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If anyone is reading this, I got bad news on a GRAND SCALE:

Yesterday, my computer was having problems. In fact, it was having problems all week. So last night, my Dad and I decided to format our C drive to clean out the bugs and install XP HomeEdition.

But smething terrible happen - this no dough the hardest and worst thing to ever happen to me in my life:

When we formated me computer, we DID set it to C driver, but when we checked, we've discovered that D DRIVE was that one that was format instead.

Somehow, the computer thought D was C.

D DRIVE was where I had EVERTHING:

-I had music files of anime and tv themes and cool music -- most of which can never be found anywhere online or on KaZaa Lite ever again. This included Soundtracks to Heavy Metal (1981), HardWare, All four ALIEN movies, Star Trek files, cool wav files, I even had the music files to some anime themes like Macross 7 and even some of the Gundam Series, like X and G-Gundam.

-I had movies, like CowBoy Bebop: Knocking on Heaven's Door, Guyver: Out of Control, and a ton of anime porn movies.

-I had a back up of my MACROSS II website, as well as some stuff I was working on for some friends.

-I had my class files in there, including everything I needed for class. I even had my stuff I submitted online.

-I also had zip files of TONS of important things to me, like fonts, flash files, sounds, etc. Most of which were like ONE OF A KIND.

-I had all my flash files - files that I was working on. Some of these I downloaded, others I made myself.

-I had images - TONS that I've download for reference and personal use for projects. Some of these files were RARE.

These included all of my PSD and JPG files I made for my DA GALLERY.

-I also had tons of programs back up for use to install on our computer.

EVERYTHING I had was on that D drive and ONLY that D drive. Everything that meant the world to me... Everything that I held so dear to my very SOUL... Everything I worked on for 4 YEARS... everything I knew... is G O N E.

I lost everything - everything that was half of my entire life to me.

I lost all my images of flash files here on DA.

I lost them all, PSDs, FLAs, MP3s, and ZIPs and all.

God, I have never been soo sad or depressed in my life.

I lost what I concerned was HALF of what I am. Because most of what I lost can NEVER be re-created or found anywhere online or on KaZaaLite ever again as long as I live.


I need to know if anyone out there on the web has the following MP3s:

- Fire Bomber - Seventh Moon (Short Version)

- Field of View - Dragonball GT Japanese opening theme (short and long version)

- Globe - Genesis of Next

- Koji Wada - Override (Transformers CarBots Japanese theme)

- And Any openng themes to the following:



Macross II

Gundam X

If you have any of these, please send it in a zip file to my yahoo account: chrisrgay@yahoo.com

Thank you.


Before you do anything else to your D: drive (that includes installing anything), go and get some undelete software. You might be able to recover the majority of your data. When you format a drive or delete a file, it's still there. The computer tags the area where the file is written as available, but doesn't actually delete anything until the area is actually used.

So, go and buy Norton's tools, install it on your C drive, and tell it to find stuff on the D drive.


i agree with VF-19 then you can buy your self a cd or dvd wirtter and some cd-r/dvd-r for backups...as a general rules is system administratiion or any pc maintenance, before you do anything with the machine always make sure that you have (updated) backup.


Also if you have trouble recovering the data yourself, you can take it to any local techie and pay him to do it for you (In northern CA the going rate seems to be around $80 per hour for this service) just be sure you are thorough in telling him what types of file extensions to look for...

Good luck!!!


This is why I'm getting a DVD-Burner, and making back ups of all my important files... Hope you get back everything you lost Capt!

  VF-19 said:
Before you do anything else to your D: drive (that includes installing anything), go and get some undelete software. You might be able to recover the majority of your data. When you format a drive or delete a file, it's still there. The computer tags the area where the file is written as available, but doesn't actually delete anything until the area is actually used.

So, go and buy Norton's tools, install it on your C drive, and tell it to find stuff on the D drive.

We tried using File Savanger, and could only cover jpgs.

PLEASE, someone, just tell me, does anyone have the Short version of the opening theme to Outlaw Star, Macross 7, and DragonBall GT?


Posted (edited)

I've had almost the exact same thing happen to me once several years ago while using a disk utility floppy; instead of formatting the specified Drive, it formatted both my hard drives. I can tell you that I was royally pissed, but at least I didn't loose anything irreplaceable. I agree with the previous posts, get yourself a system's disk program like Norton's and see if that works, or get a professional data recovery technician to retrieve the data if at all possible.

From your description of the problem it sounds like you had a single hard drive divided into separate partitions; in that case having backups on zip disks, CD-Rs, or DVD-Rs is must before any drastic system changes or upgrades are made, in case something like this happens. Another precaution, for those who have multiple hard disks, is to disconnect them before any changes are implemented...formatting can't eat what it can't find.

I feel your loss man; however, please remember that, while extremely frustrating and even downright depressing, anything you lost is not the most important thing in your life, they are mere things that can be recovered, replaced, or written off in the fullness of time. I'm not saying this to be cold, or dismissive, but to remind you to put things in perspective. When you really do have a loss that you cannot fix, this computer snafu will be but a triviality.

Edited by mechaninac

I've just download and install Active@ UNDELETE - the demo.

So far, I think it's recovering some things, but I don't know if this is going to work...


Yeah, there are services out there to recover lost data from just about any situation. We have used these at work at least a few times. I believe it gets expensive but a small price if the data is extremely valuable.

Otherwise, if you downloaded it before, you can probably download it again.

Posted (edited)


Disk Warrior is a MUCH better tool...

Honestly though... If the data you lost is that important, then I suggest sending the drive to a professional recovery service...

I had a hard drive crash at my office, and I sent the drive to a company called DRIVE SAVERS...

It is pretty pricey, BUT, if they can't get the data back, then your attempts with any software on the retail market will fail... They have techniques they use that are not available to the regular consumer.

Here is their number:


400 Bel Mrin Keys Blvd

Novato, CA 94949



Like I said, the recovery will be a bit expensive depending on the size of the drive... You are probably looking at $1,500 to $2,000 US.... But if the data is that important, then it is COMPLETELY worth the money.

Good luck, and I feel for ya. I lost a bunch of personal stuff too... They were not able to recover a lot of my data because the drive was PHYSICALLY damaged. (something mechanical failed in the drive and crashed the heads into the disk)

Since yours was only formatted, you should be able to get an almost FULL recovery... Drive Savers has a 95% recovery rate tracked over the last 20 - 25 years... Not bad.

EDIT: In the future, you may want to make "disk images" of your drives before you do ANY adjustments or fixes to your system... It's the most efficient way to back up an entire hard drive. You can burn your disk images onto CD. I have learned the hard way as well that it is a VERY good idea to have all of your important data backed up in more than one location... be it another hard drive, external media, CD, DVD, etc.

Edited by rocco_77

I can't tell you how many times something similar has happened to me. Anyway... I learned not to buy IBM hard drives after losing everything 3 times too many.

Well, you will reinstall, start over..... life goes on.... which is pretty much how it went for me. although... I do back up stuff on CD and DVD more regularly now.

  fulcy said:
This is why I'm getting a DVD-Burner, and making back ups of all my important files... Hope you get back everything you lost Capt!

I did that last year... I never worry... My laptop could get run over by a truck and I would only lose a few days of work, I back up all the time.


This is why we back up everything. With well over a 100 gig's worth or stuff on my PC, I make damn sure to back up everything. Just Inu-Yasha takes up over 20. Helps me in the long run too so I can take shows I've already seen off of the PC and get the gigs back. I even have a 2nd back-up of a few series just in case.

DVD+R's are wonderful things.


I lost everything installing a CD burner, after that everything wound up partitioned. Haven't lost anything important since then, and we're talking like 5 windows reinstalls.


think of it as an opportunity, most of what tied you to that computer is gone now so go do something worthwhile, read a book, take a walk, buy a pet, get a raise at work, and most of all get a gf so u wont need all that anime porn.

and for the record, i dont practice what i preach, i live at my computer, but if it died i wudnt care too much, be a pain in the ass no doubt but it wudnt be the end of the world


That is why I have a server. I place everything there to backup my 7 other computers. Building a nother server and Linux box soon. Backing up is alaways important.


I feel your pain too! I lost everything 5 yrs ago when my computer got infected by a virus. Haven't had a problem ever since.


Back up USB2 Drives are a great thing for this. My personal stuff and my Mp3 collection (including audiobooks) is backed up weekly to a removable HDD that I could just plug in to replace the internal HDD, if it should fail. It's well worth the $120 I paid for it.

But in the end, I've found that I can save my truly essential data on a few CDr's or a DVDr. I'm talking about stuff like saved coorespondance, resume, written fiction, my own graphics projects, my own music recorded to PC... only the truly unreplaceable.

The rest of it - Mp3s, Video, fonts, and digital mountains of Porn... it's all replaceable. Ask yourself how much you really repeat watch/listen to some of that crap... odds are you almost download more than you can actually take in.

Besides, starting over can be fun... don't let it rock your world... like some of the others, I thought you'd had a house fire or a been hit by a tornado. In the end, downloaded media cannot compete with your real life. ;)


I burn all my important data, models, texture maps, stories, images, etc... to CD (now DVD) at least once every 6 months, or right before I go on travel, then I put the disks someplace safe aweay from the computer. That way if the computer is lost due to fire, theft, flood, accident, etc... the data is someplace else and safe, usually at work or my Aunt's place, if not on my person.


Does anyoen ahve the short version to the Macross 7 opening theme and Outlaw Star opening theme?


he's an honest man. even mentioned the anime porn he lost.

well, i'm sure some otaku out there can slip you a few if you open the PM door for that too lol.

Posted (edited)
  Phyrox said:
All I can say is that if this is the absolute worst thing that has ever happened to you, you have led a very charmed life.  Very.

Heh, pretty much.



Bad on a GRAND SCALE usually means... catastrophic plane crash where my whole family was killed... a fire destroyed my home and I'm now homeless...

Loosing all the anime porn I had (if I had any :rolleyes: ) would be pretty low on the list of "bad things".

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7

that's really shitty man....if i were you i would've just invested in a new harddrive and used the old one as a slave drive...also...you should NEVER reformat your computer WITHOUT backing everything up....I have also lost valuable information on my computer (various times, actually) I've lost 200 songs (most of which were hard to find), various works in photoshop, hard to find pictures, and 20 videos i've downloaded on that stupid thing! :angry: i'm so glad i bought this new hdd...my computer works a lot faster and everything! :D I also upgraded the OS to XP Professional and have yet to have a problem! just that the OS is kind of power hungry and needs at the very least 256mb of ram...but it was worth it concidering how well it works now :D

  Vostok 7 said:
  Phyrox said:
All I can say is that if this is the absolute worst thing that has ever happened to you, you have led a very charmed life.  Very.

Heh, pretty much.



Bad on a GRAND SCALE usually means... catastrophic plane crash where my whole family was killed... a fire destroyed my home and I'm now homeless...

Loosing all the anime porn I had (if I had any :rolleyes: ) would be pretty low on the list of "bad things".

Vostok 7

Exactly! While were still on the subject, BACKUP EVERYTHING next time!!!

  CaptRico said:
  VF-19 said:
Before you do anything else to your D: drive (that includes installing anything), go and get some undelete software.  You might be able to recover the majority of your data.  When you format a drive or delete a file, it's still there.  The computer tags the area where the file is written as available, but doesn't actually delete anything until the area is actually used.

So, go and buy Norton's tools, install it on your C drive, and tell it to find stuff on the D drive.

We tried using File Savanger, and could only cover jpgs.

PLEASE, someone, just tell me, does anyone have the Short version of the opening theme to Outlaw Star, Macross 7, and DragonBall GT?


I've got the Outlaw Star opening theme in MP3, but I don't know if it's the short version. Duration is listed as 4:13.


At least its recoverible. Be thankful your hard drive did crash and get ruined. I lost a 120 gig HD that had 105 gig's of anime and games on it. Lost it all. :blink: Decided to buy a DVD burner after that. :angry:

Posted (edited)
  Vostok 7 said:

Vostok 7

i have my Anime Porn backed up in triplicate....USB drive, CDR, Zipped....so no matter what happens, i'll always have that.... :D

J/k BTW....

.... :ph34r::p

Edited by Isamu Atreides 86
Posted (edited)
  Phyrox said:
All I can say is that if this is the absolute worst thing that has ever happened to you, you have led a very charmed life.  Very.

Yeah, not to down on you, but when I read the thread topic, I was expecting a story of financial ruin or something...

Still what happened to ya does suck. Just remember to back up all your important files ever month or so from now on...

Edited by GobotFool

Sigh. I feel your pain. I had a 120 gig Seagate external that I carry around with me to leech people's computers. One day I went to a friend's place...it randomly died and ceased to work. WTF? Depressed the crap outta me. 120 gigs of anime and crap I collected over the years. Got a new one and restarted....and my housemate borrowed the hdd and DROPPED IT from standing height. The thing died. OMFG.....

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