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Posted (edited)

I personally think Gundam Fix Figurations are excellent "model-toy" collector items. I have 4 of them and won't stop collecting any time soon. I'm seriously hunting for the 0017 A or B, and 0009 Nu. I actually plan to get ALL of them...someday...someday.

GFF's I have so far:

0011 - Ex-s MSA Gundam - the first one I got in 2003 in AsoBit City - Akihabara, Tokyo. (AsoBit City, probably what I consider mecha heaven is closed as of April 2004 due to some safety hazards. It's been broken down to smaller units owned by LAOX, just in case you're wondering)


0013 - Deep Striker ( god this was a pain in the @$$ to fit in overhead compartment, no way I'm checking this thing in the airplane from NYC to my home)


0022 - 010-FAZZ - Found this in a local anime shop and snatched it.


0026 - RX-78-2 - Production Type - Found this in same anime shop as the 0013 in NYC.


As well, some of the cosmic region ones have caught my eye from the Gundam SEED series.

Edited by Spatula

HLJ has the Nu Gundam and the 0017-b Red Zeta+ in stock.

Nu Gundam

Zeta+ Red

  Anubis said:
HLJ has the Nu Gundam and the 0017-b Red Zeta+  in stock.

Nu Gundam

Zeta+ Red


I usually only get stuff from HLJ if I definately cannot get it any other way. I've seen a couple at anime conventions so whenever possible, I prefer to buy it on the spot and save on shipping costs rather than paying A LOT through EMS shipping. Stuff like the Valkyrie Weapons Set and the Photoetch are somewhat hard to come by in my area, so those I order online.


Thanks to Cybergundam for posting a pic of your new GFF:


Just a few changes and a new paintjob and we get our RX-79G and 08th MS Team friends. ;)

Just a few changes and a new paintjob and we get our RX-79G and 08th MS Team friends.  ;)


Also they could give us Blue Destiny Unit 3

Posted (edited)
  Panon said:
  armentage said:
Where can we see this awful inteprettation?  Katoki's my favorite overall Gundam designer but the Turn-A is one of my absolute favorite Gundams... surprised to hear that they don't go well together!



Jesus christ that's awful. He totally missed the aesthetic point!

Edited by armentage
Posted (edited)

The Blue Destiny looks good. Real good. THe GM ground/-79G would look great from this example. If we're lucky they'll do a GM Sniper/EZ-8 as well.

Edited by Anubis
Posted (edited)
Thanks to Cybergundam for posting a pic of your new GFF:


Just a few changes and a new paintjob and we get our RX-79G and 08th MS Team friends.  ;)


Awesome, I can't wait for a time when this is out and I have money to intersect.

Edited by Shmitty

hmmm the Blue Destiny looks a little different then I was figuring, unit 2 should have red shoulders if I recall. they are still nice and I will definetly grab them up.

Posted (edited)
  zeo-mare said:
hmmm the Blue Destiny looks a little different then I was figuring, unit 2 should have red shoulders if I recall. they are still nice and I will definetly grab them up.

nah....that's unit 2 before zeon captured it

Edited by Dat Pinche Haro!
Posted (edited)
  Black Valkyrie said:
Now thats a Gundam should be, not like the flamboyant Gundam Seeds !


but unit 1 is a GM...isn't it? :mellow:

dammit bandai...just make some BD MG kits already!!! <_<

Edited by Dat Pinche Haro!
As the One Year War continued in UC 0079, the idea of Newtypes became widespread. Some feared Newtypes, including Zeon scientist Chlust Morses, who believed that Newtypes would eventually dominate Oldtypes. He put all of his hatred of Newtypes into the EXAM combat system, along with the soul of Newtype Marion Welch. The EXAM system allowed for incredible performance, but it was extremely unstable. Since it was controlled by the tormented soul of Marion, it would sometimes go out of control and attack allies, or refuse to move. After developing the EXAM system for use in the MS-08TX(EXAM) Efreet Custom, Morses defected to the Federation and gave them the EXAM system. The Federation Forces would use the EXAM in 3 units: the RX-79BD-1, RX-79BD-2 and RX-79BD-3.

The hell....is this Gundam or is this EVA? 0.o

UC gundam had technology to capture "souls" ? :lol:

Posted (edited)
  F360° said:
yup,, the code for unit one is:

Code name: GM Blue Destiny Unit 1


I have always veiwed the GM's as non Gundams because they are the grunts, and the term Gundam was used for the more powerful prototypes and customs which highlight the series. but to be honest isnt the word GM short for Gundam Massproduced to show that they are the lesser mass production models instead of their more suped up brothers. if that is the case then all of the GMs are Gundams by design as well, just lesser versions and the term is still acceptable.


Edited by zeo-mare

i am so picking this figure up, i hope the chest piece and shoulder pads stay on. i have the RX-78 and the chest peice falls off alot.

Posted (edited)

New pics of the CR Strike Freedom. Looking good. But still with the shorter wings like the CF Freedom.




Thanks to Mecha Master from SGCollect.

Edited by Valk-1S

Nice. But is it me but is the CR line very bad with their paint jobs?


I never own any FIX before so I am not sure how they compare to it. But the CR Impulse was pretty bad on mine. The Freedom was better.


thankfully both of my CR were good i guess some are a hit and miss when they are coming off the assembly line. the Impulse alot of people had problems with the freedom was better maybe this one will be the same. I wish the wings were a little bit longer but it still looks nice. i got the Zeta Gundam box set coming in today. i will take pictures later on.



My impulse's feet keep falling off. Parts fitting for the impulse was very bad.

Posted (edited)
  wolfx said:
My impulse's feet keep falling off. Parts fitting for the impulse was very bad.


:p i have not played with it lately and forgot about that , one foot on mine comes off easy, and the backpack does not stay on well but i found a easy way to fix that on mine. i find the simply not useing the little plane (the one that goes between the back pack and the impulse main body) allows the flight pak to stay on better, I simply posed the little jet along side the others I have.


Edited by zeo-mare

Here is my Zeta Box set, it came in yesterday and it is very nice, even though you only get the 3 basic figures without all of the extras it is still a great set. the box is completly clear plastic and can be opened very easily without damaging it (it is not sealed or anything there is simply a flap on it. the figures really do not look chrome (only in a few places) it seems like they just gave it a glossy clear coat over the figure, it is most noticeable on the MK II which is now a glossy white color instead of light grey, the Shiki looks about normal and the zeta looks decent as well. the only new thing is on the left lower leg on all 3 figures is a AEUG symbol which was not present on the original figures. I wish it came with a book or something to comemorate the Z Gundam Movie. The original Gundam Box set was much nicer then this one I wish they would do another one of those. Hopefully this upcoming week I will have the Gouf / Effret Zeonography as well as the HCM-PRO Green Zaku and the Destiny Gundam coming in. I cannot wait.



  hevangel2 said:
Hi Zeo-mare,

I got a question, the the Z Gundam in the Zeta Box set transform?


hi yes it can still transform, all 3 figures also come with their display stands so you can pose them, the Zeta does not however come with its hyper Mega launcher gun


hopefully you will get yours soon. I myself want to pick this one up next.



very very nice, the guncannon is looking great. I am so picking up all of these.


Posted (edited)
  the white drew carey said:
Any pics of what the RX77-D version will look like? That's my favorite GunCannon version.


none yet but i have a feeling it will look like the line art that they showed in the pic right near the Fix Guncannon.


Edited by zeo-mare
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