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they should bring this games to the US, always wanted to play them, even have a couple of them but can't understand Japanese. :(


Okay That trailer was SICK!!!! and 5 minutes very long for a Game trailer... All kinds of SD Giant robot goodness makes me wish I knew Japanese... Nick was saying this games predasesor was a Stratgy based game rather than a fighting game... any one know if this will be the same??


It is a strategy game that plays very similar with Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, but with a lot more stats, upgrades, 2D eye candy, and tons and tons of anime goodness. Those scenes in the trailer shows the attack sequences after you move your unit on the gridded map & attacks an enemy unit. It is an awesome game :) But do need quite a bit knowledge of Japanese & Kanji to fully enjoy the fun, as it heavily rely on dialogues between characters for story telling, and has tons of menus to go through.


Just out of curiosity... anybody know exactly why SRW hasn't made it over yet?

Consider: FFT (and FFTA) made quite a splash in the states. Not to mention that almost all anime fans would be well versed in terms of giant mecha and what not...

Well, since even Growlanser is being localized, I guess we'll get SRW one of these days...


I doubt licensing was the key issue. Consider the SD G Generation games, which are basically Gundam-only versions of SRW, never saw a US release despite Bandai having a serious hard-on to push SD Gundam in the US. They probably consider all the work to translate and dub a SRW / SD G Gen game not cost efficient compared to the brainless action games like Gundam Battle Assault.


I think its basically too big of a project to be localized that doesn't guarantee much profit. Licensing, very long scripts, tons of voice overs, 2D...etc. Since even the much simpler gameboy versions were never translated either, I think Banpresto just didn't think its worth the effort to enter uncharted waters, especially when the process can get very complicated.

  mpchi said:
I think its basically too big of a project to be localized that doesn't guarantee much profit. Licensing, very long scripts, tons of voice overs, 2D...etc. Since even the much simpler gameboy versions were never translated either, I think Banpresto just didn't think its worth the effort to enter uncharted waters, especially when the process can get very complicated.

Correct, especially the seiyuu license.


Weell, the thing is, before Alpha, the SRW franchise didn't really have any animation, all you had were just sliding sprites around the screen. Of course, in place of that, you had the plot, apparently the F series had a great plot, which, unfortunately, I do not understand.

So it's pretty hard to get this game to appeal to the vast majority of gamers out there, apart from those who are actually familiar with mecha anime/manga. But since there's the ever growing number of games resembling SRW entering the US market e.g. Disgaea, La Pucelle, etc. there MIGHT be a chance of us seeing the game released locally.

Posted (edited)

I doubt SRW will ever have a legitimate english release.

Very few people in the USA know what Mazinger Z and Getter Robo are, much less why they would want a game where they can fight together along with 8563 other heroic mecha from 316 diffrent series against 9734 villainous mecha from the same shows, regardless of whether Gundam Wing and Evangelion have been added.

Of course, ILLEGITIMATE english releases happen...


And welcome to Super Robot Wars 3, the ONLY english game in the series to date, as well as to the world of fan translations.

The almighty Gideon Zhi is also working on (at least) SRW Gaiden.

Too bad LNF self-destructed before they got Alpha done, though...

Edited by JB0

yeah I agree with the lack of interest. In most SRW games like 80% of the cast are shows that most anime viewers would not recognize. If any game would be released from the series it would have been alpha.

I mean look at the stars

1. Macross (fairly large following if you like robots you've at least heeard of this)

2. Gunbuster (not as much as above but if you like robots you've seen this)

3. Giant Robo (not so much stared but played a significant role and was released here as well)

4. Evangelion (Nuff said)

5. it has alot of Gundam stuff including wing...and you get what all three wersions of them too. (nuff said) and for the hard core fans it has like ALL the UC series (cept 08th MS team)

6. OLD SKOOL robots like Mazinger-Z Voltes-V etc.

but yeah all the rest are mostly unheard of robots and stuff... alpha would have been the one to get... :(

  bob joe mac said:
yeah I agree with the lack of interest. In most SRW games like 80% of the cast are shows that most anime viewers would not recognize. If any game would be released from the series it would have been alpha.

I mean look at the stars

1. Macross (fairly large following if you like robots you've at least heeard of this)

2. Gunbuster (not as much as above but if you like robots you've seen this)

3. Giant Robo (not so much stared but played a significant role and was released here as well)

4. Evangelion (Nuff said)

5. it has alot of Gundam stuff including wing...and you get what all three wersions of them too. (nuff said) and for the hard core fans it has like ALL the UC series (cept 08th MS team)

6. OLD SKOOL robots like Mazinger-Z Voltes-V etc.

but yeah all the rest are mostly unheard of robots and stuff... alpha would have been the one to get... :(

Pushing Lord of the Elementals would be a good idea too.

As it deals ONLY with the SRW original mechs, there's no giant mass of anime references to decipher.

And as a prequel, there's no worries about what happened in the prior games.

It could be sold as a standalone strategy RPG.

  bob joe mac said:
yeah I agree with the lack of interest. In most SRW games like 80% of the cast are shows that most anime viewers would not recognize. If any game would be released from the series it would have been alpha.

I mean look at the stars

1. Macross (fairly large following if you like robots you've at least heeard of this)

2. Gunbuster (not as much as above but if you like robots you've seen this)

3. Giant Robo (not so much stared but played a significant role and was released here as well)

4. Evangelion (Nuff said)

5. it has alot of Gundam stuff including wing...and you get what all three wersions of them too. (nuff said) and for the hard core fans it has like ALL the UC series (cept 08th MS team)

6. OLD SKOOL robots like Mazinger-Z Voltes-V etc.

but yeah all the rest are mostly unheard of robots and stuff... alpha would have been the one to get... :(

well i can see it now... H.G. will probably ask it to be changed to Super Robotech Wars because it has macross related items and it still needs to be part of the continuim (/sarcasm) or cut off anything robotech related or don't send it here or we will sue you attitude.

btw... Akito and his giant frame launchingt last was cool... now i gotta play Tech Romancer so i can get this feeling of giant robot goodness away.


yeah the Lord of elemental game could be a stand alone game. But it was for the SNES so yeah... along with that title Original generation could do allright if the plot was tweeked a bit. Just original mechs from the games.


Well, they could take out the voices and possibly the original music if need be.

But the liscensing bit would be the toughest. It would require cooperation from AT LEAST Bandai and ADV since they seem to have the rights to most of Gundam and Go Nagai's stuff.

The closest we are probably gonna get is the Winkysoft developed Zone of the Enders: Fist of Mars for the GBA, which pretty much IS SRW but in the ZoE universe. Heck of a good game too.

Sadly, even fan translations seem too hard to do as most translation teams just keep redoing Final Fantasy games THAT ALREADY HAVE AN ENGLISH VERSION YOU BLOODY ASSHATS!!! *Pant, gasp, fume in righteous dork rage*


yeah but when I think about it if they did use Englsih voices for the SRW games you would have stuff like "rocket punch" in stead of ROCKETO PUNCH!!!! I mean just look at Shin getter robo and Mazinkaiser in english to see how lame they are... I mean I think it'd save em alot of money to just keep the japanese voice overs and just translate the text.

  bob joe mac said:
yeah the Lord of elemental game could be a stand alone game. But it was for the SNES so yeah... along with that title Original generation could do allright if the plot was tweeked a bit. Just original mechs from the games.

Gaiden was remade for PS1, too.

Common title is Shin Masoukishin: Panzer Warfare.

  Bloodcat said:
Sadly, even fan translations seem too hard to do as most translation teams just keep redoing Final Fantasy games THAT ALREADY HAVE AN ENGLISH VERSION YOU BLOODY ASSHATS!!! *Pant, gasp, fume in righteous dork rage*

That's actually in the vast minority of efforts.

2 games, really. 3 if we count the totally retarded FF4 easy type effort.

One of which genuinely needed to be done.

(note that FF2, 4, and 5 were fan-translated BEFORE Anthologies, Chronicles, and Origins were created).

The FF translations just get the most publicity because, well, they're FF.

The SRW games have gotten pretty fair attention.

Alpha was an early PS1 translation effort(it's a shame LNF folded before they finished it).

3 is done(albeit with misarranged battle quotes resulting in some exultations of victory when people die and severe distress when they survive).

And efforts of varying degrees have previously been expended on SRW2, SRW1, SRW4, SRW R, and SRWGaiden.

My reference is http://donut.parodius.com/


I like said it`s impossible for this franchise to overseas from Japan due to the many legal issues like Macross with hg and seiyuu license. Lets just face that it was made only for Japan, I know that there are many fans over the world !

  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering if anyone bought this model kit....it said super robot war on the series thing here on hlj... :blink:


I was just curious if anyone has bought/built that kit or any kits by Kotobukiya that are just like it....I realy want to get this kit but I'm not sure if it's really worth the 20-something bucks for it

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