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Howdy all, this is the kit I got off ebay, another cheapy like Rei, and am going to quickly put up the pix i took of her this evening, cuz Alias is just starting, and its one of the show i actually like so I must be brief! :p:D


first pic is just showing the basic resin, the hands are delicate, and there are a LOT of pits in the resin on the leg...

Needle files are so a must with resin, with All the different shapes of round, half round, square, flat, etc etc cuz all will be used when shapping badly made figures!


Posted (edited)

this is a hasty shot showing off the basic colouring of the figure..

using nato black for the dress, then gloss black for darker areas on the black, i have it looking quite nice, and there are even highlights using white in the mix, but when i get another day off i will take daytime photos to show it properly... also painted up the flesh but the flash lost it all... ugh.. decided for a more yellow toned skin this time, almost asian colouring, just thought it looked nice, and added a lot of body... :)

whoops, forgot to add pic.. <_<:D

Flash washed out the black, i will have to redo pix tomorrow i think......... <_<


Edited by Sam

last for tonight is the hair...

laid down basic purple... added some black, and sprayed the dark areas, then a black wash,... let dry overnight and then i will tone it tomorrow with lights and darks...!!

whew,!! record listing i think! gots to go, missing alias! heheh





Good luck! :D

Posted (edited)


Well tonight, nothing on tele that even slightly interested me so i was able to do some more on Misatos hair :)

Basically had a black wash on last night to fill in some darker crevass', but that didn't work out that well, so ended up mixing some brown with the purple, to give a darker purple, and shaded between the hair strands. Then did some more brown, but also black for an even darker shade to give a really good sense of depth! :)

Then cleaned out the colours and started with purple again, mixing with white to highlight the areas on top of the head, and fringe sections, and also the tips on the hair cuz this is a mighty fine looking hair sculpt, so it needed special attention i reckon :p:):)

Also had some clear mixed in with a pigment called pearl ex interference violet, i had a gold one i used on the hair of my elf babe, but picked this violet up tonight. Basicall mix this powder with clear paint and when the light hits it on different angles, it shines in violet, really cool looking effect it is, but doesn't photo well <_<:(

EDIT TO change pic to new daylight photo..


Edited by Sam
Posted (edited)

next is the jacket.

originally i had panel lined on my white undercoat the dark areas, then sprayed red over the top, which was really cool cuz the dark colour still showed, and its blends in really well.. I *did* go over some areas though with red/black mix, and also did a red/yellow mix to 'wear out' the edges of the folds, like where it would be worn and older.. came up quite well too i felt... :)

also did a quick cover coat in red to blend all back in B))

EDIT TO add new pic of jacket with oil wash lines and in daylight light.. :)


Edited by Sam

next is the legs, cuz im trying to show off this skin tone which looks cool but cant capture properly. Its always showing up either too yellow or just normal skin, but i guess its cuz i have yellow skin as the highlight on normally coloured skin..

with the pix try and imagine it toned in the flesh but the stand up highlights are yellowish kinda skin.. :p:D sorry to make imagination necessary <_<:(

the thing i do need to do is a wash in the legs, cuz it needs to be defined.

I dont think i have any brown oil paint, which is what i want... :( i will sort that out later...

the hands came up well but every photo i took they didn't show the shading i did so was going to be a waste of time posting images.. <_<:(


Posted (edited)

now i took the time to take a torso shot, as I redid the 'hightlight' areas with nato black with white in it, and the nato black with gloss black in it for the recesses.. the areas that appear darker are not shadows, but the shading. Between her boobs and on her tummy are the best examples in the pix. :)

I was tossing up the idea of going gloss black type dress, but thought this vinyl/leathery type feel looks a bit cooler, so will stick with it i reckon :D

EDIT TO replace with new pic in GLoss black instead of dull nato...


Edited by Sam

last one is one of the face.

like the hands, the shading doesn't show up much, it is pretty subtle, and i couldnt' capture it properly, but heres a pic anyway for a completist point of view.. :p

the middle pic probably shows the shading the most, the right one shows neck shading...

again this is just normal flesh i made with yellowish skin highlights...

thats all for tonight.. will do more tomorrow on my day off .. yah :):p:D



Well, i have come to my senses in regards to the dress.

It just doesnt' look as good in nato dull as it does glossed, so after a quick repaint, its the way it should be :)

Just redid some photo, so will replace a couple i posted before, and show a couple new ones cuz i found i DID have some burnt sienna in my old art box, so used that to do the oil wash, looks nicer now.. can see the flesh tones better now that its daylight too!

anyway, here they are.. :)



Oil washed legs.. gots to paint the boots today me thinks...

oo oo gonna get a real chain too i reckon for her necklace, reckon that would help set it off! :D

better see if i can find that ping pong ball for rei today too :lol:



hands is the last new pic, still didnt' get them focused, but at least the oil wash shows the sculpting better ;)

the pix i changed above were the hair pix, the jacket, and dress fyi



  macplus said:
Can anybody explain why I'm having a "hard on" with that resin figure's butt??? :wub::p:lol:

*fap fap fap fap* :lol:


uh, i think i would rather not speculate actually :p:D:D

Well, today was well spent detailing this baby up, and was able to do a reasonable amount, but now i have to wait till its all dry.

I do have a *huge* task ahead though, because as it stands, I could pin the figure and glue it together and it would be finished,BUT im not sure how the seam on the back jacket will be, because i think it will be a bit seperated, but im *hoping* that its not too large, cuz i REALLY dont want to putty on my paint job <_<:unsure:

Anyways, first off pix wise i have Misatos lovely face. :D:)

I have seen it done with lipsticks, and strange looking eyes as well, but this is how i picture misato, no lipstick as such, but with slight colouration of the mouth, nice clear eyes and lashes but not huge, just nuff for nice feminem look. This is achieved using the smallest brush i could find, twisting its end with my fingers to make it sharper, thinning down black paint and very carefully lining the eyes before i do the actually eye.. :)

Eyes have been done the same as I always do, base colour, highlight, dark area, pupil, white blob highlight, in that order. I think its just how all anime eyes are done :)



next is my fleshed out appendages! the only other thing than her head that had flesh tone... B))

Firstly the left hand.. i have pix above of the oiled in shading, but now i added pink fingernail polish *love pink on babes for some reason, better than red a lot of the time too :p * and detailed up the watch, which involved painting the band brown, the body of the watch gold, the face of the watch white, and even detailed in little hands for the watch face, see if you can see it !! :D

Next with the handgun, it looks soooooooooooo cool in real life, base coated in black of course, then did dry brush of chrome silver, and this little gun even has some writting on it which when it drybrushed came up and looks awesome! I know most guns are meant to be black, but i like them too look metal and used personnally :blink:

Then the leg, didnt do much other than waste a lot of maskign tape to paint black with brown mixed in, for an older brown/black boot effect.. am trying to add interest with mixin up the colours a little :)



i decided to throw in this shot of when i was test fitting the hands onto the jacket... love the contrast of colours,...! :):):)



and lastly, something that i am really excited on how it turned out..

the little cross Misato wears all the time that came with the kit was a crappy little resin thing that looked nothing like what it should, and being solid wouldnt form with her figure, sooooooooooooooo when i went to get fuel and food today i stopped off at the jewellers and picked up a silver chain on sale for like 9bucksAUD, *and also found some balls for the Rei diorama, will show a pic on here too*

So grabbed that, came home, used some 2 millimetre thick styrene, made a little cross.. had to use tweezers with the chain, my zentran hands are just too big.. :p:D:p .. after i cut it down to right size, used some epoxy glue to set it*make sure its clear* and presto, cool looking accessory!

best thing is it hangs with the figure!


Posted (edited)

thats prety much it for tonight, got to let it all set then i can do some more after work tomorrow..

got a chobits figure in the mail that is HUGE that am going to make for my mum :D:D:p Very cute figure it is, in a bed shirt with her huge hair framing her, quite awesome really..

oh, heres the rubber ball i picked up for Rei today, might paint it, but then again, it looks kinda cool like a rubber marble with swirls in it =)


Edited by Sam

You MADE the cross?


I can't work with stuff that small.

And the ball looks nice from here. The marbled effect isn't very beach-ballish, but who knows what they look like in the future anyways?


:):) Thanks Dr Van, JBO :):) Just putting finishing touches on the gal tonight too... :)

Yeh JBO, I did make it, using my pocket knife and a square file, and my fat fingers kinda did have a bit of trouble, but hey, im getting used to this small fine work now, hope my eyes last though, my dad reckons they might konk out :(:(:blink::unsure:

ANYWAY, i was just tooling round with an animated gif program, to show off the results, it is VERY large, well, 700k, so dial up users BEWARE! it is cool though and I hope its worth your time to wait for it too load! please enjoy! :D:)

Theres even a money shot in there, but I will add some close ups of various fine jobs, because I do like to show off what adequate talents i do have! But its so much fun seeing the end result! :p:lol:


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And heres the second animation, basically from a lower perspective, but i felt it was different nuff to warrant putting it up, so please dont shoot me :blink::blink:

EDIT Added new pic animation with the new shoulder pads and oiling so not to take up too much space :blink::blink:


Edited by Sam

Bit of a close up shot of Misato, protecting poor defenseless Rei in the background ;):p



THe chain has the desired effect, im quite happy with the result :)



Well, without being too much of a pervert :p here is the closeup shot of the panties which i took the time out to make a lacey effect, misted with white and sorta see through, but if u look to hard u will hurt urself :lol::lol::D:p



well thats that for now. pretty much finished, theres some things like maybe a dull coat, and also detail the little badges on her arm, but no need to repost for those only!

Still think this is the best kit of Misato EVER!!





Excellent work! Gorgeous.

Yes, that is the best sculpt of Misato to date indeed.



The Misato/Rei pic is a particularly good photo(though I'd've moved that 3rd figure in the background out of the image).

As a note, the AniGIFs look odd spinning in the direction the hair is pointing.

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