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Wow, so um, the VF-0's not even a transformer...?

I guess taking it apart is tolerable...

Edit: Completely apart, that is.

Edited by GreenGuy42
  GreenGuy42 said:
Wow, so um, the VF-0's not even a transformer...?

I guess taking it apart is tolerable...

Edit: Completely apart, that is.

We've known it is not perfect transformation for months already. This is not new news.


  Graham said:
  GreenGuy42 said:
Wow, so um, the VF-0's not even a transformer...?

I guess taking it apart is tolerable...

Edit: Completely apart, that is.

We've known it is not perfect transformation for months already. This is not new news.


Look at his title, he's Cannon Fodder. He's one of the brownies. :lol:


wow. Damn thats more swap parts than I thought! mehhhhhhhhhh. Oh well since it's cheap I guess it

s understandable but the fact that almost the whole thing has to be rearranged with NMUMEROUS pieces being swapped out leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Leg attaching in battroid is much better than the 1/60 VF-1 toy. But all those parts to remove? Man I thought it was just removing the legs. swap out nose, attach legs, reattach head. Now we have removeable arms and whole entire backpack now too?

meh. Least its cheap though and it looks good. but those are the only saving graces.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
wow. Damn thats more swap parts than I thought! mehhhhhhhhhh. Oh well since it's cheap I guess it

s understandable but the fact that almost the whole thing has to be rearranged with NMUMEROUS pieces being swapped out leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Leg attaching in battroid is much better than the 1/60 VF-1 toy. But all those parts to remove? Man I thought it was just removing the legs. swap out nose, attach legs, reattach head. Now we have removeable arms and whole entire backpack now too?

meh. Least its cheap though and it looks good. but those are the only saving graces.

I guess that's what I was implying. I was under the impression that only the nose cone would swap...

I mean, I'm okay with it, I guess.

The detail is awesome, so I'll give it a try.


yes and now that I think about it, this thing really does look like it transforms similar to the variable kaiyodo VF-1. I mean heck it's got just as many swap parts!

I want to see how big it is next to a VF-1 1/60/. If it is at least close to that size I might consider getting this.


The pics of the VF-0S are from the new July 2004 issue of Dengeki Hobby magazine. I just picked this up a few minutes ago, so I'll get a larger scan up tonight.



You know, I was forgiving about taking the legs, head, and nose off to transform the VF-0. I understood it fine given the nature of the VF-0's leg hinge and it's being 1/100.

But taking the entire fuselage, the arms, and the back apart, basically disassambling the ENTIRE VALK to transform it = no dice :angry:

Is this a 3-mode variable valk or a fix figuration figure?

Come on already.

I'm dying to see a review that details how secure these parts all attach together.



hmm. its getting harder to love this new valk toy, and I will find almost ANY reason to love a valk...

but soooo much pulling apart isn't cool to one like me who loses things. Might have to get the models instead for my vf o fix..


It looks to me like the size of the balljoints on the battroid nosecone preclude Yamato from making the large hip sockets any smaller.

I'm afraid that they might be a permanent fixture. :(

The size of one corresponds to the other, so unless they make the balljoints smaller, then we won't see any revision.

In addition, I'm not sure if Yamato chose the smallest possible size balljoint, which will not promote a weak joint.

  ChristopherB said:
It looks to me like the size of the balljoints on the battroid nosecone preclude Yamato from making the large hip sockets any smaller.

I'm afraid that they might be a permanent fixture. :(

The size of one corresponds to the other, so unless they make the balljoints smaller, then we won't see any revision.

In addition, I'm not sure if Yamato chose the smallest possible size balljoint, which will not promote a weak joint.

I agree...seems as if we are stuck with it.


sigh..... How disappointing. I understand the legs coming apart to transform the toy, but now the arms, the nosecone, and the backplate? That's too much taking apart. It's not even a toy anymore. So if you lose one part, then you end up with just having the toy in one mode. That sucks!! :(


Normally, I am very forgiving in toys but that is just not going to cut it for me. Like the others, I am suprised how little actual transforming there is. It is really a kit or constructor set. It would be more forgiving if it looked good in fighter or battroid but it doesn't. I don't care about the price at this point. This makes me sad after getting to like the VF-0 from watching wm_cheng build the Hasegawa kit. :(



I don't care if they use this as a "gauge" to determine Macross Zero popularity.

I'm not going to waste my money on garbage.



looks like you'd be better off getting a kit that actually transforms. either way this is not for me, i'd only pick this up if it were free....then i'd turn around and sell it here. :D as one mentioned, its a glorified lego set. :lol:


I also noticed that the knee articulation in gerwalk mode is very restricted, wich means it won't make a good gerwalk for posing or display pourposes. The detail is great, but that's not good enough for me. I'm a perfect transformation geek and I can't stand those hips.

But don't worry, Yamato. I'm so getting the K-Monster!!


well if its been discussed before I missed it... The funniest part about the "detachable penis" VF-0 is that in the anime they even gave the thing swing bars. :lol::blink::rolleyes:


Yep, I'm not paying for a constructor set Macross figure. I wouldn't even call that transformable. It's "can be built in 3 different modes."

Very disappointing. I had some hopes for this thing, but not now. This is what I would expect to see from Banpresto, not Yamato.

This incarnation of the VF-0's a dud apparently, but at least the VB-6 looks uber-sweet. They get their cool points back on that one.

This VF-0 could have been much better designed, and easily. It's not that hard.

Hopefully they listen to fan feedback to see where they went wrong after this thing doesn't sell as well.

The 40-50 bucks they'll ask for for this isn't worth it like this. There's no reason for the thing to have to go to pieces to transform. The knees also complicate the issue, as Gerwalk was a main consideration for me on the VF-0.

I am typically an ardent Yamato supporter, but I can't in this instance.

One more note: Does it worry anyone else that the leg fast pack armor is nowhere to be seen yet? One would think one of these show or magazine samples would have had it by now.

  Anubis said:
Yep, I'm not paying for a constructor set Macross figure. I wouldn't even call that transformable. It's "can be built in 3 different modes."

Very disappointing. I had some hopes for this thing, but not now. This is what I would expect to see from Banpresto, not Yamato.

Well, unlike the Banpresto, apparently this toy has parts that are supposed to come off all the time. :lol:

I wasn't aware how much parts-swapping was involved in this little booger... but I'll still probably pick one up before I condemn it entirely. Unless the reviews are even more brutal than the pre-reviews.

  Lonely Soldier Boy said:
But don't worry, Yamato. I'm so getting the K-Monster!!

Got that right... it's like they took the most fun out of transforming toys... it'd better be priced like a kaiyodo or some kind of gashaphon, which are things I don't buy... <_<


I can understand why a lot of Pen-pals are dissapointed with the new Macross VF Zero. The only thing that will satisfy us with this toy is a cheaper price.

Probably like under $25 (yeah, like that's gonna happen) <_<


Oh well I guess if I decide to buy a 1/100 VF-0, I'll just leave it in fighter mode. That's alot of parts swaping/changing. Not exactly to thrilled about that... <_<

The 1/100 monster looks alright. I want to see it in other modes though.


well...I think they should reverse the balljoint if they're gonna put one in <_< it's not like the inside of the legs are seen much anyways in fighter or gerwalk <_<:rolleyes: I guess Yamato wants to the "Bandai" of Macross...I'm actually kind of surprised Bandai hasn't tried to make a model kits of the mecha from Macross Zero...concidering how popular Mac0 is in Japan... but I guess they're too busy milking the crap out of Gundam <_<:angry:

  Blaine23 said:
  Anubis said:
Yep, I'm not paying for a constructor set Macross figure.  I wouldn't even call that transformable.  It's "can be built in 3 different modes."

Very disappointing.  I had some hopes for this thing, but not now.  This is what I would expect to see from Banpresto, not Yamato.

Well, unlike the Banpresto, apparently this toy has parts that are supposed to come off all the time. :lol:

I wasn't aware how much parts-swapping was involved in this little booger... but I'll still probably pick one up before I condemn it entirely. Unless the reviews are even more brutal than the pre-reviews.

Yeah, let's see how secure the parts attach together in the reviews. The final reviews may upgrade my perception, but right now I am not impressed anymore. :(

  Anubis said:
This incarnation of the VF-0's a dud apparently, but at least the VB-6 looks uber-sweet. They get their cool points back on that one.

Imo, it's too early to pass judgement on the VB-6.

We've only seen it in one mode so far and that's not even it's good mode.

Gerwalk and Battroid would have been far more appealing to me.

  rnurmin said:
I can understand why a lot of Pen-pals are dissapointed with the new Macross VF Zero. The only thing that will satisfy us with this toy is a cheaper price.

Probably like under $25 (yeah, like that's gonna happen)  <_<

LOL....yamato would have to pay me $25 to display this on my shelves. :lol::lol::lol:

if they make so you have to remove every single screw to transform it, then i'd buy it. :p

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