APU Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 How do you deal with kids and your collection? I have a 2 year old son and I have not had 1 single incedent with not even the smallest toy in my collection room. He knows not to touch anything in that room. I have had worlds smallest Transformers on display at his leval and the tiny Ravage has not even been tipped over....good boy. How about you guys? Quote
DarkPhoenix Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 I have 5 neices and nephews but no rodents of my own. They don't go in my room. The oldest one is, on rare occasion, allowed in. None are allowed in, and if they MUST be in then they are not allowed near ANY of my collection. With $2000+ in collectables on my desk alone, I am not willing to risk it at all. ..espically when I know the mother of the problematic ones is a cheap bastard and wouldn't replace anything her spawn destroyed, regardless of fault or damage. Quote
Mechamaniac Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 Sacrifice a cheapie to quell their curiosity. I gave my daughter a bootleg VF-19 valk when she started to show interest in my stuff. I still see it occasionally, it is missing the head, and one of the tailfins, and it is in some configuration I have never seen before, but hey, she keeps away from my stuff. Quote
vanpang Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 post a squad of valkyries around, that would scare them away !!! Quote
EXO Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 They have these collars for dogs that send mild electric shocks to deter them from doing things that you may not want them to do. They work rather well for kids also. ok. if I hear someone actually try that crap, then I expected too much from you people... Quote
VF-19 Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 Don't have any kids, and therefore, no problems! I have small cousins, but they know better than to touch my stuff, not to mention, they don't go in my room when they come over. Quote
Blaine23 Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 They have these collars for dogs that send mild electric shocks to deter them from doing things that you may not want them to do.They work rather well for kids also. ok. if I hear someone actually try that crap, then I expected too much from you people... Dude... it's just like the Running Man! Or Battle Royale! I would never do such a thing to kids. I keep the kids out back in a nice fenced in area outside and I bring them water and food. Quote
fulcy Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 Just put up a couple of those sentry guns from Aliens - then, you not only keep the kids away, but also stupid friends, small animals, etc... Quote
VF-18S Hornet Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 They have these collars for dogs that send mild electric shocks to deter them from doing things that you may not want them to do.They work rather well for kids also. ok. if I hear someone actually try that crap, then I expected too much from you people... Wouldn't that be considered child abuse? Quote
Jin_Kune_Do Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 Well i have a little baby sister, 5 year old, and she started showing interest in my 1/48s after she saw a few episodes of Robotech with me. She was so curious about my Valks, so that she wanted to play with em But she knew that its an expensive toy. But i always tell her when i get new Valks and she always gets the chance to unpack the ones im gonna put stickers on. Well anyways i decided to give her my old Transformers Jetfire, it was pretty beat up, but she was glad. I gave her my Jetfire, so she wouldnt be so fixated on my Valks, but would instead play with her own Valk. Worked pretty well, and now she is passed that phase, and my valks are safe '' -Jin Quote
GRAND CANNON Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 When my little girl was younger I let her handle some chunky MSiAs (i.e. Acguy, Gogg, and Zock types). Now she's just about 5 and thinks everything having to do with boys is "gross", so no problem now. Of course, I have a son on the way and things may be a little different down the line, but that's what those "kid gates" are for. Quote
buddhafabio Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 (edited) my godson came over last week from Kanas city. he eye balled my collection at the top of my display case and his eyes got huge. so i handed him a chunky monkey to play with. his dad, was intrested. so i passed him the other chunky monkey. guess who broke theirs the dad he had managed to chip the wing tip Edited May 3, 2004 by buddhafabio Quote
calvin Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 my son is five so he just started collecting with me! he collects 1/60 I get 1/48 cause I'm older he seems to be understanding the "don't bite the hand that feeds ya!"thing so I don't worry about him, but my wife now she's the toy destroyer Quote
DatterBoy Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 I have a 1.5 yr old. He got a hold of a gundam.. snapped that sucker in half. needless to say, he is not going to be touching any of the yammies.... :Dat Quote
joke-machine Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 My son is almost six, and has a pretty large collection of robot toys himself (mostly transformers) I have quite a few higher value toys I don't want him to play with, so what I do is 1: I keep all my top dollar toys on high shelves. Out of sight, out of reach, out of mind. 2: Have a serious discussion with him about the toys he can and can't play with. So far he has done very well not playing with my "special" toys as we call them. It also helps that I do let him play with the non-special ones (basically the ones I couldn't give a flying crap about, or the ones I know are so well built he most likely won't break them). By letting him play with some, but designating the others as "special" it keeps him from playing with the ones I really don't want him to play with. He still feels like he gets to play with my collection, he just doesn't realize its only a narrowly focused group of the whole. Quote
Anubis Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 I will have locked glass display cases by the time I have any kids, so their getting in there won't be a problem. I have two bandai reissues saved that I can give to my (eventual?) kids when their interest is finally sparked. Quote
Godzilla Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 I will have locked glass display cases by the time I have any kids, so their getting in there won't be a problem. I have two bandai reissues saved that I can give to my (eventual?) kids when their interest is finally sparked. Sounds like me but then again, some ppl say the way I am collecting I wont be on my way to getting married and having kids. Or better yet the way I dress has been criticized on this board. Quote
ewilen Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 I would never do such a thing to kids. I keep the kids out back in a nice fenced in area outside and I bring them water and food. What a softie. If they get hungry, show them Papillon. (No, not Alive!) Quote
Jawjaw Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 I started a similar topic a while back and the best advice I remember was what joke-machine described. It's unrealistic in my opinion to try and lock away the toys. They become the forbidden fruit. Kids will always find a way to get into something or climb to the highest places. I also think it is unrealistic to expect very young kids to be gentle with anything in their hands. I plan on letting my kids play with all me Gundam stuff because I don't care about that stuff anymore. Quote
Blaine23 Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 I would never do such a thing to kids. I keep the kids out back in a nice fenced in area outside and I bring them water and food. What a softie. If they get hungry, show them Papillon. (No, not Alive!) Well... one time a friend's child touched one of my valks. I held the valk in front of his nose and beat his backside while yelling "Bad boy! NO! No! NO!" He never brings his kid over anymore... Quote
EXO Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 Yesterday, my sister in Law gave my 8 yr. nephew's MPC Prime to his little 2 yr. brother who is the living persona of destruction. My little nephew, who takes great care of his toys, ran to take it away from him, but his mother scolded him for not sharing. I, for one didn't speak up, because I believe you don't try to take control from the mother, it's just bad taste. But this! This one was on the line. Should I or shouldn't I. I mean I bought the toy for my nephew. Man, my nephew and I were sitting there sweating bullets. What should we do? The smaller nephew lifted the MPC and smashed it against the glass table. Nothing broke but my sister in law almost had a heart attack. And if she did, she probably deserved it. And the lucky thing for me would have been that I don't know CPR. Needless to say, my nephew got his MPC back that moment. And my sister in law gets the rocket scientist award of the month once again. Quote
Agent ONE Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 I hate kids so its never been a problem. I make babies cry. Quote
kanata67 Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 I would never do such a thing to kids. I keep the kids out back in a nice fenced in area outside and I bring them water and food. What a softie. If they get hungry, show them Papillon. (No, not Alive!) great reference ewilen. One of my best friends... the rn heroin addict who used to spike me as I don't like needles actually had the butterfly tattoo on his chest. As far as toys go my friends and co-workers are worse than most kids. My [now 7] cats are next on the list, followed by kids. When kids come by... usually because a co-worker brought them, my toys are the least of my concern... Lord knows all I need is a kid banging into a wall and accidentily getting impailed by a falling sword! The worst stress has to be "big o" even though he has more toys than me. He has yet to break anything but he just loves swinging whatever my newest pointy is around in the house and invariably something takes a dive. Thankfully my living room is either projects or bandais so no damage has occurred... yet. As a kid my mother used to collect antiques. There were soooo mant things I wasn't allowed to touch, especially after I cut all the wicker out of the wicker chairs with my pocket knife. Many a childhood hour was spent bored out of my mind in an antique store where I couldn't touch a thing. Now I understand the paranoia as I would hate to see a piece of tiffany glass get dropped or a "van gough" get colered on! I'm thinking I'm just going to have whole rooms kids [and friends] aren't allowed into now that we are moving into the first house. Seems easier to lock the door and not worry than deal with the stress. Quote
Skull Leader Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 I don't have any kids, but I do have 2 younger cousins (as of now, 8 and 13) who have been around my collection. They both learned really quick that if they messed with my collection, I would rip their arms off and beat them to death with them. I have a pair of $5 bootlegs I dish out when they feel the need to play with them (which isn't often, one's a DBZ nut and the other doesn't much care for anime, he'd rather watch something called "spongebob"??? What kind of gayness is that??) Quote
RichterX Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 Yesterday, my sister in Law gave my 8 yr. nephew's MPC Prime to his little 2 yr. brother who is the living persona of destruction. My little nephew, who takes great care of his toys, ran to take it away from him, but his mother scolded him for not sharing. I, for one didn't speak up, because I believe you don't try to take control from the mother, it's just bad taste. But this! This one was on the line. Should I or shouldn't I. I mean I bought the toy for my nephew. Man, my nephew and I were sitting there sweating bullets. What should we do? The smaller nephew lifted the MPC and smashed it against the glass table. Nothing broke but my sister in law almost had a heart attack. And if she did, she probably deserved it. And the lucky thing for me would have been that I don't know CPR. Needless to say, my nephew got his MPC back that moment. And my sister in law gets the rocket scientist award of the month once again. No kid less than 8 should get his/her hands on a toy that is cost more than 50 dollars or is a MPC... Unless it is one of those Robotech ones that are now selling for 20 or something in ebay... Quote
The_Major Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 I would have to say that my most valuable investment other than my collection is the display case i have. its full Anti-Child/Animal protection, Its a custom made Glass and metal case, its got staneless steel trim that holds it together and for handels for the doors and such, but its got a nifty surprise for anyone who touches the metal (wich you have to inorder to open the thing), upon touching any part of the metal you get a good 300,000 Volts of eletricity running through you (same as your average stungun) and on top of that the case has a lock too. the case was custom made and cost about 2k wich is not bad concidering the amount of glass in the thing, and it has a nice warning sticker to so im off the hook if someone touches it. After all when you own 6 Low viz's amongst other presious valks, as well as several cats, a sister, and little cousins you cant be too careful! Quote
Dat Pinche Haro! Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 My nieces and nephews know not to screw with me...because when it comes to things that are MINE I get very angry and violent...I make Shishioh (the guy with the sword that's covered in HUMAN oils) from Rourouni Kenshin look like Jesus Quote
Jasonc Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 Geez, I have to worry about friends more than kids. All the kids that have come over I've never had problems with. It's my buddies. Unfortunately, I can't just smack them and tell them no! I have to go into this long talk about how hard the toy was to get and how much it's worth. Then they start handling it with their eyes two inches from the thing and pretend like they're 8 or 9 again. I think they need a leash and need it tied to a tree out back. Quote
SupremeKaioshin Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 I remember spending a whole summer with my Grandma back in 1984, when I came back, my little brother gave away all my toys and comic books. Suprisingly, I wasn't really upset just the fact that my idiot brother never asked for my permission. My dad was pissed though I just picked off where I started and collected more crap with my crappy allowance (thanks dad ) Quote
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 i jsut never let anyone handle my important stuff. I never let anyone even try to transform the 1.48. If so I bet BP8 would break, and they would get the head jammed as long as the heatshield falling off. With me this don't happen but I get paranoid thinking about my friends transforming it.I'm a big dude so they know not to mes with my stuff unless they want to be thrown out the window. Quote
gnollman Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 I have no problems. All the kids know better than to mess with my stuff.... afer a few whippin's when they were younger, they know the rules now. I have more problems with my twin brother than I do with any of the kids... but to be fair, he's usually more interested in my DVDs than my toys and other goodies. Quote
connor99 Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 I have a 1 yr. old boy but he doesn't live w/ me right now. I guess I'm one of the fortunates, but come next yr. he'll be moving out here in the states and I have to say that w/ him I think I might have to go with the "Curiousity Pacify-ing" route. Actually, I've already bought him his own MAC toys and hopefully those will keep 'em away from mine. One can hope! Quote
wolfx Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 I dread the day I have kids. As a kid, I sneaked into my dad's study and played with his die-cast metal Boeing plane displays.......thankfully I was careful not to break anything and he doesn't treasure the planes anyway. I'm sure my kid would love to get his grubby hands on them pretty transforming valks....... No....i shall get a vasectomy tommorow. Quote
Druna Skass Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 Kids are strictly forbidden from entering my personal chamber, if any are caught in my chamber they shall be swiftly and severely disiplined. If any are found in physical contact with any part of my collection, then... Quote
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