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Toynami Masterpiece Valks vs 1/60 Yamato...

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me being an art major and wanting to be in comics, I tend to think collectign and PLAYING YES PLAYING with toys is within the territory. I always point out to my parents alex ross on TV, he paints with guache and watercolor and works for DC every now and then and look at his HUGE justice leage collection. My collection as a WHOLE pales in comparison. Oh and he gets paid has a good career and loves his job, 'm sure someone would regret mocking his collection since he is damn successful and can support it. Its not like hes too old for them toys crap none of us are.


well i had 1 MPC(i paid $80) and i sold it on ebay a while ago( $120+ shipped) and i almost felt bad selling to the guy. i wanted to tell him about yamato but i didn't want to screw up my money. :p

toynami is inferior compare to most of the other macross/robotech toys out on the market.....its only a step above super-poseables IMO. :D

the box is the only thing that rocks about it. other than that, everything else sucks about it, not because its a suckie toy, but because its a suckie toy that costs $80.....i guess the box is worth $40. ;)

either way, i felt like i got robbed when i bought it, and i felt i was doing the robbing when i sold it. :(

if any new member is thinking of picking up one of these i suggest a branpresto...they got tighter joints. :p


It's funny my wife likes my 1\48s much more than my MPC. And I showed pic of the new Alpha and she didn't like as much as my old Gaggen Alpha. :lol: She even told to display it. But a like that new Alpha.


well the gakken is diezel and HUGE if its the 1.35 scale. OPKLus add in a removeable PILOT, opening canopy, and once again a huge ass robot toy and you got a WINNER! had no idea it was THHAT big till i saw it in person. man if toynamis MPC was only in that scale......


I always say to my girlfriend that my toys are good investments. Sometimes they are (like my SOC kaman rider- really wish I'd bought more of them), but it probably doesn't matter anyway because I just have to play with them so they're no longer mint. So the 'value' and 'resale' things are no more than excuses for me to buy more toys :D

The only hobby of mine that really has the potential to make money is wrist watches. The nice thing about them is that you can enjoy them everyday and if it's the right brand (e.g. Rolex or Panerai) you can bet you'll make money or at least recoup the cost years down the road.

Do whatever floats your boat- if looking at toys in their boxes satisfy you , so be it. I myself just can't resist opening them and give them the TLC they deserve B))

  • 2 years later...

i dont have any MPCs any more but I think the look of the MPC is

much better than the 1/55. the accuracy is higher . To me the

biggest difference is the choice of plastic used. the 1/55 are

much more durable. the MPC feeel cheap and fragile.

  Macross73 said:

i dont have any MPCs any more but I think the look of the MPC is

much better than the 1/55. the accuracy is higher . To me the

biggest difference is the choice of plastic used. the 1/55 are

much more durable. the MPC feeel cheap and fragile.

Thanks for the reply.

As a matter of fact i just bought the Max and Miria MPCs pretty much for the sole reason that i couldn't afford $400 for the Yamato Max and Millia 1/60s strike VF-1Js. $60 shipped each i reckon is a pretty good deal for the MPCs.

  fearyaks said:

How else can some of us justify this hobby to their wives?

You have your shoes, I have my valks :p

I get away with buying a valk every 2 months :p

50 dollars of "fun money" per paycheck, 2 paychecks a week x 2 months = 1/48 valk :p

Kinda wish Yamato Released all the 1/48's before I got married so that I could splurge on like 4-5 valks a month and as a result live paycheck to paycheck again :p


I like the yamato 1/60's better than the Toynami MPC VF-1 series.

I only own one the "Robotech Fake" YF-1R with fast packs but the 1/60 series is built better and looks nicer.

I have the blue and shadow Alpha and they just suck. Wish they did not... but wishful thinking would get me a Beta.

Also do not let your wife see that one of your toys sucks or she will ask why you keep them. :p

I do like the super poseables and the 1/100s from Toynami when they can be found cheep on ebay.


If I had to choose between a Toynami MPC and a 1/60 Yammie I would go for the MPC. I like Gerwalk and Fighter modes the best and the 1/60 is not very good in either.

I thhink the Super 1/60 is probably about a tie or slightly better because the armor hides many flaws.

But I am particularly unimpressed with the Yamato 1/60.

I thhink the Super 1/60 is probably about a tie or slightly better because the armor hides many flaws.

The problem with the 1/60 with armor though is you can't twist the legs anymore!


why is the 1/60 resale value so low???

but yet I keep bumping on ebay with 120+ roys and hikaru 1/60 and don't get me started on the max and milia 1/60 i've even seen them go for more than the 1/48

I don't own an MPC or 1/55, almost all of my small collection is 1/60, and I love it, and I have to say, they are pretty durable, I own a vf-1s super and I'd played and transformed that thing almost every day for a year, before I got my display case and despite some paint wear, the thing is holding up pretty good!

  • 2 weeks later...

I've updated the Yamato 1/60 review for the first releases on my site.

IPB Image

I think it covers the strengths and weaknesses pretty nicely but feel free to differ. If you think I over-looked something lemme know. :)


I just picked up my first 1/60 VF-1.

I got a VF-1A Max for $60 shipped to go with my Q-Rau. I'm really not impressed. I wanted to pose the 2 dynamically fighting each other on flexistands, but the 1/60 VF-1A has absolutely no stability in the legs when they're off the ground. They just flop around and even when its standing it has to be balanced perfectly so it won't flop over. I could deal with all the removing parts, but the legs should have some kind of basic stability on the hip rotation.

Posted (edited)

I never really liked the detaching legs of 1/60. Only the Yf21 should do that. :p When the yamato 1/60 YF-21 is revealed (ok if it is) only then can you say "it's more accurate to the anime."

You never see the legs detach from the body of the mecha in the anime. I just think they say "it's more accurate to the design" to make you buy one. Like when you go into a shoe or clothing store and no matter what clothes you try on or shoe you put on, and when you look in the mirror to see how it fits on you, the shop assistant always says: "Wow you look really nice in that!" over your shoulder. 1/60 although they have proper beefy man hands, unlike the 1/48 version are imo the poor man's valk toy. (like what the 1/72 macross plus toys will be, next to the 1/60 macross plus toys.

Collectors are crazy for seeing value in the superceded stuff. It's like paying huge sums of money for a black and white tv because its old. I'll never understand it..Don't you just want to invest in the most superior version of something?

The moment the 1/48s get outdone by another company (lets say in the future when we are old men) that is when I will be selling them to upgrade to the best thing. (so long as they are better quality)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

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