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Heavy Metal soundtrack... Unless its a movie about skateboarding it shouldn't have that kind of soundtrack. This will break world records of sucking.


they are definitly trying to maake the predators "X-TREME TO DA MAX!!!" i saw a clip of something that was obviously supposed to be a throwing weapon it looks liked a giant dead spider, what ever happened to disc that the predators throw that cuts with energy, not spider legs? they also showed the predators wrist blade extend to like 2 1/2 feet long, if their blades had always been able to do they why didnt it happen in predadtor 1 or 2? whats that? because it doesnt make sense that a 2 1/2 foot blade cud retract into a 1 1/2 foot gauntlet? and all the predators seemed to have fancier helmets and were all 10 feet tall


whoa... deja vu... first a whole new discussion about AVP, then the Japanese tourism thread is alive again. Thought glitch had occurred in the Matri...... err.... nvm.

Guess I'll catch the trailer when I have access to fatter pipes, but haven't the masks (been there since Predator II though..) and the new disc already been covered in previous specials?

Posted (edited)
  NERV said:
they are definitly trying to maake the predators "X-TREME TO DA MAX!!!" i saw a clip of something that was obviously supposed to be a throwing weapon it looks liked a giant dead spider, what ever happened to disc that the predators throw that cuts with energy, not spider legs? they also showed the predators wrist blade extend to like 2 1/2 feet long, if their blades had always been able to do they why didnt it happen in predadtor 1 or 2? whats that? because it doesnt make sense that a 2 1/2 foot blade cud retract into a 1 1/2 foot gauntlet? and all the predators seemed to have fancier helmets and were all 10 feet tall

Basically, Paul Anderson happened. There was an interview with him a couple of months ago where he described how he wanted to ratchet up the aliens and predators.....to the X-treme! Showing his vast respect for the original films, he described how the Predators in the first two movies were low level hunters, or "pussies," compared to the Paul W.S. Anderson Predators. :rolleyes:

Edited by bsu legato
  Akilae said:
haven't the masks (been there since Predator II though..) and the new disc already been covered in previous specials?

there were some predators with the fancy masks but they dont all have them, and the disc in predator 2 was the same energy disc as in predator 1, not a dead spider

  bsu legato said:
Basically, Paul Anderson happened. There was an interview with him a couple of months ago where he described how he wanted to ratchet up the aliens and predators.....to the X-treme! Showing his vast respect for the original films, he described how the Predators in the first two movies were low level hunters, or "pussies," compared to the Paul W.S. Anderson Predators. :rolleyes:

so somehow as a predator moves up in rank to a high level hunter they grow 3 feet taller and gain the ability to defy physics with a magic blade that shudnt fit in it's holster but does anyway? are the aliens more X-TREME? does their secondary mouth now shoot out 5 feet instead of 1?

  NERV said:
so somehow as a predator moves up in rank to a high level hunter they grow 3 feet taller and gain the ability to defy physics with a magic blade that shudnt fit in it's holster but does anyway?

Apparently so. And the lead Predator supposedly has a shoulder cannon the size of a honda civic. :rolleyes:

are the aliens more X-TREME? does their secondary mouth now shoot out 5 feet instead of 1?

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they did.

  bsu legato said:
By "we" I assume they mean the audience, right? I'm sorry, but I still can't see why people are getting excited about this movie.

ROFL, so True! :lol:


I hate Walter Hill and John Davis for continually giving the Alien franchise the shaft. Why the hell did they pick Paul Anderson? There must be a giant wheel in Hollywood with directors names on it and they spin it to give out projects randomly. I rather if it has landed on Magnolia's director Paul Thomas Anderson, it would have at least piqued my interest. <_<

  >EXO< said:
I hate Walter Hill and John Davis for continually giving the Alien franchise the shaft.

Let's not forget Joel Silver. Man, I remember when his name being attached to a movie meant something. <_<

  Otaku-Smeghead said:
Come one the Trailer wasnt that BAd

That's the problem with trailers... they all look good. The Pearl Harbor trailer looked good.

  Otaku-Smeghead said:
Come one the Trailer wasnt that BAd

I disagree. Has this Paul Anderson fellow ever actually seen the movie Alien, or the movie Predator?

Has this Paul Anderson fellow ever actually seen the movie Alien, or the movie Predator?

No, but he heard from a guy that knows this kid who's sister is dating Ferris Bueller that those movies were X-TREME-ly good. :D

Posted (edited)
  Zentrandude said:
wonder what the queen going to look like in the movie?

shes gonna be the size of a t-rex and shoot eggs with enough force to go through 4 solid inches of titanium, and the crest on her head will be the size of a hummer and have a mazzive amount of retractable claws for no particular reason, and she will have fangs each 24 inches in length, and she will have 3 secondary mouths which will shoot out 30 feet and they will be like tentacles that can grab things and fight, and her body will have random blades and spikes popping out all over and the claws on each of her 10 arms will be 5 feet long and her tail will have a spear blade 15 feet long on the end and it will unfold into a giant fan-like blade, and and that about as X-TREME as a queen alien can be before you have to make some new kind of alien thats even bigger and more X-TREME than a queen

EDIT: Horrible spelling.

Edited by NERV
  NERV said:
  Zentrandude said:
wonder what the queen going to look like in the movie?

shes gonna be the size of a t-rex and shoot eggs with enough force to go through 4 solid inches of titanium, and the crest on her head will be the size of a hummer and have a mazzive amount of retractable claws for no particular reason, and she will have fangs each 24 inches in length, and she will have 3 secondary mouths which will shoot out 30 feet and they will be like tentacles that can grab things and fight, and her body will have random blades and spikes popping out all over and the claws on each of her 10 arms will be 5 feet long and her tail will have a spear blade 15 feet long on the end and it will unfold into a giant fan-like blade, and and that about as X-TREME as a queen alien can be before you have to make some new kind of alien thats even bigger and more X-TREME than a queen

EDIT: Horrible spelling.

lol i was thinking about saying maybe it would be shooting eggs.


so the new alien ranking is:

face hugger


warrior alien

queen alien

king alien

titan alien (about the size of a small moon, it devours the entire population of planets for breakfast)

planet alien (bigger than a planet, it eats planets for sustinance)

nova alien (bigger than a red giant star, this alien is so big and has so many blades that it eats entire galaxies every day)

god alien (his alien is so X-TREME that it could never be viewed on a mvoie screen, it is too X-TREME to have flessh because there is nothing X-TREME about flesh so it's entire body is a mass of blades and teeth, it is too X-TREME to be composed of anything besides giant blades and teeth)

Posted (edited)

LOOK AT THIS! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? IF YOU'RE GONNA DO THIS JUST GIVE HIM A SWORD! Because we all know from recent movie trying to profit off the current japanese fads that katanas are the most X-TREME weapon in existence.


Edited by NERV
Posted (edited)

Is that in the preview?

ADD: I take it back... the preview blows. Can you tell he's already relying on the sound to scare people? It began with the Predators little clicking noise and then BOOM! 20th CENTURY FOX!!! what's with the predator's hood strut? :rolleyes:

Edited by >EXO<
  >EXO< said:
Is that in the preview?

ADD: I take it back... the preview blows. Can you tell he's already relying on the sound to scare people? It began with the Predators little clicking noise and then BOOM! 20th CENTURY FOX!!! what's with the predator's hood strut? :rolleyes:

hood strut? also the way the preview is done it seems like they are trying to imply that the alien is making the clicking noise


As corny as those "super predators" were, the whole trailer with the metalo music just didn't jive. That better not be the kind of music in the movie.

Oh well. I liked the books.

  Otaku-Smeghead said:
Come one the Trailer wasnt that BAd


They picked a heavy metal soundtrack! Thats for skateboard movies. This thing will suck the cum out of a dead hooker's ass.

  Gaijin said:
  Agent ONE said:
This thing will suck the cum out of a dead hooker's ass.









a doorknob waiting for ya a1

  Agent ONE said:
  Otaku-Smeghead said:
Come one the Trailer wasnt that BAd


They picked a heavy metal soundtrack! Thats for skateboard movies. This thing will suck the cum out of a dead hooker's ass.

The trailer usually isn't made by the people making the movie, the editing tem usually just gets a few minutes of footage and tosses something together. At least, that's my understanding. At any rate, I doubt the Skater rock music will be in the actual film. I still think the movie will suck, one look at the X-TREME designs will tell you that. Also, does this take place on modern day earth? The hell? Why? Another thing, you can already see the terrible directing in the composition of the shots, and the brightly lit scenes. Even the dark looking parts of the trailer look bright, shiney and saturated with colour compared to the the first two Alien movies and the first Predator movie.

No space marines, no Arnold = Not a good movie!

  >EXO< said:
That's the problem with trailers... they all look good. The Pearl Harbor trailer looked good.

Shudder. Pearl Harbor. I'm surprised Hartnett ever landed a job in Black Hawk Down after that. Shudder.

It was silly that the main characters were at every notable engagement at the time. On the ground. In the air. At the Doolittle raid. If the movie ran much longer, we'd see them in frame, smiling and making peace signs to the background of Hiroshima.


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