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Toynami sending out C&D Letters to Yamato Dealers

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Hey Khyron...

My first post quotes that MW member "ChowYunSkinny" spoke with a vendor at the shrine in Los Angeles. That vendor told him he was hit with C&D letter.

  Khyron said:
Anyone who thinks some judge is going to say they are different enough as to not be mistaken for each other if fooling themselves.

Sorry dude, you're wrong.

Technically speaking, the DYRL versions are a redesign made by the creators of the franchise after the original series, and done specifically for a new project.

Judge's don't arbitrarily look at such things that are brought before them and yet you, and others, still seem to think this is so.

You're statement is exactly the same as saying that there is no recognizable difference between different types of F-18 Hornets because to some dimbulb they all look the same. Heck, for all I know, maybe you're the type of person who would say that.


HG sucks.

Lots of things in lots of different places.

They blow.

now that I'm done with these highly constructive comments, here's hoping they go belly up! :D

  APU said:

um... isn't robotech actually bootleg? <_<

Um no <_< a bootleg is somthing made of a existing product without permission. Like those swapmeet Spiderman that says "Spaderman" or "fighting Rangers" for Powerrangers.

i know what a bootleg is, i meant it as a joke... probably should have used this smilie :rolleyes: instead. ah well the joke has been killed thanks.

  Dangaioh said:
  APU said:

um... isn't robotech actually bootleg? <_<

Um no <_< a bootleg is somthing made of a existing product without permission. Like those swapmeet Spiderman that says "Spaderman" or "fighting Rangers" for Powerrangers.

i know what a bootleg is, i meant it as a joke... probably should have used this smilie :rolleyes: instead. ah well the joke has been killed thanks.

I got the joke.


  Dangaioh said:
  APU said:

um... isn't robotech actually bootleg? <_<

Um no <_< a bootleg is somthing made of a existing product without permission. Like those swapmeet Spiderman that says "Spaderman" or "fighting Rangers" for Powerrangers.

i know what a bootleg is, i meant it as a joke... probably should have used this smilie :rolleyes: instead. ah well the joke has been killed thanks.

I got that joke. Hard to believe people didnt get it. :blink:


Correct me if i m wrong but Yamato put the words "Macross : Do you remember love" on all product 1/48, 1/60 and qrau. This indicates that all products are goodies from the movie and not the us serie aka "Robotech". Yamato respect the rules (ie the 1A max or kakizaki has never been released by yamato) they release ONLY dyrl mechas with the correct color schemes. Retailers, as soon as you keep them boxed it is easy to proof that they refer to the movie and not the serie.

Okay TV's and Serie's mechas look obviously the same but it is not enough to justify such a licence amalgam by HG (it is a cheap and unfair way to harass an opponent company) they don't have the movie licence, right ? So they'd better shut up :angry:

IMO a lawyer could be able to make HG understand this and cease such retailers harassement.

Just a little ? to finish

Does the Dyrl Movie and other series (2, 7 etc ) have a licence in US ?

Posted (edited)
  TheFrenchOne said:
Correct me if i m wrong but Yamato put the words "Macross : Do you remember love" on all product 1/48, 1/60 and qrau. This indicates that all products are goodies from the movie and not the us serie aka "Robotech". Yamato respect the rules (ie the 1A max or kakizaki has never been released by yamato) they release ONLY dyrl mechas with the correct color schemes. Retailers, as soon as you keep them boxed it is easy to proof that they refer to the movie and not the serie.

Okay TV's and Serie's mechas look obviously the same but it is not enough to justify such a licence amalgam by HG (it is a cheap and unfair way to harass an opponent company) they don't have the movie licence, right ? So they'd better shut up  :angry: 

IMO a lawyer could be able to make HG understand this and cease such retailers harassement.

Just a little ?  to finish

Does the Dyrl Movie and other series (2, 7 etc ) have a licence in US ?

Yamato doesn't have to obey any rules except Big West's. The toys they produce are only for customers that reside in Japan. So they can produce whichever valk they want. Hence the M&Ms which are TV series valks exclusively.

Yes, that doesn't explain the english language packing... :D

Also: We have no idea if HG has the rights to DYRL or not. Everything you hear is speculation because there hasn't been an official realease from any companies about such rights. Maybe at AX we'll all find out.

Edited by >EXO<
Posted (edited)
  TheFrenchOne said:
IMO a lawyer could be able to make HG understand this and cease such retailers harassement.

Oh, the HG lawyers know this. But they figured that out long time ago - why fight the money? There is a Chinese saying which lawyers are practicing everywhere... "When a shop is burning, expect some looting". :D

Edited by Beware of Blast
Posted (edited)

Form their weak excuse back a couple years. The reason they can do this is because of the "design elements" supposedly things like teh UN Spacy Logo is a registered trademark. And because the Yamato products have the UN Spacy Logo then they are infringing HG's rights. Which is BS cause Big West is the parent and original creator. And one would think that the parent company supercedes such items.

IMHO I think this should be locked. There is a thread on much of this. This is just the most recent activity.

Edited by Solscud007
  soze said:
Hey Khyron...

My first post quotes that MW member "ChowYunSkinny" spoke with a vendor at the shrine in Los Angeles. That vendor told him he was hit with C&D letter.

Uhh, that's still a friend of a friend. Sorry, but Khyron is right. HG has written such letters in the past but that is history. We all know HG sucks but without any further proof of suckage, there is no need to keep describing the suckiness in which HG sucks.

  Jawjaw said:
  soze said:
Hey Khyron...

My first post quotes that MW member "ChowYunSkinny" spoke with a vendor at the shrine  in Los Angeles.  That vendor told him he was hit with C&D letter.

Uhh, that's still a friend of a friend. Sorry, but Khyron is right. HG has written such letters in the past but that is history. We all know HG sucks but without any further proof of suckage, there is no need to keep describing the suckiness in which HG sucks.

Eh you're right. I was thinking of the conversation between the shop owner and ChowYunSkinny being first hand, but yes, the C&D was the first hand experience of the shop owner which he needs to come to this site and let us know whether he did or didn't get hit with it. Did that make sense?


Dude, it aint' just a friend of a friend... My cousin was told by her sistah's boyfriend, that his homey from the southside who rolled wid anotha' gangsta said that he was tight and all wid all the HG camp. Well, he told him that HG was all hard up foh the bling bling and they were all sick for any loot and so they be sending all them Cs and Ds notice out like mad gang bustahs!

But... you ain't heard that from me IF you know what I mean... :ph34r:

  Lonely Soldier Boy said:
Excuse my ignorance... What's a C&D letter?

Apparently, a C & D letter is a way to drum up tons of publicity at the Macrossworld.com forums.

Not necessarily positive publicity, but as they say, "bad press doesn't matter as long as they spell your name correctly."

It doesn't seem as though these letters do much else other than that. ;)


I still can't tell if this is a new event, or if someone just heard about the C&D letters from a year ago and brought it up like new news.

  Radd said:
I still can't tell if this is a new event, or if someone just heard about the C&D letters from a year ago and brought it up like new news.

Come to think of it. I don't think Alex has been to the Shrine Con since the RT panel couple of years ago.

  >EXO< said:
Dude, it aint' just a friend of a friend... My cousin was told by her sistah's boyfriend, that his homey from the southside who rolled wid anotha' gangsta said that he was tight and all wid all the HG camp. Well, he told him that HG was all hard up foh the bling bling and they were all sick for any loot and so they be sending all them Cs and Ds notice out like mad gang bustahs!

But... you ain't heard that from me IF you know what I mean... :ph34r:

I thought vinnie was in jail for a few years for that illegal import case???


The C & D letters are probably true because of Harmony Gold now saying that they can now do merchandising and such for the Macross sequels and I was told a few months ago by someone I know with ties to Harmony Gold that HG would probably start making noise again about those who are selling Macross merchandise from Japan.

If HG and Toynami do indeed make it harder and more expensive for us to import our Macross goods from Japan, we won't buy their stuff, plain and simple. I'm not as upset as I would have been a few years back because I pretty much have gotton every VF-1 toy I have ever wanted and there are already plenty of Yamato, Bandai, and other Macross goods already on US and other countries' shores so I would have to say that HG and Toynami are about 4 years too late in trying to stop this stuff.

  Blaine23 said:
  Lonely Soldier Boy said:
Excuse my ignorance... What's a C&D letter?

Apparently, a C & D letter is a way to drum up tons of publicity at the Macrossworld.com forums.

Not necessarily positive publicity, but as they say, "bad press doesn't matter as long as they spell your name correctly."

It doesn't seem as though these letters do much else other than that. ;)

You make an excellent point.

I humbly request that all future references to the previously mentioned company and product be spelled Hair-money Cold and Robot-eck.

  >EXO< said:
Dude, it aint' just a friend of a friend... My cousin was told by her sistah's boyfriend, that his homey from the southside who rolled wid anotha' gangsta said that he was tight and all wid all the HG camp. Well, he told him that HG was all hard up foh the bling bling and they were all sick for any loot and so they be sending all them Cs and Ds notice out like mad gang bustahs!

But... you ain't heard that from me IF you know what I mean... :ph34r:

:lol: i heard the same story from my boy Craig....you know the one Martins always hanging aorund with..... :lol:

Posted (edited)

*Banging Head on wall*

!$!@#$!@#$ I see where all the confusion is at now.... here is the post I intended to quote!!!!

  chowyunskinny said:

Oh yeah, forgot to say that when I was talking to Alex from Little Anime Shop about 2 or 3 weeks ago, he said he got a Cease and Desist from I think either Harmony Gold or Toynami. :angry:

Anyone talk to him since then?

Hope this clears up that this was a recent thing.

Edited by soze

Jesus, not again......

I keep waiting for Big West's legal team to go through Harmony Gold like a doper through china white... this is friggin SICK....

Cry wolf, toynami.... no one's listening...

  Khyron said:
Could we actually get some confirmation that it is happening before we bitch about HG? So far it is one of those: "A friend of a friend said.." things. With all the attempts to bash HG/Toyname on this site, I'm not putting faith in a rumor. I want a first hand account.

Also, if it is true then HG does have some ground if they are just trying to stop VF-1 toys from being sold. Yamato VF-1 toys cut into Toynamis sales. HG owns the rights to the TV series, which has the VF-1. The DYRL VF-1 is not different enough to distinguish it from the TV version. Yes there may be some minor differences (I sure can't tell) but not enough to make it easily distinguishable. If you had a TV Valk and a DYRL Valk sitting next to each other on a table and you asked people walking by if they were the same or different, everyone would say they are the same thing. Anyone who thinks some judge is going to say they are different enough as to not be mistaken for each other if fooling themselves.

Wow an adult who actually thinks like one. :o


APU you just inadvertently indirectly called all of us children and made it look like khyron was the only smart one. then you got pissed when someone made a joke about a bootleg. whas your deal? why dont you just calm down. oh and i got some cheap ass deals at conventions. right afterse these came out, i was able to to score a bandai reissue hiikaru for 45$, rick and ben MPC together for a 100$. everywhere else was 80$ EACH. thats called a DEAL. at the time the going price for hikaru online at the etailers was 75$.

back on topic. how stupid can they get. I tink this has to do with the crap abou DYRL they will say in AX. uhm yea the only thing i se from this is another MPC VF-1S in other colors and a strike cannon for the FASt packs like i predicted long ago. id happily buy a yamato right in front of them at ax just to spite them. if i was goin but thats on the opposite coast.


I was just explaining what a bootleg was, I wasnt upset at anything. II was also saying its nice to heer somebody explain somthing without using the word crap.


I wish Bandai would start making those Macross 7 and Macross II kits and release them here. I'd like to see HG try to take on a company like Bandai. Bandai probably has more lawyers than HG has employees.

  Retracting Head Ter Ter said:
How about we each send a C&D letter to HG as well huh.

Heh... something like this:

To Whom It May Concern-

As fans of the Macross franchise, we regularly attempt to obtain high quality Macross merchandise licensed and sold in Japan by Japanese toy manufacturers such as Yamato, Bandai, etc. and imported into the United States by small vendors.

In the past, your company has made uncollaborated claims that this merchandise, either in part or in whole, infringes on your supposed worldwide (excluding Japan) rights to all things Macross. Several times, and in several different manners, requests have been made by vendors and fans alike for you to prove these claims, all of which have gone unheeded, ignored or simply refused with the general response that your claims should be taken at face value.

We request that Harmony Gold forthwith cease and desist all attempts to impede the importation and/or sale of Macross-related merchandise. Of course, we will be willing to accept your demands only if you are willing to divulge any and all information which confirms your claims of worldwide (excluding Japan) rights to the complete Macross franchise.

We thank-you for your time and attention and hope the best for your business.


I've purchased all byt one VF-1 at conventions. They were cheaper than E-Bay at the time. I also hate going through E-Bay. Most of the online retailers aren't cheap either.

Sorry, but conventions aren't such a bad place for deals.


nice C&D,

I was just thinking more like this..............

To whom it may concern- your product is sub-parr and we don't want it .....go away :angry:


Not this garbage again. Aren't these the same losers that announced not that long ago a superposable VF-1S with a DYRL strike cannon on it?? They can't be stupid enough to try some thing that was a spectacular failure the first time.

  dejr8bud said:
Oh great this BS again..I guess DYRL MPCs are on the way... <_<

No, this time I bet it's the MPC Alpha's their worried about.

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