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  Shmitty said:
The Mech in the top row is the Testament Gundam

The mech in the top row is not the Testament, as you can see from the closer in picture of the unit.

Apart from having little in common with the Testament's frame, it is most obviously missing Testament's distinctive V-Fins.



Sigh with outframe and even testament getting model kits, i really hope they pull through for the Gold Frame Amatu. :(


the Zeonography Gouf/Efreet and the Zeta Gundam Fix box set are out.


  Jolly Rogers said:
Is the gatling gun crooked?  It doesn't look like a straightline from the shield to the gun barrels.


as you can see the gattling unhooks from the shield, maybe he did not put it on tightly and it is a little crooked.


Posted (edited)

New HCM Pro Gundam Mk. II Complete Set and Asshimar pics:

Both come with stands. The Mk. II does come with the stand from the hobby show. Awesome. For a wierd yellow UFO mecha the Asshimar comes off kind of cool.

The Mk. II set rocks.



Edited by Anubis

sweet I am so getting both of them. :)



Hm, I kinda like those darker yellow markings they put on the HCM Asshimar... gives it a little variety :)

  Black Valkyrie said:
Hmm........... no EMSIA Hyakushiki  :(


Not yet, but I'm still hanging on to the hope that we'll get one before the end of the thrid Zeta movie.

Please Bandai? Both of the other MSiA HyakuShiki's have kinda sucked.

Posted (edited)

Zinc Panic has reported the following for the FIX/Zeonography lines next year:

#00?? GF13-017NJII God Gundam / GF13-050NSW Nobel Gundam (3/2006)

#300? MSM-07 Z’Gock / MSM-08 Zogock (?/2006)

G Gundam additions are a surprise, but a Devil Gundam (both forms?) would be interesting and give the Deep Striker a run for biggest FIX. :blink:

The Z'Gock is a nice entry, especially for the Amphibious-suit fans. The addition of the Zogock is also great. Like the Act Zaku/Zaku Flipper, it's great to see lesser-known suits get some props. (even if they may be fugly.)

Granted ...... that's if either of these come to fruition. <_<

The speculative dates are also way down the line. Other than the 'assumed' Destiny Gundam for the CR line, wonder if they'll be anything else?


i figured the G-gundam was coming, but i expected a Shining gundam conversion not the Sailor Moon Gundam, though I do not mind at all. great news for Fix collectors, all I need now is that Victory Gundam set and I will be all set.



yea for some of us, i am not a big fan of the G-gundam series but the G-gundam mech itself is a nice design. i am looking forward to seeing what they do with this figure.



Only 4 GFF I want: -

1) V Gundam with Dash parts and spare Hexa head.

2) V2 Gundam with Assault & Buster parts.

3) Grey Z-Plus C1.

4) RX-79G with full weapons options.

Given that transforming GFF are usually too fragile and fiddly, I would prefer that the V and V2 not combine/transform.



you might see all of those except the grey C-1 since they have already did the red and blue ones. i do not think that the grey one is popular enough by itself for them to release it again. but the rest are probably going to happen at some point. I am expecting the RX-79G to probably come with the EZ-8 and the Victory Gundam set to be the whole thing and not seperate release's


yeah I'm waiting for the RX-79g/EZ8 too but then I have a feeling they might place those two into seperate sets which I think is even better since you'll get more weapons. Like RX-79G + normal GM

and EZ8 + Sniper GM. But then either way I'm going to get them all when they release them.

I was really happy when they release my favorite F90 but then I wasn't all that happy after getting it. oh well.. I wonder would they do a F90 in HCM-pro

Posted (edited)

you will probably not see a F-90 HCM PRO for a while, if ever. i think they are going to focus on more the conventional things like the 0079, Zeta and Seed series.

Edited by zeo-mare
  aaajin said:
really? is that supposed to be a great news?


Hell yes. It would be nice if it could do the Nobel's upgraded Super Nobel form, but you can't have everything I guess.

  Black Valkyrie said:
I only want a FIX Turn A.


One can only hope (love that mustached MS).

Posted (edited)

Here's how I would pose it, except that I'm not buying Strike Freedom.


Some V gundam stuff would be nice. I'm not really into GFF but that might be good. The -79G would be interesting too.

A Gouf Flight Type I would still like to see very much, that I'd definately pick up.

For HCM Pro I hope they release the Char's Gelgoog and Zeong to finish that set off. A Psycho Gundam in HCM Pro might be cool too.

Edited by Anubis
  Graham said:
Only 4 GFF I want: -

1) V Gundam with Dash parts and spare Hexa head.

2) V2 Gundam with Assault & Buster parts.

3) Grey Z-Plus C1.

4) RX-79G with full weapons options.

Given that transforming GFF are usually too fragile and fiddly, I would prefer that the V and V2 not combine/transform.



As mentioned by Zeo and F360°, with the advent of the Blue Destiny units on the way, I'm thinking the 08th Team will deifinitely get their due next year.

What, no Gun-EZs, Javelins, or Jamesguns, Graham? Poor grunt suits get no respect at all.... :p

  Anubis said:
Here's how I would pose it, except that I'm not buying Strike Freedom.



But that shoudl be regular Freedom :p

An HCM Pro Psyco would be a great end to the stream of Zeta suits.

Posted (edited)
  Fort Max said:
  Anubis said:
Here's how I would pose it, except that I'm not buying Strike Freedom.



But that shoudl be regular Freedom :p

An HCM Pro Psyco would be a great end to the stream of Zeta suits.


That's what I want to happen to Strike Freedom.

Either that or pose it palm-cannoning Kira through the cockpit. Dismemberment is more dramatic though.

Still not buying it though.

The GFF Double Zeta didn't transform so I could see them doing the V without combining.

I probably should get an F-91 at some point too.

Edited by Anubis
  Black Valkyrie said:
I only want a FIX Turn A.


Maybe if Katoki was allowed nowhere near it. His interpretation of the Turn-A is awful.

  Panon said:
  Black Valkyrie said:
I only want a FIX Turn A.


Maybe if Katoki was allowed nowhere near it. His interpretation of the Turn-A is awful.


Where can we see this awful inteprettation? Katoki's my favorite overall Gundam designer but the Turn-A is one of my absolute favorite Gundams... surprised to hear that they don't go well together!

  armentage said:
Where can we see this awful inteprettation?  Katoki's my favorite overall Gundam designer but the Turn-A is one of my absolute favorite Gundams... surprised to hear that they don't go well together!


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