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NEW(ER) AVP (Aliens versus Predator) Trailer.

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Well looks like someone doesnt want me to go see AVP.  I live in Orlando, Florida USA and if anyone doesnt know Hurricane Charlie is supposed to go right through florida on friday.  Right now though im worried more about the Charlie then AVP.

I was just thinking about the pyramid that they are in.  Since there is no way in and out after the doors close from what i can guess shouldnt they run out of oxygen after a while.  Though the human body only uses about 7% or 14% of the oxygen you breath i cant remember which though.  just a little someting to add.

How can a film be rated for SLIME :blink: just odd to me?

I see on the voter pop up that people are voting for Predator more then alien. :D  :p

Predator almost beat Arnold.

Arnold > Predators > Aliens

Preds will win... and all the non-Arnolds will lose.

thats only because Michael Beihn is not in this movie.... :D

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Hahah... yes!

Didn't they do something to that effect w/ Highlander 4? I was going to ask earlier, but I didn't want to get too OT. I've heard that the Theatrical release is different from the DVD. Which is probably a good thing because umm.... the one I saw in theatres was a total waste of my time... and I love Highlander. (pff... they killed the cool one too)...

That movie just BOMBED, why dear god did they even make what was it.....Final Dominion or was it Final Dimension........wait wait wait...... :angry: WHY DID THEY EVEN MAKE THE SECOND MOVIE?!

It was done, over, finished, AUDIOSED!! Why did they even make a stupid series from a B actor name like Adrian Paul who I remember when I was a little kid playing the role of some character in the short lived TV series, "War of the Worlds" which was groooosssssss......

The last 2 movies just sucked I didn't like them unless it had the nudity. But the final one, END GAME, it was like watching a boring 2 hour made for TV movie....and was it REALLY nessessary for them to kill off Lambert's Character? Conor was the best, Duncan was a pussy, and Quintin......well....you only saw him in that lame cartoon show.

But yeah, that movie sucked and I got off topic.

If Paul W.S. butthole *cough* does end up pushing the release date back, I might be dissapointed, but not surprised. Would you rather see something crap/assed or half crap/assed :p?

I'll admit, I take this movie with a grain of salt on being "WOW!" but I will give it a shot, I had my doubts on T3 and wasn't too dissapointed.

Hmmmm......I remember the rumors of Aliens5, but it's just that.....rumors. I doubt to see that movie or even another Predator movie since it just doesn't have much success anymore.

Face it, Aliens got boring after 3, Ressurection was a joke, to much CG and what if's. Predator was excellent when it first came out, but the second was just.....heh. It had no arnold and danny glover is too cop sterotyped now.

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How about some Batman Versus Joker, Versus Aliens, Versus Predator Versus MORE predators versues MORE Aliens?

Batman vs Predator vs Aliens vs Terminator vs Robocop vs Freddy vs Jason vs Arnold

Batman would win. :p

(I realize that Arnold is the Terminator... but we all know that they all don't look like Arnie. They could have one like the kid and dog(that was FREAKY) in the Robocop vs Terminator comic!)

Anyway, these reviews are from AICN... and I don't really buy everything the people there write because it just seems to be a fanboy/garage movie snob breeding ground. However, those review have got me set up to think it will be bad... a la Highlander 4. :)

Anyway, I'm probably going to see it this weekend so I'll let you guys know what I think. I'm sure we'll hear a lot of opinions on here before then though. :D

Hopefully I can at least enjoy the action. I also hope that it is successful enough to maybe generate another Predator movie, perhaps Rated R. I always envisioned an older Arnold doing something... It really disappoints me that the mythos was changed. I mean, if Preds sucked without their burners, then why the heck do they use all the other stuff? I mean really.

I DO like what I've seen of the pred designs though, its nice to see some new gear. Perhaps they'll throw in a new combi-stick variant or something...

I didn't REALLY like the Dark Horse AVP... but it was still decent... like the only change I would make to the story is having Noguchi die at the end or something, ANYTHING but being accepted into the pack of preds!!! The idea of her running around with a pack of preds was kinda... stupid to me.

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As much as Anderson claims to love the Alien franchise, he has no qualms about shitting all over the mythology of the series for the sake of subduing his own impatience. In the old “Alien” flicks, getting straddled by a facehugger, which leads to a chestburster, which leads to a full blown adult alien, used to take days. No longer patient enough to deal with such screen time consumption, Anderson speeds up the process to a matter of minutes. His blatant disregard for anything that’s come before shows that his love of “Alien” films past is only skin deep. And the Predators?

The Predators are reduced incompetent warriors who can’t fight for poo without their guns. I’d love to see how Anderson and his screenwriters justified this maneuver. It seems the Predators don’t bring their shoulder cannons with them to the temple, the guns are already in the temple waiting for them to be picked up, but the humans find them and walk off with them. Oye! I don’t want to continue regurgitating this crap.

Ouch. I'll wait for DVD. That is...unless somebody I know downloads it first. You (not surprisingly) suck, Paul Anderson.

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I saw a commercial and from what i heard it made me a little scared.

very old saying to.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

This has my worried that the humans may enlist the predators as mercs.

Sounds kind of funny but just look at the director. I for one think he would do something such as this and it will piss the ***k out of me if it does happen.

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  • 5 months later...

OK, so I'm very late to the party, but I finally got around to watching AvP on DVD over the weekend.

And wadda you know, I actually enjoyed it. I certainly liked it a lot more than Alien 3 & 4.

A bit more gore would have been nice and the far-too-quick Alien gestation period bugged me a bit, but overall, it was a good fun popcorn flick and certainly a lot more enjoyable than many of last summers action movie releases.


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It's funny...this thread itself is actually just like the fifth reel of an Alien film. Just when you think its over and you're safe, it leaps out of the shadows and attempts to wetly attach itself to your face with some unspeakably disgusting appendage. Why oh why can't a mod just blow it out of the airlock already, so we can retire to hypersleep until the next sequel?

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What sort of special features are on the AvP DVD?

I haven't watched the second disc yet, so I'm not sure what the extras are and I can't check until I go home. Probably the usual poo though....making of feature, deleated scenes etc. Actually, I never really care for extras.

I just went to amazon to check what the extra are and I'm suprised the DVD is not being relesed in the US until Jan 25 and in the UK until March 2005! The official 2 disc DVD was released here in HK a week ago already.


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^_^ personally I'll rent it, maybe copy it, but I don't think I'll spend the money to buy it....I just watched Resident Evil 2 and I'm sorta sorry I spent the 4 bucks...

Actually, I enjoyed RE2 as we got to see Milla Jovovich's nipples near the end of the movie :p .


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Well yeah I'll give ya that, we got her nips in that movie and her bush in the first :p what will the third one bring out? God please I hope to god they wont do a third...Let's not start a chain of RE movies now...I'm so sick of the games....lets just end the freaking world already for the game universe....its the SAME blasted storyline over and over and over......I can't even play the first two games anymore cause they don't carry the spice it once had.....even though the first games FMV's were live action which I liked...

I wonder if anyones played the AVP games on the next gens...? Even though its strategy based I heard it REALLY blew...

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Alien vs Predator: Extinction is limited, but what it /does/ do it does fairly well.

Three campaigns, one for each species, and no skirmish mode. The gameplay is simplified, with no real building to worry about (Aliens have one 'building' they can make, but it doesn't produce units, merely serves as a healing point) because you have a specific unit that you use to purchase other units from, using points earned by killing things.. Predators can get extra points by liberating corpses of their skulls, and humans can fix 'ATMOS' units to get a fixed number of credits out of them over time. Aliens kind of get it in the shorts, with no extra source of credits, but then again their standard units don't cost anything..

Marines are straight forward. Techcomm, who orders units, Marines, Flamethrowers, Smartgunners, Androids, 'SADAR' rocket launcher users, snipers, and combat Exosuits. Each unit has an upgrade to its effectiveness, ranging from an orbital strike for the Techcomm, better armor and a grenade launcher for the marine, to multiple warhead missiles for the SADAR troopers and a damn railgun for the snipers..

Predators can cloak, and have their medical units. Both items drain energy, which recharges at a fixed rate but differs between units. Some units have more energy then others, so can cloak for longer (Notably, the Predator 'Stalker'.. their sniper unit). Their upgrades effect weapon preformance, in some cases doubling or tripling their ability to hunt down the filthy meatbags and bugs. You can also purchase the use of the three vision modes. Infared (humans), electromagnetic (Aliens, mechanical human units), and PredTech (Predators).

Aliens are the greatest departure. The Queen has to park her ass and grow an eggsac in order to produce units. She can have up to 4 Facehugger eggs at her ass end at a time.. so either move them, or keep a fresh supply of corpses incoming. The unit you get depends on the corpse you bring. The hippo/cow animals spawn Drones, humans spawn Warriors (a new species in the game world..), goat-like animals and weird-ass crab things spawn Runners (from Alien 3), while Predators give you... Predaliens (Duh!).

Eggs can be upgraded, for a cost, to Praetorian Facehuggers. Praetorian Facehuggers give you a Praetorian, regardless of host. Praetorians can evolve into a queen if you lack one, but more notably can, once upgraded, evolve into Carriers or Ravagers. Carriers are nannies for Facehuggers, ferrying them into battle to impregnate in the field. I find them useless, myself. Ravagers are the only Alien unit to cause lethal injury. Decapitation, infact.. They have huge scythe like blades instead of fingers, and evolved to cleave through armor.

Their upgrades are the most varied. Drones put 'cystic spores' on killed enemies, making the xenos that spawn from that corpse stronger.. Runners become more flame resistant, Predaliens molt after battle and grow stronger, Carriers can carry twice as many facehuggers.. Queens can gain the ability to instill a battle frenzy in the lesser aliens around her, making her a nasty combat unit. Warriors and Ravagers both gain means of surviving deadly damage. Warriors can survive half torn apart and fight, or restore themselves to normal at a hive node, while Ravagers form a cocoon at death and, if not attacked heavily, regenerate.

There is a built-in cheat system for those who just want to screw around. The real problem with the game is that it just isn't versatile. You only have those 3 campaigns of 7 levels. There is no skirmish mode, no multiplayer.. just the campaign. The inclusion of a skirmish mode would of GREATLY improved the game. The other problem is that the AI for your units can be a REAL 'tard about where they go sometimes. If they end up piling through a narrow area, often times you will have several units wander off in search of another way to the place you told them to go rather then just waiting.. which can send them into the middle of an angry group of enemy units that they will completely ignore in search of that magical Other Way To The Destination.

It's not a BAD game by any means, but it sure as hell is not the game it should and could of been.


One thing I forgot to note is that there is a lovely beastiary that explains every unit, both in game terms and 'storyline' terms, and is available at the main menu /and/ ingame.

Edited by DarkPhoenix
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It's funny...this thread itself is actually just like the fifth reel of an Alien film. Just when you think its over and you're safe, it leaps out of the shadows and attempts to wetly attach itself to your face with some unspeakably disgusting appendage. Why oh why can't a mod just blow it out of the airlock already, so we can retire to hypersleep until the next sequel?

Because that would be an incredibly boring film. Just watching a squad of Colonial Marines sleeping is a horrendous waste of time, especially when they could be out and about, blasting the crap out of whatever they need to :)

I haven't watched the second disc yet, so I'm not sure what the extras are and I can't check until I go home. Probably the usual poo though....making of feature, deleated scenes etc. Actually, I never really care for extras.

Extras are the big draw of DVDs to me. Without them I wouldn't have nearly as large a library as I do now.

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I quite enjoyed AvP Extinction on the PS2, but yes it is limited and has little replay value once you have completed the campaigns for the 3 species.


I still whip it out every so often when I get that 'real time strategy' itch but don't want to be bothered to go find and install Starcraft again..

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^_^ personally I'll rent it, maybe copy it, but I don't think I'll spend the money to buy it....I just watched Resident Evil 2 and I'm sorta sorry I spent the 4 bucks...

Actually, I enjoyed RE2 as we got to see Milla Jovovich's nipples near the end of the movie :p .


Graham. Have you SEEN what she's wearing at the end of the first Resident Evil?

You can see ALL her goodies underneath that white cloth. :D

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Graham. Have you SEEN what she's wearing at the end of the first Resident Evil?

You can see ALL her goodies underneath that white cloth. :D

Yep, I noticed that when I saw it at the cinema, which is one of the main reasons why I purchased the DVD. Gotta love that pause and slow-mo function :lol:


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Graham. Have you SEEN what she's wearing at the end of the first Resident Evil?

You can see ALL her goodies underneath that white cloth.  :D

Yep, I noticed that when I saw it at the cinema, which is one of the main reasons why I purchased the DVD. Gotta love that pause and slow-mo function :lol:


My favorite part of that scene has to be watching it with the commentary on so she proudly proclaims "TWAT SHOT!"

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Graham. Have you SEEN what she's wearing at the end of the first Resident Evil?

You can see ALL her goodies underneath that white cloth.  :D

Yep, I noticed that when I saw it at the cinema, which is one of the main reasons why I purchased the DVD. Gotta love that pause and slow-mo function :lol:


My favorite part of that scene has to be watching it with the commentary on so she proudly proclaims "TWAT SHOT!"

LOL.....I'll have to watch that part with the commentary on. I usually never bother with commentaries, find them too boring.


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Graham. Have you SEEN what she's wearing at the end of the first Resident Evil?

You can see ALL her goodies underneath that white cloth.  :D

Yep, I noticed that when I saw it at the cinema, which is one of the main reasons why I purchased the DVD. Gotta love that pause and slow-mo function :lol:


My favorite part of that scene has to be watching it with the commentary on so she proudly proclaims "TWAT SHOT!"

LOL.....I'll have to watch that part with the commentary on. I usually never bother with commentaries, find them too boring.


They just have fun with this commentary. It's the main actors and the producer or director, can't remember which. One guy is talking about how they made a certain scene at the beginning, then as Milia gets out of the shower she tells him to shut up 'cause you're about to see her nipple.. >XD The latino chick talks about how she wanted to stab that zombie in the eye, break that one in half.. and they spend a lot of time making fun of another actor's love of pudding.

It's just so utterly bizarre and fun in how little it resembles the commentaries MOST DVDs come with.

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Commentaries are just hilarious at times that's for damn sure. I never saw the commentary for RE or RE2(yet) But alot of actors/actresses do tend to just poke at themselves so much going, "WHAT?! I LOOK FAT ON SCREEN!" "No....that's movie magic" "Well can't we pull a Camern Diaz and make my eyes more blue?"

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