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Spider-Man 2 review! (spoiler free)

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I never got into the card thing. I love the art, but I don't like the size. I always wished they'd release some sort of Graphic Novel sized artbook out of the card's art, but I guess that sort of thing isn't big enough in the US.

And Isamu, though I admire your devotion to the Biel... there ain't no way she could fill out that catsuit properly enough to be Felicia. ;)

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And Isamu, though I admire your devotion to the Biel... there ain't no way she could fill out that catsuit properly enough to be Felicia. ;)

Yeah, but we've seen how they can mess with the looks of some of the characters' looks in the movies...Take Anna Paquin's Rogue. in the Comics, Rogue is probably one of the more well endowed ladies in the Marvel Universe, yet when cast, they went with Anna. not to say this is bad, but the way she looks in the books and how she looked in the movie are completely different. if they went for strict body type casting calls, i think the Casting list might look like the ones A7 puts up from time to time.... :D;)

So the hope is still alive Jessica, baby!!! don't listen to them!!


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Whaaaa...? The Spider Man has already slipped to page 4? Up, I say!

Anyway, as somebody who thought that the first film was "good" I have no reservations in saying that I loved #2. It was everything I'd wanted in a Spider Man movie, and then some. I'll definitely be seeing this one in the theater again.

As for the future of the franchise? I think it's fairly obvious we'll be seeing Harry Osborne as either the Green Goblin, or the Hobgoblin. Will it be in part 3, though? With the box office momentum the Spider Man franchise has, I think it's very safe to say we'll be seeing at least a fourth installment. Doc Connors/The Lizard could easily be thrown in, but I don't know if there's enough story there for a 2 hour film. I've read that he could be used in conjunction with a second bad guy, but to me that runs the risk of going the same route the Batman films went, with the villians overshadowing the man character of the story. And contrary to popular opinion, I'm going to say "no" to Venom. Maybe it's because he was introduced after I'd moved on from reading Spider Man, but I never really cared much for him. He's too one-note a bad guy, IMHO.

Here's my short list of Spider Man villians that also should NOT appear in film:

The Rhino - big guy in grey tights and a horn on his head?

The Vulture - geriatric with wings?

Mysterio - ummm....maybe, but they'd have to something really interesting with him

Electro - again, maybe if they lose to old-school costume.

And while we're at it, I wouldn't expect them to be killing off MJ any time soon. If they were going to kill Peter Parker's love interest, they missed the golden oportunity to do it in the first film when they recreated the scenario that led to the demise of Gwen Stacey. If they write out MJ, say in the fourth movie, I'd expect her to just "go off to Europe to model" or something like that.

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I do think that killing off MJ in a Gwen-style in the next film could add a lot of dramatic weight (and yet more angst) to Spidey. Particularly if Harry accidently killed her... Not only that, but her knowing his secret already is a bit of a drag for future movies.

And I also think that, if handled correctly, the multiple villain angle could work. Unlike Batman - who's a fairly boring guy compared to Peter's crazy life - the multiple villains would definitely get less screen time (ie- don't cast Schwarzenegger, Carrey, Thurman, etc).

I always loved the Spidey stories where his life seemed to go from crap to crappier and having to deal with fighting the Rhino after being slapped around by the Lizard was always a big part of that. He's not the toughest guy in the world, just the coolest.

As for the old school villains... all the ones you named I think could totally make great villains.

The Vulture - who says he gotta be old? Well, that old, at least.

The Rhino - no sillier than the Hulk or the Thing

Mysterio - by name alone he's already interesting! And you could totally lose the fishbowl.

Electro - definitely gotta lose the crap on his head. Shouldn't be too hard to come up with a cooler outfit.

To me a hissy, whiney, full of teeth threatening former costume like Venom is way lame.

"sssssspider!" ;)

And for heaven's sake... somebody needs to punch those scripts up to give Spiderman some funny lines. That's totally missing now.

Edited by Blaine23
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I think Kraven is cool but wouldn't work on screen, as groovy as his costume is. :p Electro would also be cool, but I'm so tired of the electric villain with lightning buzzing around him type villain. They're doing a great job building the mythos for the films... hopefully they develop the existing story lines such as The Lizard and Man-Wolf??? LoL, nah!. Sandman would be interesting, he's not so T2, so they have room to innovate...

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Electro would be good if handled properly. Given how good they executed Dr. Octopus there's hope for Electro.

Kraven would be cool, always liked that character. Again, it's all how they use the villain.

How about someone like Ghost Rider? Bring him in, they naturally get in a fight, and then team up against whoever Ghost Rider came for. Then again, Ghost Rider should have his own movie.

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I got to admit they've been pretty good with the villain costumes. I know people didn't like Green Goblin's but it made sense in the story, except where'd he get the mask... he had one in his collection in the same material as the power suit?

And the Spidey Costume kicks ass...

Bsu: Yeah I do... those cartoons were great for their time... like those classic Superman cartoons.

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Bsu: Yeah I do... those cartoons were great for their time... like those classic Superman cartoons.

They still run them on late night TV, and I can't help but stop and watch them whenever I find them. To me, those will always be the portrayal of Spider Man.

Spidey: You're all wet, Electro

*dumps bucket of water on Electro*

Electro: Noooooo!!!!! *bzt!*

J.J.J: Spider Man!!!!!!!

Parker & Ms Brandt: Hahahahahahaha

*fade to black*

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On a slight tangent here (it's technically not off-topic) has anybody here broken down and bought the classic Spider Man animated series yet? You know you want to!

I'm dying to...

But I'm also dying w/o air conditioning in the deep south in the middle of the summer. Seems I gotta pay the repairman before any purchasing goes down. :(

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I watched this movie for free last Saturday and I have to say that it's much better than the first. I always thought of Doc Ock as a bigger arch-nemesis than the Green Goblin. Marvel and Columbia did a great job producing the film and bringing the franchise to greater heights.

I also went back to my old Marvel archives and I'll have to say that Harry will be Green Goblin II, not Hobgoblin. In order to have Hobgoblin in the movies, the writers will have to introduce Ned Leeds (the first Hobgoblin) and Jason Macendale, a.k.a. Jack-O-Lantern (who becomes Hobgoblin after Leeds is murdered).

As for Venom, he should be in movie 9 or 10 (if that ever happens), as there are more villains before him. Bring in Lizard, Electro, Scorpion, Kraven, Vulture, Chameleon and Mysterio first.

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Why did they change Spidey's lenses from a mirror type to the comic canon white type? That was the only change I notices in the costume between one and two. I personally did not like the mirror lenses from part one...

The only plausible reason would be because Raimi wanted the bridge scene to show MJ reflected on one lens and the trolley in the other... That was not necessary in this movie...


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