Family

Tenjou Tenge

Ikki Tousen


Onmyoji II

Requiem from the Darkness

Paranoia Agent

Submarine 707R

Burn-Up Scramble

Manga Entertainment


Media Blasters

Early Reins

Giant Robo

Gin Rei



Yakumo Tatsu

The Right Stuf International

Boys Be

To Heart



Urban Vision


Viz, LLC

Flame of Recca

Hikaru no Go

  Solscud007 said:
went to masquerade. Onyl ones I could remember that were awesome were the Shinobi suit. and the guy form japan in the Gundam suit. He was the one win the awesome Gundam Astray suit on the retail floor next to deleter booth. He had a wing/back pack that came off with the help of stage ninjas and transformed into a gatling gun. then later it transformed into a big ass sword that he was able to swing around. He struted his stuff and psoed a lot with a samurai sword too. I felt it was a bit much in terms of steailing the spotlight. but then I thought. hey this guy made a great suit so what the hell.

For this, i want pictures!

  eugimon said:
here's the guy in the gundam suit, I have a bunch of other pics of him.

I'm amazed that he got the sword/backpack right...considering i haven't seen any line art of it. Its supposed to be Blue Frame's sword or something. Guess he got them from the Astray Manga.

  wolfx said:
  eugimon said:
here's the guy in the gundam suit, I have a bunch of other pics of him.

I'm amazed that he got the sword/backpack right...considering i haven't seen any line art of it. Its supposed to be Blue Frame's sword or something. Guess he got them from the Astray Manga.

yeah, the sword backpack thing was pretty cool.. all the bits either physically connect with each other or are held on/reinforce each other with velcro...

his suit is pretty cool too... just cardboard with sort of laminate on it, and he had those quick-release straps on it to make it adjustable and what not... they were handing out flyers for a workshop for people who want to make suits like that.


That Astray really kicked ass. I've been planning something similar for a few years, I think I'll do it for next AX. I'd been thinking a Dom, but now I think something more impressive looking would be better. How's Providence Gundam sound?

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