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Hey, I was wondering where could I find some of these videos?

If so, how much will they cost?


Check a used video store first. I recently found one downtown and I have spent SO much money on tons of old skool stuff. I mean VHS tapes go for at MOST $10 and thats canadian. I mean the last trip I made there I bought a tape of Mario 3 the TV show, Captain Planet, Major pain, Blank man and little Nemo adventures in slumber land for less then $50 CDN. I mean thats like 30 US. Man I LOVE this store.


Try media conventions like for comics or sci-fi. You may find a vendor or two who will sell a slice of your childhood :lol: .


Columbia House I know is selling the old Fat Albert shows on tape and DVD. As for Voltron, We've been waiting for too long for the show to come out on DVD, but WEP is in the process of finding a distributor. He-Man, as I recall, is still owned by Mattell. So it's up to them to release it.Columbia House


Thank you for your help, everyone.

I'll see what I could do about Fat Albert....

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