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Alright, I need to state that I cannot sit throught Macross 7.

I love all of the Macross series, but I unfortunately cannot watch Macross 7 no matter how much I want to. The series in my opinion is unlike all the other ones (I do not have to explain why; whether you like it or not, you have to admit that it is different from the other series), and has that stupid "Sailor Moon" quality that completely makes me turn away in utter disbelief.

Anyway, I unfortunately realize that much story develops in Macross 7, pertaining to the origin of the Macross universe, with many important plot lines. I know all the series like the back of my hand, so all I ask is:

Can someone give a synopsis for Macross 7? I've seen the first few espisodes, and I just want to know what startling developments happen in the series. If this cannot be done, please direct me to a website. The Macross Compendum reads like an encylopedia; I just wanted a "timeline".


First of all, check out the chronological timeline at the Macross Compendium:


For M7 events specifically:


You say you want a timeline, so I can only assume by your reference that the compendium reads like an encyclopedia that you tried going through character and mecha descriptions, but missed the timeline itself.

I won't try and sway your opinion of Macross 7. You've given it a fair shake and found it was not your taste. I'd say the 'Sailor Moon' quality you speak of can only refere to the designs of some of the Protodevlin, as there is not a trace of 'Monster of the Week' style storytelling, magical attacks, or magical girl storytelling trappings found anywhere in the series.

Why is Macross 7 so different from other Macross shows?

Macross is made from several different elements. You have the love triangle, you have the idea that mankind's spirit will prevail against impossible odds, you have the music, then you have the war story, and the mecha action.

The balance of these aspects has been changed over time through the different Macross series. Macross Plus, for instance had no war story, but pushed the mecha action more than any other Macross show before it. Macross Zero brings the war story aspect back, keeps the mecha action top notch, but the character developement is lacking compared to most other Macross offerings, and the love triangle, while important, does not seem as pronounced. Also the music, while still important to the story, seems to get far less of the spotlight.

Macross 7 takes almost the opposite approach of Macross Zero. The music, the theme of a determination and spirit, and the character developement are the most important aspects of the story. The war story is barely present (respectively), despite the war itself being a big part of the story, the love triangle, while very much there, isn't so important to the resolution of the story. The theme, represented and personofied by Nekki Basara, is the main aspect of the show. The well paced, realistic character developement, of the rest of the cast hammer that point home. Mecha action fans are unfortunately left out in the cold.

There's also the way the show is directed and presented. With the theme, and Nekki Basara being so central to the story, if you don't like Basara and can in no way relate to or appreciate the theme of the story, you're not going to like the show. The director and producers of the show left almost no appeal for the mecha fans and war story fans. There's a few excellent mecha designs (notably, the VF-17, and the VF-14 in it's minor appearance), but the animation for the action sequences is decidedly lackluster.

Unfortunately, the only way that you'll be able to know the series "like the back of your hand" is to watch it all yourself. I reccomend trying the Compendium's timeline though, it honestly seems to be exactly what you're looking for.


Very well written reply Radd.

I'm now on, I think my 5th or 6th complete viewing of Macross 7 from start to finish, since first watching the series back in 1994 and it is my opinion that if you can get over what are commonly perceived as the negative elements of the show, i.e. Basara, battroids with human faces controlled by guitar joysticks, the appearance of the Protodeviln, than Macross 7 can be enjoyed on so many different levels.

I actually disagree with Radd about Macross 7 being light on mecha action and skimping on the war aspect of the story. I'm primarily into mecha and mecha action and I still find there's plenty of that in Macross 7 to satisfy me. I also think the war is present in the majority of the episodes. I tend to view the unfolding events in the story through the eyes of the UN Spacy characters like Gamlin, Max etc rather than Basara.

I also dislike the character of Basara, although not as much as in the past. So when I'm watching the show, I always think of Gamlin and Mylene (my favorite characters) as being the main characters rather than Basara :lol:

I gotta say I love Macross 7 and while I realise that it's not everybodies cup of tea, I personally think it has fantastic music, great mecha designs, an interesting story, some cool action scenes, strong, mostly likeable characters and adds a wealth of background information to the Macross universe.


  Druna Skass said:
Oh god here we go again...

Ya I was just thinking we need another 10 page thread on the love/hate of

Macross 7. :rolleyes:<_<

For the most part, I don't like it very much. That's all I'll say on this matter lol


For most people, Macross 7 will only get really interesting after that dumbass Kinryu gets himself killed - Hey, he didn't even get to knob off the two BBs he was dating! Wot a looza. If by then yer caught drooling yerself halfway to lalaland, yer gonna be so much better off reading M7 bash threads.

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