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hello all...

though i regret his passing...why does the media call it breaking news? as though it was a great surprise. i think most of us knew that he was near death. arg!!!! i just hate the sensationalism.. <_<

i don't feel sad for those who have passed who had lived extraordinary lives...they are lucky...we should all be so lucky.

still out of respect for the office and position he held and his place in our history i salute the man. my condolances to the family :unsure:


hello all...

though i regret his passing...why does the media call it breaking news? as though it was a great surprise. i think most of us knew that he was near death. arg!!!! i just hate the sensationalism.. <_<



nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, good bye......


sad day indeed. Can't believe he was president for 9 years. I didn't even realize that till now. All I remember when I was young was that Ronald Reagan was a good president and he was president for a long time. He will be missed. Rest in peace. :(


Reagan was the president for most of my childhood and the USA in the '80s would not be the same without him.

Sorry to hear his passing.


Holy cow is this a slow news day or what? Every news channel and a few of the networks are loaded to the gills with Ronnie.

I was born under Nixon (and didn't notice... I was a baby after all), grew up under the watchful eye of bumbling Ford and the peanut farmer Carter and was just smart enough to know what was going on (and care) when Ronnie the Raygun took office. As far as I'm concerned as someone else said he was the president of my youth and outside of a few small things like trading arms for hostages he was IMHO the last noteworthy president we had. He was also the last president I actually "liked".

So in a sense I'm sorry he is gone but heck he was 93! Most people don't live that long. I wonder if we will have this much fanfare when Carter bites it? :rolleyes:



breaking news would be to have found the answer to end world hunger.

or another habitated world found in the galaxy...

How about a foolproof way to end violence?

a dead president? well, we need less of those in the world for sure..with the exception of a few of course...


There was a president, no matter what your political affiliation, to be proud of. No matter what tributes accolades or memorials are enacted to him, his greatest monument will be a healing scar across the city of Berlin where once stood a wall.

Resiquat in Pacem, Ronald Wilson Reagan. You've more than earned your place in history.


Next to Washington, Lincoln, and Kennedy. Ronald Reagan is the Greatest President that has ever lived. With him we witnessed the end of the Cold War, the fall of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, and the United States being returned to it's proper place as a symbol of Peace, Power, and Hope.

He will be missed.


Dayton, Ohio


Ronald Reagan will most definitely go down in the history books as one of the great US presidents of the 20th century if not of all of US history. It was tragic that he had to spend the last decade of his life having his mind slowly destroyed by alzheimers, but considering he endured the disease for so long is a testament to how strong of a spirit he had.

God bless Ronald Reagan! :)


I too will remember him as the President of my childhood. He just always seemed to belong there. And the moment that stands out most from my personal recollections was his tribute to the Challenger crew. That and that he loved Jelly Beans...(I was a kid after all :) )

And not to risk spill over from another topic, President Reagan deserves tremendous credit for the military we now rely on. Peace through strength indeed. Back in the 80's, the U.S. Navy was never more powerful, lots of carriers and Tomcats coming out the ying-yang. Too bad we find ourselves in such a far reaching war today and we have half the Navy, half the Army etc. In other words, Disarming is provactive to bad guys.

Anyway, sorry he's gone... but I hope I make it to 93 too.

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