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Speak of the devil! This one is at $100 right now with 4 days left...lets see where it ends. Man...I need this for my collection too!

LOL, great find Jesse! I didn't see this thread and posted the same link on the auction board...doh!

Speak of the devil! This one is at $100 right now with 4 days left...lets see where it ends. Man...I need this for my collection too!

LOL, great find Jesse! I didn't see this thread and posted the same link on the auction board...doh!

great minds think like me! :lol:


You are both slow... I spotted it a few days ago and PM'd Lo-pan about it in case he was hoping this auction wouldn't have too high a profile. Oh well... I tried.


You are both slow... I spotted it a few days ago and PM'd Lo-pan about it in case he was hoping this auction wouldn't have too high a profile. Oh well... I tried.


Jeepers Creepers...first the SHE VF5000 upgrade now this...Im not doing to well....sorry I just don't think about the competition...Im all about sharing.

Regardless...this is the 2nd one I have seen recently..and the first one didn't go to high...I would hope this one will stay low as well. Plus, Gundamheads 1/100 is due out soon from SMT.


Yeah, I've been watching it daily. The auction ends at the worst possible time for me...8 hours after my flight leaves Tokyo for home. I could try for the kit on Yahoo, save a couple of bucks and have my buddy here receive it should I win, OR I could try to pick up another that I saw the other day at full price (which may no longer be at the store where I saw it...). Of course, the decision will be based on the usual question: "How BADLY do I really want this kit?"


Must think it over while munching down on Soft-serve Green Tea ice cream. Yummy yummy.


Thanks for the update. I'm glad I picked up the one I saw in Akihabara on Sunday, then. At least I saved on the shipping cost and saw what I was getting.

Now I have to keep my wallet in the fridge to let it cool off for a while...

Thanks for the update. I'm glad I picked up the one I saw in Akihabara on Sunday, then. At least I saved on the shipping cost and saw what I was getting.

Now I have to keep my wallet in the fridge to let it cool off for a while...


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