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If you're thinking about buying it, it's probably not absurd enough to be in this topic. ;) If for no other reason than by posting it, you're alerting other potential bidders! :p

If you're thinking about buying it, it's probably not absurd enough to be in this topic. ;) If for no other reason than by posting it, you're alerting other potential bidders! :p

bidders like me perhaps :rolleyes:

j/k . If it was a real one at that price though :unsure:

I'm still kicking myself for the MIB gazzete I let go for $50 a number of months back :blink:

SCAM!!!  ----> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=35028

Any Aniston fans? How's about a fake "10 x 8 Autographed nude?"


I'm not so sure it's fake. At least the photo itself doesn't appear to be a "photo-chop". Search Google and tons of pics from this photo session pop up (Google), the most credible being this one. Now the signature, on the other hand, I have no idea whether or not that's fake.

I think that one's a fake. Just doesn't look right.

It doesn't look right, because that auction is for a photo-chop. That's Jennifer's head, on a Playboy playmate's body (Alley Baggett). While Jennifer did do a partial nude for a Rolling Stones cover, and one can see how that bidder might have thought the picture in that auction came from the Stones shoot, the lighting from each respective shoot is much different. Not to mention the glaring skin tone difference.

IMHO, the signature is also a fake or simply a reprint. There's just no way Jennifer signs such an picture.


I saw that custom boxed armor as well nemisis but didn't get around to posting it. Thanks again for the "tip"

here's one... whats wrong with this picture????


although I do kinda like the blue :rolleyes:

can we say overpriced???


should a wonderfest kit be this cheap???


free sand included?


really bad description of a shock trooper


think I'll bid on this one... :blink:

4 different robotech coloring books? Why make one???


Mylene Jenius Stage Version Macross Resin Kit ?????????????????????/


wondering what the reserve is...


it sparkles :blink:


more cheap resin


bootlegs just don't go up in value LOL.


boot of a boot???


lame even at a penny



Jetfire - 1984 Bandai (metal parts)


Tracks - 1980 - 84, Takara


Hard Head - 1987 - Hasbro/Takara -


Motormaster - 1985 Hasbro/Takara -


Slingshot - 1985 Hasbro -


Goldbug - 1986 Hasbro/Takara -




Onslaught -


Overload -


Windbreaker -

All Transformers are in "as is" condition and all are missing some parts. Apparently a couple were played with in the sandbox as they still have a few grains of sands in their joints.


Wait wait!! Windbreaker?? :blink:

I don't remember that one as a kid! Was that the Japanese name/version??

Wait wait!! Windbreaker?? :blink:

I don't remember that one as a kid! Was that the Japanese name/version??

His brother's name is Cheesecutter. They were a part of of the Flatulators line. :lol::lol::lol: Just Kidding.

Actually he's the orange car on Onslaught's trailer in picture 2.

Wait wait!! Windbreaker?? :blink:

I don't remember that one as a kid! Was that the Japanese name/version??

His brother's name is Cheesecutter. They were a part of of the Flatulators line. :lol::lol::lol: Just Kidding.

Actually he's the orange car on Onslaught's trailer in picture 2.

:lol: Flatulacons merge to become Flatulator!!!! GraaaaHH!!! *sSSSSt* :lol:


Here's one that's really crazy, better off saving yer coin for an Armani wardrobe...

General Clark's Sweater

Being in the military, I support General Clark, really fine officer. Don't know about leading the country though...

Posted (edited)

if the seller took paypal rather than onlyu cash I would bid on this.


... then again I am an idiot :rolleyes::rolleyes:

here is another item I thought was funny as heck. I'm currently high bidder but I don't think anybody here would outbid me [especially as I'd make a copy for anyone who asked] but I'll probably get outbid as my max is only $5.70 as I refuse to pay more than $10 for a vhs. I just had to bid, though who wouldn't want a flick titled "Phallus In Wonderland' :lol::blink:


Now this is "kinda" absurd. I got outbid by near ten dollars and was offered a "second chance". I've gotten second chances before ... but when my max bid was $.47 I just have to wonder why they would sell to me. Shipping was 28x more than what the auction was, but not unreasonable compared to what I normally have to pay for shipping from china. Are parts/labor really that cheap there??? If so why don't we see bootleg 1/55 armor???


Lord knows agent1 would have spent more for it :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The really sad thing is I'm going to display it on my wifes computer desk :blink::lol::rolleyes::D

Edited by kanata67

$53.55 for a green joon's shipped?!?!?


"Please read description carefully, I am not responsible for YOUR misunderstandings!" :blink: . Yeah... I bid just cause it's the last joon's I need but my max was $26 before shipping. I simply refuse to pay more for a joons than a re-issue!

I won "phallus in wonderland"... Did anybody need a copy? :lol:

$53.55 for a green joon's shipped?!?!?


"Please read description carefully, I am not responsible for YOUR misunderstandings!" :blink: . Yeah... I bid just cause it's the last joon's I need but my max was $26 before shipping. I simply refuse to pay more for a joons than a re-issue!

I won "phallus in wonderland"... Did anybody need a copy? :lol:

Hey, I never had ya pegged for a GWAR fan,,,I havent heard from those guys since 1992-3. They were pretty out thier, we ussed to play a couple of thier songs in our band,,I cant remember the words, but I remmeber the wrifs like it was yesterday,,,,hmm never thought I'd here from them again, I actually went to a concert a long time ago,,,,,in my "pre-testing" days ;)

I m sure the wiffey will love the 1/2 naked resin kit on the desk though :lol:


Can you believe this guy? He's selling cheat codes! The most horrible part is that people are paying so much for them. He has a long winded description of the game Sonic Heroes then, at the end, he warns that the auction is only for cheat codes.

Rediculous Auction

If you check his feedback, you'll see that he's already ripped off a few people. How can eBay let this go on? It looks just like any other game auction.

BTW, the only reason I came across this auction is because I'm selling a few copies of Sonic Heroes and I wanted to check out the competing auctions.

Can you believe this guy? He's selling cheat codes! The most horrible part is that people are paying so much for them. He has a long winded description of the game Sonic Heroes then, at the end, he warns that the auction is only for cheat codes.

Rediculous Auction

If you check his feedback, you'll see that he's already ripped off a few people. How can eBay let this go on? It looks just like any other game auction.

BTW, the only reason I came across this auction is because I'm selling a few copies of Sonic Heroes and I wanted to check out the competing auctions.

Yeah, people do sell the codes. I wouldn't say that his description is misleading, as anyone that reads two sentences (or one line) will realize that it clearly states it's only codes. So it's really just incompetent people and a guy that knows people are incompetent (and so he pushes it). I've done it before (pushed an item) and some people complain, but it's their fault they didn't bother to read (it's not as though the guy is lying). Still reminds me of the Xbox box auctions from when the Xbox first came out (people paid like $250 for them).

Posted (edited)

It's a bootleg. Suspicious signs are that it's got English, Japanese, and Chinese subtitles, and that it's Region 0. Confirmation is that it appears at Import-Anime.com as an MAC release (although the reviewer is a little confused about whether its originally their bootleg or if they copied another bootlegger):


Edit: and at that price, it is absurd!

Edited by ewilen
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