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Skycaptain and the World Of Tommorow

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Oh heck yeah.. I'd gladly buy myself one of those given the chance. :) Although.. if they made those Manta fighters, I'd have trouble choosing. :D

Honestly, aside from the final gag, the funniest part I thought was the part where the two of them wake up in bed in Shangri-La, then Polly tells Joe to turn around. :lol:

It probably was the best movie I've seen in a long time. :)

Oh, btw, I hope George Lucas has been taking notes.. THAT is how you do a street-level dogfight.

Just to ask, did anyone else see the air-carrier and think to themselves, "Huh.. Cloud City...?"

Edited by Chronocidal
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I have to say the plot was hard to swallow but the visuals were OUTSTANDING

I forgot where I read this, but Some one wrote that if Mankind had not gone through the black pleague, then we would be at least 20 -30 years ahead of where we wre now technology wise. That kind of makes sense with Sky Captain. I loved that Flying Aircraft carrier. (The Director must have been a Nick Fury of SHIELD fan from marvel comics)

To me SC reminds me of the Buster Crabe Flash Gordon Serials in the 30 and 40's This kind of movie you would take your little brother or Kids to on a Saturday Morning or sunday afternoon.

Every one should go see this movie.

PS Any one else think Jude Law woudl be great for James Bond?

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The movie uses some kind of ambience filter (probably to blend the cgi with the actors altogether) that got a little blurry sometimes, like the picture is slightly out of focus that really bother me on the beginning... after that my eyes got used to.

Pretty cool movie though.

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I have to say the plot was hard to swallow but the visuals were OUTSTANDING

I forgot where I read this, but Some one wrote that if Mankind had not gone through the black pleague, then we would be at least 20 -30 years ahead of where we wre now technology wise. That kind of makes sense with Sky Captain. I loved that Flying Aircraft carrier. (The Director must have been a Nick Fury of SHIELD fan from marvel comics)

To me SC reminds me of the Buster Crabe Flash Gordon Serials in the 30 and 40's This kind of movie you would take your little brother or Kids to on a Saturday Morning or sunday afternoon.

Every one should go see this movie.

PS Any one else think Jude Law woudl be great for James Bond?

think you also mean archimedes. he solved problems that people was trying to solve much later during the renaissance.

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I'd have to add that because the plot was so WEAK, I didn't like the movie at all. While the movie did look interesting, well that's it. It's o.k. that the movie was suppose to capture the old serial movies, but come on, have better writing in it, it is 2004 and all the cliches it had and the un-intriguing and stupid ending ruined my experience. Thankgully I watched Mr. 3000 aftewards and it evened out the drek that was Sky Captain.

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I don't get fatlip a.k.a. Angelina Jolie. She didn't do crap in the movie IMO. I never cared for her to begin with and the eyepatch thing doesn't help. I would of rather seen more of that Asian chick-bot.

That's good to know. Now it just means me and 99.9% of the male population of Earth think Angelina's about the hottest thing since the sun.

I liked her part in the movie, but I'd have loved to have seen more of her in it. Bai Ling as "Darth Maul Lite" didn't do much for me at all, though. With everything so retro, she seemed a bit too modern and out of place. It would make more sense for the bad guy to have a big Robby the Robot style henchman, IMHO.

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I like it. It reminds me of the Rocketeer.  (which despite popular disliking, i liked and foudn entertaining)

Interesting... most people I've talked to thought Rocketeer, while not Academy Award material, was actually a pretty well made film.

The soundtrack was awesome though, much better than what you would expect coming out of a movie like that.

Shoot, most people who've seen UHF think it's a good movie. Guess how much that grossed. :p

So what's up with this movie? Is it more shine than substance? I'm hearing shine...

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That's good to know. Now it just means me and 99.9% of the male population of Earth think Angelina's about the hottest thing since the sun.

I liked her part in the movie, but I'd have loved to have seen more of her in it. Bai Ling as "Darth Maul Lite" didn't do much for me at all, though. With everything so retro, she seemed a bit too modern and out of place. It would make more sense for the bad guy to have a big Robby the Robot style henchman, IMHO.

Captain Cook And The World Of Tomorrow... I like it!

So what's up with this movie? Is it more shine than substance? I'm hearing shine...

It all depends on what you're looking for. There's not a lot of substance in the story, but it's done intentionally to emulate the simplified stories of that era. Just remember that back then we haven't seen all the twists and turn of every script yet, so a simple script sufficed. But the visuals were good. The acting was good. The lines weren't corny. and um... the visuals were good... but not in an in your face MTV type thing. Just don't forget the popcorn.

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You know, sometimes I get tired of listening to the review of, "Great movie! But no story." So far, I have never seen a movie with a weak story that I liked. To say something is great means that the whole thing is great. How can you have a great movie if the plot line stinks. You can get away with descent stories, but crappy stories? If Macross didn't have a good story, I guarantee you my fondness for it would have faded after sixth grade. And BTW, I don't think Angelina Jolie is that hot and most of my friends agree. Give me Natalie Portman anyday. Unfortunately, she's been staring in some stinkers lately ie "Star Wars Episode II". What's Jessica Alba doing these days?

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To say Sky Captain has no story or even a bad story is just not accurate. The story is different, though, than what we're used to seeing on screen in the last 40 years. It isn't sexy or overly violent or anything that would qualify as "controversial" or "racy." Boil it down to it's elements and it's not really any different than your basic hero adventure story.

I think anyone who says it has either no story or a bad story is just someone who doesn't really want to see this type of movie - which is essentially a period piece about a time when young people's entertainment wasn't so reliant sex and blood to sell movie tickets. To some, that's boring. To me, it was cool and different.

Diff'rent Strokes move the world, though.

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I enjoyed the movie for what it was. A fun entertaining 2hr (give or take) romp.

Blaine, I wouldn't say there was no story, just a predictable one.

Oh, and I agree that the style is a throwback to 40s style cinema. Especially with all the soft-focus, and filter type visuals.

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this is an example of a character driven story.

the actual plot of the movie seems less important than simply watching how the characters deal with things. I like this type of film.

Crouching Tiger was the same way.. i just really don't care how things with Jade Fox turn out, i want to see how Li and his Girl deal with the advercity.. not so much if they conquer it or not.

Star Wars is a plot driven movie.. where the happenings in the world are what i want to see, and i'm given a cast of cool characters to make sure i see it all. In StarWars i always hopeing to see the next cool event in the story, and rarely care who's experiencing it.

Sky Captain i could care less what happens in the main plot, i just want to see them get on each others nerves again...

so its not so much that the story sucks, its just that the story is secondary to the caracters. GREAT films have both.. like Blade Runner or 12 monkeys

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