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Here's a pic of the 3D file I've started to send to the CNC. I'll try to get some solid surfaces for you to look at later instead of these wireframes. Hope this pic turns out good.





That's some high dollar equipment you've got there!

Do you work for a company that gives you access or is this your own and personal?



The CNC router is actually a close friend's machine. I do consulting work with/for him when I'm not at my regular engineering job. I help him with various technical and business problems and he helps me with various projects I do.

The bridgeport was actually mine until a few days ago. I bought it 3 years ago for a great price and set it up at my employer's shop with the deal that my company could use it and I'd have a place to store it/use it. My garage is just too small and not hooked up for 220V 3 phase power... Since I'm currently changing jobs my old boss asked if they could buy my bridgeport and keep it since they've become dependant on it. I'll just buy another bridgeport or just use my smaller bench top unit when I get into my new job/house. My plan is to do most of the larger pieces with my buddy's CNC and do detail machining on my bench top unit.

I'm eager to get my Spartan done in a few months and start working on the other destroids. After that, who knows. There's a ton of other sweet Macross mecha to do and other projects I have in mind. I just wish this was my full-time job. Oh well, I'll just have to start playing the lottery.


Posted (edited)

The Tomahawk is definately next since it is the bad@ss of the group. The Defender and Phalanx are natural follow ups since they share almost identical legs with the Tomahawk. If I did my math right, a 1/35th Monster body would stand ~25" tall, ~13" wide, and ~22" long. The barrels would be 1.8" in diameter and ~28" long! Muuuaaahhhaaaahahhaaaaaa! Sorry, a maniacal laugh can be heard from my house every so often as I work on these Mecha.

Those pieces would definately weigh a ton. To reduce weight by making hollow pieces, somone would have to look into rotational molding to cast pieces of that size.

I think that Cheyenne from Macross Zero would be cool. I love the destroids in Macross II as well. The VF-2SS SAP, armored VF-O, VF-1, and VF-11 kick major booty as well.

Check out my 1/32 FB-22 Manta (B is for bomber) I'm doing for a DoD friend:


Edited by THOR

Finally figured out how to render a solid image instead of those wireframes...


  • 3 weeks later...


Do you use Autocad or solidworks to make your 3d models? I used to know how to use those programs, but haven´t used them for years.

Any advances in you Spartan? we would like to see more pictures of it :D

see you


Hello Everyone!

I'm in the middle of moving into a new house. I'll be back to work on the Spartan in the middle of July once all of my stuff is settled down into my new home.

The arms, knee/hip joints, missile bays, weapons, and cockpit are what's left for me to do.




Please update us once you're settle down in your new home. I been looking forward to this project since, you made a post of it here. This is one hell of custom job you are doing....

  CID said:
Please update us once you're settle down in your new home. I been looking forward to this project since, you made a post of it here. This is one hell of custom job you are doing....

Ditto!!! :D

  • 1 year later...

not a whole lot of progress since i can't get my hands on a milling machine.

my boss won't let me in the toolroom at night or on the weekends despite my bribing/etc.

it seems every chance i get to rub a few dollars together to buy one, they vaporize into thin air. i sold my ford bronco to buy a mill but my mom needed money for medical bills.

i've been slapping together pieces of styrene and will post some of those pics this weekend.

i haven't given up because 1/35th destroids are too cool not to make into reality...




You're going to build a Tomahawk too! What happened to "I'm not doing this again!" I think once you go big, there's no turnin' back! I'm NOT building a Promethius either! Looks great. You just need to find a "vertically challenged" individual to drive it for you! :lol:

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