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Posted (edited)

Hi all!

Welcome to the valkaholic-statistics version 2.0, here @ MacrossWorld. First of all, my best wishes to Amy, Graham for their family's newest member. From the deep of my heart, congratulations!

Well, let's go straight to the stats.

The first thing I realized is that there hasn't been any major changes in the percentages, so the version 1.0 wasn't that bad at all. Right now, I have stats for 350 users, and as someone stated before, they may not be updated at all. For example, our master, sithlord, didn't update his collection at all. We have to respect, above all, his privacy, even I'm pretty curious abuot his real numbers. Yes, guys, PURE envy. S, I officially hate you. BTW, what we all got is:

1/72 valks: 964

1/60 valks: 2147

1/48 valks: 1131

total valks: 4242 (nice number!)

1.- First thing to consider: the 1/72 valks were sold to a smaller crowd (yamato was not that popular by the year 2000, and its popularity may have grown with macrossworld as well). The 1/72 line sold well, but it was the worst until now (even with the yf-21FP and the vf-11B FP re-issues). Taking for reference a average cost of 65USD per 1/72 yammie, we have a total of 62660$ (not bad :huh: ).

2.- number of 1/60s: it's more than the sum of the other two. We may think that this has been the most successful valk in quantity terms, and was something like 'the way to success' for Yamato. The average 1/60's yamatos per user is almost the double of the rest! (6.13) The 1/60 amount, taking 65$ as a average cost is near 140,000$ (it gets better :o )

3.- Oh, our beloved 1/48. Their numbers: 3.23 yammies per MW user (but 70% of us have less than 3.23; so there are a 30% of us who are REAL 1/48 freaks!!!), and the money spent... near 170,000$!! :( simply WOW. So, what can we conclude? That we aren't typical customers: we CARE more for quality than money, and 1/48 are just beauties for all of us. In fact, only the 18.5% of us has not already bought one!! (and again, look at the price!).

Well, let's continue:

Averages by type:

1/48 - 1/60 - 1/72 - total

3.23 6.13 2.75 12.12

Average money spent. (assuming average costs of 150, 65 and 65 USD for 1/48, 1/60 and 1/72 respectively)

1/48: 484.71$

1/60: 398.73$

1/72: 179.03$

total: 1062.47$ :o

And the masters are...

1/48: 34 Godzilla

1/60: 42 s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d

1/72: 31 s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d

total: 89 s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d


For the 1/48 line, we got:

34: Godzilla

24: SkullFighter

23: kensei

For the 1/60 line,

42: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d

33: valkyrie-exchange.com (congrats, Kevin!)

27: trueblueeyes (I'm sorry, but I'm no longer single... :lol: )

And finally, for the 1/72,

31: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d

23: valkyrie-exchange.com (congrats again!)

19: SkullFighter


89: sithlord (mmm... again, I hate/envy you sooo much.)

68: valkyrie-exchange.com

66: SkullFighter

As you can check, distances with S have decreased... :p

Percentages under the average

1/48 line: the 70% of us have 3 or less 1/48 valks.

1/60 line: the 62% of us have 6 or less 1/60 valks.

1/72 line: the 58% of us have 2 or less 1/72 valks.

Totals: the 65% of us have 12 or less Yamato valks.

Probability distribution graphs

1/48 Line:


1/60 Line:


1/72 Line:




Final Conclusions:

1.- Yamato really needs to say thanks to G-man and S-man for their work. Amounts of money are in Yamato's pocket thanks to them! (how was yamato's macross line gonna reach anywhere but japan? Any answer, Mr. Yamato? Plz, forgive Graham for any sins we all might have commited and return talking to him... Yep, we hate when he begins with that 'I know, but I'm not sure if I can tell' stuff, but we love to hear that from him!!! We need reasons to speculate!! We need it as air to breathe!

2.- We all have a problem. A valkaholic problem. We need therapy. Really, believe me.

3.- We need to stop lurking MW. Doing so gives us the wrong feeling that having more than one single valk of each variant is... normal. Guys, come on, it isn't normal!

4.- Sithlord can't be our hero. Believe me, he can't. He... mustn't! :(

5.- We need a salary increase. This basically throws arguments 2, 3 and 4 to hell. Well, I'm a valkaholic and... I love it! :p And yes, I would like to have as many yammies as S. Or even more... :(

Well, it's too late and I'm not too inspired... please post your comments. Thanks guys for sharing, and let's say all together...

Thanks Yamato!


We all hate you sithlord, kevin and skullfighter! :ph34r:


mcpaz (I'm going to bed, too tired...)

Edited by mcpaz

Wow, that's some impressive math!

Some of you guys need to get out more often, you make me sick :p:D.. and I thought I was big and bad with my 6 Yammies....


Skull Leader,

welcome to the vast majority of us... :( Yep, well keep on tryin' to reach to the top... :lol:

BTW, for your reference, I have finally found the version 1.0 stats at:

MW yammie stats, version 1.0 <Click me!>

Thanks for viewing! <_<



damn dood, you must've had some serious time on your hands. :p

didn't someone say yamato doesn't frequent these boards? didn't someone say something about the US having little to no fan base? well ut that in your pipe and smoke it! :D

its crazy we put that much money into yamato pockets...speaking in averages of the MSRP but still. yamato if you're out there, you gotta put our guys back in the loop. you see how many of us here are your loyal customers and it wouldn't make sense to keep us out of the loop.


Very interesting. I wonder ... and maybe even Graham can't really do much but speculate here ... but I wonder how many valks are made during each production run? I'm really interested to know what percentage of those thousands of valks were as compared to how many were actually made. I think that would be a much clearer indicator on whether they would be inclined really listen to us or prowl these boards, etc.

I mean - mcpaz accounted for over 4000 valks purchased by just members of this site ... and of those, just those that accounted for their collections in that thread (of which I missed this time around ... sorry!). If the percentage of foreign sales were say up to 10 or even 15% of the total valks they move, then it might get their attention in a big way.

I'm not saying that 4000+ or even double that were quite 10-15% of the total valks Yamato sold since taking on Macross, but if just the folks on this site account for this many ... I think you see where I'm going with this. Foreign sales may actually be a much bigger piece of their market than they are willing to admit to (for fear of litigation? maybe.)


wow, now that's some impressive stats! Really detailed too! Good job! :p:D:lol:

Posted (edited)

thats some awesome number crunching! I wonder what Yamato thinks of the market outside of Japan for there macross line? 'screw the yankees' I bet haha.


Edited by Edveen
Posted (edited)
:blink: must buy more valks....yes, having more than one single valk of each varient is...normal :p very normal.... :lol: Edited by Toonz

I'd really like to see the numbers for the bandai reissue. Or maybe the #'s of us that have original Joke machines that were store bought, vs JM's that were bought second hand and what we paid, vs Rohby recast's #'s.

Maybe bandai will realize that there is a macross market.


You know what, we should show the statistic to Yamato and tell them right in their face, WE ARE YOUR BOSS, BREAD AND BUTTER, BETTER BE NICE TO US WMers!

Can we collectively neogotiate some good deal with Yamato,

or at least make our feed back and complains be heard.

Yamato can't afford to upset us,

think about what if all of us just stop buying any more valkyrie...


I could be wrong, but I think the mass market for Yamato is still in Asia. The US market is big, yes, but nothing can match the frenzy and die-hard spirit of Japanese collectors, be it toys, watches, zippo lighters, or LV bags. Numerous European luxury companies produce (e.g. LV, Omega) produce exclusively Japanese products just for the Japanese audience while that hardly happens for American collectors- that really says something.

Slightly OT:

One thing that's really bothering me about Japanese toys nowadays is that they are not made in Japan anymore. I still remember in my childhood in Taiwan how I prized my "made in Japan" toys rather than the bootlegs my friends were getting. Nowadays they're all made in China, probably in factories next to each other. :(


Thanks for doing the Math. Those are impressive numbers. One thing I would like to see that isn't accounted for is: How may MW members who posted the number of valks they have reside in the US?

I bet it's more than half, and that alot of money for a company who supposedly doesn't care about the US market.

I personally think Shawn and Graham should get more credit from Yamato for this site. (Hint Special Edition MW custom valkyrie). I know for one I would probalby have never even bought the first yammie if it wasn't for Macross World. Come to think of It, all my money would have probably been spent on those horrid MPCs. Thanks MW for money well spent :)


$62k +$140k + $170k = $370k total.

Lets say retailers and shipping costs take up half of that (I think they take up more), so Yamato's revenues (not profit, just revenues) is about $180k.

I am not sure how much MW members (who reported their toy stats) account for the total sales, but if you factor in their R&D and licence and marketing and financing costs and everything else, I don't think Yamato is exactly making big buckets of moola from this whole enterprise.

Posted (edited)

Wow, that's an impressive array... If I had know you were doing all that I might have participated, not just hung back by the wall... But wow.. That is impressive as a whole collection.. (What have you people done to me?! :(:lol: )

..so, if both the zentran and meltran attacked right now, where would we stand?

..hmm I guess it would depend on what scale they were..

Edited by Phren
  Retracting Head Ter Ter said:
$62k +$140k + $170k = $370k total.

Lets say retailers and shipping costs take up half of that (I think they take up more), so Yamato's revenues (not profit, just revenues) is about $180k.

I am not sure how much MW members (who reported their toy stats) account for the total sales, but if you factor in their R&D and licence and marketing and financing costs and everything else, I don't think Yamato is exactly making big buckets of moola from this whole enterprise.

There are several levels of pricing mark-up from the time a toy ships from the manufacturer's warehouse, travels to the distributor then perhaps to a wholesaler then reaches a retail store.

Just because a 1/48 retails for ¥14,800 does not mean that Yamato makes ¥14,800 on each toy. From what I understand in the Japanese toy business, most manufacturers only get something like 25% of the retail price.



Seriously. Do we provide most of Yamato's overseas income? I wonder how their company would be without Graham, Shawn, and the members of Macrossworld. :lol: (and vice versa) ;)

Posted (edited)
  Phren said:
Wow, that's an impressive array... If I had know you were doing all that I might have participated, not just hung back by the wall... But wow.. That is impressive as a whole collection.. (What have you people done to me?!  :(  :lol: )

..so, if both the zentran and meltran attacked right now, where would we stand?

..hmm I guess it would depend on what scale they were..

Two answers:

1) behind the Monster. :lol:

2) behind Milia. Because, ah, you know, er... "rearguard" actions are important... :rolleyes:

Edit: thanks, mcpaz - nice work!

Edited by F-ZeroOne

If you look at the maps I did (Conventions and Gatherings) it would be obvious where the fan base lies thus far. Again I only have about 10% of the members on there, but I wouldn't be suprised if that is any indication of who is spending their money on Yamato. I know I have quite a few as well, and I'm not stopping any time soon.


Very cool! Thanks for following through with all the end data... Interesting indeed....

So we ARE ruled by evil..... s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d !! :lol:



How would one submit their number?

I have one VF-1J 1/48. I assume you haven't counted me. =p

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