Wolf13 Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 No one can argue that Star Trek is in quite a bit of a rut. Since First Contact and the end of Deep Space 9, nothing seems to come togeather despite anyone's best intentions. I'm a long-time fan of the franchise (since I was born, seems like) and oddly enough for my generation, have a great deal of love for the Original series. Maybe as some suggest it is time for Trek to fade out for a while, but I stubbornly refuse to think that there isn't some way to restore Trek to its former glory. After giving it a considerable amount of thought, I can see only one solution: A mini-series. A BIG, universe-shattering powerful miniseries that draws on all previous Trek material to revitalize the series and send it in a new direction. Give it >tons< of hype so people will be there, give it a considerable budget, draw characters from all time-frames from TOS to Voyager (if you must). Make it one week long, which gives you 5-10 hours, or maybe two or thee 2 hour parts or something. Budget per hour should be on par with maybe 2 episodes of a regular series... a lot, but certainly nothing that will bankrupt paramount. I can list a lot of reasons why this would work. 1) It has a chance of being epic and very diferent from a series...its been getting hard to make the movies not feel like episodes. 2)Having a mixed cast will draw fans of each series. This could be done in two ways: either 1) have diferent time frames like "Taken" did, or 2) simply gather the cast in the TNG-Voyager timeframe. Option 1 gives you the chance to start things in the NX-01, however. 3)A lot of people want to see Kirk return, if only to give him a decent/cool death unlike the crap he was given. If this is to happen, this would be the way. Having 10 hours of plot means you can bring back Kirk without having to make the story about him. No "Search for Kirk" which would just be lame. 4)It would be a first. Trek has never been done in this format and that would automaticaly make it refreshing. An entirely diferent kind of plot can be done in a miniseries, much more complex than a movie or a TV two-parter. DS9 had long continuing plots, but like Babylon 5 it suffered because it was hard to keep up. Since a miniseries is shown all at once with one ep right after another, it'd be much simpler to do so. Ok, so Trek fans, what do you think? And please, if you hate Star Trek don't stop by and tell us so. I know its not for everyone. Quote
CAG Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 It could work (but IMHO I don't think a return of Kirk is what should be done-too stereotypically Trekkie), but it dodges the bigger issue. NEW CREATIVE BLOOD NEEDS TO BE PUT IN CHARGE. Why 'save' the franchise only to have the tools in charge serve up another crap-fest series afterwards. John Logan really let me down with Nemesis. I could see where he took the best scenes of II and FC and rearranged them with some new bridging scenes to make it coherent. (Mind you, I still thought the movie was enjoyable....just not as good as it should have been). I loved DS9, because it was different and took dramatic risks. Enterprise is suffering from planet of the week syndrome. Moreover, there's no real sense that this is humanity's first big push into space. Its boring, corny, and predictable. We saw how long this whole 'no transporters' thing worked out because the writers are lazy and unimaginable. Until new people get put in charge, I don't think Trek can be saved. I'll have to console myself with the DS9 box sets....that and I think that Alex Siddig (Dr Bashir) is gonna guest-star on MI-5 next week. Quote
JsARCLIGHT Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 It's too late, Star Trek is circling the bowl and no one wants to put their hand in to stop it from going down. IMHO Star Trek died with Gene Roddenberry, everything that has come after has been just the milk of the cash cow. Put a fork in it, it's done. Quote
Pat Payne Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Wolf13 said: 3)A lot of people want to see Kirk return, if only to give him a decent/cool death unlike the crap he was given. If this is to happen, this would be the way. Having 10 hours of plot means you can bring back Kirk without having to make the story about him. No "Search for Kirk" which would just be lame. I'm pretty sure that a return of the original TOS cast (with the exception of Sulu, Chekov and Uhura) is out of the question. Bill Shatner doesn't seem to be showing any interest, Leonard Nimoy has retired and is doing only very short (one day at most) jobs, and James Doohan (sadly:( ) doesn't seem long for this world (They had a reunion of the TOS cast at the Nick at Nite awards a few months back, and he could barely walk or talk.) What I'd do, if I were the new writers is do something like this: Make a plotline where the Borg are going to steamroll the Alpha Quadrant (the Borg Queen's finally fed up with Earth's stubborness), and the Trek crews (who are still living) have to finally put an end to it. But make it, as you suggested, EPIC. Not an action film, but an adventure, perhaps a (aw, crap, it's gonna sound like a geeky fanboy) Star Trek version of "Lord of the Rings," or something like that. What killed the last few movies (primarly Insurrection and Nemesis) were that they were action movies first and Trek Movies second. Quote
Agent ONE Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 JsARCLIGHT said: It's too late, Star Trek is circling the bowl and no one wants to put their hand in to stop it from going down. IMHO Star Trek died with Gene Roddenberry, everything that has come after has been just the milk of the cash cow.Put a fork in it, it's done. what he said! Quote
Khyron Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Get rid of the boring epsiodes when they just blab on about crap. Just stick to what everyone wants to see, action. Spacebattles and fights on the ships. The more ships blowing up the better. Quote
usagiz Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Trekkies 2 is coming out soon? wont that help??? B) Quote
Lightning Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Gene Roddenberry died? when? (god, it's no wonder that ST's been goin downhill....) Quote
JsARCLIGHT Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Lightning 06 said: Gene Roddenberry died? when? Old Genie bit it on October 24, 1991... some of his ashes where put into a small capsule and shot into orbit for six years... after which they burned up returning to earth from their deteriorating orbit... apparently along with Star Trek. After his death, many people said that Star Trek "changed" as he was sort of the "driving and controlling force" behind all angles of the property and when his wife got ahold of the rights she pretty much sold them all out like Krusty the Klown. Gene's death spelled the jump in crazy commercialism of Star Trek and the beginning of the end of the property... after all, what would Macross be without Kawamori or Star Wars without King George? Just another mass market cash cow that lost it's soul and eventually withers and dies. Quote
Agent ONE Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 All this is true, but I also believe there can be too much of a good thing. Even if Gene were around, the world can only handle just so much of one story before it gets passé. Quote
Abombz!! Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 How to save Star Trek? Kill it... and let what was good stay in the fans memories, and whats bad fade away. Quote
bandit29 Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 I have no idea on how to save Star Trek.... It's been floundering around for so long maybe its time to take a break for awhile... and take time to develop a series instead of just throwing them out there one after another with no real direction or substance. Wasn't there talk of a show with Riker as captain, if and when Enterprise is cancelled? Quote
bsu legato Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 usagiz said: Trekkies 2 is coming out soon? wont that help??? B) Oh dear God no! The first one was barely watchable, and not because it was a bad documentary. After peering into the lives of some of those losers, I just felt so uncomfortable and dirty. Dirtier than even the Star Wars Hoiday Special made me feel. Quote
Abombz!! Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 bsu legato said: usagiz said: Trekkies 2 is coming out soon? wont that help??? B) Oh dear God no! The first one was barely watchable, and not because it was a bad documentary. After peering into the lives of some of those losers, I just felt so uncomfortable and dirty. Dirtier than even the Star Wars Hoiday Special made me feel. Ah! I still need to look for the Holiday special! B) Quote
bsu legato Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Abombz!! said: Ah! I still need to look for the Holiday special! B) Yeah, you go ahead and do that. Just don't come bitching to me when you're in therapy for the next 5 months. Quote
Skippy438 Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Star Trek: Excelsior! Make a friggin Capt. Sulu show, and if Takei doesn't want a part of it, then make a show in that time frame. There's alot of history just before, and just after that time frame, but alot of it is unexplored. It would be alot easier than a prequel like Enterprise because there is already a partial foundation, and as long as they don't try to step on too much continuity I think it would be enjoyable. The problem with Enterprise is that they're trying to do too much too quickly (like the Borg in an ep of Enterprise, what the hell is that!) In that time frame, you have the Romulans, beginnings of peace with the klingons, so much unexplored stuff between Star Trek VI and the first ep of TNG Quote
Anubis Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 DS9 rocked. Voyager had it's moments, but just wasn't as good as the others. Enterprise has potential, though they had a lot of slow moments or rushed plots in the past. They are making changes for this season. What has been said for it sounds promising, and hopefully they can make it work this time. The addition of a Marine unit opens new avenues they can take the show. Elite Force Hazard team type stuff. The series could prove to be very good if they do it right. The older time period removes the magic "we'll reconfigure the deflector dish to do blah blah blah" crap they did so often in Voyager. Star Trek isn't dead, it just has not had new good material for a while. I have hopes for the coming Enterprise Season. If that fails then I will give up. IMO Nemesis was pretty good, but had so many dry, boring speeches and conversations it ruined it. It could have been spared half the useless crap if they got rid of the whole clone business. It wasn't necessary. A Reman bad-ass commander staging a coup would have been fine. The battles were good, but the slow parts took away from it. Quote
Anubis Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Skippy438 said: Star Trek: Excelsior! Make a friggin Capt. Sulu show, and if Takei doesn't want a part of it, then make a show in that time frame. There's alot of history just before, and just after that time frame, but alot of it is unexplored. It would be alot easier than a prequel like Enterprise because there is already a partial foundation, and as long as they don't try to step on too much continuity I think it would be enjoyable. The problem with Enterprise is that they're trying to do too much too quickly (like the Borg in an ep of Enterprise, what the hell is that!) In that time frame, you have the Romulans, beginnings of peace with the klingons, so much unexplored stuff between Star Trek VI and the first ep of TNG I agree, an Excelsior show would also be good, too. Or at least another show in that time period has potential. Any show taking place after Voyager should have a deep space exploration/expeditionary unit going through the Gamma Quadrant. Multiple ships. At least one big cruiser, Sovereign or otherwise, couple Science vessels, and 2 Defiant-class Vessels. A different approach than usual. Maybe a Romulan ship in addition, testing thew new relationship water some. Just my opinion. Quote
David Hingtgen Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 ST: Excelsior would have so rocked. Takei was VERY willing to do it, as was Grace Lee Whitney (Lt Rand--comm officer). It was further along than most proposed projects. Now it's too late, but 10 years ago--would have been WAY better than Voy. (And they still could have stuck Jeri Ryan in later) Quote
the white drew carey Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 I felt the biggest shame was when Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner made a concerted move to grab control of the franchise from Berman and Bragga, but failed. I'm curious to see what two incredibly smart and talented actors could've done for Star Trek. Don't get me wrong, I've liked ST in every incarnation it's been in (including Enterprise). But I've always felt that ST is a character-driven show and is only as good as the actors who interpret the sometimes lazy and bad writing. Quote
VF-19 Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 While I think a Mini-series would be great, please, absolutley no borg! They're way overused, and they've lost their terrifyingess... They've been reduced to pansies... Come on... If you were going to do a mini-series, do it on something completely different. You could do it about the Enterprise C or B. There's lots of room to write a story there... Quote
Philo Beddoe Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Maybe they should have an inspired, solid plan before a cast is even assembled, instead of making it up as they go along. Also they should have a complete "been done" list and refuse any ideas, no matter how small, from there when creating the episodes. Quote
rocco_77 Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 the white drew carey said: I felt the biggest shame was when Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner made a concerted move to grab control of the franchise from Berman and Bragga, but failed. I'm curious to see what two incredibly smart and talented actors could've done for Star Trek. I didn't know that they tried to do that!? Is there an article or something I can get more information about that? Do you know more details of what happened? I have LOVED Star Trek since the first time I saw it... And that was the original series... I hope it continues... I do agree though that Enterprise could be better, but it has kept me entertained.... I thought Voyager was good. DS9 was great though... especially toward the end of the series.... Quote
DestroidsRage Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Star Trek is always about the most advanced ship in the fleet. Its getting repetative. We need a show that focuses on an inferior, but very cool, ship. A ship that could never match the Lead Dogs of star trek in firepower, but which has an awesome crew, and goes around doing all the jobs no one else wants to do. That would be cool. -BEN-MAN- Quote
GreenGuy42 Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 (edited) I remember seeing some factions beginning developing in the Federation during DS9, some later TNG shows, and the movies. I would like to see something develop from that. I'm not a HUGE Trek fan (a bit too idealized for my taste...) but I still enjoy watching it occasionally. Let's see some sort of political infighting, near and/or complete civil war, or some other discontent. The Feddies control HOW many alien planets with few representitives serving in the military? There seems to be so much potential for intrigue but it's rarely explored... Edit: Typos Also Edit: I completely agree with DestriodsRage. Perhaps said cruiser could be some no name, taking its part in said civil war. I would watch that. Edited September 6, 2003 by GreenGuy42 Quote
David Hingtgen Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 Hey, the Excelsior's still around. (As in, "now" as TNG/DS9/VOY goes--what, 2378 last time or something?) It's still an awesome-looking ship, just not nearly as fast or powerful as current stuff. We could still have an Excelsior show--just how it is *now*. Wouldn't that be cool? Probably on its 3rd reactor, 6th bridge, 4th set of torp tubes, etc. A bit old and patchy by now, but still a proud, well-taken-care-of ship. Quote
GreenGuy42 Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 David Hingtgen said: Hey, the Excelsior's still around. (As in, "now" as TNG/DS9/VOY goes--what, 2378 last time or something?) It's still an awesome-looking ship, just not nearly as fast or powerful as current stuff. We could still have an Excelsior show--just how it is *now*. Wouldn't that be cool? Probably on its 3rd reactor, 6th bridge, 4th set of torp tubes, etc. A bit old and patchy by now, but still a proud, well-taken-care-of ship. Wasn't the Enterprise B a shoddy, old Constellation class? I mean, old, beaten up ships have mucho character and just.. rule... Quote
Isamu Atreides 86 Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 ST should take the B5 route and have a comprehensive, long term goal in mind when developing a series. the way B5 played out with someone or something from one episode playing a part way down the line with lasting effects of all action. if not, then like somene suggested, just let it die. Quote
uminoken Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 DestroidsRage said: Star Trek is always about the most advanced ship in the fleet. Its getting repetative.We need a show that focuses on an inferior, but very cool, ship. A ship that could never match the Lead Dogs of star trek in firepower, but which has an awesome crew, and goes around doing all the jobs no one else wants to do. That would be cool. -BEN-MAN- ala the Starfleet Corps of Engineers? They have had some interesting stories and ideas in the book set. And yeah it would be nice to see how the "bottom rung" ships and crew deal with whatever lies out there..... Quote
azrael Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 ohh... the number of times I've seen "How can we save Star Trek" threads/quotes/articles/etc. Just let it ride itself into oblivion. Quote
David Hingtgen Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 Uh, no. Ent-B was brand-spanking-new when we saw it--Modified Excelsior class. Just like the Lakota. (Only 2 modified Excelsiors have ever been seen, and those are it). Quote
UN Spacy Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 the white drew carey said: I'm curious to see what two incredibly smart and talented actors could've done for Star Trek. IMHO I think Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner's involvement WITH the production process totally hindered The Next Generation movies. In the TNG television series it was ALL the crew. By the time TNG's movies rolled around it turned into the freaking Picard and Data show. Leaving the table scraps for Riker, Worf, and Troi. While Crusher and LaForge gets nothing but bones..... It was Patrick Stewart's (he was credited with Associate Producer status) involvement with Insurrection that made it go soooooooooo wrong (which was one of the main reasons for the failure of Nemesis). It was Brent Spiner's involvment with Nemesis that made it go sooooooooo wrong. Hence we have the horrid B4/duplicate android storyline. It was indeed a nod to The Wrath of Khan, the movie was full of the heart but something went wrong. If Data dies then you shouldn't have a clone replacing him at the end of the movie. Quote
Captain of the SDF-1 Macross Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 GreenGuy42 said: Wasn't the Enterprise B a shoddy, old Constellation class? I mean, old, beaten up ships have mucho character and just.. rule... The Enterprise-B is an Excelsior-class vessel. The only changes to the Excelsior's exterior are paint apps and a few add-ons and that varient reappeared for DS9's two-parter "Homefront" and "Paradise Lost". The Constellation-class is the four-engine ship roughly the same size as the Enterprise-nil and Enterprise-A. Captain Picard once commanded the Constellation-class USS Stargazer until he was forced to leave the wreck after destroying a Ferenghi cruiser. What pissed me off was that Picard left the wreck mostly intact (and got off the resulting court-martial), which will later be stolen by the Ferenghi Bok to be repaired and reprogrammed as his instrument of revenge against Picard. Quote
UN Spacy Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 Lightning 06 said: when? (god, it's no wonder that ST's been goin downhill....) Actually....IMHO Roddenberry turned over the reigns to Rick Berman by the time Season 3 rolled around (and I think everyone knows that when the series started to turn into the gem we all know). Personally, I could have done WITHOUT Voyager and DS9.......we all know that the cash cow lies in the stories of the Enterprise. Hence....we're going to get a mixed cast for Star Trek 11. Admiral Janeway (with a cameo from Captain Picard and/or Captain Sisko) Captain Riker Colonel (Commander) Nerys Lt. Cmdr. LaForge Counselor Troi Chief Engineer Torres Doctor Bashir Science Officer 7 of 9 Quote
Captain of the SDF-1 Macross Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 the white drew carey said: I felt the biggest shame was when Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner made a concerted move to grab control of the franchise from Berman and Bragga, but failed. I'm curious to see what two incredibly smart and talented actors could've done for Star Trek. I also heard that William Shatner wanted to control ST as well, because after Generations had sent his acting career into a slump and also felt that his departure as Kirk was a mistake. Before his work The Final Frontier ended up as a movie bomb alongside Insurrection, he wanted it to be dark, gritty and an action movie. The problem was that the Powers that Be yanked most of the control and put the original script into the blender. Yet, Bill put a lot of influence into the design department, such as the shuttles, some of the crew wearing leather bomber jackets and the phasers being modeled to look like .45 automatics complete with a loading magazine into the handle. Quote
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