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The Woods


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I'm anticipating this one but I find the premise close to his last film, Signs. Except this time it the woods instead of the cornfields. But I have enough faith that there something more to this.

So far I've enjoyed his films. Even though unbreakable was tidieously slow, I didn't expect the ending. Not that I was trying to guess it, I didn't think I was suppose to...

I'm a big fan of the sixth sense, as mostly everyone is...

Image from Cinescape...


Edited by >EXO<
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Sixth Sense - Sucked. A similar movie that I liked better was Stir of Echoes.


Unbreakable - I actually liked that one.

This new one looks promising though, so I hope it kicks more ass than the others. I definitely respect Shymalon more than Peter Jackson. Maybe even more than Hitchcock...well... not that far. :D

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Yes, Shymalon is the greatest new director. This will be the greatest horror since Alien.

No wonder I like "older" directors if this is what the best the new crop has to offer. :p

Dude owes me 15 bucks for the waste of time known as Unbreakable and Signs. He had the most excellent casts and completely wasted their potential. The man is guilty for making Sam Jackson wear that hideous afro and not letting him go wild, and not living up to his potential exhibited by his first film.

If he were to direct Schwarzengger it'll probably turn out to be a turd too, breaking AgentOne's Law of Moviesâ„¢. :D

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Yes, Shymalon is the greatest new director. This will be the greatest horror since Alien.

No wonder I like "older" directors if this is what the best the new crop has to offer. :p

Dude owes me 15 bucks for the waste of time known as Unbreakable and Signs. He had the most excellent casts and completely wasted their potential. The man is guilty for making Sam Jackson wear that hideous afro and not letting him go wild, and not living up to his potential exhibited by his first film.

If he were to direct Schwarzengger it'll probably turn out to be a turd too, breaking AgentOne's Law of Moviesâ„¢. :D

See thats the thing, I think he's a talented director, but as is expecially demonstrated in signs, a shitty writer. I think the guy knows how to work a camera, and pace a movie, just not write one.

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Sixth Sense - Sucked. A similar movie that I liked better was Stir of Echoes.

Man I've never felt bad for a movie, but this one definitely suffered when it came out about the same time as Sixth Sense. But in the long run, it was drowned out by the countless, I'm an unrested ghost that needs a voice to avenge my death movies that came before and after it. (e.g The Changeling and What Lies Beneath). Ironic because of the title. Still pretty good supernatural suspense.

I blame Sixth Sense for all the bad star vehicle/ supernatural suspense thrillers that came after it though... Kevin Constner with Dragonfly, Richard Gere with Mothman Prophecy, Wynona Ryder and Lost Souls, and even the Govinator and End Of Days...

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... and solyent green is made from people.


I watched the first half or that last night you a-hole!!!!!!!!! Now you have RUINED IT!!!!!



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I blame Sixth Sense for all the bad star vehicle/ supernatural suspense thrillers that came after it though... Kevin Constner with Dragonfly, Richard Gere with Mothman Prophecy, Wynona Ryder and Lost Souls, and even the Govinator and End Of Days...

I dissagree with you including the End of Days in your comparison... I mean that was like more of a logical progression. Arnold is the closest thing we have to Jesus or God, and Gods versus deamons or the devil are just a classic story.

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Arnold is the closest thing we have to Jesus or God, and Gods versus deamons or the devil are just a classic story.


Shouldn't all these women he fondled count their blessings instead of suing then?



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Personally, I love how M Night Shamaylan gives us SO MUCH. The simple fact that he would grace us with M Night Shamaylan's The Sixth Sense, but M Night Shamaylan's Signs was just fabulous! And now I can't believe we're getting M Night Shamaylan's The Woods! Granted, I know many many directors put their names on their work, but it just seems to me that when he does it he's gloating. I get the impression that in his mind, he's this huge star. His movies are just formulaic and stale, this one seems especially so. From the previews I've seen so far, it looks like Signs 2: Back to Nature. I never saw Unbreakable, but The Sixth Sense was only good if you weren't paying attention (I wasn't, I loved it at the time). Signs had a few really great scary/shocking/etc elements, but the story (especially the ending) sucked. Seems like he tried way to hard to wrap everything up for a happy ending. Some argue that the movie itself was more about a man's rediscovery of religion and not an alien invasion, but that didn't play, it seemed thrown in at the last minute to give some sort of deeper meaning. Of course, I reserve final comments on a movie until I actually see it. I thought Shrek 2 was going to be terrible, but I haven't seen a funnier movie in a while, go figure. I'm just going to wrap up my little rant here by saying that I'd have a much higher opinion of the guy if he'd take his name off the posters, he's not Spielberg yet.

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